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Some Of You Need To Come To Grips With The Fact That Manning Won't Play Forever


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At some point, we will need to draft his successor. Maybe it is this year, or maybe it is next year, or maybe it is in 3 years, I don't know. But what I do know is that it will need to happen eventually. Peyton Manning has been the greatest player in Colts' history, and he deserves to be allowed to play as long as he wants as long as it is still within the best interest of the organization. The fact is that he will be 36 before next season, coming off of his 3rd neck surgery. I love Manning, he is my favorite player ever and has done more for this Colts and Indianapolis than any player has ever done for a team or city but the time is nearing for the Colts to seriously start preparing for life after Manning. Maybe he comes back next year and we win the Super Bowl (I wouldn't count on it) but even if we do win it all, that doesn't change the fact that he is still getting old.

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This is true, I love Peyton and hope he comes back for 3 to 4 more years..... But the organization should have been preparing for this already..... Everyone knows the polians dropped the ball, and were never prepared for this situation.... If manning is healthier trade the first overall pick for a Ricky Williams hershal wLker type deal.... We then draft a qb to sit behind manning for a few years... If manning is not healthy we draft luck..... We can't have then both on the team,, it would create a cycus around this team......

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Good OP. I think that accepting that Peyton can't play forever is the first step. Then one can begin to consider other possibilities. I like Peyton too. I want him to retire a Colt, but it has to make sense for the team. The level of sentimentality on this board makes about half the posts unreadable concerning this topic.

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I just don't understand why we can't have Luck and Manning according to some. So he sits a couple years. Hopefully our QB position is solidified for another decade.

Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

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Good post! People talk as if it is CERTAIN that PM will be back next year. It is not 100% that he will be back. We need to protect the product that we are putting out on this field. And building our team as if Peyton will be back will end in an ultimate fail if he isn't back.

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

But it doesn't have to be the rule. I love Peyton as much as the next guy, but we are in the twilight years of his career.

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

When it comes to this argument, it's all about preference because both avenues are smart. You either are drafting the leader of your team for the next decade or building a team instead of building it for one player.

By drafting our heir (Barkley, Luck, etc.), he can sit (if he is willing to) and build a team around Peyton until he retires. By time Peyton retires, our heir will have a good team in place and all he needs to do is catch up to game speed and take the reigns. Downfall of this avenue is that it might become expensive and it could backfire if the player we draft takes a while to adjust.

With the trading the pick avenue, we will acquire more picks and be able to draft for the future, which is also good. Now, if we trade the picks, depending on who we trade to, it's a possibility we might miss on both Barkley and Luck. It's a possibilty Miami won't mind taking Barkley or a top 5 team doesn't want to move.

Both decisions are good but both have their downfalls. But either way, we have to think about the future past PM.

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

Yeah, but don't you think that's because team's are drafting out of pure necessity? Take Cam Newton for instance. New coach, new system, relatively uncompetitive team, he had to start, no questions asked. If for no other reason, to put butts in seats.

Players will do what coaches tell them to do, and if Colts "coaches" tell Luck to watch and learn, then he will. Carson Palmer did it in Cincy, right? And he was behind Jon Kitna. The only way a #1 draft pick totally dictates when they play is if they go out in preseason and outperform the starter, and I don't see Luck outperforming Peyton Manning, especially after this season, the chip on Manning's shoulder will be mighty big.

Long story short, this team has tons of weaknesses, but most are on the defensive side of the ball. They can always go out and grab a free agent or two to fill a couple of those voids. But as far as the draft goes, they have to take the best player available with the #1 pick, and that'll be Luck, in my opinion. The media will make a bigger deal out of it than need be, which means we'll all make a big deal out of it as well, but I don't see any other option.

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Yeah, but don't you think that's because team's are drafting out of pure necessity? Take Cam Newton for instance. New coach, new system, relatively uncompetitive team, he had to start, no questions asked. If for no other reason, to put butts in seats.

Players will do what coaches tell them to do, and if Colts "coaches" tell Luck to watch and learn, then he will. Carson Palmer did it in Cincy, right? And he was behind Jon Kitna. The only way a #1 draft pick totally dictates when they play is if they go out in preseason and outperform the starter, and I don't see Luck outperforming Peyton Manning, especially after this season, the chip on Manning's shoulder will be mighty big.

Long story short, this team has tons of weaknesses, but most are on the defensive side of the ball. They can always go out and grab a free agent or two to fill a couple of those voids. But as far as the draft goes, they have to take the best player available with the #1 pick, and that'll be Luck, in my opinion. The media will make a bigger deal out of it than need be, which means we'll all make a big deal out of it as well, but I don't see any other option.

This is how I feel!!!

If we have this opportunity for another great franchise QB, we take it. We won't have this opportunity again...hopefully!

