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LaVon Brazill suspended for 1 year.

The Fish

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Can t believe the cant stay off the weed..

....but there's obviously a problem...

Worried about our depth at WR...

Meh Brazill is easily replaceable really, Would have been nice if could stay clean but this Tony Washington kid has caught my eye among a couple other receivers

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Pretty ridiculous punishment for a little Mary Jane. (Which I assume it was since he said it was last time)

I agree, pot is no worse than alcohol if taken in moderation. It's just a way for a few guys in the loop

to make some cash by stuffing harmless people in prison. Marijuana has been a prison system

moneymaker for decades but is about to come to an end. :thmsup:

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First, there are several issues being discussed here:


The effect of losing Brazil

Whether or not that Brazil should be suspended for his actions (your view of the substance abuse policy)

Whether or not he deserves to be cut for this.

The comparision of cannibas with alcohol, stimulants, HGH, or steroids and if there use should be punished equally

Whether or not cannibas should be a controlled substance


Clarifying which topic you are addressing can help.

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McAfee took his medicine, and hasn't been in trouble since.


It's also irrelevant what his BAC was, because he wasn't driving.

Question not that I think we should but do we have the option to put the kid on the suspended list doesn't count against 53 man roster like we do with Mathis?


At this point probably smart to cut bait but is that an option if for some reason we wanted too?

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IMO, it is a failed system that suspends a player for a year for weed, yet knows that their dirty little secret that NEITHER side wants testing for, is the rampant use of HGH. The fact that both these exist at the same time in NFL history screams loudly of trying to look like you want a clean sport, while taking advantage of an unclean sport.


Hypocrisy at its finest.

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Overrdoing either should get you suspended,.,,,

That's never going to change...

the problem is a guy who cant stop....He knows he'll be tested and he cant stop

If it were an addiction. Which it clearly is not. Do you not think that just maybe. They would have clued in on this a bit sooner than two years. This guy has smoked weed 3 times in 2 years.

Man. I've had 3 beers in two years better check myself into AA.

Sounds silly doesn't it?

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What a dumb a**.


My sentiments exactly...

It's pathetic that these guys ruin their lives with drugs... he KNEW he'd be tested a lot and still couldn't help himself.  I'm completely fine with Reggie, Hakeem, TY, Moncrief & Whalen.

Yes, Brazil had to know he would be asked to provide a urine sample frequently. Why do guys think they can beat the system? Hades, even disgraced cyclist & former 7 time Tour de France Champion Lance Armstrong got busted in the end. 


Pretty ridiculous punishment for a little Mary Jane. (Which I assume it was since he said it was last time)

A good Tom Petty song there actually Derakynn.  haha  Sorry man, SW1 is in 1 of his sarcastic moods again. My apologies. Still funny though IMO. Okay, to be fair, the full title is "Mary Jane's Last Dance."  Actually, this might be Mr. Brazill's "Last Dance" in a Colts uniform so it's also tragically poetic & clever at the same time. 

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That, or there is a super star tossing the ball your way. Please, of White, Gonzalez, or Collie which went on to have a successful career without Peyton Manning?

All got injured at some point (or numerous points actually) and could not stay healthy including White

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Question not that I think we should but do we have the option to put the kid on the suspended list doesn't count against 53 man roster like we do with Mathis?

At this point probably smart to cut bait but is that an option if for some reason we wanted too?

I don't believe the suspended list can be used until the season starts. Until then, he would count against the 90 man roster.
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Well, don't need anyone who doesn't wanna be here

Goodbye Brazill :wave:

Can we put those words on a Big neon flashing billboard sign inside the LOS locker room? I'll even  chip in some dough to pay for the sign. Good advice TK24. 


All I'm sayin is if I got paid $570,000 not to smoke weed I would not smoke weed... It's supposably not addictive... Right!?

Precisely bravo4460! Precisely! Where else does he think he is gonna earn that amount of money in a legal occupation? Those kinda jobs don't grow on trees man. Go to Miami man. You'd fit right in there. 


Alcohol is addressed as well.  But until more states legal MJ for medicinal purposes, it will be tough to allow players to puff where and how they please.  Alcohol is a legal sustance and can be consumed, but not everywhere nor at any time or any amount.  Abuse of a legal substance is as bad as abuse of illegal substances, and thus rules on them as well.  Here's just a couple-



Also this one...



