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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Well you can't compare apples to oranges and DUI  is different from DUI and a control substance tacked on.  I can't see loosing a draft pick but I imagine it will depend on what the final charges are and the outcome. What I read is that the control substance is a felony. Let's hope it's just a 90 day suspension so then he could go to rehab and get better.  I'm sure his daughters can run things until he can get back.


Yes, it is different; and I agree that it will depend on what the final charges are.


I would think that the severity of the outcome for possessing a controlled substance will depend on the amount he possessed and whether or not he had a prescription.


Until today, I didn't know it was illegal to carry a controlled substance that was not in the actual prescription bottle.


As many here know, my husband has been blind for some time.  He is currently on Ativan and Vicodin (after a recent eye surgery).


Tomorrow, we will travel to Indy again and I would have put one of each of those pills in my purse as I have done before just in case he needed them without even thinking that I was committing a felony by doing so. :Yikes:

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What is there that is so disrespectful about a guy who has had several surgeries using pain killers... I am sure most of the players have been shot up with pain killers during the season...

Jim shouldn't have been out driving, but to say the team is gonna lose respect for a very charitable and caring guy seems crazy...

Yeah, if there's one group of people who understand a PK addiction it's a football team.

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I fully understand but money is nothing to billionares...if your wanting to set an example..and we know Goodell does...it wouldn't surprise me. How is a couple thousand dollars hurting Jim?? Community service that he already does. Really the only way to wake someone up or get their attention is to hit them where it hurts..and thats the team.


Any other team I would support a draft pick...I can't say I would be shocked if they did that to us...we get outraged over players doing this crap...an owner is just rediculous...my heart says no (I love the Colts) but my head says they should.

I think his fine will be more than a couple hundred thousand. More like a million if I had my guess.

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Yes, it is different; and I agree that it will depend on what the final charges are.


I would think that the severity of the outcome for possessing a controlled substance will depend on the amount he possessed and whether or not he had a prescription.


Until today, I didn't know it was illegal to carry a controlled substance that was not in the actual prescription bottle.


As many here know, my husband has been blind for some time.  He is currently on Ativan and Vicodin (after a recent eye surgery).


Tomorrow, we will travel to Indy again and I would have put one of each of those pills in my purse as I have done before just in case he needed them without even thinking that I was committing a felony by doing so. :Yikes:


I don't know this for sure, but from what I read, I got the impression that he had the wrong pills in the bottles. For instance, you have a prescription bottle for Vicodin, but you have Oxycontin in the bottle.


And I believe where I live, it's one count per pill. So four pills = four felony counts.


This is entirely speculation on my part. I don't know that this is the case with Irsay.

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did the broncos lose draft picks when two of their execs got DUI's?

No...but they weren't the owners...and I thought they got away easy too. Money and suspension I think is what they got and that seems reasonable as they aren't the owners...but I would expect the same for any other team..the owner should face consequences for their actions..not just players...sadly this time it's OUR owner.

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I don't know this for sure, but from what I read, I got the impression that he had the wrong pills in the bottles. For instance, you have a prescription bottle for Vicodin, but you have Oxycontin in the bottle.


And I believe where I live, it's one count per pill. So four pills = four felony counts.


This is entirely speculation on my part. I don't know that this is the case with Irsay.

Boy, my Grandmother would have been in serious trouble....

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I think his fine will be more than a couple hundred thousand. More like a million if I had my guess.

Very possible. I think we are jumping to a lot of conclusions because we don't have all the facts..me included....I'm just worried what could happen draft pick wise....and if he has prescription drugs that aren't legal for him to have..I have to say I would be hurt...but I wouldn't be surprised to lose a pick or something as part of the punishment....to me it would be justified....not to us fans...but to Irsay. It also would put pressure on people inside the organization and him to get things together because of how serious the reprocussions...nobody cares if the owner loses a million...he pays million dollar contracts every year...its a tax write off....but if it affects the organization....people care...their jobs are on the line...and they will be much more apt to speak out to their owner if they perceive him misbehaving etc. or to try to get him help..after all the success is directly tied to their jobs. To me if its that bad...a draft pick is warranted...and necessary in this instance...but only after we know all the facts...until then its just very embarrassing...all over the news and talk radio....sad sad day regardless for Colts fans like me....got laughed at when I came into work.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, March 17, 2014 - personal shot

You are a bigger embarrassment posting this drivel.

I'm an embarrassment because I hope he gets help for his addiction??? WOW

At least Jim can get professional help for his problem.

You on the other hand? Well there's not much professional help for stupidity!

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Although we can condemn the action because it's detrimental to society, that has nothing to do with Jim Irsay.

His addiction, while being his problem, is not something he chose to have. Rather it's a cocktail of different factors all of us are absolutely clueless about. While you can dislike the action, don't automatically hate the person. He's as much to blame for his reactions to the various stimuli from society based on his capacity to respond due to genetic factors that most of us have: You are suffering from the delusion of free will. It's completely irrational to blame the person for what he did. Rather you should understand the processes that lead to this outcome.

Remember: Tolerance is always the outcome of defeating ignorance. Understand that tolerance toward race, religion and mental health are all equal in this regard.


