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That's not really a leg to stand on.



No, any mature level headed man would not have done the same. It takes a special kind of scumbag to use physical retaliation. You know how you shut that guy up? With your actions on the field. Physical retaliation just makes you look lame and childish.

What did you want the refs/league to do exactly? He was rightfully flagged for the play as it was dirty. Should they have Gronk wear a scarlet letter G for goon? 

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You know how you shut that guy up? With your actions on the field. Physical retaliation just makes you look lame and childish.

He did shut him up with his actions on the field. Here is the clip of the play if you want to see it again..


And football is a physical sport, and he physically drove him like 35+ yards.

Nobody outside of Indy is saying how it was some horrible, dirty play.. just read the article, he ends it with the exact same sentiments that I have.

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Gronk was a punk long before that play.  And Brown may be a punk as well.


I know, there is no evidence that would make you change your preconceived ideas.  That is pretty typical of Patriots fans.  All I can say is watch the replay.  He has Brown engaged, when the whistle blows is when he drives him, not out of bounds but towards a piece of equipment and then picks him up and slams him down.  He has about 80lbs and quite a bit of strength on Brown, he could have done that at any point.


Like I said Gronk is a chicken ***t little punk but the incident was handled correctly on the field a 15 yard penalty, and if he gets fined for it, then like Gopats said, it would be money well spent.  I am more disappointed that a Colt player let himself be bullied like that any animosity towards Gronk for doing it.

Bullied? Try dumb. Gronk outweighs him by quite a bit.

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He did shut him up with his actions on the field. Here is the clip of the play if you want to see it again..


And football is a physical sport, and he physically drove him like 35+ yards.

Nobody outside of Indy is saying how it was some horrible, dirty play.. just read the article, he ends it with the exact same sentiments that I have.


So you don't think it was a dirty play?

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What did you want the refs/league to do exactly? He was rightfully flagged for the play as it was dirty. Should they have Gronk wear a scarlet letter G for goon? 


hahaha. That was kind of funny. He was flagged and it was a dirty move by Gronkowski. I will be shocked if he isn't fined. Like it matters anyway, all these guys have more money than they know what to do with.

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So you don't think it was a dirty play?

It was dirty in the sense that it was a late hit and he shouldn't have done it, but there are different levels of dirty and that was at the very low end of the spectrum.

Shoving a grown man into the ground who's wearing full pads is not some huge travesty that people are trying to make it out to be.

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He did shut him up with his actions on the field. Here is the clip of the play if you want to see it again..


And football is a physical sport, and he physically drove him like 35+ yards.

Nobody outside of Indy is saying how it was some horrible, dirty play.. just read the article, he ends it with the exact same sentiments that I have.

So he shut him up with his play, but needed the extra-curricular buffoonary  to prove his neanderthal-laden "lead, follow, or get out of the way" mantra?


Just because somebody agrees with you doesn't mean you're right. See any Cult leader ever.... I'm in Virginia and I think it was a dirty play. So you're outside of Indy nonsense has been proven wrong.

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Shoving a grown man into the ground who's wearing full pads is not some huge travesty that people are trying to make it out to be.


He wasn't shoved into the ground. He's wearing full pads yes, but concussions still happen and many other injuries happen with just playing/tackling on the field, let alone landing head/neck first into metal crane.



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What did you want the refs/league to do exactly? He was rightfully flagged for the play as it was dirty. Should they have Gronk wear a scarlet letter G for goon? 

D would be the more appropriate letter. You can decipher that however you'd like. He was flagged and still doesn't get that it was a stupid/pointless thing to do. I don't think Gronk has the mental capacity to unlearn his natural tendencies.

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Just as an FYI, Brown was the guy who broke Gronk's arm. Apparently Brown was taunting him about that.

So exactly how did Brown break Gronks arm last season? Was it a football play? Did he put a personal foul on him? Did he hit him with a baseball bat? Players talk crap all the time and Gronk is pretty good at it himself just FYI.
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D would be the more appropriate letter. You can decipher that however you'd like. He was flagged and still doesn't get that it was a stupid/pointless thing to do. I don't think Gronk has the mental capacity to unlearn his natural tendencies.

