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Marvin Lewis calls Manziel a midget


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I'll LOL if Johnny lights up the Bengals.

Lol. I would say that there is no way that happens but with the Bengals you never know what team will show up.

I am looking forward to seeing how Manziel plays this weekend. Now, will there be a Tom Savage sighting before the end of the season?

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 Give it some time, he'll grow on you haha

Yes, I did laugh at that joke. Was that "small" on my part? Does that mean I am failing to see the BIG picture here?  :P


Marvin Lewis just wanted to lower expectations & minimize all this height, I mean, hype over Manziel starting this week. My bad.


I thought that David vs Goliath matchups were reserved for heavyweight boxing Championship bouts or Japanese Godzilla movie remakes. Go figure...


Okay, I'll stop now before I get myself in trouble. 

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Will Johnny measure up? Will Dalton trip under the Bengals AFC North must have win to keep pace with Baltimore? If Cincinnati misses the Playoffs again, is Lewis still coaching in Ohio next year? 


Or all my questions shortsighted in scope? Look if Menziel takes the NFL by storm, I will even congratulate personally & take back the complementary booster seat too. 


Well, if NBC analyst Al Michaels can do SNF standing on a box in the booth & Drew Brees can win a SB, then anything is possible I guess. Prove my wrong Johnny. Make me eat crow. College isn't the pros son...


Personally, I think Manziel is overrated. 

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Lol. I would say that there is no way that happens but with the Bengals you never know what team will show up.

I am looking forward to seeing how Manziel plays this weekend. Now, will there be a Tom Savage sighting before the end of the season?

Yep. I know as well as anyone how bad the Bengals can be in big games. I know Johnny's going to be facing a tough defense but hey, this is the NFL. :)

Barring a catastrophic injury to Fitzpatrick, I don't think Savage sees the field this season. As crazy as it sounds Fitz gives the Texans the best chance to win, and winning is exactly what they need at this point.

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Yes, I did laugh at that joke. Was that "small" on my part? Does that mean I am failing to see the BIG picture here? :P

Marvin Lewis just wanted to lower expectations & minimize all this height, I mean, hype over Manziel starting this week. My bad.

I thought that David vs Goliath matchups were reserved for heavyweight boxing Championship bouts or Japanese Godzilla movie remakes. Go figure...

Okay, I'll stop now before I get myself in trouble.

Puns galore lol!
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Will Johnny measure up? Will Dalton trip under the Bengals AFC North must have win to keep pace with Baltimore? If Cincinnati misses the Playoffs again, is Lewis still coaching in Ohio next year?

Or all my questions shortsighted in scope? Look if Menziel takes the NFL by storm, I will even congratulate personally & take back the complementary booster seat too.

Well, if NBC analyst Al Michaels can do SNF standing on a box in the booth & Drew Brees can win a SB, then anything is possible I guess. Prove my wrong Johnny. Make me eat crow. College isn't the pros son...

Personally, I think Manziel is overrated.

LOL. I hope he comes up short. ;) Otherwise, his bodyguards may attack you when you try to "personally congratulate" him.

Seriously, I hope the kid does well but like you, I don't expect greatness from him. Maybe he will prove us wrong.

I cannot see Marvin Lewis keeping his job if the Bengals don't win a playoff game.

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I read in our local newspaper today, that Mike Nugent's father passed away unexpectedly two days ago.  I havn't seen any other news on this, only the Obituary.   My thoughts and prayers go out to Mike and the rest of the Nugent family.  


Mike has been nearly perfect this season kicking for the Bengals, with the exception of the miss in the overtime tie with the Panthers.

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Ill bite...why is the term 'midget' offensive..?

What is the preferred term?


Any label that names people based on one aspect of them.......over time becomes demeaning and offensive.  Case in point the word midget is intended to insult here.


We don't label people this way because it's demeaning.


For example, there is a word for people who have psoriasis........ it's psoriatic.


Would you want to be referred to with that word that referred to one aspect of you..........whether it's cancer or your income or your weight or whatever?


Anyway, speaking as a short person, I have a sense of humor about it because it can be funny.  For example Randy Newman's song "short people"  But that song was really intended to mock people who don't like short people.


Things can be funny..........but they can also be intended as a shot.

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Any label that names people based on one aspect of them.......over time becomes demeaning and offensive.  Case in point the word midget is intended to insult here.


We don't label people this way because it's demeaning.


For example, there is a word for people who have psoriasis........ it's psoriatic.


