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Name a Song that describes the Colts' 2013 Season


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It may be "stupid" to you or I, it may not. But even if it is: People are not born of identical intellect.

If you're in fact one of these people of higher intellect, why not show the capacity to acknowledge this, and not judge people for their lesser intellect and "stupid" actions?

Calling something stupid is demeaning, however you choose to look at it. Nothing postive can come of this. Let people do what they want, as long as no one gets hurt. And as you pointed out yourself, you could just ignore the thread.

(And I'm not talking about you solely, just pointing out a general problem with people on this forum who consider themselves intelligent (as do we all). I mean, unless it's against the rules of the board, and the forum isn't flooded with spam that weeds out more important topics: What exactly is there to gain by calling the actions of other people stupid other than have it serve as self-validation of your ego)?


I totally agree!

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It may be "stupid" to you or I, it may not. But even if it is: People are not born of identical intellect.

If you're in fact one of these people of higher intellect, why not show the capacity to acknowledge this, and not judge people for their lesser intellect and "stupid" actions?

Calling something stupid is demeaning, however you choose to look at it. Nothing postive can come of this. Let people do what they want, as long as no one gets hurt. And as you pointed out yourself, you could just ignore the thread.

(And I'm not talking about you solely, just pointing out a general problem with people on this forum who consider themselves intelligent (as do we all). I mean, unless it's against the rules of the board, and the forum isn't flooded with spam that weeds out more important topics: What exactly is there to gain by calling the actions of other people stupid other than have it serve as self-validation of your ego)?

i never questioned the intelligence of the thread, nor did I say I was more intelligent than others who enjoy this thread.  I just stated that "I" think the thread is stupid.   


You say "let people do as they want, as long as no one gets hurt."  but yet you tell me (am I not people?) not to do as I want.  I hurt no one.  I called no ones actions stupid....just this thread.  That is my opinion.  I never said others were less than me for not agreeing.  I also find me having to say this stupid.

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i never questioned the intelligence of the thread, nor did I say I was more intelligent than others who enjoy this thread.  I just stated that "I" think the thread is stupid.   


You say "let people do as they want, as long as no one gets hurt."  but yet you tell me (am I not people?) not to do as I want.  I hurt no one.  I called no ones actions stupid....just this thread.  That is my opinion.  I never said others were less than me for not agreeing.  I also find me having to say this stupid.

Sure, you're "people". Whether someone gets hurt or not is subject to interpretation. In this sense, interpretation based on what you wrote, calling the thread stupid. Stupidity in the dictionary would be defined as an implied lack of intelligence. So those two are undoubtedly interconnected by definition, even if your subjective interpretation of the word differs from the objective interpretation. Which means that by calling the thread stupid, it's logical (through logical inductive reasoning) to assume you meant to call the thread "a lack of intellect". While this is not proof (logical induction doesn't serve as proof, it merely refers to probability and is thus inconclusive). It would be not be illogical to assume this is what you meant, considering I don't know you, and your action appear similar to the motivation known as self-preservance (boosting one's self by the reduction of others).

Now, again, I'm not saying it is or it isn't. I'm saying through logical inductive reasoning, that there's a probability of it being true, due to the factors explained above. As such, my interpretation of what you wrote would be that it is "demeaning".

As for "no one gets hurt": If you're calling someone or something stupid, the subject may respond or not respond to this stimuli (he might have no regard for your opinion and thus not care one bit). If you call someone or some activity that someone engages in stupid, it's more than likely than not, that they'll take offense, due to their subjective understanding of your actions. In this case, calling the thread stupid, implies that people who participate in the action or actions of the thread, are of lesser intellect, due to the implied objective definition of the word stupidty, and the natural deduction of your action based on how the subject interprets it. Whether a person would find this hurtful, would of course be subject to the person's subjective interpretation, but knowing human beings, it's likely they would take offense, and by logical reasoning, we can induce that this is likely to occur.

You may not have had ill intentions, but that doesn't mean the action through the variety of other subjects' interpretation wouldn't consider your action (calling something stupid) negative, and thus hurtful. They most likely would - and that was the point I was trying to make. Of course my motivation might also simply be to boost my own ego through intellectual superiority. How does one ever really know?

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Sure, you're "people". Whether someone gets hurt or not is subject to interpretation. In this sense, interpretation based on what you wrote, calling the thread stupid. Stupidity in the dictionary would be defined as an implied lack of intelligence. So those two are undoubtedly interconnected by definition, even if your subjective interpretation of the word differs from the objective interpretation. Which means that by calling the thread stupid, it's logical (through logical inductive reasoning) to assume you meant to call the thread "a lack of intellect". While this is not proof (logical induction doesn't serve as proof, it merely refers to probability and is thus inconclusive). It would be not be illogical to assume this is what you meant, considering I don't know you, and your action appear similar to the motivation known as self-preservance (boosting one's self by the reduction of others).

Now, again, I'm not saying it is or it isn't. I'm saying through logical inductive reasoning, that there's a probability of it being true, due to the factors explained above. As such, my interpretation of what you wrote would be that it is "demeaning".

As for "no one gets hurt": If you're calling someone or something stupid, the subject may respond or not respond to this stimuli (he might have no regard for your opinion and thus not care one bit). If you call someone or some activity that someone engages in stupid, it's more than likely than not, that they'll take offense, due to their subjective understanding of your actions. In this case, calling the thread stupid, implies that people who participate in the action or actions of the thread, are of lesser intellect, due to the implied objective definition of the word stupidty, and the natural deduction of your action based on how the subject interprets it. Whether a person would find this hurtful, would of course be subject to the person's subjective interpretation, but knowing human beings, it's likely they would take offense, and by logical reasoning, we can induce that this is likely to occur.

You may not have had ill intentions, but that doesn't mean the action through the variety of other subjects' interpretation wouldn't consider your action (calling something stupid) negative, and thus hurtful. They most likely would - and that was the point I was trying to make. Of course my motivation might also simply be to boost my own ego through intellectual superiority. How does one ever really know?



ok.... you assumed A LOT there.   i called the thread stupid.   I never said stupid was bad  ;) some people like stupid threads and that is fine.  Just posted my opinion on the thread, you know, like message boards are intended.  


I think Pineapple Express, This is the End, Napoleon Dynamite, and What Does the Fox Say are all stupid.............. BUT I LOVE THEM!! lol    I just do not see how a song can represent The Indianapolis Colts 2013 season.  Guess I am just not an artistic kind of guy.   Therefore, I think the thread is stupid.

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i never questioned the intelligence of the thread, nor did I say I was more intelligent than others who enjoy this thread.  I just stated that "I" think the thread is stupid.   


You say "let people do as they want, as long as no one gets hurt."  but yet you tell me (am I not people?) not to do as I want.  I hurt no one.  I called no ones actions stupid....just this thread.  That is my opinion.  I never said others were less than me for not agreeing.  I also find me having to say this stupid.


I also find me having to say this stupid.



You did'nt have too you choose too .   You have already made your point . Too continue is your choice .


Try Ignore so that answering a stupid thread does'nt force you to say something stupid repeatedly . :number1:

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