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Browns announce Banner, Lombardi to step down


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Banner, Lombardi and Chud. More like Banner, Banner and Banner. Lombardi was a puppet from the start, he never did any press conferences and he wasn't even at the past two senior bowls. Ray Farmer was basically doing all the scouting, I have no Idea what Lombardi did for the past season. Chud took the job because he was on his way out of Carolina regardless.


Banner started meddling in coaching decisions. He wanted Chud to cut Greg Little or Suan Lavaou. Which is absurd, he is the President of the team, what the hell is he thinking? Oh, he's thinking he is GM and President. So when we started looking bad at the end of the year Banner wanted to make coaching decisions. Chud said "no way" and he was let go. 


At some point during the coaching search Haslam figured it out, Banner wanted another puppet. Pettine isn't a puppet, which is why it took so many interviews to hire him. 


The real rift was when we interviewed Schiano. Banner said he didn't want to interview him, Haslam over rode him. During the interview process of Schiano, Haslam finally figured it out, Banner wanted a "yes man". Haslam came back from the trip, hired Pettine and then told Banner and Lombardi they were fired. 




I think the funniest part of all of it is that, Lombardi seriously thought he was going to be president when Banner got fired. 




Here we go again. 

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It feels like yesterday, Haslam was being celebrated as the new owner to come in, right before it was revealed he's a criminal.



I feel bad for Browns fans. They can't even protest the team, like what happened a few months back, they made the fan move on the other side of the road. The team does not care, nor does the owner or the one's in charge.

I'd feel bad for browns fans if they didn't troll trent Richardson topics.  But since they apparently want to tell us how bad Richardson is, I find articles like this hilarious.   Bottom line is...irrespective of how bad Trent has been...we still aren't as bad as the Browns.

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I'd feel bad for browns fans if they didn't troll trent Richardson topics.  But since they apparently want to tell us how bad Richardson is, I find articles like this hilarious.   Bottom line is...irrespective of how bad Trent has been...we still aren't as bad as the Browns.



LOL telling you that Richardson isn't good = trolling.


Ok bro, tell me more about how he's a good player and it was a great trade. 

