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Your Keys to beating the Patriots


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I'll post a few quick ones.

1. Have got to get pressure on Brady. If he has all day to throw you already know what will happen. Manusky better dial up some great blitzes, I hope Newsome gets a good amount of snaps too.

2. Limit turnovers. Luck has thrown too many picks against the pats. This must be cleaned up.

3. Protect Luck. I'm sure BB knows how bad our line has looked when getting blitzed. He may bring pressure a lot. If Luck is being tossed around like a rag doll we may have a very long night.

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honestly I think the x factor for this matchup is gonna be our TEs and our RBs. BB is gonna do everything he can to take our WRs away so we need to chip in short passes to our backs, screens, quick outs to flats to our TEs, because there is no way hes gonna let us win deep. defense is gonna get honest at some point and get tired of all these short plays and thats when we take a shot. 


as for defense, pressure pressure and pressure. we need to harass brady like a super model being harassed by a stalker. get him uncomfortable and off his spot or he'll pick us apart. everyone keeps mentioning we need to stop gronk, but im looking more at vereen. hes dangerous especially out of the back field

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1. Turnovers even or to the Colts favor.


2. Colts special teams outplay the Patriots special teams.


If the Pats outplay us again on special teams they win going away (as is usually the case) but if the Colts outplay the Patriots on special teams (and this is very possible from a talent/performance so far standpoint this year) we win a fairly close game.


Many aspects of these two teams are competitive and the talent level(s) is sufficient for either team to win.


We have a couple of intangibles in our favor, home field and crowd, a budding superstar who's only going to get better vs an aging superstar who's already reached his apex of performance.


It's not a sure thing or an easy win but it's definitely doable.

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I'll post a few quick ones.

1. Have got to get pressure on Brady. If he has all day to throw you already know what will happen. Manusky better dial up some great blitzes, I hope Newsome gets a good amount of snaps too.

2. Limit turnovers. Luck has thrown too many picks against the pats. This must be cleaned up.

3. Protect Luck. I'm sure BB knows how bad our line has looked when getting blitzed. He may bring pressure a lot. If Luck is being tossed around like a rag doll we may have a very long night.

This^ and run the ball for over 100 yards....and not get outcoached again.

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#1.  Win the turnover battle.  If it is even or we are in minus territory, we will likely be behind on the scoreboard as well


#2.  Disrupt the timing of the Pats passing game.  We have to physical with their receivers within the 1st 5 yards of the line of scrimmage.


#3.  Get Brady off his spot.  While disrupting receivers routes, we have to get Brady to move off his spot in the pocket.  If he sits in the pocket for any length of time, and especially if his receivers get a free release off the line, A lot of Colts fans will be preparing to post ***fire _ somebody on D coaching staff*** threads all night. Not good.  LOL


#4. Be disciplined.  Don not make the critical mental error of a huge penalty (IE: Unsportsmanlike) in critical situation(s). Do  not stall an offensive drive, or give the gift of extending one of the Pats drives on 3rd down by stupid penalties.


#5. Find what BB is taking away, and what that leaves open and go to that.  Be ready for a change if wildly successful.


#5.  Have fun and execute.  A win is a coming...  :-)

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1) Run the football effectively.  NE doesn't have a good run defense and the teams that have beaten them have really worked that.

2) Use Landry as a LB in certain packages against Gronk.

3) Get to Brady.

4) Have some plays for Moncrief.  Throwing Bill something he hasn't seen (or watched on video) works well.

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1) Run the football effectively.  NE doesn't have a good run defense and the teams that have beaten them have really worked that.

2) Use Landry as a LB in certain packages against Gronk.

3) Get to Brady.

4) Have some plays for Moncrief.  Throwing Bill something he hasn't seen (or watched on video) works well.

Man, Bill has an in-depth knowledge about every team he plays. He studies hard. Do you ever read his interviews. It's like he knows every plays roles, strengths and weaknesses. I'd bet he is well aware of Moncrief. His challenge is trying to stop everything though.

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Man, Bill has an in-depth knowledge about every team he plays. He studies hard. Do you ever read his interviews. It's like he knows every plays roles, strengths and weaknesses. I'd bet he is well aware of Moncrief. His challenge is trying to stop everything though.

Bill has been around the NFL in various roles since 1975(7 years before I was born)...He's learned a thing or two

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Buy the strongest padlock that can be found.  When the Patriots are all in their locker room, seal the door with the padlock and then brick it over.  Dress the backup and practice squad members in Patriots uniforms.  That ought to do it.


Beyond that, score lots and lots of points and hold on.

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We need a running game. I don't mean running it out of bunch formation; I mean more halfback or TE screen passes that are essentially runs after catch, more inside delayed draws, or just runs from a shotgun formation where the RB gets 4 yards or so.


Last few games, we simply passed the ball WAY too many times. Instead of hoping to get lucky with protection and hit a long receiver, chew up the clock with lots of small plays. Whether it's a 7 point score from a long drive or 1 play, it's still 7 points. In today's league, the former is preferable.

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Keys are all on the defensive side as far as I'm concerned.  I feel that the Pats don't have a lot of weapons on offense and if the Colts can limit the three weapons they do have (Gronk, Edelman, and Vareen), then they won't be able to keep up with the Colts' scoring machine.  Easier said than done, but I don't feel that there's much of a threat from Lafell, Amendola, or any other of their receivers.  Keep Vontae on Edelman.  Double team Gronk, with a LB hitting him at the line 100% of the time.  Have a spy for Vareen when you smell a screen coming.  It'll be a bit of a chess match, but we have some good defensive tools to pull it off.


The Pat O-line seems pretty vulnerable still, so I'd still expect to see some tricky Pagano blitzes to keep Brady from having all day...

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Man, Bill has an in-depth knowledge about every team he plays. He studies hard. Do you ever read his interviews. It's like he knows every plays roles, strengths and weaknesses. I'd bet he is well aware of Moncrief. His challenge is trying to stop everything though.


Yeah, you are right.  He probably has video of plays to Moncrief in practice too ;)

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There was a couple of obvious comments already made. The key to winning is having more points on the scoreboard when the game is over. When the game is over it will be the same thing after every Colt-Patriot game. The one play, the refs with bad calls or no calls, Way too many ifs and the coaching. Those are the few I can think of but there will be more that's for sure.

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1. Turnovers. Can't give it away and must take it away. In Lucks two games against the Colts he's turned it over 8 times leading to 35 points while the Colts have gotten 0 turnovers in those games. It's hard enough to beat New England without giving the 35 extra points.

2. Get to Brady somehow and make him move off his spot but the trick here is you can't always compromise the coverage to do it or Brady will burn you.

3. figure out a way to cover Gronk. It's no secrect our weakness has been tightends. Expect brady to go gronks way early and often. The best way to slow him down is to limit has chances with long drives by the offense.

4. Get off the field on third down. Don't let the Pats extend drives. This and turnovers iswhat killed the Colts in the playoff game last year. It wears out the D and sooner or later it will break.

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