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I Believe In Jim Irsay/Jim Irsay carrying $29k during traffic stop (merge)


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The "I told you so" post #1.



The "I told you so" post #2.



The "I told you so" post #3.



The "I told you so" post #4.




Although I find it annoying and don't understand why you feel the need to repeatedly tell others that you were correct; It sounds like you are seeking some sort of recognition by posting not once, not twice, not three times, but four times to tell Colt's fans that you "told us so". 


So, I'm here to give out another one of my "atta boy" awards:


I, shecolt, do hereby bestow upon you, the Old Crow, one "atta boy" award for "telling us so". 







Thanks for the nice award. Honestly though, I would rather have been wrong, and none of this happened to the guy. I've had more than a few friends that got into drugs and threw their lives away. The only reason I brought this up that many times, was in the context of just being cautious about attacking someone bringing a local newspaper topic to the forum. 


Its fine to defend the overall character of the man, because I believe him to be a good man. It's great to totally support him in his rehabilitation. That being said, no one is above the law, and some are still dismissing a lot of these things as the eccentricities of a billionaire. That is the context I was referring to by comparing it to the old stuff. It was not to portray myself as some kind of guru or prophet. I think even Jim would eventually admit he deserves some kind of penalty, be it NFL, or otherwise. Its long past time for him to meet these challenges head on like in 2002, when he beat it last time. The Indy Star didn't do all of these things, they are just reporting it. Jim just has to take ownership of some of these failings , and overcome them. 

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They likely were. (His that is, not empty)


There's a archived story floating around IndyStar from 2002 (They seen fit to dig it up now, apparently.) where Irsay was getting 100's of scripts written for him by the same doctor. Would bet anything that's the case again.




The idea that Irsay is out there selling drugs is ridiculous. Not impossible.. Rich people do far worse for the "thrill". But still, ridiculous. Not saying it shouldn't be looked into. When you have a good amount of drugs and a large amount of money in the same place - It's common sense to do your due.


There's also many other reasons a person would carry around cash and for those that can, large amounts of it. I can think of a whole host of reasons you would want to spend cash and not use a traceable Credit/Debit card. Paying off a doctor who writes you fraudulent scripts might be one of those. Hotels. Discrete dinners. Champagne rooms. Selling drugs for a guy in Irsay's position would be my last guess.

You know when the Michael Vick news broke in 2007? I just assumed he was innocent why would a millionaire QB with the best selling jersey in the league be involved in a dog fighting ring ,they must have just used his money ,maybe his brother Marcus but not him,  he couldn't have..so you just never know about people.

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Thanks for the nice award. Honestly though, I would rather have been wrong, and none of this happened to the guy. I've had more than a few friends that got into drugs and threw their lives away. The only reason I brought this up that many times, was in the context of just being cautious about attacking someone bringing a local newspaper topic to the forum. 


Its fine to defend the overall character of the man, because I believe him to be a good man. It's great to totally support him in his rehabilitation. That being said, no one is above the law, and some are still dismissing a lot of these things as the eccentricities of a billionaire. That is the context I was referring to by comparing it to the old stuff. It was not to portray myself as some kind of guru or prophet. I think even Jim would eventually admit he deserves some kind of penalty, be it NFL, or otherwise. Its long past time for him to meet these challenges head on like in 2002, when he beat it last time. The Indy Star didn't do all of these things, they are just reporting it. Jim just has to take ownership of some of these failings , and overcome them. 



Who has attacked anyone for just posting an article from a local newspaper to the forum?


The only attacking I have seen on either side is towards those who seem to think they know all the details when all the details have not been released and have therefore passed judgement.


And, where has anyone said that Mr. Irsay is above the law? 


Right now, we know for certain that he was driving under the influence and has a problem with drug addiction.  Where has anyone said that was fine and just dismissed it as the eccentricities of a billionaire?


While I will agree that everything else including the amount of money, the 4 counts of having a controlled substance, and the 2009 Blue Trust all sound suspicious and may be indicative of an even deeper problem; none of us know the whole story and jumping to conclusions one way or the other is premature.

