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Why does Skip Bayless hate on Andrew so much?


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Easier way to shut him up is perform.

The bad loss to Pats didn't help.

He has....which is obvious to everyone. The guy still has a tough time giving LeBron James props even thought anyone with brain activity realizes he is the best player in the NBA.

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I love Skip Bayless.  Totally disagree with him about Luck but whatever.  He rode RG3 hard when they were drafted and he is doing all he can to stay on that horse.  He gets paid to stir up controversy and say outlandish things in order to get viewers.  It's kind of like watching professional wrestling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hahhahahha Romo over Luck. Bayless is a joke. 





:lol:  :funny:  lmao  Best Skip Bayless response ever! Lollygager you simply  :rock: I've never rooted for a stop sign so much before in my life. I could watch that all day & night. Very cathartic actually. 

YOU are giving him EXACTLY what his is bumping around at....   


ATTENTION.       And he is getting it.      Simply by being controversial.  


He is a blowhard ....     don't hang on his every word.    


EVERYONE knows AL is the real deal, and when Indy finally gets him a OL and a D...     He "might" be as productive, efficient, and CLUTCH as Russel Wilson.     Heeeheheeeeee    

Precisely JD. Precisely. Skip sets the trap & we the audience provide the cheese i.e. a monumental platform on which to skyrocket his popularity. 


I do appreciate that Skip & Stephen A. Smith cover controversial topics in depth: The standard of higher scrutiny for black vs white QBs, the Brett Favre favoritism about gunslinger toughness vs turnover machine, & Donald Sterling racism. 

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I almost wish I could get on ESPN First Take with Skip across from me because I'd have a field launching both barrels discourse wise at him about 1. That stupid QBR stat he loves so darn much, 2. The blind allegiance he bestows upon the dreaded, overrated Dallas Cowboys who can't win their division, a Playoff game, & an almost 20 year SB drought..."America's Team" my caboose, & 3. This constant diminishing of Andrew's Luck capabilities & post season accomplishments. 


I would be stern, deliberate, respectful, & unforgettable. When you spew toxic waste & sugarcoat reality, I will level the playing field Mr Bayless. Enough said...


Oh yeah, I almost forget...His extreme resistance to ever truthfully admit he was wrong about Tim Tebow & the NBA Champion LeBron James. It's sad really.


Has ever ever apologized for his 2007 assessment that WR Randy Moss was washed up when NE got him from the Oakland Raiders? I highly doubt it. 

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He is the domestic partner of Brad Wells so they both hate on Luck and Colts

Yes, Skip & Brad are mirror images of 1 another. "Mirror, Mirror on the wall who can say the dumbest thing of all?" That's a tough call because they both take pleasure in twisting the knife of "not elite" embellishment in Andrew Luck's back. 


Whenever Skip ever says something remotely nice about INDY, I'm stunned & speechless. How often does this happen? What's Halley's comet? Once every 76 years? Yeah, that sounds about right when it comes to a Bayless Colts complement.  haha

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Hey Lollygagger, 


That stop sign hurricane image you posted makes me wonder why some bobble head company doesn't market a "Whack a mole Skip toy." Perfect for traffic jams, mandatory overtime sessions, & no raise increases this quarter boss notifications. You know like a stress ball to relieve tension & frustration. It would sell like hotcakes man. LOL! 


But, then again, you'd have to get Skip's approval to use his likeness on the bobble head figurine & he'd get a handsome percentage of the profits. Again, the ego manic wins & Bayless laughs all the way to the bank. He's the devil I tell ya. The devil. Just kidding! 

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Hey Lollygagger, 


That stop sign hurricane image you posted makes me wonder why some bobble head company doesn't market a "Whack a mole Skip toy." Perfect for traffic jams, mandatory overtime sessions, & no raise increases this quarter boss notifications. You know like a stress ball to relieve tension & frustration. It would sell like hotcakes man. LOL! 


But, then again, you'd have to get Skip's approval to use his likeness on the bobble head figurine & he'd get a handsome percentage of the profits. Again, the ego manic wins & Bayless laughs all the way to the bank. He's the devil I tell ya. The devil. Just kidding! 



