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suh wins appeal. he'll play


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The LOLs and sarcasm and "Chihuahua" comment as well as the whole "sorry, my team is better and yours isn't" is even more evidence that you're angry.


Good heavens, that's weak. 


Yes, I quoted you. Yes I knew you would take my comments and not react well. Doesn't matter to me,


Nothing wrong with my reaction.


I'm happy with my team (even if they couldn't make the all-encompassing playoffs)


This is my favorite line. I love it when people act like something isn't important after they realize they can't have it.


"She's ugly anyway, I didn't really even want her number!" 


Again, it's great that you're happy with your team. As I've said many times, I think the Texans are in pretty good shape. DJ Swearinger still sucks.


and you're happy with yours.


You bet.


I'm the one being obtuse even though you made the comments to get me started in the first place.


You chose to get offended because I made reference to your team and something you said. Show some self-awareness. Nothing I said was untrue or out of bounds. And I don't need your permission or approval to reference your team or something you said. Get real.


I'll drop my shtick if you drop yours. I'm biased at times, you're biased, everyone has bias.

Only one of the two of us has claimed otherwise.

Not sure how that is a contribution to the original topic at hand but whatev.

Whatev, indeed.

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Good heavens, that's weak. 



Nothing wrong with my reaction.



This is my favorite line. I love it when people act like something isn't important after they realize they can't have it.


"She's ugly anyway, I didn't really even want her number!" 


Again, it's great that you're happy with your team. As I've said many times, I think the Texans are in pretty good shape. DJ Swearinger still sucks.



You bet.



You chose to get offended because I made reference to your team and something you said. Show some self-awareness. Nothing I said was untrue or out of bounds. And I don't need your permission or approval to reference your team or something you said. Get real.


Only one of the two of us has claimed otherwise.

Whatev, indeed.

HA, what a great way to argue. You won't give up, I'll give you that. But if you want this to continue, sure....


1. Not weak. Your continuing to insult my arguments and viewpoints is what is truly weak here.


2. Yes, there is something wrong with your reaction. You're posting like a belligerent child trying to pick on someone like a tough guy over the internet, and your only ammo here seems to be " We're in the playoffs, you aren't, and your teams players suck." Okay.


3. I didn't say the playoffs weren't important. But having read your posts in this thread it's as if you're saying,  " Ha, my team made the playoffs and yours didn't, that's why my team is so much better than yours!" That's not very good logic. While the Colts may be better, that is not the way to argue it.


4. Glad you're happy with your team. It's just funny how you keep repeating that Swearinger sucks like it hurts me or something. Like I've said before, we have Watt lol. The guy almost single-handedly propelled us to the playoffs so we don't need other great pieces on defense. And Swearinger is just fine as a player.


5. I didn't say anything was true. You made a direct reference to a quote that I said and decided to bring me into it implying that I was in some way biased because I laughed at one of your players getting shoved out of bounds after talking smack. Yes, that is still HILARIOUS to me.


6. Get real.

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HA, what a great way to argue. You won't give up, I'll give you that. But if you want this to continue, sure....

1. Not weak. Your continuing to insult my arguments and viewpoints is what is truly weak here.

2. Yes, there is something wrong with your reaction. You're posting like a belligerent child trying to pick on someone like a tough guy over the internet, and your only ammo here seems to be " We're in the playoffs, you aren't, and your teams players suck." Okay.

3. I didn't say the playoffs weren't important. But having read your posts in this thread it's as if you're saying, " Ha, my team made the playoffs and yours didn't, that's why my team is so much better than yours!" That's not very good logic. While the Colts may be better, that is not the way to argue it.

4. Glad you're happy with your team. It's just funny how you keep repeating that Swearinger sucks like it hurts me or something. Like I've said before, we have Watt lol. The guy almost single-handedly propelled us to the playoffs so we don't need other great pieces on defense. And Swearinger is just fine as a player.

5. I didn't say anything was true. You made a direct reference to a quote that I said and decided to bring me into it implying that I was in some way biased because I laughed at one of your players getting shoved out of bounds after talking smack. Yes, that is still HILARIOUS to me.

6. Get real.

You should quit while youre way behind.

