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REPORT: Adrian Peterson indicted on child abuse...

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Bobbycovert, on 13 Sept 2014 - 01:36 AM, said:

The man has anywhere from 5 to 7 children with almost as many women.  Last year he lost a child that he was completely unaware of before.  Is "present" really the best word to describe Peterson's parenting?



What a terrible man...kissing his son like that. Somebody should report him.



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What a terrible man...kissing his son like that. Somebody should report him.



He stuffed the kids mouth with leaves so he couldn't cry out...and then he whipped him leaving open lashes all over his butt, legs, and his scrotum. That is abuse. Physical abuse...................... Think.


According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy's closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”

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That is really important.

\Mods you can't defend him anymore after this. Child abuse is not a joke... but he certainly is one.

Adrian is out of the game- what don't you see. BB had him schemed and now has to scrap it.


Try not to extrapolate beyond. You will be amazed.

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Why did the Rice video and Peterson photo not surface until the start of the season?  These events took place over 4 months ago.  It couldn't be that the media, special interest groups and government have colluded on the release of this information.  No doubt to force their objectives on the NFL's massive audience.


Everyone wants to hold Roger accountable, but what about the media types who suppressed this info in order to exploit it at a later, more significant date.  These maggots are not conducting themselves as legitimate news sources, which is why they let TMZ report it first, then talk about it ad nauseam afterwards. 

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He stuffed the kids mouth with leaves so he couldn't cry out...and then he whipped him leaving open lashes all over his butt, legs, and his scrotum. That is abuse. Physical abuse...................... Think.


According to police reports, the child, however, had a slightly different story, telling authorities that “Daddy Peterson hit me on my face.” The child also expressed worry that Peterson would punch him in the face if the child reported the incident to authorities. He also said that he had been hit by a belt and that “there are a lot of belts in Daddy's closet.” He added that Peterson put leaves in his mouth when he was being hit with the switch while his pants were down. The child told his mother that Peterson “likes belts and switches” and “has a whooping room.”


dont really think can ask a 4 year old what happened only person that knows truth is peterson and your never gonna really find out what happened. if what the boy is saying is true that peterson deffo needs to be punished but like i said you cant really ask a kid they can easily make things up hope its not true tho

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Not to make light of the matter,

Indianapolis native Kurt Vonnegut Jr. who experienced tragedy and catastrophic events during W.W.II felt that laughter in the face of unthinkable events was the souls way of looking for relief, a release if you will...

Kurt once wrote-

"Well, of course, humor is an almost physiological response to fears, as I understand it. What Freud said about humor was that it is a response to frustration -- one of several."..

One of the best lines in movie history is from a cartoon character, Roger Rabbit, "A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Sometimes in life it is the only weapon we have."


A high school friend of mine who always made us laugh used that quote in our year book. I never forgot it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 13, 2014 - shot at moderation
Hidden by Nadine, September 13, 2014 - shot at moderation

Adrian is out of the game- what don't you see. BB had him schemed and now has to scrap it.


Try not to extrapolate beyond. You will be amazed.

The game is irrelevant at this point in these situations. This is a real life, and as someone who has witnessed someone being abused over and over your comment is foolish. Even Gramz called you out on it, and she is the least confrontational person on here... so now you are busy backpedaling. An apology followed by your removal would be nice. I know people won't like it, but you deserve to be called out for that silly little line you were probably so proud of when you first wrote it. Thinking it would go over great with the other like minded individuals on the forum. No I'm not going to look beyond it, or anything anyone else would say to make light of such a horrible act such as abuse of women, or children.

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Well this is really depressing


I don't doubt that AP was doing what he had been taught.  But, him admitting that it went further than he intended and he felt bad, to me indicates that he acted out of anger rather than acting to teach the child.


Spanking and physical punishment in general are the least effective means to teaching good behavior.  They are effective at teaching fear, and that should not be what you want your child to remember.


Fearing their parent.  Children should respect and admire their parents.....and look to them for example and guidance.


several in this thread have stated that they were punished in this way and that it did them good.  I was punished in this way some, not much and not to this extent but when I think of it, I don't remember what I did wrong, I only remember being hit.


