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*MOD NOTE* - How To Handle Personal Interactions In The Forum...


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This season is a hard one for Colts' fans. That much is a given. We have some heated discussions about coaching, front office, QB injuries & backups, possible draft options, etc. Everyone has a viewpoint on all of these issues & more and all opinions are valid here on the fan forum because they are our opinions.

However, there are times when a poster or perhaps a group of posters just get under your skin. Maybe they have an opposing viewpoint. Perhaps they tend to only post negatively and you are a positive person. They could even be a very contrary or even contradictory person (changes his or her story from thread to thread). They could be a new user or even new to the game and they ask what you perceive to be "dumb questions". They may even be the inciting/provocative type of poster who tend to bring out the worst in you and you just cannot help but react. What do you do?

There are a few articles listed in the welcome thread about helpful hints that might be of assistance.

But to just hit the high point, you might want to try a few of these tips:

1) Think before you post or read your post before you hit send. Don't react immediately. You can pop off in anger and regret it later. Posting a provocative or inflammatory response is just as harmful to the community as creating an inciting or trollish post. Be the bigger person and keep the peace. Don't use any reason AS an excuse for poor behavior. Rule violations are still rule violations and each poster is responsible for his or her own actions. Trolling and/or flamefests are not sport on this forum.

2) Use the IGNORE feature of the forum. It is not the easiest to use on this platform, but it is there and we can help you if you need assistance. But you can find this feature in "Your Settings", which can be found by clicking on your on profile/username found at the top right corner of the forum page. Then you will see a list of tabs on the left of your profile settings, including:


The "ignore" tab allows you to configure your Ignore settings - you can choose to hide individual member's posts, signatures, chats, status updates, or other aspects of a member that you wish to hide.


Ignoring a poster who simply bugs you or who seemingly is only after attention (even negative attention) is the best way to deny them of their fun. If they are just here to wreck havoc, they will eventually go away. If they are a sincere poster, then they might adjust their posting style so as to harmonize with the group. Either way, it can be effective in a community. Most importantly, it also will keep you out of trouble.

3) Reporting actual rule violations. The report button is probably your second best friend in the forum. No one in the forum can tell when or who has reported a post, but the mod team will be alerted so they can review the issue and take appropriate action. Please do not report problems via PM. Please use the report function so that all mods may act together.

4) Please DO send a message to a member of the mod team if you have a personal question or an issue concerning moderation or a perceived lack thereof. Do NOT post such issues in the forum.

5) Please also do NOT create threads or posts simply to "call out" another poster (or mod), regardless of the circumstances. This is against the rules. Just don't do it at all.

6) Be sure to read and follow the rules regarding personal insults, attacks, name calling, etc. At the same time, posters are well-advised to recall that inciting and provoking are considered trolling. Flaming of all types is just not allowed here.

We just want the forum to be a place where all fans can discuss their viewpoints and be able to debate without being attacked. There is a difference between disagreeing with and attacking a post or a thought and making it "personal" and attacking the poster/user. Be sure to distinguish the difference so that you aren't easily irritated or insulted or so that you don't make the mistake of crossing that line into 'personal shot' territory.

This isn't playschool so we all have to have a bit of a thick skin as it is an internet forum. However, this is a family-friendly COLTS forum where all are expected to treat one another with respect and follow the rules.

Please don't use this thread as a place to trash each other or me... rotflmao. I just hope to help everyone get along a little better and make the forum a bit more harmonious. We worked hard to get a real fan forum again and I know many of us truly missed our old one. This is a tough season, but we need to make it work and stick together.

Thanks for listening.



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I cant remember who said it,I think it was Franklin,but they said something like I may not believe in what you say but I believe in your right to say it.This is a forum,it's a public opinion,I don't attack people's opinions and would appreciate the same in return.Good thread and very much agree! :D

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I cant remember who said it,I think it was Franklin,but they said something like I may not believe in what you say but I believe in your right to say it.This is a forum,it's a public opinion,I don't attack people's opinions and would appreciate the same in return.Good thread and very much agree! :D


Actually it's something like "defend to the death your right to say it".

Not that I'd go that far on a football forum - we have enough problems. :)

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I cant remember who said it,I think it was Franklin,but they said something like I may not believe in what you say but I believe in your right to say it.This is a forum,it's a public opinion,I don't attack people's opinions and would appreciate the same in return.Good thread and very much agree! :D

I think it was Voltaire who said something like "I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it"

PS This topic has been pinned

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how do i get to post new topics?