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2. Yes, there is something wrong with your reaction. You're posting like a belligerent child trying to pick on someone like a tough guy over the internet, and your only ammo here seems to be " We're in the playoffs, you aren't, and your teams players suck." Okay.


That's the exact opposite of what's happened here. It was your "how dare you mention something I said!" reaction that started this. Like I said, you wanted this.

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That's the exact opposite of what's happened here. It was your "how dare you mention something I said!" reaction that started this. Like I said, you wanted this.

Trust me, I wasn't looking for an unnecessary debate that has spread over two or three pages now. I think my reaction was appropriate, but next time maybe I'll just make vague comments to other posters about something I'm not happy about instead of igniting a debate.

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No, you're not following the logic there.

Being a Patriot has nothing to do with any of that. I'm merely pointing out the dirty plays that the Patriot players got away with, or considered lovingly to be part of the game, for which Suh's play was comparable, IMO. And here the media is debating if he should be suspended for a playoff game or not, when the media and Collinsdoof didn't even mention the dirty, potential injurious, plays committed by the Pats.

That's not whining either, that's a recall of history made to help assess a current situation.

Suh's play had no chance of injuring Rogers. Grabbing and twisting an ankle, yes. Shoving a player into a camera, yes. All three were accidents, you know.


Well I guess that (in bold) is mainly where we differ in opinions here.


I don't think you're considering the concept of intent. I also think it's wildly inaccurate to say that Suh's stomp "had no chance of injuring Rodgers." LOL... what? Sorry man but that's just crazy. Did you see how Rodgers reacted to it? Do you think it tickled? Maybe we can find a 300-pound guy to stand on your leg, then you can come back and let us know. 


He stepped on Rodgers' ankle for one reason and one reason only - to try to injure him and take him out of a HUGE game that decided the division and would have made the path to the SB easier for the winner (by virtue of playing at home until the NFCCG). 


In that respect, this is like arguing with someone who's trying to tell me the world is flat.


In the Pats/Colts game, NE had it well in hand when Gronk lined up across from Sergio Brown. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone.


There's a difference between trying to injure another player and trying to show another player up. It's honestly astounding to me that you believe what happened in that game was worthy of a season-long suspension for Gronkowski. Especially when basically every NFL player who's gone on record with it has said that Suh's play was dirty and that it broke the code these guys have with each other. 


Lastly, accusing a team of instructing players to attempt to injure other players is simply over-the-top out there. Other than you, I haven't heard a single word about a player "twisting" his ankle (which, by the way, would be far more likely to cause a soft tissue injury than a broken bone). I googled it also and other than one comment on an article by an Indy fan... nothing. I find it kind of strange that Bradshaw himself wouldn't say anything about it, but whatever makes you feel better about it...

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Well I guess that (in bold) is mainly where we differ in opinions here.


I don't think you're considering the concept of intent. I also think it's wildly inaccurate to say that Suh's stomp "had no chance of injuring Rodgers." LOL... what? Sorry man but that's just crazy. Did you see how Rodgers reacted to it? Do you think it tickled? Maybe we can find a 300-pound guy to stand on your leg, then you can come back and let us know. 


He stepped on Rodgers' ankle for one reason and one reason only - to try to injure him and take him out of a HUGE game that decided the division and would have made the path to the SB easier for the winner (by virtue of playing at home until the NFCCG). 


In that respect, this is like arguing with someone who's trying to tell me the world is flat.


In the Pats/Colts game, NE had it well in hand when Gronk lined up across from Sergio Brown. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone.


There's a difference between trying to injure another player and trying to show another player up. It's honestly astounding to me that you believe what happened in that game was worthy of a season-long suspension for Gronkowski. Especially when basically every NFL player who's gone on record with it has said that Suh's play was dirty and that it broke the code these guys have with each other. 


Lastly, accusing a team of instructing players to attempt to injure other players is simply over-the-top out there. Other than you, I haven't heard a single word about a player "twisting" his ankle (which, by the way, would be far more likely to cause a soft tissue injury than a broken bone). I googled it also and other than one comment on an article by an Indy fan... nothing. I find it kind of strange that Bradshaw himself wouldn't say anything about it, but whatever makes you feel better about it...

