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Just got a thing from x103 apparently Jimmy Johnson believes the Colts should trade Manning and go for Luck.

What I don't understand is everyone saying to kick Manning to the curb.After all he's done for the Colts and Indy and everyone wants to put him out with the trash?Cmon,give the guy a break and if nothing else give him a coaching position.Return the favor and show some love man.

Edited by coltsfan84
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Just got a thing from x103 apparently Jimmy Johnson believes the Colts should trade Manning and go for Luck.

What I don't understand is everyone saying to kick Manning to the curb.After all he's done for the Colts and Indy and everyone wants to put him out with the trash?Cmon,give the guy a break and if nothing else give him a coaching position.Return the favor and show some love man.

I have not yet figured out this loyality to any player? If you can improve your team long term by moving on why wouldn't you? Other teams have shown how "holding" on to a player to long can be harmful, while others have shown that if you know when to move said player you not only stay good, you actually can improve.

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I have not yet figured out this loyality to any player? If you can improve your team long term by moving on why wouldn't you? Other teams have shown how "holding" on to a player to long can be harmful, while others have shown that if you know when to move said player you not only stay good, you actually can improve.

Well,it's not just about improving the game.It's about respecting and appreciating what Manning has done.There ARE more important things than money and winning games.Would the Bears have dumped Walter Payton if he had problems?

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What is not understand about loyalty? This is a team, these are human beings, if you treat them like moveable parts of a machine then who would want to play here? What motivation would you have to do our best if even the best can be traded? How would you feel as a teammate if one of your best players EVER was traded to someone else for a rookie hope? As this teammate how would you feel if you knew one of the reasons for your best chance to win is gone?

It takes more than just movable parts to make a TEAM, it takes chemistry, it takes relationships and it most of all it takes trust. Trust in your teamates, trust in your front office and coaches and trust in your owner.

Edited by Coltsagent
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I have not yet figured out this loyality to any player? If you can improve your team long term by moving on why wouldn't you? Other teams have shown how "holding" on to a player to long can be harmful, while others have shown that if you know when to move said player you not only stay good, you actually can improve.

I don't know, man. Peyton Manning is far from just a "player". What he's done for this city, for football in this city is immeasurable.

I'd have a tough time swallowing him just being cast aside like a Dan Muir. :-/

Edited by BionicDamien
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What is not understand about loyalty? This is a team, these are human beings, if you treat them like moveable parts of a machine then who would want to play here?

The Pats, Steelers, along with every other great franchise in football does just that. That's exactly what these pro athletes sign up for, and they all know that they are just moving parts in a machine. Once they can't contribute, they get cut, traded, or retire. The NFL isn't a fairy tale land, although when you're winning it can feel that way. Having said that, I don't see Manning leaving right now. I feel like he'll recover and we'll see some great football next season, but as sobering as it is, that may not happen.

Either way, the Colts and Manning will do what's best for both of them, whether it's moving on, or taking Manning's option.

Edited by shaunzo
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I agree other franchies cut some big names, but never seen them do it unless a players production/value was going down. Also the Colts, even with the small market, have thru the years set records for contracts to players or set the bar becuase if you were the best at your position the Colts paid you for it. Other teams do not do this and rather treat you like a line item on an expense sheet.

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Well,it's not just about improving the game.It's about respecting and appreciating what Manning has done.There ARE more important things than money and winning games.Would the Bears have dumped Walter Payton if he had problems?

No it's about winning games, I mean look at how upset Colts fans are because we "only" have 1 SB title and just 2 SB appearcences. This is a business, we paid Peyton very well, what else do we owe him?

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What is not understand about loyalty? This is a team, these are human beings, if you treat them like moveable parts of a machine then who would want to play here? What motivation would you have to do our best if even the best can be traded? How would you feel as a teammate if one of your best players EVER was traded to someone else for a rookie hope? As this teammate how would you feel if you knew one of the reasons for your best chance to win is gone?

It takes more than just movable parts to make a TEAM, it takes chemistry, it takes relationships and it most of all it takes trust. Trust in your teamates, trust in your front office and coaches and trust in your owner.

It's called pro football, this isn't college, this is pro football. Players get traded all the time. I don't remember SF having issues with dealing Montana, the Packers have survived and flurished after dealing MR. Packer Brett Farve, heck Joe Namath left the Jets, Johnny U didn't finish his career in Baltimore and so on. You do whatever you need to do to keep your team fresh and in contention winning wise. Peyton gave us a great decade, now his time is coming to a close, we can either move on or get left behind....I vote to move on....

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That's not suprising at all.

Johnson traded the one productive player on the Cowboys (Herschel Walker) and the plethora of draft picks they got in return founded their dynasty.

Not saying we should do it with Manning, only that Johnson's had success doing just that before.