What are you talking about? He has never done anything like that before that I know of. He is goofy not a dirty player. You are acting like he is Suh or something. Did it really bother you that much? He was flagged you know and may also get fined.

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So exactly how did Brown break Gronks arm last season? Was it a football play? Did he put a personal foul on him? Did he hit him with a baseball bat? Players talk crap all the time and Gronk is pretty good at it himself just FYI.

Had Sergio pushed Gronk into the Jib these Patriots fans would be flipping out.

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Had Sergio pushed Gronk into the Jib these Patriots fans would be flipping out.


Sweetsurrender, you know Corgi is correct on this one ^. It's a dirty move and if it happened the other way around, it would prove how hypocritical Pats fans are.


What are you talking about? He has never done anything like that before that I know of. He is goofy not a dirty player. You are acting like he is Suh or something. Did it really bother you that much? He was flagged you know and may also get fined.

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I would look into Kraft's connection with the Ref's and Vegas.  I'm not kidding.  The way the fouls were commented upon sounded like propaganda to justify a desired outcome more than an objective presentation of the game. 


As one of my oldest Indy fan friends would say...


Dear Lord.

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That's not really a leg to stand on.



No, any mature level headed man would not have done the same. It takes a special kind of scumbag to use physical retaliation. You know how you shut that guy up? With your actions on the field. Physical retaliation just makes you look lame and childish.


No if you are a mature level headed man and someone is talking about how he hurt you (which effected a whole YEAR of YOUR LIFE then you should have the balls and confidence in yourself to show that guy his place.  If you CHOOSE not to then you can be like the Colts defense last night and get pushed around and bullied until you get the worse end. 


You know what happens in the NFL? People talk a lot of crap every play.  And you know what happens if you don't do anything about it?  They start targeting you.  (and no Colts players are not some special breed above this) so either you impose your will (like all coaches tell you to) or you get pushed around.  Gronk chose to do the first.  Yes he did it late, and yes it was dirty (if you want to call it that), but everyone and their mother knows if you run your mouth to another man you are not above consequences.

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Sweetsurrender, you know Corgi is correct on this one ^. It's a dirty move and if it happened the other way around, it would prove how hypocritical Pats fans are.

What does this have to do with Pats or Colts fans? I think we are all just a bit butt hurt and looking for something to gripe about. I didn't like the play and was happy he was flagged but beyond that? What exactly? His head on a platter? It is football.

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What are you talking about? He has never done anything like that before that I know of. He is goofy not a dirty player. You are acting like he is Suh or something. Did it really bother you that much? He was flagged you know and may also get fined.

D doesn't stand for dirty sir. It was a dirty play. Not saying he's a dirty player. He just has the strutting, preening, posturing, hairy, sweaty, alpha male, look at me with my white sunglasses and backwards Black Red Sox hat attitude. He's the kind of guy that thinks he's that cat's butt, but he's really the guy everyone rolls their eyes at. He probably uses the word "bro" a lot too. I don't like that type of guy in real life.


He's a really good player he just needs to mature.He needs to be more Jerry Rice and less Michael Irvin.

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Here is the thing. Yeah it's upsetting when someone is mouthing off to you. Sometimes you want to curb stomp that person but you don't. Gronk should've knocked him on his butt on the field. It doesn't make you a bigger man to cheap shot a guy, it actually makes you less of a man.


I think we have very different definitions of what constitutes a "cheap shot." The two players were engaged, face to face, pushing on each other, and Gronk overpowered him and took him to the sideline. 

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Gronk is a punk and what he did was malicious and his intent was to try and hurt Brown... if it wasn't he would have thrown him to the ground instead of pushing him to a piece of equipment and then doing it.  Pretty chicken ***t of Gronk to do it after the whistle blows but that is the kind of thing a punk does.


That being said, IMO it's up to Brown, in that situation, to grow a pair and stop it.  If he can't stop it, well then he shouldn't be running his mouth.


So you read minds now too?




Brown didn't get hurt. If Gronk wanted him hurt, I have a feeling he would have been. 

