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The Miami Dolphins sign.. Samson Satele?


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With Mike Pouncey out for what sounds like 8 weeks or more this is not a real surprising move, The Dolphins are desperate for some leadership of some level at the Center spot and while Satele is just not good the Dolphins currently have 2 other Centers that have not taken a single snap at Center in the NFL, Though it is a bit surprising since the GM of the Dolphins was not there in 2008 when the Dolphins selected Satele and neither is the coach (Tony Sparano)

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He'll probably do better in a zone scheme which, if Bill Lazor is truly running a Chip Kelly style offense, the Dolphins will be using. Satele is not a very good football player but I have no idea why our staff tried to fit him in a power scheme. His lack of strength has always been his weak point. His failures here were just as much the fault of poor utilization as it was his inability to block, or even attempt to.... Ok, so it was mostly because of the latter, but my point still stands

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