In order for newer users to become acclimated with the discussions in the Colts forums, as well as to prevent spammers and advertisers from polluting the discussion forums, New Members must have a minimum of 15 posts or comments before they are able to begin a new topic in all forums. Further, New Members may not post more than 5 replies within a 24 hour period.


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This season is a hard one for Colts' fans. That much is a given. We have some heated discussions about coaching, front office, QB injuries & backups, possible draft options, etc. Everyone has a viewpoint on all of these issues & more and all opinions are valid here on the fan forum because they are our opinions.

However, there are times when a poster or perhaps a group of posters just get under your skin. Maybe they have an opposing viewpoint. Perhaps they tend to only post negatively and you are a positive person. They could even be a very contrary or even contradictory person (changes his or her story from thread to thread). They could be a new user or even new to the game and they ask what you perceive to be "dumb questions". They may even be the inciting/provocative type of poster who tend to bring out the worst in you and you just cannot help but react. What do you do?

There are a few articles listed in the welcome thread about helpful hints that might be of assistance.

But to just hit the high point, you might want to try a few of these tips:

1) Think before you post or read your post before you hit send. Don't react immediately. You can pop off in anger and regret it later. Posting a provocative or inflammatory response is just as harmful to the community as creating an inciting or trollish post. Be the bigger person and keep the peace. Don't use any reason AS an excuse for poor behavior. Rule violations are still rule violations and each poster is responsible for his or her own actions. Trolling and/or flamefests are not sport on this forum.

2) Use the IGNORE feature of the forum. It is not the easiest to use on this platform, but it is there and we can help you if you need assistance. But you can find this feature in "Your Settings", which can be found by clicking on your on profile/username found at the top right corner of the forum page. Then you will see a list of tabs on the left of your profile settings, including:


The "ignore" tab allows you to configure your Ignore settings - you can choose to hide individual member's posts, signatures, chats, status updates, or other aspects of a member that you wish to hide.


Ignoring a poster who simply bugs you or who seemingly is only after attention (even negative attention) is the best way to deny them of their fun. If they are just here to wreck havoc, they will eventually go away. If they are a sincere poster, then they might adjust their posting style so as to harmonize with the group. Either way, it can be effective in a community. Most importantly, it also will keep you out of trouble.

3) Reporting actual rule violations. The report button is probably your second best friend in the forum. No one in the forum can tell when or who has reported a post, but the mod team will be alerted so they can review the issue and take appropriate action. Please do not report problems via PM. Please use the report function so that all mods may act together.

4) Please DO send a message to a member of the mod team if you have a personal question or an issue concerning moderation or a perceived lack thereof. Do NOT post such issues in the forum.

5) Please also do NOT create threads or posts simply to "call out" another poster (or mod), regardless of the circumstances. This is against the rules. Just don't do it at all.

6) Be sure to read and follow the rules regarding personal insults, attacks, name calling, etc. At the same time, posters are well-advised to recall that inciting and provoking are considered trolling. Flaming of all types is just not allowed here.

We just want the forum to be a place where all fans can discuss their viewpoints and be able to debate without being attacked. There is a difference between disagreeing with and attacking a post or a thought and making it "personal" and attacking the poster/user. Be sure to distinguish the difference so that you aren't easily irritated or insulted or so that you don't make the mistake of crossing that line into 'personal shot' territory.

This isn't playschool so we all have to have a bit of a thick skin as it is an internet forum. However, this is a family-friendly COLTS forum where all are expected to treat one another with respect and follow the rules.

Please don't use this thread as a place to trash each other or me... rotflmao. I just hope to help everyone get along a little better and make the forum a bit more harmonious. We worked hard to get a real fan forum again and I know many of us truly missed our old one. This is a tough season, but we need to make it work and stick together.

Thanks for listening.



I hope the Tuba man read you excellent post...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add something as we head into offseason and draft time...please don't question each others' fan hood - no matter where you stand on draft picks. It just is not cool. We are all Colts' fans here (unless you are a fan of another team, of course :D) and we all have different opinions. All opinions are valid because each person here is a valid and valued poster.

So respect each other and one anothers' right to have an opinion and understand that it may not be the same as yours. You may not understand it, but you need to accept it.

Thank you.

