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Colts sign center Phil Costa [Merge]


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We lack quality AND depth on our Offensive Line! That's the reason why our franchise QB is under pressure, that's the reason why our running game sucks and you just can't fix it with some cheap average players. At some point you just have to invest some serious dollars in your Offensive Line. Mack would upgrade the whole line and if it is somehow doable i would say pay the man (or DLP or DS)! But if they think they can again rely on some cheap average guys to improve run game and pass protection they will fail again. 

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Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.

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We are upset because we know if Costa isn't the starter, then Holmes probably is. That's a lose lose situation. When you have a huge hole on the O Line, and 20 million in cap space left, you should sign a proven player. Someone like De La Puente or Dietrich Smith. Not Samson Satele 2.0 to compete with a future backup. If Luck had an O Line he would be unstoppable. Not to mention how it would help the run game. Prepare to see Luck take a beating for the 3rd straight season. Phil Costa......LOL.

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Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.


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I think it was both, Costa was injury prone and he wasn't good as a center or guard. There were much better options available then Costa.


The Cowboys drafted a center because Costa only played 6 games the past two seasons. Not because of his performance. 


Plus Ryan Cook was the starter. 

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Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.

You think? Oh, it's a fact.

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Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.

I think most people are disappointed because going into FA I think everyone would agree that OL, interior OL, was the single weakest unit on the team. People want to see that get upgraded. Signing a guy who couldn't start for Dallas doesn't get anyone excited.

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We are upset because we know if Costa isn't the starter, then Holmes probably is. That's a lose lose situation. When you have a huge hole on the O Line, and 20 million in cap space left, you should sign a proven player. Someone like De La Puente or Dietrich Smith. Not Samson Satele 2.0 to compete with a future backup. If Luck had an O Line he would be unstoppable. Not to mention how it would help the run game. Prepare to see Luck take a beating for the 3rd straight season. Phil Costa......LOL.

We are 3 days into free agency. If you think grigs, the dude who has more moves than michael Jackson is done you haven't learned anything.

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Its amazing to me that no matter what the Colts do, people here will always find something to whine and cry about. Last week we got rid is Satele, everybody's happy and said any center would be an upgrade. The Colts sign a center and all of a sudden he's worse than Satele. People here are ridiculous and I think some just may be down right stupid.


Do you know that's the purpose of a FORUM? That people can share their thoughts, ideas and different opinions? Right? 

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Well, the Colts are interested in Mack, signed Costa, moved a guard to C when Satele got injured, and kept Satele as starter when he came back. That tells me about what they think about Holmes and if you believe the local writers the team isn't high on him at all.


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I think most people are disappointed because going into FA I think everyone would agree that OL, interior OL, was the single weakest unit on the team. People want to see that get upgraded. Signing a guy who couldn't start for Dallas doesn't get anyone excited.

Is free agency over with? Did Costa take the rest of our cap money? I'm pretty sure the answer to both of those questions is no! People just need to stop with the bellyaching and whiny nonsense.

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Look, Grigson can't say we just signed Costa and he's a back-up. Instead, he will say phrases like, he'll compete-- AKA be a back up. He's not the clear cut starter, just depth. If he was, Grigson would have no problem saying that.


Imagine if Mack was signed. Grigson would state that without a doubt, Mack would start and be a key player in the future of the Colts organization, blah blah blah.

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We are upset because we know if Costa isn't the starter, then Holmes probably is. That's a lose lose situation. When you have a huge hole on the O Line, and 20 million in cap space left, you should sign a proven player. Someone like De La Puente or Dietrich Smith. Not Samson Satele 2.0 to compete with a future backup. If Luck had an O Line he would be unstoppable. Not to mention how it would help the run game. Prepare to see Luck take a beating for the 3rd straight season. Phil Costa......LOL.

He is not the starter. Try to understand that. He is brought in to compete as Grigson said. Also, this Samson Satele 2.0 is nonsense. You have nothing to base that on. 


Another illogical overreaction. Try to understand that you can't blow 10-11 mil on a center no matter how good he is when the Colts have plenty of other needs now and in the future. By throwing that kind of money when you have key players like Freeman, Castonzo, Hilton, Luck and Allen coming up.. that's just stupid. Look how angry people got during the Vontae Davis negotiations. Multiply that by 10 if we signs premier FA like Mack becaus it'll cripple us in the future.


You look only at the present and not the future. I'm glad you're not the GM. 

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Some of these comments are ridiculous. "You don't know football", "Shut up now".. 


From what I've seen from Costa, he's the kinda guy that I'm personally hoping doesn't have to play much. Not a good depth signing. Dude can't play. See DHB.

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We are upset because we know if Costa isn't the starter, then Holmes probably is. That's a lose lose situation. When you have a huge hole on the O Line, and 20 million in cap space left, you should sign a proven player. Someone like De La Puente or Dietrich Smith. Not Samson Satele 2.0 to compete with a future backup. If Luck had an O Line he would be unstoppable. Not to mention how it would help the run game. Prepare to see Luck take a beating for the 3rd straight season. Phil Costa......LOL.


I'm with you that we have a hole and need to fix it.  But how do you know Holmes isn't the one to fill it?  Lets not forget that Dietrich Smith was a backup for awhile to a washed up Jeff Saturday.  He wasn't exactly a world beater.  I would rather see what Holmes is then get Dietrich Smith.  If we can't have Mack, then bring in somebody to push Holmes.  What we don't want is to overpay for a Dietrich Smith, annoint him the starter like Satele, and even if Holmes outplays him, be forced to start him.  This way, whoever wins between Costa and Holmes will play.  I like it!  I think Holmes will be a very fine NFL center.

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Is is 2.7 a year for 2 years? Meaning 5.4 total?

Or, is it 2.7 total for 2 years? Because that doesn't automatically equal starter money to me.

Total, yeah that's what I was saying. We didn't bring him in to be the starter with that kind if money and contract.

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