I'm not going to get into everything. But Suh didn't stomp, he stepped. The word stomp exaggerates the situation.

Rogers reacted like a player who wanted a 15 yard penalty called on a player that he might meet again in the playoffs. He didn't react like he was injured.

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You're right VL. He was. I am a Colts fan, but I pride myself on being a fair minded one too.

Of course he is.....no one wants to get pancaked into the ground. It was clear what Gronk was doing, brown was just holding on for dear life.

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I don't know man, usually I'm with you on these things. I know players (mostly linemen) get stepped on, and if I hear "this is nothing compared to what happens at the bottom of those piles" one more time, I'm going to eat my keyboard. 


But Rodgers went into the game with an injured calf. You don't think Suh was deliberately trying to take him out of the game? If this had been Luck, and Suh had fractured his tibia, you'd feel the same way? 


Neither of us know what was said between Sergio Brown and Gronk. But I do know that in his entire career, Gronk has done something like that exactly one time. Not a pattern of behavior (like Suh) so if he said he got tired of Brown running his mouth, then it's reasonable to give him the benefit of the doubt. 


And no, you don't do the same thing if it's Brady or another QB. Those guys don't block, they don't tackle. Richard Sherman's "You Mad Bro?" rise to fame is how you handle a trash-talking QB. As much as it * me off at the time, I look back now and he earned the right to do it!

If had broken his tibia? Suh is large man, but he isn't that large lol. I just find it odd that getting stepped on by a 300lb DT is a bigger injury risk than getting slammed into a camera barrier by a 270 TE.

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If had broken his tibia? Suh is large man, but he isn't that large lol. I just find it odd that getting stepped on by a 300lb DT is a bigger injury risk than getting slammed into a camera barrier by a 270 TE.

The latter didn't hapoen, either.

Again I ask: why did the Colts allow that equipment to be placed 5 yards out of bounds?

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If had broken his tibia? Suh is large man, but he isn't that large lol. I just find it odd that getting stepped on by a 300lb DT is a bigger injury risk than getting slammed into a camera barrier by a 270 TE.

lol. Sergio never hit the camera. Nice try though.

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Suh's actions weren't malicious or vicious like when he stomped on that Packers' O-lineman.  This was different.  I think the reason why Suh won the appeal is because there was no real evidence that he first intentionally meant to step on Rodger's foot, he didn't see it at first because he was walking backwards.  But Suh didn't make a real quick effort to get off Rodgers' foot once he stepped on it and didn't show concern.  It's iffy.  People are just going on past actions and reputation which you can't do.  You have to go on a case by case basis.  And Suh didn't get flagged for that either.

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Suh's actions weren't malicious or vicious like when he stomped on that Packers' O-lineman. This was different. I think the reason why Suh won the appeal is because there was no real evidence that he first intentionally meant to step on Rodger's foot, he didn't see it at first because he was walking backwards. But Suh didn't make a real quick effort to get off Rodgers' foot once he stepped on it and didn't show concern. It's iffy. People are just going on past actions and reputation which you can't do. You have to go on a case by case basis. And Suh didn't get flagged for that either.

Why fine him then?

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Suh's play had no chance of injuring Rogers. Grabbing and twisting an ankle, yes. Shoving a player into a camera, yes. All three were accidents, you know.


Wow now I've heard it all... Yea, a 300+ lb behemoth of a man putting 100% of his body weight right on the ANKLE of a star QB has "no chance" of injuring him!



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Suh's actions weren't malicious or vicious like when he stomped on that Packers' O-lineman.  This was different.  I think the reason why Suh won the appeal is because there was no real evidence that he first intentionally meant to step on Rodger's foot, he didn't see it at first because he was walking backwards.  But Suh didn't make a real quick effort to get off Rodgers' foot once he stepped on it and didn't show concern.  It's iffy.  People are just going on past actions and reputation which you can't do.  You have to go on a case by case basis.  And Suh didn't get flagged for that either.


His suspension was rescinded because he's technically not considered a repeat offender, not because they don't think he did anything wrong. 

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His suspension was rescinded because he's technically not considered a repeat offender, not because they don't think he did anything wrong. 


Really?    That's the reason?


I haven't been following this that closely....    and THAT'S the reason?