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Bullying is a big problem around here. Ive been trying the kill them with kindness/you catch more flies with honey instead of vinegar mantra. Works pretty well, but then there are still some that will sit and wait to pounce on anything you say. Its sad and defeats the purpose of this site. Ive been guilty a few times, but as of late.. its not worth sinking to that level. Thank goodness for mods is all i can say.

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Bullying is a big problem around here. Ive been trying the kill them with kindness/you catch more flies with honey instead of vinegar mantra. Works pretty well, but then there are still some that will sit and wait to pounce on anything you say. Its sad and defeats the purpose of this site. Ive been guilty a few times, but as of late.. its not worth sinking to that level. Thank goodness for mods is all i can say.

Gimme your lunch money kid. ;)

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A point to take note of...please don't talk about or make reference to your fellow posters (either past or present) on the forum unless he or she is involved in the conversation (especially if the remarks are disparaging or 'joking'). This is not polite and can create unneeded friction. Thank you.

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If other forum members reference family members,such as your wife,husband or child,then they should be BANNED...period.I constantly get insulted on here,just because my avatar is of my wife and i.It makes me offended and disappointed that this is allowed to continue.

I understand, that You are proud of Your wife. I'm also disappointed that You are insulted that way.

I wanted to put an avatar with my bride, but I won't switch to it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, January 11, 2012 - not true
Hidden by Nadine, January 11, 2012 - not true

I understand, that You are proud of Your wife. I'm also disappointed that You are insulted that way.

I wanted to put an avatar with my bride, but I won't switch to it.

Yes,i'm also disappointed that our international community is treated in such a tasteless manner.Thank you so much for understanding.I may even change my avatar because of the racist comments which i've been subjected to.Its a sad world when a husband cannot have a photo of his wife and family on the internet.It makes me weep for the future.

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I wanted to put an avatar with my bride, but I won't switch to it.

I second this. Me and mychinadoll talked about this the other day. It's just not worth the headaches it could potentially cause. It's pathetic

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No one is allowed to INSULT anyone's family here. It is best to not make reference to others' family at all (lest any comments be misconstrued). This is highly personal.

However, on the other hand...each poster must be careful as to what information they put on the internet and public forums and what they share. Choosing avatars, usernames and even signatures can be very personal and can open you up to scrutiny. If you choose to share information, then you must be aware that the info is public.

Insults are not allowed.

For example: If someone sees my avatar and concludes/comments that I like anime, that is due to the information I have chosen to make public. If they see my username and conclude that I like Peyton and that I am female, then that is a conclusion based on info I have chosen to make public and it is not insulting for them to say so.

If they make an insult based on this information, then it is a problem. Because it is an insult, period. Not because of the information.

I would also like to add that insults or jokes relating to disabilities of any nature will also not be tolerated. This is inflammatory and very offensive.

I am sorry if anyone feels that insults are allowed because they are not. If you see a post that is questionable, report it and it will be reviewed. Not all mod actions are public knowledge.

For the record, our mod team includes various cultural and international backgrounds and we are very sensitive to many issues.

If anyone has a further question on this matter, please PM a member of the mod team. As the rules state, forum moderation is not a topic for forum debate. Thank you.

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No one is allowed to INSULT anyone's family here. It is best to not make reference to others' family at all (lest any comments be misconstrued). This is highly personal.

However, on the other hand...each poster must be careful as to what information they put on the internet and public forums and what they share. Choosing avatars, usernames and even signatures can be very personal and can open you up to scrutiny. If you choose to share information, then you must be aware that the info is public.

Insults are not allowed.

For example: If someone sees my avatar and concludes/comments that I like anime, that is due to the information I have chosen to make public. If they see my username and conclude that I like Peyton and that I am female, then that is a conclusion based on info I have chosen to make public and it is not insulting for them to say so.

If they make an insult based on this information, then it is a problem. Because it is an insult, period. Not because of the information.

I would also like to add that insults or jokes relating to disabilities of any nature will also not be tolerated. This is inflammatory and very offensive.

I am sorry if anyone feels that insults are allowed because they are not. If you see a post that is questionable, report it and it will be reviewed. Not all mod actions are public knowledge.

For the record, our mod team includes various cultural and international backgrounds and we are very sensitive to many issues.

If anyone has a further question on this matter, please PM a member of the mod team. As the rules state, forum moderation is not a topic for forum debate. Thank you.

I second this.The main reason that some(well...me) forum members post family photos is to give our community a human element.I want people to know the face behind my comments( i don't like hiding).I believe that when you put yourself out there like that it makes you think twice about what you post.Its a way to police yourself.

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