The fact that drugs and alcohol create dependency issues is no secret. Every 6th grader in America can tell you that. If you choose to develop an addiction, than the addiction is your choice. Grow up. Be an adult. Be a big boy and put your big boy pants on. Stop bleeding from your heart with pity for people who made bad choices. 


Personal responsibility. Own it. Don't point the finger elsewhere. I was addicted to Vicodin for 2 years when I was younger. I made the choice to use because they made me feel good. I knew it was wrong. I knew they were bad for me, but I did it anyway because I wanted a buzz. 


I made the choice to stop after some time. I didn't have a disease. I had weak will and poor self discipline. 


I'm glad he didn't kill or injure anyone. Irsay shouldn't be demonized for what he did. He's only human. But don't pretend it's not 100% on him. 

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Very possible. I think we are jumping to a lot of conclusions because we don't have all the facts..me included....I'm just worried what could happen draft pick wise....and if he has prescription drugs that aren't legal for him to have..I have to say I would be hurt...but I wouldn't be surprised to lose a pick or something as part of the punishment....to me it would be justified....not to us fans...but to Irsay. It also would put pressure on people inside the organization and him to get things together because of how serious the reprocussions...nobody cares if the owner loses a million...he pays million dollar contracts every year...its a tax write off....but if it affects the organization....people care...their jobs are on the line...and they will be much more apt to speak out to their owner if they perceive him misbehaving etc. or to try to get him help..after all the success is directly tied to their jobs. To me if its that bad...a draft pick is warranted...and necessary in this instance...but only after we know all the facts...until then its just very embarrassing...all over the news and talk radio....sad sad day regardless for Colts fans like me....got laughed at when I came into work.

I don't find it embarrassing...I guess I find it hard to care. Hope he gets help, but more important things going on than a nfl owner who has gotten addicted to pain killers due to chronic pain. And really, I don't think it really affects the organization much at all unless a draft pick is taken...which I don't expect to happen.

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Of possession of Schedule IV substances.


Which is really the least-felonious felony you can be charged with.  I meant that literally, possession is a Class D felony in Indiana, the lowest class of felony, and schedule IV substances are the lowest level substance you can be charged with a felony for possession of.


Hanging offence at the very least.

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Boy, my Grandmother would have been in serious trouble....


Transporting ibuprofen and high blood pressure medication together isn't a problem. A controlled substance is different. The idea is that you can hold up your prescription pill bottle and pretend everything is fine, but inside the bottle you have an assortment of substances that you shouldn't. 


This is my very rudimentary understanding, and I might be missing some crucial details. 

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Wait, four counts of possession is far more serious than a DUI. The comparison with the Denver execs doesn't work.

It does in the sense that both are off the field issues that no competitive advantage was gained. We haven't yet come up with a precedent where behaving badly ended up in a loss of draft picks.

From what I've seen the NFL seems to separate the two.

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If convicted each count can carry 6 months to 3 years in jail. So if he is guilty on all four he can get 12 years. Highly unlikely, but this is a pretty serious situation.

Apparently he had Xanax, Ambien, and Darvocet.

he won't see a day in jail

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If convicted each count can carry 6 months to 3 years in jail. So if he is guilty on all four he can get 12 years. Highly unlikely, but this is a pretty serious situation.

Apparently he had Xanax, Ambien, and Darvocet.


Don't mean to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but if that's true, that's way less troubling than him having Percocet, which is what I had assumed he had. Both opioids, both addictive, but one is more serious than the other. Like marijuana vs. heroine... 


Do you have a link?

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Don't mean to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but if that's true, that's way less troubling than him having Percocet, which is what I had assumed he had. Both opioids, both addictive, but one is more serious than the other. Like marijuana vs. heroine... 


Do you have a link?

It's on the Bing News app on my phone. No way for me to pull the website URL, but it was an Associated Press article.

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Transporting ibuprofen and high blood pressure medication together isn't a problem. A controlled substance is different. The idea is that you can hold up your prescription pill bottle and pretend everything is fine, but inside the bottle you have an assortment of substances that you shouldn't. 


This is my very rudimentary understanding, and I might be missing some crucial details.

It was just a joke about my grandmother's....let's say unorganized assortment of pills. Not really funny now that I think about it.

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If convicted each count can carry 6 months to 3 years in jail. So if he is guilty on all four he can get 12 years. Highly unlikely, but this is a pretty serious situation.

Apparently he had Xanax, Ambien, and Darvocet.


Darvocet???  Are you sure?


I thought that was pulled off the U.S.market back in 2010.

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Don't mean to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but if that's true, that's way less troubling than him having Percocet, which is what I had assumed he had. Both opioids, both addictive, but one is more serious than the other. Like marijuana vs. heroine... 


Do you have a link?


Well, we already knew he didn't have opioids, since we knew the charges were for Class IV controlled substances.


The guy isn't going to jail on a first offense for driving 25mph under the speed limit under the influence of Ambien (or equivalent).

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Well, we already knew he didn't have opioids, since we knew the charges were for Class IV controlled substances.


The guy isn't going to jail on a first offense for driving 25mph under the speed limit under the influence of Ambien (or equivalent).


Darvocet is an opioid, just a weak opioid...

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