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You know when the Michael Vick news broke in 2007? I just assumed he was innocent why would a millionaire QB with the best selling jersey in the league be involved in a dog fighting ring ,they must have just used his money ,maybe his brother Marcus but not him,  he couldn't have..so you just never know about people.


I said that in my post. It wouldn't shock me. Millionaires and Billionaires do much worse for the 'thrill of it'.


But I doubt it. Why sell pills? You want to do something exciting? Go sell the glamorous stuff.

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Thanks for the nice award. Honestly though, I would rather have been wrong, and none of this happened to the guy. I've had more than a few friends that got into drugs and threw their lives away. The only reason I brought this up that many times, was in the context of just being cautious about attacking someone bringing a local newspaper topic to the forum.

Its fine to defend the overall character of the man, because I believe him to be a good man. It's great to totally support him in his rehabilitation. That being said, no one is above the law, and some are still dismissing a lot of these things as the eccentricities of a billionaire. That is the context I was referring to by comparing it to the old stuff. It was not to portray myself as some kind of guru or prophet. I think even Jim would eventually admit he deserves some kind of penalty, be it NFL, or otherwise. Its long past time for him to meet these challenges head on like in 2002, when he beat it last time. The Indy Star didn't do all of these things, they are just reporting it. Jim just has to take ownership of some of these failings , and overcome them.

there is no proof you were right about anything. Just because he acted weird to you on twitter isn't proof he was using.
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Look, I'm pulling for Jim, and I understand you guys defending your owner and hoping for the best. I just noticed a pattern of odd behavior that hadn't occurred previously. After being a great hands off owner, he started showing up in the locker room giving pre and post game rants like his old man. Than you had odd pictures with blue face and hair, and odd twitter picture taken in his bathroom ,that look like he was partying, although he may not have been. Then you had the bragging and in your face late night tweets which were out of character with his previous behavior. Then you had the TV interview where he appeared to be slurring his words. I commented on this at the time as politically correct as I could that he looked rough. I got hammered for it, but I didn't want to say something else when I wasn't sure, but I suspected it.

I hope he gets off with the lightest deal possible and gets back to his life. All I'm saying is that some of these stories coming out are disturbing, and you may want to hold off a bit before you defend some of these stories that may prove true. Certainly you want to support your owner, but due process for all must be observed.


I think you do not like people wishing for and hoping for the best.  What you fail to understand is that this is a Colts forum and the positive wishes are entirely normal and appropriate. and not disfunctional.


If this were anyone else...........say your sister, my guess is that you would not spend your days stalking every piece of news on this but would rather focus on her future.


You would not be constantly trying to take issue with anyone who wished her well.


Now you want to go back in time and remember all the many previous times you have been suspicious and I'm not sure what you expect now.


You have an ax with our owner..........you are now saying he reminds you of his father.  The whole baltimore thing is very front and center in your conciousness and honestly, it's not nice or helpful or even appropriate on a colts board.


You say that you are hoping for the best and wishing well but, it's clear that you are not.


If you were, you would not be saying I told you so and fixiating about every piece of news to come out.


I see you take issue with anyone who says anything other than........."OH you are right, you've always been right and we are all wrong".............which is basically everyone else in this thread.


Please stop fixating on this subject, it is not welcome from a Ravens fan on a Colts board.

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I will disagree about your theories on my motives, but I will drop off the bus on this one . I guess being from Baltimore precludes me from further comment on a pertinent sports forum topic.

I would say our theories on your motives have more factual basis than your theory that, "everyone of you is giving him a free pass!"


I respect Jim Irsay. If I was as priveldged as Irsay I doubt I would work or do anything for a living. He doesnt have to. He has put out one of the best franchises in the NFL for the last 15 years in my hometown, and he has had basically no motivation other than his own drive. He also seems like someone who cares deeply about people, and he gives a TON of his money away. He bought that one lady a house, and now people are using that to bash him. That is unbelievable to me. The man is not married (correct me if I am wrong), bought another business owner "friend" (gf, booty call, whatever she was) a house, and because she died of the same struggles he did, we vilify him for it? What a world we live in. 


I think that sounds a lot like compassion. I would at the very least like to believe it.