Thanks CBFL for the legal lowdown on alcohol related infractions & disciplinary procedures/punishments courtesy of the NFL CBA. Useful information there. I appreciate it.


Maybe this section should be labeled with the following title header: Why You Shouldn't "Have A Drink On Me" [AC/DC rock-n-roll joke]


Try the veal. SW1 is here all week. Rim shot, cymbal crash....Wait for it...Almost time...Okay, go ahead & hit the gong now. :P  

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What bothers me most about LeVon's foolish self indulgence is this: The Colts franchise is on the verge of at least getting to the AFC Championship Game. Yes I know that the regular season hasn't even started yet & it's more than a little presumptuous on my part to assume that we will play in that precursor game to the SB for a  :lombardi: trophy, but with each new season INDY makes it 1 step further in the Playoffs.


"Playoffs? Playoffs?! I just wanna win a darn game." Actually no former HC Jim Mora, I seriously think we can make our SB push starting this year. 11-5 validates that our team is a legitimate post season contender & all it takes is the ball to bounce your way in the Playoffs. Yes, INDY is ready to take that next step to the conference championship game. No guts no glory baby. Nobody ever won anything by being timid. Full throttle ahead. No excuses. It's time. 


Why throw away a chance at a ring on a supremely talented squad like INDY Mr. Brazill? Not a smart move sir. Not smart at all. Sayoonara you fool. You did this to yourself. 

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"Pretty ridiculous punishment for a little Mary Jane. (Which I assume it was since he said it was last time)" --Derakynn


Aw man, now everytime I hear Tom Petty sing that song now SW1 is gonna secretly wonder this: Was that Greatest Hits Album track really about "special California brownies" or not? That stuff does make a person hallucinate & alter your mental state. So, I've been told anyway. Wink, wink. Only teasing! 


Does anybody have Mr. Petty's home phone number? We can settle this conspiracy theory right now. Okay, I'll stop this line of comedic inquiry right now. My bad...

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No ...       Whalen did not get a "break" ..  


Braz* is what he is...  a stoned cold *.    



Whalen was a very reliable option last year late...   He has a tough row to hoe but I am betting on him before another.   Even DaBrick R.


Griff is everything LB should strive to be..     Character does matter, espcially when you have a BORDERLINE roster spot  .   I would have preferred Griff over LB and DaR anyway.


Go Griff.

Whalen just got a big break.

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I agree...


BUT his employer says he cannot DO IT..............  


Simple..  he just screwed his * out of half a million $        Rules are in place for a reason, and expected to be followed.


Dude was lazy anyway ...   no big loss.   He wasn't making this team THIS season anyway.

Punishment doesnt fit the crime. It's just weed everyone take it easy.

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Just playing devil's advocate. This is not an addiction- if it were an addiction, he would've been on his third strike long before being in the league for two years. My more possible theory is that he was probably partying and drunk and someone offered him a joint. Mind you, I'm not in any way saying it wasn't his fault- he's still an * for doing this- and I'm not standing behind Brazill like I will stand behind Mathis and say that the punishment isn't crap coated in crap with a side of crap. The dude smoked weed, but some folks are talking like he shot three guys and a semi-pro football player or operated a dog-fighting ring, or sexually assaulted a woman, or bullied and harassed another guy in the locker room, or shot himself in the leg, or DUI manslaughter, or kidnapping.


Josh Gordon got the year ban for the same thing- guess what, he will be back with the Browns next year. Brazill should not be cut- especially when we are losing one and possibly two of our best WRs at season's end. 


(Aaron Hernandez, Michael Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Incognito, Plaxico, Donte Stallworth, OJ Simpson in that order.)


I never said this was an addiction, I was simply correcting someone who made the generalization that anything can be an addiction. Some things are much more addictive than others.


In relation to Brazill, I personally saw this coming, his attitude after his last suspension indicated he had not accepted responsibility. It was only a matter of time before it happened again.

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it's time to say goodbye to Lavon Brazill.  He has had numerous warnings but can't stay away from the weed.  It is a waste of raw talent.  I wonder if state law trumps NFL rules / regulations?  Maybe Lavon could extend his career in Denver??