He's NOT a repeat offender?     Goodness!     If he's NOT a repeat offender,  then who is?


What constitutes a first offense?   Exactly who do you have to kill to get on the NFL's list?!?  


(I'm kidding...   I think?!)     :thmup:

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Really?    That's the reason?


I haven't been following this that closely....    and THAT'S the reason?


He's NOT a repeat offender?     Goodness!     If he's NOT a repeat offender,  then who is?


What constitutes a first offense?   Exactly who do you have to kill to get on the NFL's list?!?  


(I'm kidding...   I think?!)     :thmup:


They reworked the policy in 2014. If you don't have an offense over the last 32 games, you're technically given a clean slate.



A new formula removed Suh from the "repeat offender" list after Week 16. Suh's last violation was in Week 1 of 2013, when he was fined $100,000 for an illegal chop block on Vikings centerJohn Sullivan. That was the biggest fine in NFL history for on-field conduct.


According to NFL rules, a player who goes 32 games (including a maximum of two preseason games) without a violation is removed from the list.


Yes, this is pretty dumb.

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Of course he is.....no one wants to get pancaked into the ground. It was clear what Gronk was doing, brown was just holding on for dear life.

Lots of defenders try to stop Gronk from entering the endzone, but few are successful at it. Whether Sergio Brown felt he was harshly manhandled or not BOTT; NE kicked our caboose 42-20. Does 1 play really matter? No, not really.


If the score was reversed in our favor, would any INDY fan care what happened to Brown? Nope. "Pancaked?" Brown's a big boy. He can handle it. He's not playing tennis. Football does involve some aggressive tackling. I have no problem with it actually. 

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They reworked the policy in 2014. If you don't have an offense over the last 32 games, you're technically given a clean slate.



A new formula removed Suh from the "repeat offender" list after Week 16. Suh's last violation was in Week 1 of 2013, when he was fined $100,000 for an illegal chop block on Vikings centerJohn Sullivan. That was the biggest fine in NFL history for on-field conduct.


According to NFL rules, a player who goes 32 games (including a maximum of two preseason games) without a violation is removed from the list.


Yes, this is pretty dumb.

When I first heard about this new rule, I was like are you serious? How is Suh not a repeat offender? It is what it is, but it still ticks me off. If any INDY player did the same thing Suh did to an opposing QB, I would want him to be suspended at least 1 game too & I don't care if it's a playoff game & he's a vital cog on defense either. 


I often give guys the benefit of the doubt, but never when a player maliciously attempts to physically harm a defenseless QB. I despise Suh getting a pass on a technicality/new rule. I know it can't be rescinded now, but just on general principle this new rule really disturbs me. Fairness matters to me not a miscarriage of justice which is exactly what happened here IMO. 


What bothers me most is that Suh doesn't have the courage to admit publicly what he did was way over the line. I know; I know Suh will never own up to what he did & yes, it's hard to admit that he really crossed a line you can never cross I get that, but until he takes responsibility for his own actions he will never get past this dark cloud just ask Albert Haynesworth when he was on the Titans.



I at least hope that he apologized to Aaron Rogers privately by phone.  

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The strange thing is that I'd actually like to see Dallas beat Detroit & then GB only to get crushed by the Patriots in the SB. God, I would love that. Have Tony finally get to the Promiseland only to have Chandler Jones throw him around like a rag doll. 


I respect the Broncos, but previous SB losers don't typically make it back to the dance the following year traditionally & I also know that Lombardi Champions with a stellar defense have a good shot at making an encore appearance. 


I having nothing against Tony personally. I just deplore the team he plays for. I love INDY too, but I'm practical. We aren't good enough to beat NE with Tommy under center. No way in hades. Besides, I have a feeling Brady is gonna win it all this year in February. He's due after a 10 year ring drought. 


Oh, please god or santa let their opponent be Dallas. Can I really have Christmas twice? LOL! Score: NE 35 Dallas 17. It's a nice dream. Let me bask in it for a moment...Thanks. 


Oh yeah, make Julian Edelman your MVP. I'm biased, but that kid is just incredible. If Brady won MVP, I'm cool with that too.


It's a shame MVP winners can't pick the type of car they want to drive home BTW. I'd allow that. 