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but everyone and their mother knows if you run your mouth to another man you are not above consequences.


lol... These guys are protected by the NFL acting like *s & pushing people around because they got their feelings hurt. From a non NFL standpoint, the people who do what you say get arrested, killed, injured, etc. Does not make you the better man whatsoever. You appear to be just as low as Sergio was for trash talking. Patriot fans are loving what Gronkowski did because they hate the Colts and the nut-swinger mentality, plain and simple. I know if Sergio did that to Gronkowski, I would not be defending him and his actions and would hope consequences come his way.

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No if you are a mature level headed man and someone is talking about how he hurt you (which effected a whole YEAR of YOUR LIFE then you should have the balls and confidence in yourself to show that guy his place.

Yep real mature to talk with your pants, and not your brain. Physical retaliation proves nothing. "I broke your arm! OMG! ROFL!" "Yeah well I'm going to push you, because I'm a big boy!" Oh well aren't you just a man!

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D doesn't stand for dirty sir. It was a dirty play. Not saying he's a dirty player. He just has the strutting, preening, posturing, hairy, sweaty, alpha male, look at me with my white sunglasses and backwards Black Red Sox hat attitude. He's the kind of guy that thinks he's that cat's butt, but he's really the guy everyone rolls their eyes at. He probably uses the word "bro" a lot too. I don't like that type of guy in real life.


He's a really good player he just needs to mature.He needs to be more Jerry Rice and less Michael Irvin.

Ok, so you don't like his personality but that hardly makes him a bad guy. I didn't like the play but he was flagged and I have seen so much worse than one guy shoving another guy. I think had the camera man not been there, he may not have even gotten the flag. 


I think his attitude is why the Patriots and their fans like him so much. I prefer the Reggie Wayne's of the world myself but different strokes for different folks. 

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Hard for me to get butt hurt about that block, but it's also hard for me to understand how anyone could defend it. It was a dirty play.


He deserved a penalty and probably deserves a fine for it too.


But I still have no issues with what he did. 

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I think we have very different definitions of what constitutes a "cheap shot." The two players were engaged, face to face, pushing on each other, and Gronk overpowered him and took him to the sideline. 

He was still pushing him at that point why? He took him past the sideline an into the camera jib. That's dirty no matter how you slice it.It was cheap and unecessary, and his stupid monosyllabic "Me Tarzan, you Jane." comments after the game pretty much summed up his lack of maturity. "I threw you out of the Club." or whatever the quote he belched out was.

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It was dirty in the sense that it was a late hit and he shouldn't have done it, but there are different levels of dirty and that was at the very low end of the spectrum.

Shoving a grown man into the ground who's wearing full pads is not some huge travesty that people are trying to make it out to be.


 Agreed! Brown was in his ear all game. (You could tell by his actions after plays.) Gronk got fed up and retaliated. It wasn't to cause harm or injury.


Let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill is the view I have, but some will exaggerate these actions into something they're not 

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I think we have very different definitions of what constitutes a "cheap shot." The two players were engaged, face to face, pushing on each other, and Gronk overpowered him and took him to the sideline.

Exactly this.

That's why I'm thinking of just staying away from this thread and argument, because they've been been using hyperbole and exaggerating a great deal to continue to paint this into something way worse than it actually is.

Nothing cheap about having another grown man in front of you that you're engaged with who's been talking trash to you all game and just humiliating him like the inferior athlete that he is.

They were locked face to face, he wasn't sneaking up on him, and he let Gronk completely manhandle him on national TV aND you have Colts fans screaming for his head because of it.

That play was symbolic of the difference between the two teams last night.

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Ok, so you don't like his personality but that hardly makes him a bad guy. I didn't like the play but he was flagged and I have seen so much worse than one guy shoving another guy. I think had the camera man not been there, he may not have even gotten the flag. 


I think his attitude is why the Patriots and their fans like him so much. I prefer the Reggie Wayne's of the world myself but different strokes for different folks. 

You're right that play didn't make him a bad guy. I just don't think he's a very likable guy, and he has maturity issues. I mean Jersey Shore had great ratings, so we know people like different kinds of personalities.

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Exactly this.

That's why I'm thinking of just staying away from this thread and argument, because they've been been using hyperbole and exaggerating a great deal to continue to paint this into something way worse than it actually is.