AP needs to unlearn how he was raised and learn some more effective means of discipline.


Children can be extremely frustrating but as an adult, you are responsible for teaching as well as protecting.


Anyway, I find it somewhat strange that this went to a grand jury for indictment.  Not sure if this is usual in cases like this.  Maybe they felt they needed it given the popularity of the person they were indicting.  If so, I also find that depressing.


Children are beaten and abused every day.  Maybe this will help all of us understand that and care about doing something about it.


Let the courts figure out the best way to make this right.

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"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."



I think this is especially true for children.


As to my earlier comments in the thread,   I just found it disheartening, that in this whole story  someone would choose to focus on the affect it would have on the game, as opposed to the affect it would have on the child.     That's all.  

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I don't think we can blame Roger Goodell for the bad behavior of the players.  It's a culture and way of life for the players that will have to change and you can't change culture over night or in a few years.  It's also a culture of the coaches and teams that has to change.


What you can do is blame the entire NFL for not being more vigilant and aggressive in implementing and enacting more strict rules and punishments for the players who break those rules.


But the players have to be first held accountable for their own actions.  And AP will be held accountable by the law.  And I think that's what the NFL was relying on, to let law enforcement take care of their bad apples.  The NFL doesn't want to have to be a babysitting service.


I believe the NFL has around 20,000 employees.  So it's huge corporation and hard to manage.  But there needs to be more accountability.

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Damn, I hope we can pick him up when he gets cut. Not on his current contract of course.



lol @ wanting Adrian Peterson on your team.  I thought the Colts were classy organization?  You mind as well have Rodgers Cromartie on your team but add to it the massive media attention and child abuse to it.


Would the Colts fans give Adrian a standing ovation and buy his jersey's too like Ravens fans did with Ray Rice?  Ravens fans lot a lot of respect doing that.

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lol @ wanting Adrian Peterson on your team. I thought the Colts were classy organization? You mind as well have Rodgers Cromartie on your team but add to it the massive media attention and child abuse to it.

Would the Colts fans give Adrian a standing ovation and buy his jersey's too like Ravens fans did with Ray Rice? Ravens fans lot a lot of respect doing that.

I wouldn't buy his jersey. He's already 30 and a few years from retirement.

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I know, wild, a friend & I were talking about this AP issue yesterday when the story broke & he mentioned AP was 30, crazy, I can remember his rookie season like it was yesterday...

Guess it means I must be getting old...

Running Backs just have a notoriously short shelf life. They also don't decline like other positions do, they just fall off a cliff suddenly, usually around age 30. Peterson's career was a ticking timebomb at this point, if he gets cut, this is how it will end.

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Running Backs just have a notoriously short shelf life. They also don't decline like other positions do, they just fall off a cliff suddenly, usually around age 30. Peterson's career was a ticking timebomb at this point, if he gets cut, this is how it will end.

I don't disagree.

Was that a double negative?

Anyways, I'm not suggesting that the Colts bring AP in, especially now...

Just saying I was surprised when I realized the dude is already 30...

But, to your point, if there is any running back currently in the league that has a longer career in terms of age/years played, AP may be that guy...


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Spanking and physical punishment in general are the least effective means to teaching good behavior. They are effective at teaching fear, and that should not be what you want your child to remember.

Complete conjecture. It depends on the child. I was spanked plenty of times over my childhood, and I learned not to do the bad stuff I was doing. I wasn't in fear of my parents and I knew why I was getting punished.
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Does it bother anyone that Peterson is smiling in his mugshot? Arrested on child neglect and abuse charges, and you have a pretty happy look on your face?


I'm seeing a lot of people defending Peterson (which I have no problem with. opinions) and basically laughing it off, saying "Oh that's just a butt whooping / that happened to us as kids."  Fine, fair enough. I was paddled and sometimes whipped with a switch from the tree as a child (discipline, not abuse).