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Because it is all an act.  His little act wtih Stephen A is all just an act by ESPN and them to drum up drama and make people talking.  It is the same thing like Rush Limbaugh.  Say some crazy stuff, stir up your base, and then profit.  I would not be surprised if a lot of their stuff between Stephen A and him are scripted by ESPN itself.

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Because it is all an act.  His little act wtih Stephen A is all just an act by ESPN and them to drum up drama and make people talking.  It is the same thing like Rush Limbaugh.  Say some crazy stuff, stir up your base, and then profit.  I would not be surprised if a lot of their stuff between Stephen A and him are scripted by ESPN itself.


I can appreciate that plenty of the political culture doesn't agree with or like Limbaugh, but lets be honest, not liking someone's take on far more substantive and complex issues than "who's the better QB", isn't even kind of the same thing. Politics is far more inflammatory in most peoples circle than sports, so it's tough to break this down completely.


I do agree Skip says things he may or may not really agree with to generate his continued attention, but Skip is almost always wrong. Most sports fans can follow it- it's easy, it's on ESPN. And because it's easy, It kind of explains why no one really likes him, but plenty can't or won't ignore him. Can't say the same applies in the other instance. Talk radio is far easier to ignore than ESPN.

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I can appreciate that plenty of the political culture doesn't agree with or like Limbaugh, but lets be honest, not liking someone's take on far more substantive and complex issues than "who's the better QB", isn't even kind of the same thing. Politics is far more inflammatory in most peoples circle than sports, so it's tough to break this down completely.


I do agree Skip says things he may or may not really agree with to generate his continued attention, but Skip is almost always wrong. Most sports fans can follow it- it's easy, it's on ESPN. And because it's easy, It kind of explains why no one really likes him, but plenty can't or won't ignore him. Can't say the same applies in the other instance. Talk radio is far easier to ignore than ESPN.


that's why we don't talk about politics here

It's terrible

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, June 17, 2014 - duplicate
Hidden by Superman, June 17, 2014 - duplicate

Because it is all an act.  His little act wtih Stephen A is all just an act by ESPN and them to drum up drama and make people talking.  It is the same thing like Rush Limbaugh.  Say some crazy stuff, stir up your base, and then profit.  I would not be surprised if a lot of their stuff between Stephen A and him are scripted by ESPN itself.


I can appreciate that plenty of the political culture doesn't agree with or like Limbaugh, but lets be honest, not liking someone's take on far more substantive and complex issues than "who's the better QB", isn't even kind of the same thing. Politics is far more inflammatory in most peoples circle than sports, so it's tough to break this down completely.


I do agree Skip says things he may or may not really agree with to generate his continued attention, but Skip is almost always wrong. Most sports fans can follow it- it's easy, it's on ESPN. And because it's easy, It kind of explains why no one really likes him, but plenty can't or won't ignore him. Can't say the same applies in the other instance. Talk radio is far easier to ignore than ESPN.

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ESPN is gobbling up AM radio stations at a frightening rate..


I like in an area where I can hear 6 ESPN stations......all airing some of the the national talk heads..mixed with local mouths



They need not just to cover news...They need to make it..


They need to lead the discussion.


What I have noticed is that the local talk hosts surprisingly ask the same questions and get in the same arguments..


They have cornered the market

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He hates the Colts and Irsay because they were "stupid" to send a "legend" like. Manning packing for an unproven QB who wasn't even the best QB in his draft(his words). Just like with his beloved RGKnee, who can't even play a full season, Skip has had to eat lots of crow with Mannings Super Bowl performance. I'd like to think it's all an act, but he has this look on his face that he doesn't know what he's talking about half the time, so maybe he IS that dumb lol...

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I wish people would stop saying that people HATE things or other people just because they don't agree with your stance.  I cannot stand the word hater either.  Just because Skip thinks RG3 is better than Andrew Luck does not mean that he hates Andrew Luck, it just means that he likes RG3 better.  Just because he thinks Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the Colts franchise and have all eyes on him at all times doesn't mean he hates Jim Irsay.  And the biggest one of all is Lebron James, he makes very good points about Lebron James yet because the rest of ESPN slobs all over James on a daily basis, Skip gets called a "hater" because he doesn't worship at the shrine of Lebron James.  