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The title of this thread means the content within isn't worth reading. Show me one person, anywhere, who ever suggested anything implying they believed Manning would play forever. As far as we know, on planet earth, age and time are batting 1.000.

Packers fans need to accept that Rodgers wont play forever. Falcons fans need to do the same with White, and Ryan. Patriots fans, NASCAR fans, husbands, wives, dog owners... They better draft Luck or risk being viewed as delusional.

The intelligence on this site drops lower every time someone talks pro-Luck. Not because it isn't a viable option, but because they come up with the most ridiculous anecdotes, all the while regurgitating "but...but Favre to Rodgers..."

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

From an organizational standpoint, #1 overall had to play because of the size of the contracts against the salary cap. This is a different era of rookie contracts.

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The title of this thread means the content within isn't worth reading. Show me one person, anywhere, who ever suggested anything implying they believed Manning would play forever. As far as we know, on planet earth, age and time are batting 1.000.

Packers fans need to accept that Rodgers wont play forever. Falcons fans need to do the same with White, and Ryan. Patriots fans, NASCAR fans, husbands, wives, dog owners... They better draft Luck or risk being viewed as delusional.

The intelligence on this site drops lower every time someone talks pro-Luck. Not because it isn't a viable option, but because they come up with the most ridiculous anecdotes, all the while regurgitating "but...but Favre to Rodgers..."

Guys like you cry every time someone suggests that anything other than Peyton dropping dead on the field from old age.

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Guys like you cry every time someone suggests that anything other than Peyton dropping dead on the field from old age.

Doog used to be fun to go round and round with. Unfortunately the state of the team has made him less fun. Hard to argue how premium this franchise is when they are winless, so instead lately he's just posting 'everyones so dumb but me' posts. I wish I could find the old threads in the old forums from 8 months ago.

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Doog used to be fun to go round and round with. Unfortunately the state of the team has made him less fun. Hard to argue how premium this franchise is when they are winless, so instead lately he's just posting 'everyones so dumb but me' posts. I wish I could find the old threads in the old forums from 8 months ago.

I have seen him post some decent stuff, but yea he is a total grouch these days.

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

Thats because bad teams usually aquire the #1 overall pick....If Luck wants to start he'll have to hold out til next year.

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I agree and I think drafting a Quarterback is on the horizon....just not this year, unless they know that they know Peyton can't play. I think you look to draft some new WR and of course defensive help and please make a splash in free agency, just make it a good one and not some guy coming back or injury prone. This team is not far from being a contender next year and a serious one at that. They do I think need a new coach and defensive system, Fisher is the only one I think would for sure be a good fit, but I know there might be others out there that would be good as well. Maybe it's time to find a rookie coach who knows.

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I believe the reason for some of these feelings about Peyton not playing forever is 1. we did not expect this and 2. nobody is 100% sure he will ever return. That is IMO the hardest part to deal with. Maybe we are still stuck in the 1st stage of grief with denial. But I certainly never, ever, thought I had seen Peyton play his last game. I for one dont want it to end this way.

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They have to find a legit b/up QB this off-season....

It is unrealistic to expect Manning to take every snap in every game anymore. If they don't take Luck, they still need to take a QB very early in this draft. You can't have crappy QB's like Painter / Orlovsky be the option if (when) Manning can't play.

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The title of this thread means the content within isn't worth reading. Show me one person, anywhere, who ever suggested anything implying they believed Manning would play forever. As far as we know, on planet earth, age and time are batting 1.000.

Packers fans need to accept that Rodgers wont play forever. Falcons fans need to do the same with White, and Ryan. Patriots fans, NASCAR fans, husbands, wives, dog owners... They better draft Luck or risk being viewed as delusional.

The intelligence on this site drops lower every time someone talks pro-Luck. Not because it isn't a viable option, but because they come up with the most ridiculous anecdotes, all the while regurgitating "but...but Favre to Rodgers..."

Did Rodgers do something to your sister or wife or boyfriend or something. Dry your eyes and stop bleating. You sound like Rex friggin Ryan.

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The title of this thread means the content within isn't worth reading. Show me one person, anywhere, who ever suggested anything implying they believed Manning would play forever. As far as we know, on planet earth, age and time are batting 1.000.

Packers fans need to accept that Rodgers wont play forever. Falcons fans need to do the same with White, and Ryan. Patriots fans, NASCAR fans, husbands, wives, dog owners... They better draft Luck or risk being viewed as delusional.

The intelligence on this site drops lower every time someone talks pro-Luck. Not because it isn't a viable option, but because they come up with the most ridiculous anecdotes, all the while regurgitating "but...but Favre to Rodgers..."