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Yes, very stupid on Brazil's part and deserves what he got. The problem I have is that it is a very stupid and outdated rule. It is wrong to have such a rule against smoking mary jane by the NFL. Is there a rule against drinking alcohol? What would fans think about a rule that if you have drank any alcohol in the last month, then you are suspended for four games? What does any of this have anything to do with playing football? Alcohol is way worse than weed and yet it is not even called a drug. No weed, no alcohol.

I get so sick of this comparison weed is illegal most places and alcohol is not if your 21
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Out for the year, but deserves a chance. The guy needs help staying clean and knowing priorities. We've all made mistakes more than once. The kid deserves a chance. Don't know if it will be here. Best of Luck to him though. Very talent young man.

He deserves to be cut, full stop. Stop with the mercy nonsense. Give a spot to someone who has respect for the club, his coaches and his fans. He's wasted all that time and effort for his selfish little precious pleasures. Bye.

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He deserves to be cut, full stop. Stop with the mercy nonsense. Give a spot to someone who has respect for the club, his coaches and his fans. He's wasted all that time and effort for his selfish little precious pleasures. Bye.

Maybe the guy in your profile pic will show him some mercy, since he is fighting his own demons.

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Cocaine is derived from a plant. Heroin is derived from a plant. Should we be lenient on those because those are also from a plant?

Yeah they are- but weed is actually just the plant. No synthetic procedures required. Cocaine and heroin have been altered from their natural state. Weed is literally a leaf. Heck Crystal Meth is just phenylpropanolamine and sudafed. Something derived from something is completely different than a plant just popping up out of the ground.

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it's time to say goodbye to Lavon Brazill. He has had numerous warnings but can't stay away from the weed. It is a waste of raw talent. I wonder if state law trumps NFL rules / regulations? Maybe Lavon could extend his career in Denver??

It does not. Players must abide by the NFL code of conduct even in washington and denver. No weed at all

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Punishment doesnt fit the crime. It's just weed everyone take it easy.

This punishment isn't unprecedented. It's 3 strikes and you're out for a year, when it comes to drugs in the NFL. That is the rule. He knew that and he still blew it. So, no, I won't take it easy on him and I don't think anyone should.

It angers me to see some * with so much talent just * it away (into a cup), when there are millions of good, hard working people who would kill for that talent.

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This punishment isn't unprecedented. It's 3 strikes and you're out for a year, when it comes to drugs in the NFL. That is the rule. He knew that and he still blew it. So, no, I won't take it easy on him and I don't think anyone should.

It angers me to see some * with so much talent just * it away (into a cup), when there are millions of good, hard working people who would kill for that talent.


For the record, I believe the punishment is fine. The dude is losing half a mil, and can't play at all this season. That's a hefty punishment, but it is just. I just don't think we should cut him though. He's spent two years in our system- and he's a decent WR. I would like to keep him for next year. 

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For the record, I believe the punishment is fine. The dude is losing half a mil, and can't play at all this season. That's a hefty punishment, but it is just. I just don't think we should cut him though. He's spent two years in our system- and he's a decent WR. I would like to keep him for next year.

You're high man. Keep him so he can mess up again? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...

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You're high man. Keep him so he can mess up again? Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...


I shouldn't be surprised. There were actually people on here saying that Robert Mathis should be cut after his incident. 


Oh well, I've said about everything I can.  

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And if he does, I'll have my rant at him.

I think you missed the point. Ranting about Brazill's drug use is fine, doing it while having a pic of a guy fighting a drug addiction as your avatar, seemed a little contradictory. lol

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IMO, it is a failed system that suspends a player for a year for weed, yet knows that their dirty little secret that NEITHER side wants testing for, is the rampant use of HGH. The fact that both these exist at the same time in NFL history screams loudly of trying to look like you want a clean sport, while taking advantage of an unclean sport.


Hypocrisy at its finest.

The NFL has some pretty mixed up priorities when it comes to this sort of thing. None the less, these are the rules... and Brazill has broke them three times while knowing the punishment. It is like he simply didn't care. I almost wonder if he figured since he was so deep on the charts it was worth gambling. He got a decent paycheck, and can buy plenty of ganja. Colts need to cut their loses then move on. A receiver group of T.Y., Wayne, Nicks, Moncrief, Rogers, and Whalen will suffice.

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I shouldn't be surprised. There were actually people on here saying that Robert Mathis should be cut after his incident.

Oh well, I've said about everything I can.

The guy had messed up twice and can't even play now. Just cause he's good doesn't mean he's worth the hassle.

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