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Cribbs play/ Mike Carey (merge)


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Yeah, 'cause Cribbs is soooo much better. At least Griff was a serviceable receiver. Did you forget the muffed return in the Bengals game? That could have been catastrophic.

I mean better in the sense of not turning the ball over. Yes lol.

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So it was evident his knee was down hence the reversal. What was was the on air official trying to sell? I honestly had no idea what he was trying to say.


Mike Carey was asserting the punt is like a catch, and possession maintained all the way through the process.  His flaw is it is not. possession is established as soon as the guy catches it, and the he was before the ball came out. The ground can cause an incompletion, but not a fumble.  A punt catch is not a reception.

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Mike Carey was asserting the punt is like a catch, and possession maintained all the way through the process.  His flaw is it is not. possession is established as soon as the guy catches it, and the he was before the ball came out. The ground can cause an incompletion, but not a fumble.  A punt catch is not a reception.

I was going to say it's more like a handoff to a back than it is a pass when it comes to possession.  It's really hard to believe Mike Carey was as good of a official as he was when you listen to him on CBS. 

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So it was evident his knee was down hence the reversal. What was was the on air official trying to sell? I honestly had no idea what he was trying to say.

Mike Carey is an imbecile and he usually gets it wrong. I'd like to see some numbers to back it up, but he's been dead wrong in a lot of Colts games. 

Scary to think he was actually a referee in the NFL.

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They also ruled it a fumble on the field which would mean Cribbs did have possession in the first place. 

His knee was down before the ball came out. 

It was a very odd play, but they got it right. 


Also to the people saying he should have fair caught it it wouldn't have made any difference since they ruled the defender was blocked into Cribbs.  


Just an odd, unfortunate/fortunate play all around.

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The difference between the Cribbs play and Bryant play is simple: Josh had control of the ball, knee went down, he still had control as the knee went down, hence down by contact. Dez was never down, he dove with the ball, before his body ever touched down the ball hit the ground and rolled. He was never down by contact.

Cribbs isn't a receiver also. Comparing the two plays is like comparing apples to oranges.

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Yeah, 'cause Cribbs is soooo much better.  At least Griff was a serviceable receiver.  Did you forget the muffed return in the Bengals game?  That could have been catastrophic.  


Nice try, that muffed return in the Bengals game was completely 100% on Zurlon Tipton, not Cribbs.

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Cribbs is a tough dude, as evidenced by him seeing the game out after that vicious hit that at least looked like it knocked him spark out for a few seconds.


All I would say is that he needs to learn that when you have a defender 3 feet away from you with no blocker, just take the fair catch. Return to fight another day.


I do like having a dangerous returner though. Makes our special teams plays interesting to watch.

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Cribbs is a tough dude, as evidenced by him seeing the game out after that vicious hit that at least looked like it knocked him spark out for a few seconds.


All I would say is that he needs to learn that when you have a defender 3 feet away from you with no blocker, just take the fair catch. Return to fight another day.


I do like having a dangerous returner though. Makes our special teams plays interesting to watch.

Dangerous to who?  The Colts, or the opponents?

Mike Carey is an imbecile and he usually gets it wrong. I'd like to see some numbers to back it up, but he's been dead wrong in a lot of Colts games. 

Scary to think he was actually a referee in the NFL.

The only thing Mike Carey got on his IQ test was drool.

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Shut up Mike Carrey, you suck, hard.


That guy has been wrong on more than one occasion this season - at least two times in reviews that involved the Colts .... If they have him back next year they too have issues.

Cribbs is a tough dude, as evidenced by him seeing the game out after that vicious hit that at least looked like it knocked him spark out for a few seconds.

He sure is tough, but I have to admit and I think myself and probably a whole lot of Colts fans were holding our breath when he cam back in after getting lit up like that to receive the next punt.

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He needs to learn when to take a fair catch

Completely agree.  This man scares me most of the time.  He brings the ball out 8 yrds deep frequently and thinks nothing of it (although, he has gained some impressive yardage doing so - but I'm not admitting the decision was correct).   Same with catching punts.  He need to understand where the team is with respect to score/time remaining and make decisions that will help, BUT NOT HURT, the team for the given circumstance. He clearly has talent, and clearly has been our best return man, but needs to be more thoughtful in his decision making.

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This guy is horrible. His explanation on the Cribbs "fumble" play was absolutely laughable. I'm glad he no longer has any influence over any of the games. I find myself consistently disagreeing with his explanations of official rulings, and he tends to be incorrect on his predictions more times than not, anyways 

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Dean Blandino cleared that up with a rule that has been on the books forever, and that mental midget Mike Carrey completed missed it when he gave his stunted opinion.

The ground cannot cause the fumble.

Done. Shut up Mike Carrey, you suck, hard.

About Cribbs; Yes, he should learn to take less risks and fair catch, but there was one return he could've had where we had a 3 on 1 blocking advantage just in front of Cribbs, and somehow the Denver player got by them and hit Cribbs (not on the fumble play, a different one).

So yeah, Mike Carrey......the ground cannot cause the fumble. If I were CBS, I would reevaluate the merits of having an ex-ref contradicting the rule book every damn week on air.

I was yelling that very thing at the TV before they announced the play was under review, my wife was about to kill me for it.

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This guy is horrible. His explanation on the Cribbs "fumble" play was absolutely laughable. I'm glad he no longer has any influence over any of the games. I find myself consistently disagreeing with his explanations of official rulings, and he tends to be incorrect on his predictions more times than not, anyways 

I haven't seen him get one right all year

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Nice try, that muffed return in the Bengals game was completely 100% on Zurlon Tipton, not Cribbs.

All I ask from Cribbs is a little situational awareness. Too many times he has risked a turnover by not calling for a fair catch. The risks are not worth the reward and it needs to stop. That is all.

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All I ask from Cribbs is a little situational awareness. Too many times he has risked a turnover by not calling for a fair catch. The risks are not worth the reward and it needs to stop. That is all.


That's nice and I agree but you tried to pin a play that was in no way Cribbs fault on him in order to support your Griff vs. Cribbs argument. I can't go for that (no can do). Griff was terrible. Not only was his awareness awful but when there was good blocking (which the blocking was much better earlier in the season before Cribbs came along) he got the minimum yards out of it. Cribbs is a risk/reward type of guy while Whalen was a risk/no reward type of guy.

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