Comparing Peyton Manning to Aaron Rodgers and Matt Ryan is pretty ignorant. Rodgers is 27 and Ryan is 26, Manning will be 36 in March. My OP was in response to some posters on here recently saying things like a "snot nosed college QB is not the answer" or "Manning could play another 5 or 6 years so we should draft a wide receiver". If drafting a snot nosed college QB is not the answer then what is? Trading for a bunch of backups and hoping one of them pans out? If a snot nosed QB is not the answer then we will be like the Seahawks bringing in all kinds of backups.

BTW, I am in favor of drafting Luck but this has nothing to do with drafting or not drafting a QB in the next draft and every thing to do with some of our, as you say, delusional fans thinking that Manning is going to play at all-world level for 6 more years.

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I think Colts fan understand he wont play forever...

But there is no sure thing in college....Its delusional to think Luck will be cometent next year or an all-pro in 2 or 3 years..

It does not happen..

We are rushing a decision which does not have to be made yet...Lets not plan for 2015..We arent that smart. Nobody is

Let things play out

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The title of this thread means the content within isn't worth reading. Show me one person, anywhere, who ever suggested anything implying they believed Manning would play forever. As far as we know, on planet earth, age and time are batting 1.000.

Packers fans need to accept that Rodgers wont play forever. Falcons fans need to do the same with White, and Ryan. Patriots fans, NASCAR fans, husbands, wives, dog owners... They better draft Luck or risk being viewed as delusional.

The intelligence on this site drops lower every time someone talks pro-Luck. Not because it isn't a viable option, but because they come up with the most ridiculous anecdotes, all the while regurgitating "but...but Favre to Rodgers..."

THEN WHY DID YOU READ IT!!! Here is the anecdote" You draft the best player on the board" PERIOD
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The best player on the board may be the LSU corner

that would be ok too. It's time to build this team to be competitive with an average QB under center. 31 other teams get by without P. Manning and win games. We have had the best QB in league history and only been to two Bowls. If this team was built at an average level, the sky would have been the limit. Elway did not win a superbowl until they found a running game.
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You draft the best on the board in every round when you get this chance. Get some quality players on this team. Too bad they don't have a coaching draft. There is a big need in this area olso.

Curtis..we have to draft for need....

We have a half dozen...holes.....We cannot draft more offensive players.

All our No.1s go to offense...We need better than average people in the secondary..QB can come in the 2nd or 3rd round...

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I think Colts fan understand he wont play forever...

But there is no sure thing in college....Its delusional to think Luck will be cometent next year or an all-pro in 2 or 3 years..

It does not happen..

We are rushing a decision which does not have to be made yet...Lets not plan for 2015..We arent that smart. Nobody is

Let things play out

Polian "let things play out" this year and we are 0-10.

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When it comes to this argument, it's all about preference because both avenues are smart. You either are drafting the leader of your team for the next decade or building a team instead of building it for one player.

By drafting our heir (Barkley, Luck, etc.), he can sit (if he is willing to) and build a team around Peyton until he retires. By time Peyton retires, our heir will have a good team in place and all he needs to do is catch up to game speed and take the reigns. Downfall of this avenue is that it might become expensive and it could backfire if the player we draft takes a while to adjust.

With the trading the pick avenue, we will acquire more picks and be able to draft for the future, which is also good. Now, if we trade the picks, depending on who we trade to, it's a possibility we might miss on both Barkley and Luck. It's a possibilty Miami won't mind taking Barkley or a top 5 team doesn't want to move.

Both decisions are good but both have their downfalls. But either way, we have to think about the future past PM.

They haven't built a good team around Peyton in all of these years so why would they start now. If Peyton comes back the FO will be business as usual and we'll start winning again and they'll forget all about that year that we went 0-16 without Peyton. Peyton retires and his heir will walk into a mine field and it will take 2-3 years to fix the team around that person's talents.

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What is the point of picking a QB with like a #1 pick in next years draft that sits on the bench for 4-5 years, likely? By the time he coudl play, he would be a free agent. I totally realize Manning has retire at some point and we need a replacement, but I do think drafting one in the next draft is too soon. Unless we get a lower round pick that we don't have much invested in with a high upside. I would think Peytons replacement might be in two years.

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Because todays #1 or #2 picks, expecially QBs don't sit a couple of years, they start right away. Don't say A.Rodgers, he was the 24th overall pick, big difference.

Today's #1 picks play early because usually, their teams desparately need a huge up-grade at that position and can't afford to let them sit. The Colts are in the enviable position of being able to draft a first round QB and allow him to sit behind a HOF'er.

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What is the point of picking a QB with like a #1 pick in next years draft that sits on the bench for 4-5 years, likely? By the time he coudl play, he would be a free agent. I totally realize Manning has retire at some point and we need a replacement, but I do think drafting one in the next draft is too soon. Unless we get a lower round pick that we don't have much invested in with a high upside. I would think Peytons replacement might be in two years.

We don't even know if he's going to play next year. And even if he does, he's 36 right now. Do you really see him playing into his 40s?
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