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On Tuesday morning, the Cleveland Browns cleaned house. Again. General manager Michael Lombardi -- fired. CEO Joe Banner -- out. It seemed stunning, even by Browns standards.
Who fires the brass in early February after a coaching search? And why does this seem like an annual tradition?
If you listened closely, wherever you were in this great country, you heard the media and fans cackling in unison. It was like Jimmy Haslam's press conference was a sitcom filmed in front of a live studio audience, or a Chris Rock comedy special.
The Browns were mocked as clowns, a mess of an organization. Cleveland changing coaches and executives like you change your socks. Everyone was having a grand old time yucking it up.
Laugh now, but the joke will be on you later.
Haslam saw a problem. He fixed it. The Browns are much better off. Seriously.
Haslam is an easy target: He buys the team, makes sweeping changes, oddly structures the front office, unsuccessfully targets big-name coaches before settling on Rob Chudzinski, fires Chud less than 365 days later, struggles to find a coach who wants the gig, hires Mike Pettine to coach the team despite Banner's dreams of Dan Quinn, then gets rid of Banner and Lombardi.
With the offseason underway, Around The League explores what's next for all 32 teams. 
Whew. I need a rest after reading that.
Such rapid and unrelenting change can signal the lack of a plan or vision. Maybe that's true. Or maybe Jimmy Haslam just hit a home run.
The Lombardi and Banner dynamic wasn't working. TheMMQB.com's Peter King and The Plain Dealer's Mary Kay Cabot have provided some excellent reporting on Cleveland's issues over the past few days, including King's detailing of Greg Schiano's interview with the Browns, which revealed dysfunction and disconnect at the top.
One coaching agent told me on Tuesday, "Jimmy (Haslam) had one idea. Mike had another. Joe another one. That leads to confusion and chaos. That's what happened with the coaching search in both of the last two years. That's the turn-off." Or as one rival executive explained to me, "Mike is a great football guy, but he couldn't get many things he wanted past Joe. It just didn't work. Now, with Ray (Farmer), they are back in business."
Oh yes, they are.
Farmer is a highly respected personnel man in the NFL. Well before this promotion, it was clear that he was on the fast track to becoming a general manager somewhere. He's detail-oriented, intelligent and will get things done. Haslam said Farmer will have full control of the 53-man roster. That's a big deal. Lombardi, the prior GM, did not enjoy this luxury. Farmer could've been the Miami Dolphins' general manager, but he passed to stay in Cleveland. While folks laugh at the Browns, that says something.
Cleveland won four games last year. But with the regime changes, a whole bunch of cap space and a ton of talent already on the roster, I think the Browns are in prime position to double their win total in 2014. Again, seriously.
Pettine might not have been the first choice, but he's an excellent one. He was a superb assistant at his first two NFL stops (Baltimore Ravens and New York Jets), and he immediately turned around the Buffalo Bills' defense last year. Pettine brings a much-needed blend of savvy, swagger and sensibility to Cleveland's head-coaching position.
Talking to Pettine two weeks ago on my SiriusXM Radio show, "Schein on Sports," he raved about the Browns' talent on defense and said, "We are going to have an attacking style defense that Cleveland fans will be proud of." Given Pettine's history, the Browns' strong pass rushers and Joe Haden's emergence as one of the NFL's best corners, Cleveland's defense is indeed going to rock.
I also loved the choice of Kyle Shanahan for the offensive coordinator position. Executives rave about the young coach's shrewdness in the X's-and-O's sense. And with the passing of the Brandon Weeden era, Shanahan will have the opportunity to help define a fresh approach at the quarterback position. Talking to Pettine, there is no question the Browns will bring in a new QB or two. How great would Kirk Cousins look in a Cleveland uniform, reuniting with Shanahan? Even better, how great would Johnny Manziel look running Shanahan's offense? Say what you want about Mr. Football, but he, along with Pettine and Shanahan, would give the Browns the right attitude and mentality going into Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.
The Browns have two first-round picks and 10 overall in an incredibly deep draft. They have options.
Debate: Most enticing free agent WR?
Many notable receivers -- like Jeremy Maclin -- are hitting the open market. Who's the best option? Our analysts debate. READ 
And with all that cap room, they can make a splash in free agency, too. How about signing Ben Tate to play running back? That'd fill a gaping hole. And check the list of receivers hitting the open market -- some enticing options there. Do you think Eric Decker or Hakeem Nicks would look good alongside Josh Gordon and Jordan Cameron?
Laughing is healthy. I encourage it. But stop chuckling at Cleveland. Get past the bevy of changes. Look at the result of the perceived insanity.
It's easy to compare this to George Steinbrenner's New York Yankees of the 1980s. Or maybe the comparison is when "The Boss" hired Bob Watson and some guy named Joe Torre in the winter of 1995. Remember when the back page of the New York Daily News screamed "Clueless Joe"?
The Browns are actually moving in the right direction. Get past the laughter and think about it.
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Firing your entire staff is like comedy. Timing is everything. Agree that it's the right decision. Really awful timing tho, with a big offseason upcoming.

On Tuesday morning, the Cleveland Browns cleaned house. Again. General manager Michael Lombardi -- fired. CEO Joe Banner -- out. It seemed stunning, even by Browns standards.

Who fires the brass in early February after a coaching search? And why does this seem like an annual tradition?

If you listened closely, wherever you were in this great country, you heard the media and fans cackling in unison. It was like Jimmy Haslam's press conference was a sitcom filmed in front of a live studio audience, or a Chris Rock comedy special.

The Browns were mocked as clowns, a mess of an organization. Cleveland changing coaches and executives like you change your socks. Everyone was having a grand old time yucking it up.

Laugh now, but the joke will be on you later.

Haslam saw a problem. He fixed it. The Browns are much better off. Seriously.

Haslam is an easy target: He buys the team, makes sweeping changes, oddly structures the front office, unsuccessfully targets big-name coaches before settling on Rob Chudzinski, fires Chud less than 365 days later, struggles to find a coach who wants the gig, hires Mike Pettine to coach the team despite Banner's dreams of Dan Quinn, then gets rid of Banner and Lombardi.