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the reports are conflicting. reading that makes me believe even less Jim Irsay, the billionare colts owner, put 30 gs in a pillow to go buy several thousand pills to slang on the side of owning a billion dollar colts team. if he was that wasted, do u really think he was able to schedule a 30k dollar drug transaction with organized crime and went by himself there?


Well let's assume for a second that actually did happen, he likely would have gotten wasted while making the transaction, not prior to going.  Not sure where "organized crime" came from.  There are plenty of individual sellers out there.  You do make a possible point about him going there by himself but again, "organized crime" doesn't necessarily have to be involved in the equation, and if it's someone he's done business with before and that he's familiar with then it would be reasonable for him to have gone there by himself.  


By the way, I never said I thought he was coming from a drug deal or that he's selling/buying mass amounts of drugs.  I merely opposed the notion that it's an open and shut possession/dwi case and that the money had no factor into the equation at all.  Putting all of the evidence together makes things look rather suspicious, however that's not to say that there isn't a perfectly legal explanation for everything.  The most plausible of which so far is the poker game theory.  I'm not trying to make him out to be the villain with the little bit of information that has come out, but I'm also not just assuming that he's an angel either.

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Well let's assume for a second that actually did happen, he likely would have gotten wasted while making the transaction, not prior to going.  Not sure where "organized crime" came from.  There are plenty of individual sellers out there.  You do make a possible point about him going there by himself but again, "organized crime" doesn't necessarily have to be involved in the equation, and if it's someone he's done business with before and that he's familiar with then it would be reasonable for him to have gone there by himself.  



Nobody would be getting wasted at a 30k drug transaction.

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lol...ok.  But for fun I'll play along...just because the specific transaction you may or may not have attended did not involve any usage does not mean that's the way every such transaction would go.  Besides that, maybe Irsay made the transaction, got in his car and THEN popped all the pills.  Point being, there are all kinds of different possibilities and I'm not going to propose each one individually so we can rule them out one by one.  

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Based on the article about the woman with the townhouse, they could be waiting for the blood work and toxicology reports to come back before determining what and how to file. The formal hearing that was supposed to take place a couple weeks ago was postponed -- reportedly -- at the request of Irsay's attorneys (at least I think that's what I read). 


I think any assumption prior to the formal hearing is premature. They could wait for Irsay to be discharged, then drop all charges (or accept a plea to a lesser charge, with a fine or something). Or they could up the ante at any time between now and then, and then things would really get interesting.


But I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that the investigators and DA are going to pursue a possible connection between the money and the drugs. That's dealer-type money, but there's no evidence that we know of that suggests dealer-type activity, so I wouldn't be surprised if it goes nowhere. But they wouldn't be doing their job if they ignored the cash entirely.

Exactly. No investigator or DA would just ignore that sum of money just because the accused is a billionaire especially when drugs are involved. I agree though it probably goes nowhere.

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As a cowboys fan I feel your pain. Al Davis Jr is THE worst owner in football. I'm feeling for Irsay.. not sure what's going on with him but now the report of some women dying in a residence he provided for her is just another way for the press to keep his name in the press. For the Love of God if the man needs help get him some and leave him alone.

Just want you guys/gals to know that fans of other teams are pulling for him to get better and soon! He's a VERY good owner and he's just human so don't listen to the garbage the press puts out there and stand behind your man!

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I am upset that he embarrassed Colts fans. 


That being said, I struggle to not embarrass myself on a weekly basis. We all suffer from the flaws of imperfection. The money in our wallets providing no shelter from our own weaknesses. 


Jim Irsay is not a bad man, far from it. To listen to the national chatter about him is more of the same fair we see play out in regard to celebrities. Judgmental attacks that make no consideration for our own flaws and failures. 


We got your back, Jim. 

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I am glad Jim got busted. If that is what it took to get him help, then I am glad. I really feel for his daughters, and hope that they somehow now know how serious an issue this is and try to somehow help him before it's too late. A good friend of mine died last year in an accident that involved drugs, everyone knew she had an addiction, yet no one intervened. I can't help but feel guilty every time I look at her 3 and 5 yr old boys.

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