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Suspect play calling but all that matters is the W

Coaching sux

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really? Did not see Brady roll out vs Cincy sun night, nor did I see Rivers roll out vs NYJ

Funny, when you stated, "don't see..." I thought you meant more than one game.


Didn't watch the SD jets game but I have seen Rivers roll-out before and I have seen Brady roll-out and I have seen Manning roll-out and I have seen just about every QB since the mid 80s roll-out.  Some do it a lot, some do it very little.

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In 2013 the avg. passer rating on rollouts was 96.6, compare that to 86.9 on just straight drop backs.  Also nfl coaches called 986 rollouts/18,127 dropbacks, which equals to 1 rollout for every 18 dropbacks.  The Seahawks called the most with 73 rollouts/370 dropbacks or 1 out of every 5 dropbacks.  Wilson's rollout percentage was 134.4 to 101.3


yards per completion were 11 on rollouts to 11.6 on dropbacks.  Qb's had a 6.8 td percentage on rollouts compared to just 4.3 on dropbacks.  They also had 1.4 int percentage compared to 2.9. That's like 5-1td/int ratio to 3-2 td/int ratio.


Maybe we should use the rollout more...

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In 2013 the avg. passer rating on rollouts was 96.6, compare that to 86.9 on just straight drop backs.  Also nfl coaches called 986 rollouts/18,127 dropbacks, which equals to 1 rollout for every 18 dropbacks.  The Seahawks called the most with 73 rollouts/370 dropbacks or 1 out of every 5 dropbacks.  Wilson's rollout percentage was 134.4 to 101.3


yards per completion were 11 on rollouts to 11.6 on dropbacks.  Qb's had a 6.8 td percentage on rollouts compared to just 4.3 on dropbacks.  They also had 1.4 int percentage compared to 2.9. That's like 5-1td/int ratio to 3-2 td/int ratio.


Maybe we should use the rollout more...



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I re-watched the game on NFL Rewind.   Sloppy play for both teams but had the better and more Red Zone opportunities and should have closed the deal earlier.  But the play calling was fine.  The Red Zone interception wasn't really a rollout.  Luck stepped up in the pocket and escaped to his left.  He has should have taken the sack or thrown the ball away.  A FG there makes it a 2 touchdown game.  I am fine with Pep's play calling - he's mixing in Bradshaw, finding ways to get Richardson productive touches, and I think he's just starting to remember that Allen is a beast anywhere on the field but especially in the red zone.  He's just too much for a LB or Safety.  Pep has settled in and has found good balance


If you pay close attention to that play, Bradshaw was Lucks' check down a couple seconds after he snapped the ball but Luck forced the ball to him late and it resulted in a pick.  Luck should have hit Bradshaw much earlier in the play and we probably would have been somewhere around the goal line on the next play.

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I actually like the little quick hitches to Bradshaw and or Trent against off coverage.  Usually nets at least 4 yards and it's a great way to get a back in space against a DB.  Back is usually going to win that battle especially closer to the red zone.

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I think plays like T-Riches bubble screen are really more of a "dummy" play for later on down the road, its a pretty obvious look, so you get that on tape, then the next time you run it the hope would be the defense is like "o yeah we got this bubble screen" which allows a Doyle or Allen or hell even Luck to slip out the backside for a big gain....of course I'm just guessing here but seems pretty logical to me.

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I have noticed people are really hard on Pep. The colts are right now one of the top offences in the NFL. I think the colts left a lot on the field with some sloppy play. Example there was a screen to bradshaw that could have went for big yardage. Still got a first down but he had two blockers in front and it could have went a long way if not for a missed block. 2 Red zone turn overs, bradshaw fumble and luck int.


So I am a giants fan for years people cried about their oc Gilbride, but for a long stretch the giants were a top offence, hard to argue with success.

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