Adolph Hitler was a hater

the KKK are haters

Osama bin Laden was a hater


Skip Bayless gets paid tons of money to talk about his opinions on sports, he doesn't hate the people he talks about


and the fact that a thread like this exists on almost every sports message board in the United States says that Skip Bayless is extremely good at his job

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and the fact that a thread like this exists on almost every sports message board in the United States says that Skip Bayless is extremely good at his job

I don't think people can argue that he's very good at his job, except his job isn't to be a sports journalist. A journalist should provide informed opinion that they truly believe in not inflammatory sensationalistic clap trap designed to get the mob picking up its pitchforks. He's ESPN's "heel".

If you really think Skip believes what he says about football then he doesn't have enough football smarts to be a NFL journalist. He's an entertainer not a journalist. But can you blame him... The sensational over quality is the new way of media, and we're all responsible for feeding the monster of modern media.

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I don't think people can argue that he's very good at his job, except his job isn't to be a sports journalist. A journalist should provide informed opinion that they truly believe in not inflammatory sensationalistic clap trap designed to get the mob picking up its pitchforks. He's ESPN's "heel".

If you really think Skip believes what he says about football then he doesn't have enough football smarts to be a NFL journalist. He's an entertainer not a journalist. But can you blame him... The sensational over quality is the new way of media, and we're all responsible for feeding the monster of modern media.

Yes SCC, I agree with your conclusion 100%


Skip Bayless used to be a top tier newspaper reporter in Chicago & LA so he is capable of writing a well researched & compelling story. My only point is this: Skip hasn't forgotten how to be a good journalist; He just rarely exercises that skill set much anymore choosing instead to instigate controversy, stir the pot, or take things out of context to get higher TV ratings. Playing a fool is not the same thing as literally being a fool. It's not the same thing; it's all calculated to get a visceral response. 


Skip Bayless is a trained...



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I don't think people can argue that he's very good at his job, except his job isn't to be a sports journalist. A journalist should provide informed opinion that they truly believe in not inflammatory sensationalistic clap trap designed to get the mob picking up its pitchforks. He's ESPN's "heel".

If you really think Skip believes what he says about football then he doesn't have enough football smarts to be a NFL journalist. He's an entertainer not a journalist. But can you blame him... The sensational over quality is the new way of media, and we're all responsible for feeding the monster of modern media.

When I read your spot on post SCC, I thought of another TV personality on ESPN that a number of critics also like to slam named Keith Olbermann. I have come across several fans who lump Skip & Keith in the exact same category: Fools who made a name for themselves by ticking other people off in droves. This is an unfair criticism of Mr. Olbermann because his ego usually got the better of him forcing a stalemate between him & his bosses over what is more important: The content of the show or Keith's larger than life personality, which usually got him fired eventually.


The difference here is that Keith's knowledge of baseball is really quite impressive & he makes me interested in a field that in any other circumstance would bore the hades out of me. An incredible feat really...Make SW1 give a hoot about baseball. Plus, his journalist pieces on the Redskin racist name controversy are very compelling. Yes, I realize SCC that you never brought up the name Keith Olbermann, but he too is often viewed as an entertainer vs sports journalist just like Skip Bayless is when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Here's why: Keith ego is only a liability when it comes to his relationship with his boss at ESPN, but he is so compelling as a commentator that he generates ratings that always bring him back no matter what.


Skip kisses his boss's caboose vs Keith who doesn't care because his diehard fan base is so loyal that the powers that be at ESPN know that Keith will always get ratings whether he ticks people off or does a top notch TV segment on say the Redskins name & the need to abolish it. I love Keith & I find him fascinating to watch because he's good & he always lands on his feet sooner or later.  


Would I wanna work for Keith? Not on your life, but watch him to see what he does next absolutely. Both Keith's fans & critics can't wait to see will he blow you away with some groundbreaking thoughts on a hot button issue or will he burn yet another river with his ESPN bosses? Time will tell & that's why I can't look away either.