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Every example above Montana, Favre, etc...were all on the downward side...Manning has given ZERO indication of any slide, if anything he has gotten better and carried a team. We all thought before this season we had the chance to play in our home for the SB. Now some would just cast aside THE reason we had that chance in the first place. Its just insane to me and from a business standpoint it would be the worst thing you could ever do...you get rid of Manning and wait and see how many more prime time games get dropped next year.

Edited by Coltsagent
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Every example above Montana, Favre, etc...were all on the downward side...Manning has given ZERO indication of any slide, if anything he has gotten better and carried a team. We all thought before this season we had the chance to play in our home for the SB. Now some would just cast aside THE reason we had that chance in the first place. Its just insane to me and from a business standpoint it would be the worst thing you could ever do...you get rid of Manning and wait and see how many more prime time games get dropped next year.

Manning is 35 going on 36 when the next season starts. His injury is so sever that it cost him an entire season and not 1 doctor can guarentee that the nerve will regenerate and if he will ever be able to throw like he did. You ask anyone, you don't get better as you approach 40, your overall skills deminish and Peyton now will have gone over a year without any considable conditions or playing. To think he will be the Peyton of say 07 or 08 or even 10 is kinda foolish.

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I don't know, man. Peyton Manning is far from just a "player". What he's done for this city, for football in this city is immeasurable.

I'd have a tough time swallowing him just being cast aside like a Dan Muir. :-/

I'm not going to like taking the arrows for this, but if the long term success of the team is the goal (the very thing were holding polian accountable for not doing), we take Luck and hope it works out. Manning isn't forever, unfortunately. I really do hope he can come back and lead the team for a few more years and leave on his own terms, but I don't think that's better than 50/50 given the time frame of his recovery and the contract situation.

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Well put. Doing anything else would be negligible. Almost all of us want him to return healthy and play to his own high standards, but we must tread carefully. Unfortunately if we are depending on our Front Office to make the right move, we could get burned.

We were pretty loyal to Marvin and Bob, and look where that got us....

I'm not going to like taking the arrows for this, but if the long term success of the team is the goal (the very thing were holding polian accountable for not doing), we take Luck and hope it works out. Manning isn't forever, unfortunately. I really do hope he can come back and lead the team for a few more years and leave on his own terms, but I don't think that's better than 50/50 given the time frame of his recovery and the contract situation.

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I'm not going to like taking the arrows for this, but if the long term success of the team is the goal (the very thing were holding polian accountable for not doing), we take Luck and hope it works out. Manning isn't forever, unfortunately. I really do hope he can come back and lead the team for a few more years and leave on his own terms, but I don't think that's better than 50/50 given the time frame of his recovery and the contract situation.

I agree. I wouldn't like it, but I'd certainly understand it. I'm certain whoever in the FO was charged with this decision would feel exactly the same way.

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Just got a thing from x103 apparently Jimmy Johnson believes the Colts should trade Manning and go for Luck.

What I don't understand is everyone saying to kick Manning to the curb.After all he's done for the Colts and Indy and everyone wants to put him out with the trash?Cmon,give the guy a break and if nothing else give him a coaching position.Return the favor and show some love man.

why do colt fans think manning wants anything to do with coaching? the guy is a multi millionaire who just recently had twins. like most superstar athletes i doubt he has any desire to coach. gm, owner, or something of the sort maybe

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No it's about winning games, I mean look at how upset Colts fans are because we "only" have 1 SB title and just 2 SB appearcences. This is a business, we paid Peyton very well, what else do we owe him?

Except that, without Peyton Manning, this team would be in Los Angeles. He also took a reduced contract, well below his market value (at the time) to help build a team that he could ride into the sunset with by nailing down a few more championships.

That's not suprising at all.

Johnson traded the one productive player on the Cowboys (Herschel Walker) and the plethora of draft picks they got in return founded their dynasty.

Not saying we should do it with Manning, only that Johnson's had success doing just that before.

And no one will ever give that much for a single player again; nor had it happened before. It was a boneheaded move by one owner that set the other up for a dynasty.

But how great of a dynasty was it? I mean, that Cowboys team was only in contention for 4 years. They've been laughing stocks ever since. Had they the salary cap restrictions of today, it may have been only one year. Even so, Super Bowls carry a teams' future, not promising college prospects. The Cowboys run does point to that, at least. If we are to carry the Colts going forward, financially, we win Super Bowls with the most marketable player in NFL history, who gives this franchise the best chance of doing so.

We trade him and take Luck, I guarantee you this franchise will disappear into obscurity in less than 3 years.

Manning is 35 going on 36 when the next season starts. His injury is so sever that it cost him an entire season and not 1 doctor can guarentee that the nerve will regenerate and if he will ever be able to throw like he did. You ask anyone, you don't get better as you approach 40, your overall skills deminish and Peyton now will have gone over a year without any considable conditions or playing. To think he will be the Peyton of say 07 or 08 or even 10 is kinda foolish.

*clap clap clap*

Hurray for being able to regurgitate the mantra of the talking heads. So you know his age. It wasn't a single injury that lead to the surgery, by the way, it was a nagging condition. It's been addressed. No doctor guarantees recovery, but they don't guarantee recoveries for routine appendectomies either.