Would you want to be referred to with that word that referred to one aspect of you..........whether it's cancer or your income or your weight or whatever?


Anyway, speaking as a short person, I have a sense of humor about it because it can be funny.  For example Randy Newman's song "short people"  But that song was really intended to mock people who don't like short people.


Things can be funny..........but they can also be intended as a shot.


Any label that names people based on one aspect of them.......over time becomes demeaning and offensive.  Case in point the word midget is intended to insult here.


We don't label people this way because it's demeaning.


For example, there is a word for people who have psoriasis........ it's psoriatic.


Would you want to be referred to with that word that referred to one aspect of you..........whether it's cancer or your income or your weight or whatever?


Anyway, speaking as a short person, I have a sense of humor about it because it can be funny.  For example Randy Newman's song "short people"  But that song was really intended to mock people who don't like short people.


Things can be funny..........but they can also be intended as a shot.

I agree Nadine.  We have 3 chinese daughters who get labeled because of their race.  Fortunately, they are able to laugh it off and it doesn't bother them.  But, I'm a big believer on judging people on their actions and attitudes; not their physical appearance.  That being said, I still don't like Johnny.  But, I base that on how he has behaved, not his size.  Our daughters are the shortest in each of their classes.  And, that ain't gonna change!  HA!

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Actually Manziel can either shred the Bengals.....or take a major hit and go down and out.  Just as some of us predicted with RG3....I am afraid he will not last long in the NFL.  I do hope I am wrong.  


I agree.  Manzeil seems to like Vegas and the Johnny Football brand.  I believe  He is playing well now, and won a Super Bowl because h he could succeed IF, and its a big if, he patterns his style and game after Russel Wilson, and also patterns his work ethic as well. Wilson has a work ethic like the Brady and Manning, and other greats.  This is just before his Super Bowl winning season where it shows his willinglness to get better and win now rather than later-




His success has only reinforced that attitude and that is why Wilson tends to elude the troubles befalling the 'special talent - read option' QB's that can throw.  They give up on the throw too soon, and don't commit to getting avery edge they can in the film room and workouts.  Kaepernick and Griffin3 need to adapt as Wilson has to rejuvenate their careers, or they be the next Michael Vick type journeymen QB's of the NFL.


Manzeil has the tools and talent to do what Russell Wilson has done.  Does he have the will and desire to cultivate that talent and get the job done? Or will he be lazy and fail to achieve?   People know his past count on the latter, and it seems a good bet.  But he did have to sit, and he is getting older each day.  Let's see how success/failure affect his attitude and work habits.  That will determine whether he'll survive long term or not.


Wilson has already overcome the 'book on stopping him' once.  That's a major hurdle.  Because it will be an ongoing battle the greatsand those aspiring to be always overcome. RGIII has yet to do it, and Manzeil will ultimately face it.  Should be interesting.

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Any label that names people based on one aspect of them.......over time becomes demeaning and offensive.  Case in point the word midget is intended to insult here.


We don't label people this way because it's demeaning.


For example, there is a word for people who have psoriasis........ it's psoriatic.


Would you want to be referred to with that word that referred to one aspect of you..........whether it's cancer or your income or your weight or whatever?


Anyway, speaking as a short person, I have a sense of humor about it because it can be funny.  For example Randy Newman's song "short people"  But that song was really intended to mock people who don't like short people.


Things can be funny..........but they can also be intended as a shot.

Then 'dwarf' is not good either, right?

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Then times have changed?

Remember 'Gidget' the girl midget?...a term of endearment (I thought) given to a California teenager by her father...

Her adventures (she wasn't a 'little person' simply a short girl) spawned a popular TV series and several movies...

But just an example of how times have changed, right?

Like the NAACP...using proudly (I assume) the phrase 'colored people'?

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Then times have changed?

Remember 'Gidget' the girl midget?...a term of endearment (I thought) given to a California teenager by her father...

Her adventures (she wasn't a 'little person' simply a short girl) spawned a popular TV series and several movies...

But just an example of how times have changed, right?

Like the NAACP...using proudly (I assume) the phrase 'colored people'?

Well, I don't want to get political or racial. I know some people can be over sensitive and other people can get over outraged.


Mr Magoo is offensive to some people because they feel it makes fun of partially sighted people.  But, I think that we can all be made fun of. We should all have a sense of humor.


Mr Magoo was funny....and it wasn't just that he was partially sighted.  He cruised though things and even though he couldn't see..........somehow he always came out ok.


