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One of the most talented athletes in Australia (6'2", 220 pounds) is moving to the US to pursue a career in the NFL. Hayne plays Rugby League, which for those who don't know, is the sport most similar to the NFL in the world (despite only allowing lateral passes, and no blocking)

His position on the field is called the fullback (#1 jersey), so he's the primary kick returner, the last line of defence (safety), and occasionally the punter. On offence his role is run through gaps in defence, or lateral to someone in a better position than him.

I've included some 2014 highlights below. He wants to play as a running back, and has apparently already been in talks with the Seahawks.

How will he go? discuss..

I'll get the ball rolling. I see him as a change of pace back, and with his good speed and elusive open field running he'll be a pretty good kick returner even though he won't be the quickest bloke around. He could do well if he's used in that Danny Woodhead/Darren Sproles receiving halfback running plenty of screens, but he could be a pretty good wide receiver too.

His tackling is pretty incredible in Rugby League, but it's a different style to most NFL teams, except for the Seahawks -

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He has quick feet and is shifty, Not really sure about his vision though but he doesn't shy away from contact that's for sure. I think Carrol would try to make the game as simple for him as he could to start, Put him on special teams...Probably sit him a year.

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I support the Parramatta Eels here in Australia, it would be very convenient for me if the Colts signed him in the future, however, the guy is extremely talented, probably one of the most talented to ever play Rugby League but I'm under no illusion that he will be able to make it in the NFL, given his lack of history in the game and age.

I'm devastated he's leaving my team but I truly hope he realises his dream and wish him well.

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A guy looking fast against a bunch of rugby players is not impressive

There is a distinct difference between Rugby Union and Rugby League.

Rugby League, the game Hayne plays is a lot more open and free flowing, it is constant movement for 80 minutes, unlike Rugby Union that gets bogged down in penalties and scrums etc.

I'm not saying he'll have any chance in the NFL because he is so far behind everyone else who have played it all their lives but he has all the attributes of someone who could have had a real shot.

Just because he didn't grow up in the USA, doesn't mean he is slow or a bad athlete.

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It'd be great to see the Colts give him a try out.  They experimented with Adongo from rugby union and he was an average rugby player at best.  Hayne is one of the world's elite at rugby league, his skills may not transition to the NFL but it would be silly not to at least give him a try out.


Hayne may not have the top speed or acceleration of the elite NFL backs but he's not exactly slow.  Having watched him throughout his career I believe he has intangibles that can't be taught.  The freakish ability to make defenders miss, the vision to find a gap in the defense when there doesn't appear to be one, those sorts of things that some ball carriers can do that others can't.


Hayne is also one of those guys that is naturally very strong.  He may not seem big at 100kg (225lb) but his strength is huge.


The odds of him even making a practice squad are stacked against him but it's great to see him give it a go.  Worst case scenario is he comes back to rugby league where he can easily pick up a contract.

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