With the offseason underway, Around The League explores what's next for all 32 teams.

Whew. I need a rest after reading that.

Such rapid and unrelenting change can signal the lack of a plan or vision. Maybe that's true. Or maybe Jimmy Haslam just hit a home run.

The Lombardi and Banner dynamic wasn't working. TheMMQB.com's Peter King and The Plain Dealer's Mary Kay Cabot have provided some excellent reporting on Cleveland's issues over the past few days, including King's detailing of Greg Schiano's interview with the Browns, which revealed dysfunction and disconnect at the top.

One coaching agent told me on Tuesday, "Jimmy (Haslam) had one idea. Mike had another. Joe another one. That leads to confusion and chaos. That's what happened with the coaching search in both of the last two years. That's the turn-off." Or as one rival executive explained to me, "Mike is a great football guy, but he couldn't get many things he wanted past Joe. It just didn't work. Now, with Ray (Farmer), they are back in business."

Oh yes, they are.

Farmer is a highly respected personnel man in the NFL. Well before this promotion, it was clear that he was on the fast track to becoming a general manager somewhere. He's detail-oriented, intelligent and will get things done. Haslam said Farmer will have full control of the 53-man roster. That's a big deal. Lombardi, the prior GM, did not enjoy this luxury. Farmer could've been the Miami Dolphins' general manager, but he passed to stay in Cleveland. While folks laugh at the Browns, that says something.

Cleveland won four games last year. But with the regime changes, a whole bunch of cap space and a ton of talent already on the roster, I think the Browns are in prime position to double their win total in 2014. Again, seriously.

Pettine might not have been the first choice, but he's an excellent one. He was a superb assistant at his first two NFL stops (Baltimore Ravens and New York Jets), and he immediately turned around the Buffalo Bills' defense last year. Pettine brings a much-needed blend of savvy, swagger and sensibility to Cleveland's head-coaching position.

Talking to Pettine two weeks ago on my SiriusXM Radio show, "Schein on Sports," he raved about the Browns' talent on defense and said, "We are going to have an attacking style defense that Cleveland fans will be proud of." Given Pettine's history, the Browns' strong pass rushers and Joe Haden's emergence as one of the NFL's best corners, Cleveland's defense is indeed going to rock.

I also loved the choice of Kyle Shanahan for the offensive coordinator position. Executives rave about the young coach's shrewdness in the X's-and-O's sense. And with the passing of the Brandon Weeden era, Shanahan will have the opportunity to help define a fresh approach at the quarterback position. Talking to Pettine, there is no question the Browns will bring in a new QB or two. How great would Kirk Cousins look in a Cleveland uniform, reuniting with Shanahan? Even better, how great would Johnny Manziel look running Shanahan's offense? Say what you want about Mr. Football, but he, along with Pettine and Shanahan, would give the Browns the right attitude and mentality going into Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.

The Browns have two first-round picks and 10 overall in an incredibly deep draft. They have options.

Debate: Most enticing free agent WR?

Many notable receivers -- like Jeremy Maclin -- are hitting the open market. Who's the best option? Our analysts debate. READ

And with all that cap room, they can make a splash in free agency, too. How about signing Ben Tate to play running back? That'd fill a gaping hole. And check the list of receivers hitting the open market -- some enticing options there. Do you think Eric Decker or Hakeem Nicks would look good alongside Josh Gordon and Jordan Cameron?

Laughing is healthy. I encourage it. But stop chuckling at Cleveland. Get past the bevy of changes. Look at the result of the perceived insanity.

It's easy to compare this to George Steinbrenner's New York Yankees of the 1980s. Or maybe the comparison is when "The Boss" hired Bob Watson and some guy named Joe Torre in the winter of 1995. Remember when the back page of the New York Daily News screamed "Clueless Joe"?

The Browns are actually moving in the right direction. Get past the laughter and think about it.


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LOL telling you that Richardson isn't good = trolling.


Ok bro, tell me more about how he's a good player and it was a great trade. 

