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An Article On Peyton Manning & His Injury -- Says He Will Never Play Again


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It's a bit of a controversial article due to him saying that he'll never play agian, and if he's not saying that he's stating the obvious... Thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think:

Try to imagine the NFL without Peyton Manning. It's not hard, in a way, since after 208 consecutive starts the iconic quarterback has missed the entire 2011 season, and our modern attention spans have all been reduced to the size of gopher holes, so you're probably sitting there going, "Peyton Manning? Wasn't he in commercials? Big forehead, deadpan delivery and, hey, a squirrel!"

So before you scamper off, here's the reminder: Peyton Manning was once one of the defining football players of his generation. He could make such wonderful throws, and they'd mostly work out, and at the line he would point and shout and take a step back and point some more. It was always fun imagining him ordering food in a restaurant and it taking too long, and Manning going into the kitchen to start shouting and pointing. He was fun.

Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/sports/football/montreal-alouettes/Less+likely+Peyton+Manning+will+return+this+season/5658584/story.html#ixzz1cqoGY1no

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well, here is the real telling quote, which wasn't in that article at all:

We're in full disclosure with each other," Manning said. "If I'm not healthy in February, I think it's fair for the Colts to make their decision."

that gives him 3 more months to make a go of it, then its probably that he will either ask for his release, or just fully expect the team to let him go. and its not like another team would give him a go. well, maybe they would.

but just 3 more months to know for sure......

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Its just crazy to think of what could happen in the next year. It could go so many ways.

What a difference a year makes.

There's no way he'll get another contract like that. No one will spend that for a guy with that kind of neck issue. i would expect Manning expects less if he can play. i would expect the Colts to redo the contract (if he's ok), and bring in the heir apparent. Unless manning is 100% or we get an offer for the #1 pick you can't refuse. This is assuming we have the #1. I don't think I'd TRADE Manning. That had a bad feeling about it. Like the curse of the Babe. Let him ask to be released, I think the organization owes him that respect. If he can go or it looks positive, work out a 1 year "reasonable" offer that both parties are ok with. Let him try longer to recover and groom the new guy. This could take part of next season too. If he comes back, he'll have 1 or two more runs and the new guy got some experience. I can't see him wanting to try another team when he realistically on ly has 2 or 3 years left if any. He's got plenty of money . If he really wants to play, its for a Super Bowl. And even with the state the team appears, I still think his best chance in such a short time would be here.

If, by the time the decision must be made on his contract, he's still not cleared...I don't know how you pay him the $28 million or so. If he hasn't show significant recovery by then I think he's done for good.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like we still have to look to the future at QB NOW. If he's back and productive (God I hope so), then he grooms the heir apparent, hands off the reigns in 2 or 3, and we have the back-up we've always wanted but fortunately never needed. Add OL, DT, CB thru rest of draft and off-season and we're possibly back in business. As bad as it looks, I just can't believe we're as far off as the record shows.

Who knows. This is crazy.

Edited by WoolMagnet
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well, here is the real telling quote, which wasn't in that article at all:

We're in full disclosure with each other," Manning said. "If I'm not healthy in February, I think it's fair for the Colts to make their decision."

that gives him 3 more months to make a go of it, then its probably that he will either ask for his release, or just fully expect the team to let him go. and its not like another team would give him a go. well, maybe they would.

but just 3 more months to know for sure......

I fully agree with you on your timing. But my thought is that if Peyton can't play I think he will retire and retire a COLT. If he can't play for the Colt's how could he possibly play for any other team. I always thought he wanted to retire a COLT and I think that is what will happen if he is unable to play anymore. JMO of course.

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If he's not ready, what is it worth to pay him a 1 year contract to give him next year to recover?

Keep in mind we paid Kerry Collins $4 million. What did we pay Sanders a year to sit on the bench. He'd be earning his "keep" as a coach too I'm sure.

If he recovers, he gets a 2yr deal end of next season to make a last run. If he doesn't rrecover, it wasn't that costly.

I'm not totally sold that by february you'll know 100% of long term health of that fusion. Tho I'm no doctor.

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Peyton is done. His neck is healing slow and he really needs to start preparing for his great coaching future. Its sad that some on here want to hold on to him for so long and for Peyton not to do what is best for his life. Ands its even sadder that we would want to force him to play on our team that needs to rebuild and deny him a chance of ever getting close to a superbowl in his last 2 years of attempting to play.

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I just don't understand why there was so much optimism about Peyton playing at all this season. Everything that I've read about the cervical fusion surgery suggests that the complete fusion usually takes up to 12 months and the actual nerve regeneration takes between 12-18 month and that doesn't mean the nerve is going to regenerate to its pre damaged state. I think Peyton knew that there was a very good chance that he would have to have that surgery this season and he knew this before he signed his current contract. That's why he took less money than Irsay offered him and he had that opt out clause put in the contract. I think 2-3 months was overly optimistic for him to return to football actions. No amount of rehab can make a nerve regenerate faster. The liklihood is that he will be able to play but I don't think anyone will know until next fall. The question is will Irsay take the gamble and keep Peyton. I would hate to have to be the person to make that decision.

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The liklihood is that he will be able to play but I don't think anyone will know until next fall. The question is will Irsay take the gamble and keep Peyton. I would hate to have to be the person to make that decision.

he asked the team to move on after February.

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Joe Montana was injured in the NFC championship game in Jan 91 and didn't play again until the last quarter of the last game of the 92 season, he missed basically two full seasons. that was before the salary cap era I think...I want Manning to retire a Colt but both parties have to decide what's best for them.

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absolutely. he needs to stay off IR or he wont be able to practice, and they wont be able to evaluate where he is at with the arm strength (the biggest concern).

however, if he doesnt get to toss a ball for the club before March, its over. :(

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That article was 100% speculation. Some reporter has put his chances at 30-70. Another could have put it at 100-0. It says Peyton is unlikely to play this year (which is very possible), but any talk about him never playing again is just speculation.

but what about his February quote? :(

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Peyton is done. His neck is healing slow and he really needs to start preparing for his great coaching future. Its sad that some on here want to hold on to him for so long and for Peyton not to do what is best for his life. Ands its even sadder that we would want to force him to play on our team that needs to rebuild and deny him a chance of ever getting close to a superbowl in his last 2 years of attempting to play.

Huh? And which of your trainers is your "inside man"? How is it "sad" that we want to see if the GOAT can recover before we write him off? We're all speculating right now. We don't know if he can come back or not. But how do you know "what's best for his life?" I don't recall us forcing him play for us.

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To think Manning won't be back next season is crazy talk. Stop linking to this rubbish.

Gotta love the rose-colored glasses and pom-poms in this forum..... :bounce:

So just to be clear - you're saying that you are 100% sure that Peyton comes back next year? (you say that to think otherwise would be "crazy talk")

OK - I'll admit that I'm crazy - I do believe that there is a possibility that Peyton will not be back next year. I am crazy.

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