What they have told us is that this condition lead to a weakness in Manning's throwing arm. They have also declared this procedure "career-saving." Some may have noticed that his long ball had been a bit lacking as of late. While a part of that can be attributed to a crumbling offensive line, it's also likely that he was simply uncomfortable.

Unlike Montana, who suffered torn ligaments (which aren't well vascularized) on top of nerve damage, Manning showed no signs of reduced ability prior to the procedure. If the recovery happens as is expected, his throwing arm could become stronger than it was before, as he'll have no more nagging pain.

The players you listed needed to make plays with their feet, just as much as their arm. Manning needs only his brain. While athletes don't often do well as they approach 40, there are countless exceptions (Favre, Bernard Hopkins, in recent memory), and Manning was certainly well above them by this time.

Another facet of the Montana situation had to do with the exceptional play of his back up, Steve Young. He was due for a contract, and was playing well enough to demand #1 QB money. The 49ers couldn't pay for both of them, and had to take their chances. Steve never lead them anywhere near the heights Joe did, and they only got a Super Bowl because the cap space permitted them to buy it. After that, they have since become irrelevant (from a threat perspective).

How did they (the 49ers) keep such a strong fan base, however? Because they won a bunch of Super Bowls with one of the greatest players of all-time. Now the legacy of greatness, and the hope for it's return, has kept fans filling seats every week. If the Colts are going to do the same, it will be by winning championships with the guy who put them on the map; not hoping that a college kid pans out.

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Except that, without Peyton Manning, this team would be in Los Angeles. He also took a reduced contract, well below his market value (at the time) to help build a team that he could ride into the sunset with by nailing down a few more championships.

And no one will ever give that much for a single player again; nor had it happened before. It was a boneheaded move by one owner that set the other up for a dynasty.

But how great of a dynasty was it? I mean, that Cowboys team was only in contention for 4 years. They've been laughing stocks ever since. Had they the salary cap restrictions of today, it may have been only one year. Even so, Super Bowls carry a teams' future, not promising college prospects. The Cowboys run does point to that, at least. If we are to carry the Colts going forward, financially, we win Super Bowls with the most marketable player in NFL history, who gives this franchise the best chance of doing so.

We trade him and take Luck, I guarantee you this franchise will disappear into obscurity in less than 3 years.

*clap clap clap*

Hurray for being able to regurgitate the mantra of the talking heads. So you know his age. It wasn't a single injury that lead to the surgery, by the way, it was a nagging condition. It's been addressed. No doctor guarantees recovery, but they don't guarantee recoveries for routine appendectomies either.

What they have told us is that this condition lead to a weakness in Manning's throwing arm. They have also declared this procedure "career-saving." Some may have noticed that his long ball had been a bit lacking as of late. While a part of that can be attributed to a crumbling offensive line, it's also likely that he was simply uncomfortable.

Unlike Montana, who suffered torn ligaments (which aren't well vascularized) on top of nerve damage, Manning showed no signs of reduced ability prior to the procedure. If the recovery happens as is expected, his throwing arm could become stronger than it was before, as he'll have no more nagging pain.

The players you listed needed to make plays with their feet, just as much as their arm. Manning needs only his brain. While athletes don't often do well as they approach 40, there are countless exceptions (Favre, Bernard Hopkins, in recent memory), and Manning was certainly well above them by this time.

Another facet of the Montana situation had to do with the exceptional play of his back up, Steve Young. He was due for a contract, and was playing well enough to demand #1 QB money. The 49ers couldn't pay for both of them, and had to take their chances. Steve never lead them anywhere near the heights Joe did, and they only got a Super Bowl because the cap space permitted them to buy it. After that, they have since become irrelevant (from a threat perspective).

How did they (the 49ers) keep such a strong fan base, however? Because they won a bunch of Super Bowls with one of the greatest players of all-time. Now the legacy of greatness, and the hope for it's return, has kept fans filling seats every week. If the Colts are going to do the same, it will be by winning championships with the guy who put them on the map; not hoping that a college kid pans out.

I look at the odds, and the odds tell me there is a greater chance of the Colts winning a or multiple championships under a younger QB like Luck over say a decade over an aging beat up Peyton Manning and the present Colt team over then next 3-5 years.

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I look at the odds, and the odds tell me there is a greater chance of the Colts winning a or multiple championships under a younger QB like Luck over say a decade over an aging beat up Peyton Manning and the present Colt team over then next 3-5 years.

An aging and beat up Manning? Way to use false propaganda to sway an argument. Peyton does not take very many hits and sacks when he plays because he gets rid of the ball quick if there is pressure. He's 35. You call that old? Brett Favre had one of his best seasons ever at age 41. Favre takes a lot more hits than Peyton. He is not beat up and he is not old. The only issue right now is Manning recovering from neck surgery. I expect him to be fine after he is healed.

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