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Skip Bayless is attacking Luck on First Take


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I have no problem with him taking issue with how some people crown Luck as a lock HOF.  I just don't see as many people saying that as Skip seems to think.  But even if they did, I don't see why you'd even take the time to respond it.  It's lunacy to think a 3rd year QB is already a HOF'er.  Despite Luck's mistakes, he's still a great young QB.  One of the best, if not the best, out of hte younger crop of QBs.  If Skip has a problem with that or disputes it, I'm not really going to take the time to react to it, because that is just as crazy as it is to think he's a lock for the HOF.


I don't see anyone saying it.  


This is a freaking Colt's forum board. . . If anyone in the world where going to be Luck homers and say he's a lock for the HOF way too early it would be here.


I havn't seen people saying he's a lock for the HOF.  


A lot of people think when it's all said and done he will be there.  But I've never seen anyone claim he's a lock.  Because honestly that would be stupid.  You never know what could happen.  God forbid it but a career ending injury to Andrew Luck right now and there is no way that Luck makes the HOF, at least not as a player.  

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skip is all about controversy, not the truth

Again, I think some of you are reaching to find something to complain about where Bayless is concerned. Sports commentators say a lot of things. Their purpose is to generate interest in a variety of subjects. Sometimes they tell the truth and it riles up a particular fan base.

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Again, I think some of you are reaching to find something to complain about where Bayless is concerned. Sports commentators say a lot of things. Their purpose is to generate interest in a variety of subjects. Sometimes they tell the truth and it riles up a particular fan base.


skip doesnt talk truth. hes making headlines by being his usual * self

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Again, I think some of you are reaching to find something to complain about where Bayless is concerned. Sports commentators say a lot of things. Their purpose is to generate interest in a variety of subjects. Sometimes they tell the truth and it riles up a particular fan base.



And sometimes they DON'T tell the truth and it riles up a particular fan base.

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Again, I think some of you are reaching to find something to complain about where Bayless is concerned. Sports commentators say a lot of things. Their purpose is to generate interest in a variety of subjects. Sometimes they tell the truth and it riles up a particular fan base.

Sure but his position on Manning/Luck is outrageous. He has no understanding of what was going on with Indy at the time of Manning's injuries and then the lousy 2011 campaign with Luck waiting there for the first pick. He thinks the Colts would have won SBs with Manning had they kept him. Again, no basis in reality.

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I don't see anyone saying it.  


This is a freaking Colt's forum board. . . If anyone in the world where going to be Luck homers and say he's a lock for the HOF way too early it would be here.


I havn't seen people saying he's a lock for the HOF.  


I have seen comments like that here. I've seen people here say that he's already the best in the NFL today and one of the greatest QB's of all time and a future Hall of Famer without a doubt.

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Skip is a bitter oldman who's upset because guys he picked are underperforming, #CUTLER, #TEBOW,#RGlll and soon 2 be #MANZIEL. Looks past all the good points and focus's on the bad. Keeps going on about running #MANNING out of town, it was a business decision, not sure how healthy he was going to be. I still don't think we would win with #MANNING, not with O-line or lack of running game, and some of those hits #LUCK took #MANNING wouldn't have gotten up again. NUFF SAID

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I have seen comments like that here. I've seen people here say that he's already the best in the NFL today and one of the greatest QB's of all time and a future Hall of Famer without a doubt.

No you haven't. You are just making bayless claims to help your own twisted agenda.

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No you haven't. You are just making bayless claims to help your own twisted agenda.

Really? Twisted agenda?

Bayless did nothing but speak the truth about a rabid segment of a particular fan base. He didn't say anything untruthful, insulting, or out of line in any way.

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I'm not a big Bayless fan, but I save my criticism of him for the venom he spews, not the truth.

Claiming Colts fans criticize Luck more than they praise and even worship him is ridiculous.

Name the users on the forum that says Luck is going to the hall of fame and one of the greatest Qbs of all time.

Name them.

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Really? Twisted agenda?

Bayless did nothing but speak the truth about a rabid segment of a particular fan base. He didn't say anything untruthful, insulting, or out of line in any way.

Yes you have a twisted agenda. You make outlandish cliams like Skip and then you try to back up your claims by making up lies to support yourself. No one says any of the crap you say they say.

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This is what Luck haters keep doing with him.  They set up a strawman and claim that everyone or most people believe that Andrew Luck is this when most reasonable people don't think that.  Then they tear down that strawman.


Luck's first 2 years the strawman was that he's an elite top 5 QB.  So they tore that down.


Now that he's looking like an elite top 5 QB they are moving to tearing down the hall of fame notion when no one is claiming that Luck is a lock for the HOF yet.  