Did you even read where I said "irrespective of how bad Trent has been"?  I just find it funny that Browns fans come here and almost exclusively discuss how bad Trent has been.  Like okay, you won the trade.  Your team still sucks.  And it's not that I dislike the Browns or their fans, or even you for that matter.  But you can't really expect to come here, bash Trent all the time, and then not expect at least some kickback about your team.  That's just being naive. 


I've stopped discussing Trent, because really, there's nothing to say anymore, it's all been said, but you and a few other Browns fans come here to repeat the same things about Trent over and over and over.  I'd think you'd be tired of it by now.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal shot

I've stopped discussing Trent, because really, there's nothing to say anymore, it's all been said, but you and a few other Browns fans come here to repeat the same things about Trent over and over and over.  I'd think you'd be tired of it by now.


"I've stopped discussing Trent"


Yet here you are, in a thread completely unrelated to Trent Richardson talking about, yep you guessed it.... Trent Richardson. You knew coming in here and talking that garbage would provoke me... Who's the one trolling? 



Man you are thick. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument

"I've stopped discussing Trent"


Yet here you are, in a thread completely unrelated to Trent Richardson talking about, yep you guessed it.... Trent Richardson. You knew coming in here and talking that garbage would provoke me... Who's the one trolling? 



Man you are thick. 

Alright dude. I provoked a Browns fan on a Colts forum.  But I don't see how you have any room for complaining when you come here and do the same thing, day in and day out.  I have reasonable conversations with pretty much everyone, including other fanbases (even patriots fans, of all teams), except you.  So it's pretty clear to me that we shouldn't talk.  If I "provoke" you, ignore it or stop coming here.  I stopped reading your posts a long time ago, at least until today.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument

So let me get this 


Alright dude. I provoked a Browns fan on a Colts forum.  But I don't see how you have any room for complaining when you come here and do the same thing, day in and day out.  I have reasonable conversations with pretty much everyone, including other fanbases (even patriots fans, of all teams), except you.  So it's pretty clear to me that we shouldn't talk.  If I "provoke" you, ignore it or stop coming here.  I stopped reading your posts a long time ago, at least until today.


This isn't even the "Colts Football" section. This is NFL General.


I have consistently given honest and unbiased reports on Richardson, ALL OF WHICH HAVE SHOWN TO BE TRUE since the day I got here. (See below)



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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, February 20, 2014 - personal argument

So let me get this 



This isn't even the "Colts Football" section. This is NFL General.


I have consistently given honest and unbiased reports on Richardson, ALL OF WHICH HAVE SHOWN TO BE TRUE since the day I got here. (See below)





Everything else you said doesn't matter.  I'm done now.

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It just seems assinine to me to hire the coach before you hire the GM.


No wonder that franchise is never on the same page. 

Cleveland Browns where back caboose wards is a way of life. LOL! 


Schefter again:

Steelers - 3 head coaches in 45 years

Browns - 3 head coaches in 407 days

Yup, 21isSuperman gave us all much needed perspective. Thank you.


A few years ago Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope passed away and now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope!  Kevin please we need you!

Can Roger Goodell just dissolve this cursed team & give INDY Joe Thomas? Works for me 100GFB.  :thmup:

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"Were not Detroit!"  haha That's like someone bragging that they have syphilis instead of AIDs. :lol:  Good 1 Dustin! I'm just saying a dismal abyss will always be a dismal abyss. 


Hey, that tourism video is the 2nd attempt, what's the 1st pink eye Cleveland ad look like? SW1 loves an entertaining train wreck you know.  :thmup:


Other than the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, what is that state's main tourist draw? Sigh...Well, the TV show WKRP was decent I guess...Not a huge beacon of hope there eh? 



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Firing your entire staff is like comedy. Timing is everything. Agree that it's the right decision. Really awful timing tho, with a big offseason upcoming.

So you have preferred to keep Dumb & Dumber in charge with a big off season coming up? No thanks, I'll take Farmer.

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Hell, I could live off the interest for the rest of my life off that payday. 



But I'd have to live in Cleveland for a year.....



OK Brent, SW1, pacolts, lollygagger.  I won't mention cities but here's to you.


On a flight getting ready to depart for C*******, Jack was sitting on the plane when a guy took the seat beside him. The guy was an emotional wreck, pale, hands shaking, moaning in fear.