The big difference, in my opinion, is that extent of the whipping. A child being whipped on bare skin and bleeding crosses the line I believe. I think that's when it goes from disciplinary to just cruel, doing more harm than disciplining. But who knows exactly what happened. My thoughts were gathered from reading what has been released to us so far.

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Complete conjecture. It depends on the child. I was spanked plenty of times over my childhood, and I learned not to do the bad stuff I was doing. I wasn't in fear of my parents and I knew why I was getting punished.


She's actually absolutely correct.  I wouldn't use the word "fear" but corporal punishment creates a scenario where a child stops engaging in a behavior in order to avoid something painful.  It is much more effective to teach a child that good behavior results in good outcomes rather than hold painful outcomes over their heads.  Punishment has its time and place but physical punishment is just not necessary (except for in extreme cases).

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Complete conjecture. It depends on the child. I was spanked plenty of times over my childhood, and I learned not to do the bad stuff I was doing. I wasn't in fear of my parents and I knew why I was getting punished.


Not conjecture, fact. 


Punishment in general is the least effective means of behavior modification.  Just because you were not afraid of your parents does not change that fact.


I studied Behavior in college and I can tell you unequivocally that this is a fact.


Further, people should not use the fact that they turned out ok as justification for hitting children.  Instead, they should learn more effective means for dealing with undesirable behavior in children.  All of them are more effective.


Think about it, if it was effective we would all just hit each other to make the other person change.

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She's actually absolutely correct. I wouldn't use the word "fear" but corporal punishment creates a scenario where a child stops engaging in a behavior in order to avoid something painful. It is much more effective to teach a child that good behavior results in good outcomes rather than hold painful outcomes over their heads. Punishment has its time and place but physical punishment is just not necessary (except for in extreme cases).

No two kids are the same. One form of punishment doesn't fit all children. Some kids respond better than others to timeouts and such than others. My mother raised four boys, we are all different. She was able to reason with two of my brothers. However me and my other brother needed butt whoopins. I deserved everyone i ever got. I have two kids now. I have never had to spank either one

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She's actually absolutely correct.  I wouldn't use the word "fear" but corporal punishment creates a scenario where a child stops engaging in a behavior in order to avoid something painful.  It is much more effective to teach a child that good behavior results in good outcomes rather than hold painful outcomes over their heads.  Punishment has its time and place but physical punishment is just not necessary (except for in extreme case


Punishment can also lead to undesireable / unpredictable outcomes.....for example.....the child learns to avoid being caught because they want to avoid punishment.

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No two kids are the same. One form of punishment doesn't fit all children. Some kids respond better than others to timeouts and such than others. My mother raised four boys, we are all different. She was able to reason with two of my brothers. However me and my other brother needed butt whoopins. I deserved everyone i ever got. I have two kids now. I have never had to spank either one


Agreed that all children are different.

Disagree that physical punishment is ever the best choice

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Well this is really depressing

I don't doubt that AP was doing what he had been taught. But, him admitting that it went further than he intended and he felt bad, to me indicates that he acted out of anger rather than acting to teach the child.

Spanking and physical punishment in general are the least effective means to teaching good behavior. They are effective at teaching fear, and that should not be what you want your child to remember.

Fearing their parent. Children should respect and admire their parents.....and look to them for example and guidance.

several in this thread have stated that they were punished in this way and that it did them good. I was punished in this way some, not much and not to this extent but when I think of it, I don't remember what I did wrong, I only remember being hit.

AP needs to unlearn how he was raised and learn some more effective means of discipline.

Children can be extremely frustrating but as an adult, you are responsible for teaching as well as protecting.

Anyway, I find it somewhat strange that this went to a grand jury for indictment. Not sure if this is usual in cases like this. Maybe they felt they needed it given the popularity of the person they were indicting. If so, I also find that depressing.

Children are beaten and abused every day. Maybe this will help all of us understand that and care about doing something about it.

Let the courts figure out the best way to make this right.

Grand juries are actually often used in cases like these. The goal is to protect the child and a grand jury is often the best way of doing so. T only thing out of the norm is that Peterson testified before them. That is unusual, as you normally don't want the defendant knowing the grand jury is happening.

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