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Andrew Luck


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Accuracy. Not staring down Reggie. Not throwing INTs in the postseason would help too. 

Don't want him to be known as a choker. That narrative (=Luck is an INT machine in the playoffs etc) is developing among NFL fans. 

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Paging throwingBBS, paging throwingBBS.



 Give it time. Someday i EXPECT him to Find the Love for and to be throwing BB`s in the short to mid-range game.

 Like ARogers would be fine. :thmup: 

 Step One

 Goodbye Samson, Mikey &  the missing Link. lol AC.

 Step Two

 Practice Practice Practice

 That is pretty much it. Thank You, thank you very much. :rock:

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Accuracy. Not staring down Reggie. Not throwing INTs in the postseason would help too. 

Don't want him to be known as a choker. That narrative (=Luck is an INT machine in the playoffs etc) is developing among NFL fans. 

I wouldn't want that narrative to form either, but it simply wouldn't be fair to base that on 3 playoff games.

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The good: Luck was by and large phenomenal in 2012 and better in 2013. Luck is athletic, throws a great deep ball, and he is great in the clutch. All of those skills have been put to the test playing on a team that still carries much of the problems with it from it's recent 2-14 season. With major pass protection problems and underwhelming weapons (by last year's end) winning 11 games plus 1 in the playoffs is a fantastic result, especially because the defense by and large was very inconsistent. Putting up wins against the leagues best teams, teams that have strong defenses like Seattle, San Francisco, and Denver was huge.


The bad: Luck still had some decision making lapses. A few of the playoff interceptions Luck threw were flukes - balls that bounced off of the hands of his own receivers, plays that actually should have been receptions rather than picks. Of no fault to Luck. But some of them were his own fault, trying to force throws that he shouldn't. He could stand to cut down on these errors. If we could provide a good pass protection for him than that will automatically help somewhat in this regard.

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1.Find the wide open receiver  2. Do not force throws that aren't there when..there's an open reciever.  A lot of that probably was due to poor pass protection and very little time to make decisions. Lucks accuracy really seemed to get better as the season wore on, just don't be accurate to opposing defenses  

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Andrew Luck just needs to "polish" up some things...     Things that need "fixed" are the OL and D.    And that is all on Grigs.


When the OL comes together this O will go to another level.  Luck is Manning / Brady with the ability to run...     that is a lovely thing.


If one is a Colt fan....  :td::cheer2::goodluck::thmup: :disco:

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A few people have mentioned it already but checking down to his running backs and finding the open receiver. I felt like he missed Brazil on a quiet a few plays last year were Brazil had his man beat TY style for a TD but Luck never found him. Of course its not like luck had any time to throw or go through his reads thanks to our line or lack of. I think that playoffs Int will be a major focus and those will be cut down this year and future years to make a deep post-season run.  

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if we can protect him better this season, the accuracy question will be mostly solved. Other than that, I'd have to say seeing the whole field better. Sometimes we had an uncovered receiver on one side while Luck was staring at the other side the whole play.

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A few people have mentioned it already but checking down to his running backs and finding the open receiver. I felt like he missed Brazil on a quiet a few plays last year were Brazil had his man beat TY style for a TD but Luck never found him. Of course its not like luck had any time to throw or go through his reads thanks to our line or lack of. I think that playoffs Int will be a major focus and those will be cut down this year and future years to make a deep post-season run.

you do need tine to do check downs something Luck has rarely been afforded in his two years here.
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His playoff beard could use some work. Started to look like a white version of James Harden in the playoff game against KC.

But overall, improving his accuracy will always help.

Although my biggest beef with the way he plays is that when he's running laterally from the pocket he tends to make bad decisions when he throws instead of running for 2-3 yards himself he would often throw incomplete on the sideline. But I guess that will come with more experience.

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We've GOT to get him more time to look through his rotation, Grig's better come up with an answer for the O-Line this year!!!   Luck's numbers are directly related to the fact he had about .9 seconds to make a read and throw it up



This kid is the real deal, we have to get players in front of him to do their jobs

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He can definitely improve, he threw well under pressure in many situations. I'm sure he was actually shocked when he had time to stand in the pocket, haha. He dramatically cut down his INTs until the post season. He can definitely improve on accuracy and utilize better decision making. Everything can be improved naturally by more experience. I definitely don't see any fatal flaws in his game.

I don't think there are that many QBs that could handle all the durress as well as Luck did his first two years. I think the OL will be somewhat improved this year, the WR core has unlimited potential, and most of all I'm going to wish for an marginally injury free season!!!!!

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Andrew Luck just needs to "polish" up some things... Things that need "fixed" are the OL and D. And that is all on Grigs.

When the OL comes together this O will go to another level. Luck is Manning / Brady with the ability to run... that is a lovely thing.

If one is a Colt fan.... :td::cheer2::goodluck::thmup: :disco:

Like Manning in terms of playoff INTs, maybe. Certainly not like Brady.

Luck should be great; he's a very like able guy. But let's hold off saying that he's near Brady or Peyton until he actually isn't throwing 2-3 INTS in playoff games.

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What are some of the glaring thing Luck needs to fix about his game season? Would love to hear some. Also do we utilize all of his skills in our offense?