"What's the matter?" Jack asked.


 "I've been transferred to C********, there are crazy people there. They've got lots of shootings, riots, drugs, poor public schools, and the highest crime rate."


Jack replied, "I've lived in C******** all my life. It's not as bad as the media says. Find a nice home, go to work, mind your own business, and enroll your kids in a nice private school. It's as safe a place as anywhere in the world."


The guy relaxed and stopped shaking and said, "Oh, thank you.  I've been worried to death. But if you live there and say it's OK, I'll take your word for it. What do you do for a living?"


"Me?" said Jack. "I'm a tail gunner on a Budweiser truck."

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So you have preferred to keep Dumb & Dumber in charge with a big off season coming up? No thanks, I'll take Farmer.

The Browns might've spared themselves another potential lame duck season had they moved at the appropriate time months ago when they were out of the playoffs, and when they had a better chance of competing for top coaching and front office talent.

The right(ish) move at the wrong time, I guess. If these guys struggle will Haslam wait to pull the trigger next year when he has a chance to compete for top candidates again? SNAFU.

A day late and twelve dollars short, that's the Browns legacy.

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The Browns might've spared themselves another potential lame duck season had they moved at the appropriate time months ago when they were out of the playoffs, and when they had a better chance of competing for top coaching and front office talent.

The right(ish) move at the wrong time, I guess. If these guys struggle will Haslam wait to pull the trigger next year when he has a chance to compete for top candidates again? SNAFU.

A day late and twelve dollars short, that's the Browns legacy.

I don't think it matters at all. People are just getting caught up in the hoopla. Farmer is prob a good of hire as they could have gotten and I see nothing wrong with Pettine. I would as soon have Pettine as Jay Gruden, Radio or Lovie Smith. Fact is, that team still has talent, money to spend in FA, and lots of draft picks.

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I don't think it matters at all. People are just getting caught up in the hoopla. Farmer is prob a good of hire as they could have gotten and I see nothing wrong with Pettine. I would as soon have Pettine as Jay Gruden, Radio or Lovie Smith. Fact is, that team still has talent, money to spend in FA, and lots of draft picks.


I hear ya, but then the question becomes whether Pettine was Farmer's guy to begin with. If you believe the rumors, Farmer didn't want Pettine, but wanted a guy like Stoops or Malzhan. 


This is the 2nd year in a row that the Browns have hired a coach who wasn't the GMs guy and if I had to guess, it will probably bear the same results. Pettine goes like 6-10 and is outed after a season so Farmer can put his own guy in place.


That's the only problem I have with the firing. If you were going to fire them, you should have done it sooner as to not have a possible rift in your ranks.

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I hear ya, but then the question becomes whether Pettine was Farmer's guy to begin with. If you believe the rumors, Farmer didn't want Pettine, but wanted a guy like Stoops or Malzhan. 


This is the 2nd year in a row that the Browns have hired a coach who wasn't the GMs guy and if I had to guess, it will probably bear the same results. Pettine goes like 6-10 and is outed after a season so Farmer can put his own guy in place.


That's the only problem I have with the firing. If you were going to fire them, you should have done it sooner as to not have a possible rift in your ranks.

I know Farmer wasn't present, but I don't put much stock into the rumors he didn't like the hire. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but that just sounds like typical gossip that goes hand in hand with stories like this. And if Farmer actually wanted Stoops....he isn't that bright.

I agree the timing looks bad, but it's never the wrong time to do the right thing.....and if the Browns get their act together next season, all will be forgotten.

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The problem with the Browns isn't really so much the volume of bad decision they make, but rather that even when they appear to make a good decision (such as here) they inevitably find a back door into screwing it up.


Trent Richardson may very well end up not being very good for us, but I guarantee that the Browns will end up taking someone worse than him with the pick they got for him.  That's just how things go for the Browns.  You can set your watch by it.

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The problem with the Browns isn't really so much the volume of bad decision they make, but rather that even when they appear to make a good decision (such as here) they inevitably find a back door into screwing it up.