If it becomes apparent that Luck will be in the hall of fame they will move to tearing him down as the GOAT even when NO ONE is saying that he's the GOAT.  


And then they put standards on him that are too high and pretend that he's the only QB or at least the only elite QB to have problems that every QB has. . .   


Take this little gem.


"But, at the risk of committing heresy, is it fair to ask if Luck has a weird propensity for almost inexplicably losing focus for a quarter, or a half, or even a game and throwing what-was-he-thinking interceptions?

Even after the Colts' recent 40-24 Monday-night win at the Giants, Mike Wells wrote: "You wondered, 'What's wrong with Andrew Luck?' after he continued to miss his intended targets for more than a quarter."


Because no other QB has ever spaced out and had a bad quarter or half or full game.  Nope that doesn't happen EVER.  Tom Brady didn't look so bad against the chiefs that people where saying he was done, Phillip Rivers didn't look stupid against the Dolphins, and Manning didn't stink it up against the Pats.  It never happens they are always on fire, never throw bad picks.  Only Andrew Luck sometimes has a bad stretch of time where he doesn't play well, be it part of a game or the full game. 

Your strawman analogy is spot on. I don't hear ANYONE say Luck is the best qb in the league or a sure fire Canton lock....all I hear is he is the best young qb in the game....I think beyond the obvious Bayless scheme that this article while very true in pointing out his mistakes and where he needs to grow is also a sham arguement. There is no reason NOT to like Luck.....to be so critically negative when despite his imperfections he has proven he has the meddle and skill to be a true winner in this league is to me having your head stuck up your you know what. Skip is trying to play the otherside of the arguement when there is no one proposing the alternative. I agree with you...for some reason and we all know what it is...he came out saying RGIII was the better qb and he has flopped after his first season so Skip has to tear down the other to bring them to the same level. Anyways Skip is basically a shock jock sports reporter now....so clearly wearing the black hat gets him web hits and makes him money...I think honestly if you had him in an elevator and asked him about Luck...he would tell it differently.

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Name the users on the forum that says Luck is going to the hall of fame and one of the greatest Qbs of all time.

Name them.

Is there a search option here? Without doing a search, I found this guy calling him "the greatest".

The greatest can not be perfect always. for his 3rd year he's amazing

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Your strawman analogy is spot on. I don't hear ANYONE say Luck is the best qb in the league or a sure fire Canton lock....all I hear is he is the best young qb in the game....I think beyond the obvious Bayless scheme that this article while very true in pointing out his mistakes and where he needs to grow is also a sham arguement. There is no reason NOT to like Luck.....to be so critically negative when despite his imperfections he has proven he has the meddle and skill to be a true winner in this league is to me having your head stuck up your you know what. Skip is trying to play the otherside of the arguement when there is no one proposing the alternative. I agree with you...for some reason and we all know what it is...he came out saying RGIII was the better qb and he has flopped after his first season so Skip has to tear down the other to bring them to the same level. Anyways Skip is basically a shock jock sports reporter now....so clearly wearing the black hat gets him web hits and makes him money...I think honestly if you had him in an elevator and asked him about Luck...he would tell it differently.


I do agree there. . . oddly enough in the media you can be extremely successful by having a lot of people hate your guts.  Because for some reason people like to tune in just to listen for more stuff they can hate you for.

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Skip Bayless is a unique guy. He motivates so much emotion in people, he can actually get people to disagree with their own stated opinions just because he says the same thing. Some people will change their position on an issue just to disagree with him.

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Skip Bayless is a unique guy. He motivates so much emotion in people, he can actually get people to disagree with their own stated opinions just because he says the same thing. Some people will change their position on an issue just to disagree with him.




This is a very complicated case, Dude. Lotta ins, lotta outs,lotta what-have-yous.

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"OMG luck did this and that greatest QB ever(even though it's his 3rd year)"


Only casual fans do that. Only casual fans overreact and overrate players/coaches. I also hear eagles fans calling chip Kelly the most genius coach of all time. Even your beloved skip bayless called Manziel a "star".

Literally 90% of colts fans HERE are NOT casual. That's a good thing. Thank god, otherwise I wouldn't of registered. You will find most of the causal fans on nfl, espn, BR, and some game websites.

I don't take casuals seriously especially those who anoints players as the greatest of all time in their 3rd year.

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Skip Bayless loves RG3 and thought he would be a better player than Luck. So far he has been wrong so he has to attack Luck any chance he gets. I don't care about that. I hate the fact that he harps on all the bad things and none of the good, and he used the SAME ARGUMENT EVERY TIME! He either hates that Luck is being coronated as the next great quarterback, or that he threw 7 interceptions in 2 playoff games even though the Colts led with the fewest turnovers in the regular season. Come on Skip. What about the good things?

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