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Hey SCC, 


Just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your perspective on things. You are very intelligent, you always make me think, & our forum is lucky to have you on this Colts site. I may not always give you a flurry of "likes," but just know that I have a ton of respect for you.  :hat:


I just like to let people know when I respect them & they leave a good impression on me. Have a nice day my friend.  :thmup:

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Skip is that casual snarky fan that we all hate, but he somehow got famous. He is also a known supporter of gimmick QBs, because like most casual fans he gets caught in excitement. He also said Russell Wilson was a better QB than Aaron Rodgers.

Its pretty much an open display of his extreme lack of football knowledge. He has a disdain for pocket passers because he doesn't understand all the small intricacies of the QB position. He'd rather see RGIII scrambling around the field for a 30 yard gain, or throwing his little PA throws where guys are wide open, than an actual QB drive the ball down field steadily and methodically.

He's always hated Luck because he isn't the gimmick highlight reel QB that casual fans love. That's why he said RGIII would be better than Luck. He's always had it in for Luck. I have to find the video of Michael Lombardi breaking down Luck's INTs against the Bears in 2012, week one. Lombardi goes through each one and uses football IQ to explain why some weren't really his fault and the defenders made some good plays on the ball. Skip got incredibly salty and went on to say how he disagreed.

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Hey SCC, 


Just wanted to say that I always enjoy reading your perspective on things. You are very intelligent, you always make me think, & our forum is lucky to have you on this Colts site. I may not always give you a flurry of "likes," but just know that I have a ton of respect for you.  :hat:


I just like to let people know when I respect them & they leave a good impression on me. Have a nice day my friend.  :thmup:


Ahh Soutwest such kind words, I'm not worthy. For my part I also enjoy reading your postings and musings, never bland and always enjoyable. Why I enjoy these forums so much is the good people on them who aside from making me feel part of the Colt's fanbase rather than some weirdo watching in isolation have also provided me knowledge and insight into the game itself. 


I play the game for the love of it not for the "likes" :P 


Have a good day yourself my friend  :thmup:

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When I read your spot on post SCC, I thought of another TV personality on ESPN that a number of critics also like to slam named Keith Olbermann. I have come across several fans who lump Skip & Keith in the exact same category: Fools who made a name for themselves by ticking other people off in droves. This is an unfair criticism of Mr. Olbermann because his ego usually got the better of him forcing a stalemate between him & his bosses over what is more important: The content of the show or Keith's larger than life personality, which usually got him fired eventually.

The difference here is that Keith's knowledge of baseball is really quite impressive & he makes me interested in a field that in any other circumstance would bore the hades out of me. An incredible feat really...Make SW1 give a hoot about baseball. Plus, his journalist pieces on the Redskin racist name controversy are very compelling. Yes, I realize SCC that you never brought up the name Keith Olbermann, but he too is often viewed as an entertainer vs sports journalist just like Skip Bayless is when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Here's why: Keith ego is only a liability when it comes to his relationship with his boss at ESPN, but he is so compelling as a commentator that he generates ratings that always bring him back no matter what.

Skip kisses his boss's caboose vs Keith who doesn't care because his diehard fan base is so loyal that the powers that be at ESPN know that Keith will always get ratings whether he ticks people off or does a top notch TV segment on say the Redskins name & the need to abolish it. I love Keith & I find him fascinating to watch because he's good & he always lands on his feet sooner or later.

Would I wanna work for Keith? Not on your life, but watch him to see what he does next absolutely. Both Keith's fans & critics can't wait to see will he blow you away with some groundbreaking thoughts on a hot button issue or will he burn yet another river with his ESPN bosses? Time will tell & that's why I can't look away either.

I used to think I was the only fan who hated Skip "Baseless" Bayless. As many have said here he is an entertainer and he is there to get people riled up. He reminds me a bit of Chris "Maddog" Russo. I also see Nolan Nowarki the same way. They say or write things to get a strong reaction from fans.

Like you SW, I like Keith, but I did not care for him when he was with ESPN before he was let go many years ago. Perhaps I was too young to appreciate him but I do now. He is brilliant.

I also LIKE what you wrote about Steel City Colt.

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