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Callin 'em Out (Week 5)


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I'm calling out McNary.  He may not play if Freeman comes back but considering Freeman's injury was a hammy, there is a good chance he could sit quite a bit.  But Mcnary has done nothing except look lost out there on the field.  His pass coverage is horrible, his run stopping is near non existent, is slow to react, takes bad angles and doesn't pack a lot of force when he does stumble upon the ball carrier.


Offensively, I'm calling out GC.  First three games of the season he was solid if unspectacular. Against the Titans he was rather pedestrian.  I know he was going up against a great defensive player most of the game but he got beat way too much.  Time to shake off that performance and grade out in the 90+ percentage this game.

Mhhm watching Rewind I was grading Louis but I couldn't help but notice Cherilus repeatedly getting beat like a scalded dog

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 It has to be Castonzo & Cherilus. They were bad in run blocking last week and if not for being covered by TE`s and good pickups by our RB`s all the time, it would be obvious & ugly like last year in pass protection.
 And Please give Holmes a shot ASAP! We MUST be able to run between the guards which will be Difficult as Thornton gets No push and Mewhort gets little either. Louis didn`t get push last week either.

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