Trent Richardson may very well end up not being very good for us, but I guarantee that the Browns will end up taking someone worse than him with the pick they got for him.  That's just how things go for the Browns.  You can set your watch by it.

Josh Gordon, Joe Hayden, Alex Mack, Joe Thomas, TJ Ward, Jordan Camerson, Phil Taylor, D'Quell Jackson, Jabaal Sheard, Mingo, Ahtyba Rubin, Buster Skrine. They haven't done that bad

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Ah, but odds are their good draft pick will be their own draft pick.  They'll just screw up the one they got from us.


Maybe I'm being a little facetious, but here's the list of players they got in the first 3 rounds since 2010 on picks that were acquired in trades: Trent Richardson, Brandon Weeden, John Hughes, Phil Taylor, Greg Little, Montario Hardesty, Colt McCoy, Shaun Lauvao.  Not terribly stellar work there.  2009 included Alex Mack, but also Mohamed Massaquoi and David Veikune, and 2007's picks from trades netted them Brady Quinn and Eric Wright.

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I hear ya, but then the question becomes whether Pettine was Farmer's guy to begin with. If you believe the rumors, Farmer didn't want Pettine, but wanted a guy like Stoops or Malzhan. 


This is the 2nd year in a row that the Browns have hired a coach who wasn't the GMs guy and if I had to guess, it will probably bear the same results. Pettine goes like 6-10 and is outed after a season so Farmer can put his own guy in place.


That's the only problem I have with the firing. If you were going to fire them, you should have done it sooner as to not have a possible rift in your ranks.



Provide one link stating Pettine wasn't "Farmers" guy. I have read almost everything and have not seen that, so unless you can you're making that up. 


Farmer and Pettine are cut from the same cloth, they are like black and white clones. I cannot see them not being on the same page. I'm not saying either will succeed but they are very similar. 



Ah, but odds are their good draft pick will be their own draft pick.  They'll just screw up the one they got from us.


Maybe I'm being a little facetious, but here's the list of players they got in the first 3 rounds since 2010 on picks that were acquired in trades: Trent Richardson, Brandon Weeden, John Hughes, Phil Taylor, Greg Little, Montario Hardesty, Colt McCoy, Shaun Lauvao.  Not terribly stellar work there.  2009 included Alex Mack, but also Mohamed Massaquoi and David Veikune, and 2007's picks from trades netted them Brady Quinn and Eric Wright.



All three of those scenarios are from 3 different regimes, under entirely different ownership. You think we're firing guys for no reason? That's why!


Previous regime failures does not equate to future regime failures. That's like saying, Welp The Colts only won one Super Bowl in 15 years with Manning so that means they'll only win one with Luck. 

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Provide one link stating Pettine wasn't "Farmers" guy. I have read almost everything and have not seen that, so unless you can you're making that up. 


Farmer and Pettine are cut from the same cloth, they are like black and white clones. I cannot see them not being on the same page. I'm not saying either will succeed but they are very similar. 





All three of those scenarios are from 3 different regimes, under entirely different ownership. You think we're firing guys for no reason? That's why!


Previous regime failures does not equate to future regime failures. That's like saying, Welp The Colts only won one Super Bowl in 15 years with Manning so that means they'll only win one with Luck. 



According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, new Browns coach Mike Pettine wasn't new GM Ray Farmer's first choice to replace Rob Chudzinski.
RapSheet reported earlier Tuesday that Farmer wasn't present for Pettine's interview. In other words, the Browns have accomplished the rather astonishing feat of having a rookie general manager who might not necessarily be on the same page as his rookie head coach. It's an "only in Cleveland" scenario if there ever was one. The fact that Pettine wasn't Farmer's first choice to replace Chud doesn't mean the duo will be doomed from the start, but it could easily lead to dysfunction down the road. That's proving to be the Browns' speciality. Feb 11 - 8:15 PM
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According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, new Browns coach Mike Pettine wasn't new GM Ray Farmer's first choice to replace Rob Chudzinski.
RapSheet reported earlier Tuesday that Farmer wasn't present for Pettine's interview. In other words, the Browns have accomplished the rather astonishing feat of having a rookie general manager who might not necessarily be on the same page as his rookie head coach. It's an "only in Cleveland" scenario if there ever was one. The fact that Pettine wasn't Farmer's first choice to replace Chud doesn't mean the duo will be doomed from the start, but it could easily lead to dysfunction down the road. That's proving to be the Browns' speciality. Feb 11 - 8:15 PM



Hard to imagine you could even stretch that into what you did, but I guess I understand. There is virtually zero evidence that Pettine wasn't Farmers first choice and pure speculation. That's a serious stretch and much ado about nothing. He doesn't even offer who "Might" have been his first choice.  Really poor reporting, everything in that piece in speculation, with no sources, no quotes and no evidence. 