Nothing cheap about having another grown man in front of you that you're engaged with who's been talking trash to you all game and just humiliating him like the inferior athlete that he is.

They were locked face to face, he wasn't sneaking up on him, and he let Gronk completely manhandle him on national TV aND you have Colts fans screaming for his head because of it.

That play was symbolic of the difference between the two teams last night.

How exactly does humiliating someone prove a point? If you stoop to another guys level that doesn't make you any better or prove anything. His touchdown did all the talking.


Pushing a dude into a jib is scummy. Nobody is screaming for his head because he manhandled him. They are mad because it was unnecessary and could've caused a bad injury.


The play in question and defense of Gronks immaturity are a reflection of the people who defend him and wore "Yolo" shirts.

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lol... These guys are protected by the NFL acting like *s & pushing people around because they got their feelings hurt. From a non NFL standpoint, the people who do what you say get arrested, killed, injured, etc. Does not make you the better man whatsoever. You appear to be just as low as Sergio was for trash talking. Patriot fans are loving what Gronkowski did because they hate the Colts and the nut-swinger mentality, plain and simple. I know if Sergio did that to Gronkowski, I would not be defending him and his actions and would hope consequences come his way.


Lol.  So tell me.  If Sergio was the one who broke his arm.  And Gronk is constantly giving him hell for it, you'd expect the NFL to take care of it huh?  And when Sergio gets targeted because he doesn't say anything and his arm is broken again or worse, you'd be fine with it because at least the NFL is going to fine Gronk for his dirty play?  Wow, that mentality is why there are killings and whatnot, because a large percentage of young people don't understand there is consequence in this world and run their mouths.  And when people do not put them in their place that young kid whose running his mouth gets a hold of a gun and thinks he is a big boy and gets shot by a guy who doesn't back down or vise versa. 


You are literally making a mountain out of a mole hill.  If Gronk was the smaller man and Sergio the taller, everyone would be praising him for standing up for himself instead though it is seen as a exasperating dirty play.  Again get over it...

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It was dirty in the sense that it was a late hit and he shouldn't have done it, but there are different levels of dirty and that was at the very low end of the spectrum.

Shoving a grown man into the ground who's wearing full pads is not some huge travesty that people are trying to make it out to be.


Yet, Bernard Pollard and TJ Ward are dirty...


You've defended Gronkowski's play in this thread, even saying that you hope he does it to the next person who talks smack.

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No if you are a mature level headed man and someone is talking about how he hurt you (which effected a whole YEAR of YOUR LIFE then you should have the balls and confidence in yourself to show that guy his place.  If you CHOOSE not to then you can be like the Colts defense last night and get pushed around and bullied until you get the worse end. 


You know what happens in the NFL? People talk a lot of crap every play.  And you know what happens if you don't do anything about it?  They start targeting you.  (and no Colts players are not some special breed above this) so either you impose your will (like all coaches tell you to) or you get pushed around.  Gronk chose to do the first.  Yes he did it late, and yes it was dirty (if you want to call it that), but everyone and their mother knows if you run your mouth to another man you are not above consequences.

I you want to call it that?? Exactly what do you call it? Grong getting pushed around? You have to be kidding, right?
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Exactly this.

That's why I'm thinking of just staying away from this thread and argument, because they've been been using hyperbole and exaggerating a great deal to continue to paint this into something way worse than it actually is.

Nothing cheap about having another grown man in front of you that you're engaged with who's been talking trash to you all game and just humiliating him like the inferior athlete that he is.

They were locked face to face, he wasn't sneaking up on him, and he let Gronk completely manhandle him on national TV aND you have Colts fans screaming for his head because of it.

That play was symbolic of the difference between the two teams last night.


For one, you should stay off these forums. I mean seriously. If I were a Patriots fan, the last place I would WANT to be posting on is the Colts forum. :blueshoe: :blueshoe: :blueshoe: :blueshoe: :blueshoe: :blueshoe:


Football players talk trash all the time but I guess I miss out on the parts where you are supposed to throw the other person into a metal television cart because the person ran his mouth too much. Is that what happens a lot or something or am I missing something here? Rob Gronkowski is pure scum.

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