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The strange thing is that I'd actually like to see Dallas beat Detroit & then GB only to get crushed by the Patriots in the SB. God, I would love that. Have Tony finally get to the Promiseland only to have Chandler Jones throw him around like a rag doll.

No!!! :) Those are the two teams that I don't want to see in the Super Bowl.

Suh should have been suspended. It is obvious to everyone that his actions were intentional. Having said that, I am still rooting for the Lions because I dislike the Cowboys that much. A Lions win is not likely to happen but I am hoping for that.

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Lots of defenders try to stop Gronk from entering the endzone, but few are successful at it. Whether Sergio Brown felt he was harshly manhandled or not BOTT; NE kicked our caboose 42-20. Does 1 play really matter? No, not really.


If the score was reversed in our favor, would any INDY fan care what happened to Brown? Nope. "Pancaked?" Brown's a big boy. He can handle it. He's not playing tennis. Football does involve some aggressive tackling. I have no problem with it actually.

Keep him out of the endzone? It was a run play. And what difference does the score make? It was a cheap play by Gronkowski....that's why it was immediately flagged. Not the end of the world, but it was pretty obvious what his intention was....hell, he even admitted it.

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Lots of defenders try to stop Gronk from entering the endzone, but few are successful at it. Whether Sergio Brown felt he was harshly manhandled or not BOTT; NE kicked our caboose 42-20. Does 1 play really matter? No, not really.

If the score was reversed in our favor, would any INDY fan care what happened to Brown? Nope. "Pancaked?" Brown's a big boy. He can handle it. He's not playing tennis. Football does involve some aggressive tackling. I have no problem with it actually.

Who said the score of the game meant anything to that particular play?

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Who said the score of the game meant anything to that particular play?

Nobody did Jvan. I'm merely saying that if INDY had defeated the Patriots in the regular season that no single Colts fan would care what happened to Sergio Brown provided he was wasn't out with a season ending injury. 


It's all about perspective & winning cure all ills, ailments, & controversial plays. You know it & I know it. 

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Keep him out of the endzone? It was a run play. And what difference does the score make? It was a cheap play by Gronkowski....that's why it was immediately flagged. Not the end of the world, but it was pretty obvious what his intention was....hell, he even admitted it.

It's called football. Run play or pass play...Who gives a crap? 6 points is 6 points. If Dwayne Allen had scored a TD against Brandon Browner in a similar fashion would you be complaining? I highly doubt it. 

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The strange thing is that I'd actually like to see Dallas beat Detroit & then GB only to get crushed by the Patriots in the SB. God, I would love that. Have Tony finally get to the Promiseland only to have Chandler Jones throw him around like a rag doll. 


I respect the Broncos, but previous SB losers don't typically make it back to the dance the following year traditionally & I also know that Lombardi Champions with a stellar defense have a good shot at making an encore appearance. 


I having nothing against Tony personally. I just deplore the team he plays for. I love INDY too, but I'm practical. We aren't good enough to beat NE with Tommy under center. No way in hades. Besides, I have a feeling Brady is gonna win it all this year in February. He's due after a 10 year ring drought. 


Oh, please god or santa let their opponent be Dallas. Can I really have Christmas twice? LOL! Score: NE 35 Dallas 17. It's a nice dream. Let me bask in it for a moment...Thanks. 


Oh yeah, make Julian Edelman your MVP. I'm biased, but that kid is just incredible. If Brady won MVP, I'm cool with that too.


It's a shame MVP winners can't pick the type of car they want to drive home BTW. I'd allow that. 


I'd feel more comfortable if the Pats played the Packers instead of the Cowboys "IF" they make the SB.  Cowboys are more balanced with a better run game and better o-line.  Cowboys I believe have more weapons all around.

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It's called football. Run play or pass play...Who gives a crap? 6 points is 6 points. If Dwayne Allen had scored a TD against Brandon Browner in a similar fashion would you be complaining? I highly doubt it.

Who gives a crap?? You stated that Sergio was trying to keep him out of the endzone....and considering Gronk wasn't running a route I doubt that was his purpose.

Yeah,it's called football and football has rules which Gronkowski didn't follow which was made obvious to the viewers when the ref immediately throw that lil yellow thingy.

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