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Mathis suspended first 4 games of 2014.


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ROBERT MATHIS STATEMENT: "It is difficult for me to address the circumstances surrounding this suspension because they involve very personal medical information, but it is very important to me that my fans, particularly young people, understand what did and did not occur. Like many families, my wife and I faced fertility challenges, and I sought medical assistance. I specifically asked the doctor if the medication he prescribed for me would present a problem for NFL drug testing, and unfortunately, he incorrectly told me that it would not. I made the mistake of not calling the NFL or NFLPA to double check before I took the medication at the end of last season. The union has worked very closely with me to present all of the facts and medical records for consideration of discipline that does not include a suspension because of the unique facts of my case, but the Commissioner refused the request. I am deeply saddened that this situation will prevent me from contributing to my team for four games, and I regret that I didn't cross check what my doctor told me before I took the medication. I hope that my fans will understand the unique circumstances involved here and continue to know that I am a man of integrity who would never intentionally circumvent the performance enhancing substance policy agreed to by the NFL and my union. The incredible blessing of this very upsetting situation is that, after I took the medication very briefly at the end of last season, we learned that my wife is expecting a baby. We are thrilled that we will be welcoming a new member in several months, but I apologize to my teammates, coaches and Colts fans that I will not be able to contribute to my team for the first four weeks of the 2014 season. I will work extremely hard during that time to stay in top football shape and will be prepared to contribute immediately upon my return."

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I don't believe it.

This would be his second failed test so you best believe it.

This is devastating for our defense because we were unable to really generate a pass rush outside of Mathis.

Not really surprised by this. To sit there and not think PED use is prevelant in the NFL is just naive. I am sure there are a few more guys on our team that use it outside Mathis. The NFL has just been really luck that baseball has carried the burden of PED use.

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ROBERT MATHIS STATEMENT: "It is difficult for me to address the circumstances surrounding this suspension because they involve very personal medical information, but it is very important to me that my fans, particularly young people, understand what did and did not occur. Like many families, my wife and I faced fertility challenges, and I sought medical assistance. I specifically asked the doctor if the medication he prescribed for me would present a problem for NFL drug testing, and unfortunately, he incorrectly told me that it would not. I made the mistake of not calling the NFL or NFLPA to double check before I took the medication at the end of last season. The union has worked very closely with me to present all of the facts and medical records for consideration of discipline that does not include a suspension because of the unique facts of my case, but the Commissioner refused the request. I am deeply saddened that this situation will prevent me from contributing to my team for four games, and I regret that I didn't cross check what my doctor told me before I took the medication. I hope that my fans will understand the unique circumstances involved here and continue to know that I am a man of integrity who would never intentionally circumvent the performance enhancing substance policy agreed to by the NFL and my union. The incredible blessing of this very upsetting situation is that, after I took the medication very briefly at the end of last season, we learned that my wife is expecting a baby. We are thrilled that we will be welcoming a new member in several months, but I apologize to my teammates, coaches and Colts fans that I will not be able to contribute to my team for the first four weeks of the 2014 season. I will work extremely hard during that time to stay in top football shape and will be prepared to contribute immediately upon my return."



No reason to hate on Mathis especially after his 19.5 sacks last season. He was tested all last season I am sure and nothing was brought up.

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Whatever!  He's been playing long enough to know that he should run any medication through the league and NFLPA. 


The fertility drugs that men generally take are HCG and Clomid.  I'm sure he knows that HCG is off limits but why not ask the league and NFLPA?  Is it really that hard to ask?

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I'm a Rams fan, but I just heard about this and remembered I made an account on this forum. Sorry about the loss, it really sucks. I imagine losing one of your best players like that has to really blow when you're expecting a playoff run. 


Just a question, could PEDs be part of the reason his performance increased dramatically this last season? No disrespect intended, just curious. I would hope not, because I have the utmost respect for him. 

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oh boy Broncos, Eagles tough especailly without him, Bjorn time to step up!


Yeah... I just don't see Bjorn doing much of anything without Mathis on the other end. This will be ugly without a legit pass rusher...

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I was wondering how he did so good so late in his career... I thought he just found it in himself and Pagano helped bring it out.

So many times guys get suspended for PED's and it is just plainly a mistake as it seems to be in this case. Hopefully this will get overturned.  Dont jump to conclusions and remember PED's very rarely give enough of an edge to make THAT much difference.

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I'm a Rams fan, but I just heard about this and remembered I made an account on this forum. Sorry about the loss, it really sucks. I imagine losing one of your best players like that has to really blow when you're expecting a playoff run. 


Just a question, could PEDs be part of the reason his performance increased dramatically this last season? No disrespect intended, just curious. I would hope not, because I have the utmost respect for him. 

He would have been suspended last season if so, he got tested throughout it and was fine.

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I'm a Rams fan, but I just heard about this and remembered I made an account on this forum. Sorry about the loss, it really sucks. I imagine losing one of your best players like that has to really blow when you're expecting a playoff run. 


Just a question, could PEDs be part of the reason his performance increased dramatically this last season? No disrespect intended, just curious. I would hope not, because I have the utmost respect for him. 


I don't think it had anything to do with last season. This will be something that EVERYONE will say I am sure. They are tested all season. I am sure Mathis was tested after having 19.5 sack season and nothing was found.

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He claims it was fertility drugs that caused him to fail. Why wouldn't the commish hear him out and review it, but he'll let a dog killer and someone who shot himself get things overturned and back in?


You know that dog killer didn't play for two years, right?

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I don't think it had anything to do with last season. This will be something that EVERYONE will say I am sure. They are tested all season. I am sure Mathis was tested after having 19.5 sack season and nothing was found.

Hell McAfee was tested the day after he laid out Trindon Holliday and tweeted a picture of the letter
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I don't think it had anything to do with last season. This will be something that EVERYONE will say I am sure. They are tested all season. I am sure Mathis was tested after having 19.5 sack season and nothing was found.


It depends on when his first positive test was. Could have been last season...

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