Words evolve and change meaning.  People use words to ridicule other people.  That's just true and I think the world is a better place if we stop ridiculing one another and also learn to have a sense of humor.


Times have changed and keep changing.  That's not always a bad thing. We can all relax a bit and not worry so much about it.  The old days were not all good.


They weren't all bad either.  

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Cant disagree.

Mr Magoo didnt refer to what the cartoon guy was..(plus Mr. Magoo wasn't something you would call people.

I did get 'four eyes' a lot..referring to a kid wearing glasses...) ..while midget does refer to a physical and un-changeable body characteristic...

////I'm not arguing for the term midget. I haven't heard anybody call anybody a midget in decades..until this week

I just grew up in the Gidget era (characters like Mr. Magoo and Gidget sure do date us huh? The younger folks here will have to

google them to know what we're talking about) and I thought Gidget (girl-midget) was a term used fondly..it meant cute little teenage girl. But even the term 'cute' has an implied 'smallness'' that some ladies sincerely don't like.

And if you liken 'midget' to 'colored people', a term which at one time was preferred and quite proper and now is simply not proper.

Its the same superficial stereotype. I can see where midget could easily be considered offensive.

In the end..it doesn't matter what I see or don't see. It matters how the person being called that term feels about it.

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Cant disagree.

Mr Magoo didnt refer to what the cartoon guy was..(plus Mr. Magoo wasn't something you would call people.

I did get 'four eyes' a lot..referring to a kid wearing glasses...) ..while midget does refer to a physical and un-changeable body characteristic...

////I'm not arguing for the term midget. I haven't heard anybody call anybody a midget in decades..until this week

I just grew up in the Gidget era (characters like Mr. Magoo and Gidget sure do date us huh? The younger folks here will have to

google them to know what we're talking about) and I thought Gidget (girl-midget) was a term used fondly..it meant cute little teenage girl. But even the term 'cute' has an implied 'smallness'' that some ladies sincerely don't like.

And if you liken 'midget' to 'colored people', a term which at one time was preferred and quite proper and now is simply not proper.

Its the same superficial stereotype. I can see where midget could easily be considered offensive.

In the end..it doesn't matter what I see or don't see. It matters how the person being called that term feels about it.

I try to teach my kids to have thick skin and an ability to laugh at themselves.  My 11 year old from China had a girl tell her last week that she has slanty eyes.  To which she said, "No kidding....hello......I'm chinese."  I asked her if it bothered her and she said of course not.  Then she said, "she's been in my class all year.  Did it really take her that long to figure out I had slanty eyes?"


I celebrate their differences.  I have called all three of them my chinese chickens since day one and one of them kung pao chicken because she likes spicy foods.  They like being different.  I think it's all in how you take it and not worrying too much about what others think....

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Then times have changed?Remember 'Gidget' the girl midget?...a term of endearment (I thought) given to a California teenager by her father...Her adventures (she wasn't a 'little person' simply a short girl) spawned a popular TV series and several movies...But just an example of how times have changed, right?Like the NAACP...using proudly (I assume) the phrase 'colored people'?

Espn actually bleeped the word midget on the radio lol

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 Give it some time, he'll grow on you haha

QwizBoy, I really tried to give him a shot.  But, when I saw his pic today on national television making the money sign?????  Really???  I was glad to see the end result.  I hope he matures with age.  But, if he doesn't eat some humble pie, I think players are going to continue enjoy plowing him over....

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QwizBoy, I really tried to give him a shot. But, when I saw his pic today on national television making the money sign????? Really??? I was glad to see the end result. I hope he matures with age. But, if he doesn't eat some humble pie, I think players are going to continue enjoy plowing him over....

Thanks radiogirl, and I think you're right. I thought he would do a much better job today then he actually did but things clearly didn't work out. Getting humbled can do a lot for a player, and it doesn't help his case that a lot of players want a piece of Johnny Football. I wonder what Cleveland will do if he doesn't show potential for a good future in these next two games. They've spent a first rounder on him and they have Hoyer dying to play on the bench.
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If he keeps playing like this then the Colts wouldve gotten the better end of the trade.....as crazy as that sounds.


Manziel failing has no bearing on how we fared in the trade; we didn't trade them JM for TR ... we traded the #26 pick for Trent; so how we fared in the trade is based on Richardson compared to who was available at the #26 draft pick (or who else it could have been traded for).

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