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 There is virtually zero evidence that Pettine wasn't Farmers first choice and pure speculation. That's a serious stretch and much ado about nothing. He doesn't even offer who "Might" have been his first choice.  Really poor reporting, everything in that piece in speculation, with no sources, no quotes and no evidence. 




On Mike Pettine: Farmer wasn’t in the interview, Pettine wasn’t his choice. Farmer may have preferred an innovator like Stoops or Malzahn




Not sure what else you want. You just seem to be in denial. I mean if your definition of no evidence mean that Farmer didn't come out an explicitly state that Pettine wasn't his guy then yeah I guess there is no evidence.


But it will probably prove true next year after Pettine is outed after continuing the Browns tradition of missing the playoffs. 

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Hard to imagine you could even stretch that into what you did, but I guess I understand. There is virtually zero evidence that Pettine wasn't Farmers first choice and pure speculation. That's a serious stretch and much ado about nothing. He doesn't even offer who "Might" have been his first choice.  Really poor reporting, everything in that piece in speculation, with no sources, no quotes and no evidence. 

What else did you want from Dustin...a hand written note from Farmer?  Maybe Dustin could have had a formal document stamped by a notary too. :spit:


You asked for a link and he gave you one What the 



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Farmer wasn't in any of the interviews....


I asked for a link with something that substantiated the claim that Pettine wasn't "Farmers" guy. Not being "His choice" is seriously subjective as he was the assistant GM and didn't have much if any say. 


Farmer "may have preferred an innovator"???


That is the proof? LOL What does that even mean? That he may or may not have preferred whatever it was determined an "Innovator" is? Define Innovator?



It's not denial, it's just not reading WAY too much into an unsubstantiated, leading, crap tweet. 



I don't know the truth, but one vague tweet by Ian Rappaport means absolutely nothing. 

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Farmer wasn't in any of the interviews....


I asked for a link with something that substantiated the claim that Pettine wasn't "Farmers" guy. Not being "His choice" is seriously subjective as he was the assistant GM and didn't have much if any say. 


Farmer "may have preferred an innovator"???


That is the proof? LOL What does that even mean? That he may or may not have preferred whatever it was determined an "Innovator" is? Define Innovator?



It's not denial, it's just not reading WAY too much into an unsubstantiated, leading, crap tweet. 



I don't know the truth, but one vague tweet by Ian Rappaport means absolutely nothing. 

I honestly think his first link was great....the Twitter...is just extra.


See above...The fact that Pettine wasn't Farmer's first choice to replace Chud doesn't mean the duo will be doomed from the start.


Still with Dustin on this.

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Oh I got it, Farmer preferred Bill Parcells, that makes Pettine a lame duck.


Got it.


Also, "facts" with no proof are what? Gossip? Rumor?


Maybe it's true, Farmer "preferred" an Innovator.  It might even be true that Pettine wasn't his first choice. There is absolutely nothing in those articles from either Farmer, Pettine, the Browns or even an "Un names source" to give any sort of credence to Rapports conjecture. 

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Oh I got it, Farmer preferred Bill Parcells, that makes Pettine a lame duck.


Got it.


Also, "facts" with no proof are what? Gossip? Rumor?


Maybe it's true, Farmer "preferred" an Innovator.  It might even be true that Pettine wasn't his first choice. There is absolutely nothing in those articles from either Farmer, Pettine, the Browns or even an "Un names source" to give any sort of credence to Rapports conjecture. 

It was a link you asked for and you got it....believe what YOU believe.  Nothing wrong with that....I think :)

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