I feel as if they could open up the playbook for him and throw in a few read option and designed run plays for him. He's such an underrated athlete. In his college days he had runs for like 50+ yards on more than one occasion. It's not like we can trust the RB's to do the rushing. Plus, it would catch defenses off guard.


I'd like to Pep finally utilize some 2 TE sets now that Allen and Fleener are fully healthy.

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In all seriousness and with all due respect to the original poster who I think was just trying to make a topic for the sake of the fact that this is the off-season I don't think this idea deserves much thought from Colts fans.


In two years Andrew Luck has shown all the signs in the world of being the next great QB in the NFL.  His first year he came into a team that was 2-14 and cut most of it's vet players and pretty much built from scratch.  They then gave him a shaky o-line to work with and he lost his Head Coach early in the season.  Still he lead them to 11 wins and a playoff birth.  The next year he lost his OC and had him replaced with a guy who ran about as reverse of an offensive system as you could think of.  He still had a shaky o-line in front of him.  He had little to no support from the running game and then he lost the one vet hold over on offense they had and a guy who was a major leader to this team (and a guy Luck himself has said he looked to for leadership) about halfway through the season.  Still once again he lead the Colts to 11 wins a division title and a playoff win.  Along the way I believe Luck has the most 4th quarter comebacks of any QB in the league over the past two years. 


Does Luck have flaws?  Sure, what QB doesn't?  Even Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have them.  Are there parts of Luck's game that can and will get better?  I am sure there are.  However, even if Luck never gets any better we still have one of the best QBs in the NFL today so worrying about what areas needs to improve on seems like a waste of time to me. 

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Andrew Luck just needs to "polish" up some things...     Things that need "fixed" are the OL and D.    And that is all on Grigs.


When the OL comes together this O will go to another level.  Luck is Manning / Brady with the ability to run...     that is a lovely thing.


If one is a Colt fan....  :td::cheer2::goodluck::thmup: :disco:

Luck is more like Elway IMO in terms of his playing style. He needs to work on accuracy and getting rid of the ball faster. I expect even more improvements from him this year.

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I would say Decision Making. i dont think accuracy is a concern, provide him with a Line that can actually protect him and he will improve in that area. He needs to learn to use his checkdown's more often when there isnt anything there. 3-4 yards is better than none.

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I thought he improved quite a bit from last year.  Consistency is a concern.  There are some games where he seems completely unable to move the football.  That's not his fault by itself but it is partially his.


He also needs to be able to maintain his play in the playoffs.  


He goes into KC during the season and creams them.  Then at home during the playoffs he throws a ton of turnovers and we have to mount a furious 2nd half comeback to win by 1 point.  


It's great that he can do those things but the reality is that the New England Patriots of the world arn't gonna let you do that.  KC was overrated but beating a top team in the playoffs you are gonna have to have a solid game from start to finish.  

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I wouldn't want that narrative to form either, but it simply wouldn't be fair to base that on 3 playoff games.

Yes it would...when you throw 9 in in 16 games and then 7 in 2.  The narrative is going to be Manning all over again.  Regular season stud, dud in the playoffs.  However true or false that may be, its what is shaping up.

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If Luck is not the QB of said team...    they are in the top 5 in the NFL draft.     The COLTS!!


He carries the team.    PERIOD.


With HEALTHY >....    Allen, Wayne, NICKS, BRADshaw, Ballard, ......     oh and TY, Fleener, and ...............   T Rich.    This O is going to be wicked.

Like Manning in terms of playoff INTs, maybe. Certainly not like Brady.

Luck should be great; he's a very like able guy. But let's hold off saying that he's near Brady or Peyton until he actually isn't throwing 2-3 INTS in playoff games.

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Did you watch this team's interior line play last season?


I promise you IF Indy can get some linemen in the game that can just stand their ground Indy's O will be off the HOOK.  


NO QB will do squat if they are running for life from the get go.....    NOT ONE.   How many times did AL just drop back and look around like like Brady?       Indy's line is letting him down.        And he WANTS to go down field.



Oh well ...  JMO


Luck is more like Elway IMO in terms of his playing style. He needs to work on accuracy and getting rid of the ball faster. I expect even more improvements from him this year.

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Accuracy. Not staring down Reggie. Not throwing INTs in the postseason would help too. 

Don't want him to be known as a choker. That narrative (=Luck is an INT machine in the playoffs etc) is developing among NFL fans.

That's because nfl fans are *s. The guy led one of the great comebacks in playoff history and then has a poor game vs the patriots and he's a choker? I love the nfl, but the fans have to be the most ignorant in sports.

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That's because nfl fans are *s. The guy led one of the great comebacks in playoff history and then has a poor game vs the patriots and he's a choker? I love the nfl, but the fans have to be the most ignorant in sports.


Those haters argue that it was Luck and his horrible throws leading to interceptions that put him in the place to make a comeback. Had Luck been good from the start of games he wouldn't have to make all these comebacks. Not saying I agree, but in the Chief game it's partially true.

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Those haters argue that it was Luck and his horrible throws leading to interceptions that put him in the place to make a comeback. Had Luck been good from the start of games he wouldn't have to make all these comebacks. Not saying I agree, but in the Chief game it's partially true.

A little rewriting of history there.....the score was 31-10 before Luck threw a pick.

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