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When does someone apologize to Crabtree?


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    In Richard Sherman's media tour...


.....he talked about how great HE was and how intelligent HE was....


..and said he was 'shocked' by the racism and hate RE received and sorry for the fact the HE over shadowed his team's win....


..even though HE reached out to Erin Andrews...


...and how people..should not judge  HIM for his totally voluntary offensive  punk behavior which apparently


offended millions and drew thousands of bitter responses...




...Did he call Crabtree?


Did Hank Aaron call Crabtree........


Stpehen A Smith..........Rachel Nichols....




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    In Richard Sherman's media tour...


.....he talked about how great HE was and how intelligent HE was....


..and said he was 'shocked' by the racism and hate RE received and sorry for the fact the HE over shadowed his team's win....


..even though HE reached out to Erin Andrews...


...and how people..should not judge  HIM for his totally voluntary offensive  punk behavior which apparently


offended millions and drew thousands of bitter responses...




...Did he call Crabtree?


Did Hank Aaron call Crabtree........


Stpehen A Smith..........Rachel Nichols....




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Crabtree was the guy insulted..


Sherman was a punk......I don't want any player to act like that.


If you dont think other players should act like Richard Sherman..and insult opponents..



I dont think you do, either/...


you're being too soft. This isn't golf. This is football, a sport where players try to hit each other and there is a huge mental aspect to the game, getting under someone's skin can be just as effective or counter-effective as anything.

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you're being too soft. This isn't golf. This is football, a sport where players try to hit each other and there is a huge mental aspect to the game, getting under someone's skin can be just as effective or counter-effective as anything.


you're being too soft. This isn't golf. This is football, a sport where players try to hit each other and there is a huge mental aspect to the game, getting under someone's skin can be just as effective or counter-effective as anything.



If you think FB players at all levels should emulate Sherman...OK..but I don't think you do.


If you think Sherman's taunting. obscenity talking and offensive gesture-behavior is wrong for other players, young and old...then you actually have a problem with him and agree with me

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Crabtree was the guy insulted..


Sherman was a punk......I don't want any player to act like that.


If you dont think other players should act like Richard Sherman..and insult opponents..



I dont think you do, either/...

It's not T-Ball. They keep score, get in players heads, and compete to win. That's Sherman's style. If he was a Colt you'd love him because he plays hard and is a winner.  No apology needed. If you want to watch gentlemen play watch Polo.

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It's not T-Ball. They keep score, get in players heads, and compete to win. That's Sherman's style. If he was a Colt you'd love him because he plays hard and is a winner.  No apology needed. If you want to watch gentlemen play watch Polo.

then you feel high school, college and pro players should al act like him>?


You don't, do you?

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We get it. You hate Sherman. Move on. You don't know what Crabtree said to him during the game.



We get it. You hate Sherman. Move on. You don't know what Crabtree said to him during the game.

Who is 'we' ?


Sherman has a long history..I've heard what he's said many times


..and I don't hear anybody saying that all players should act like Sherman


(because you don't think that way)

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If other players acted like him I wouldn't mind I like it it's cool to trash talk with others when your the best at your position



Really?..good players can insult and truant and make choke gestures and bad ones cant...


Is that really what you want to be the rule for all players?

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Really?..good players can insult and truant and make choke gestures and bad ones cant...

Is that really what you want to be the rule for all players?

The choke thing I could care less about. One of my favorite athletes of all time Reggie Miller is well known for making the choke gesture. Honestly I think it's ok to trash talk if you can back it up. Of course you shouldn't talk trash when you suck. Sure you can but you will be made a fool. Not all players are the same they never will be Sherman is just the way he is of course he's different from say a Peyton Manning. But Sherman is hardly the first or last player to talk trash on the football field
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I guess the issue between the two goes back to a black tie event Fitzgerald threw in Arizona a year or so ago...

Apparently Crabtree started some stuff with Sherman then, add that to their division rivalry & you saw how Sherman reacted...

Chick McGee the sports guy on Bob & Tom talked a little about earlier this week...

Sherman still looked like a big goofball, but Crabtree probably started it

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Dear Mr. Crabtree.


I'd like to apologize for showing you up on the field. Even though we were both competing for a chance to appear in a Super Bowl, it was wrong of me to shut you down for an entire game. Even though we both wanted to be there, I realize it was wrong of me to deflect the game winning pass from you.....I'd also like to apologize for calling you mediocre. In the times you and I have played against one another you have almost had a single TD. It is clear to me with production like that, you are far from mediocre. Even though I am the best in the league at what I do, you were clearly the superior player, and will remain as such until the end of time. You were 100% right to punch me in the face after I told you good game. There is no need for that in todays NFL. Even though I was selected in the 5th rd, and you were selected in the 1st round I should never use that as a chip on my shoulder, or as fuel to a competitive fire. That was wrong of me....I fully intend to learn from my actions, and I will never refer to another player as less than me, regardless of perception, accolades, and stats. Please accept my sincerest apologies, as I will use these next few weeks to better myself as a person. 


Yours truly


Richard Sherman

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More of the same. But ok, here goes....


Let me politely ask all those who think Sherman was 'cool' with his tirade.....if your son or daughter got top marks in their maths test, would you be proud for them to address their classmates with a quick rendition of' I'm the cleverest dude in the class, and you all suck, you are all a bunch of dunces.....don't even try to add up with me......'


No, I thought not. But stick a helmet on them, and all these standards you expect from your children go right out of the window.....


Interesting. Oh well, I'm glad it's not that important....

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More of the same. But ok, here goes....


Let me politely ask all those who think Sherman was 'cool' with his tirade.....if your son or daughter got top marks in their maths test, would you be proud for them to address their classmates with a quick rendition of' I'm the cleverest dude in the class, and you all suck, you are all a bunch of dunces.....don't even try to add up with me......'


No, I thought not. But stick a helmet on them, and all these standards you expect from your children go right out of the window.....


Interesting. Oh well, I'm glad it's not that important....


I disagree with this line of reasoning.


Richard Sherman is not my child. The world of sports and entertainment is different, for better or worse. That's just the way it is. I expect my child to know that, because I've taught her that her entire life. She doesn't view any of these people as role models, nor does she think their actions or behavior are to be emulated.


So the standards I expect from my child are entirely irrelevant.


That said, I don't like what Sherman did. It was low-rent, to say the least. When he said it, the way he said it, who he said it to, it was all wrong. (If he made these comments on a radio interview the next day, in a calmer manner, it would be a different story. Still not my favorite comments, but nowhere near as bad as a big black man screaming at a blond white girl on national TV for no reason.) But what he did has very little bearing on the real world, and certainly no bearing on how I raise my family.

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I disagree with this line of reasoning.

Richard Sherman is not my child. The world of sports and entertainment is different, for better or worse. That's just the way it is. I expect my child to know that, because I've taught her that her entire life. She doesn't view any of these people as role models, nor does she think their actions or behavior are to be emulated.

So the standards I expect from my child are entirely irrelevant.

That said, I don't like what Sherman did. It was low-rent, to say the least. When he said it, the way he said it, who he said it to, it was all wrong. (If he made these comments on a radio interview the next day, in a calmer manner, it would be a different story. Still not my favorite comments, but nowhere near as bad as a big black man screaming at a blond white girl on national TV for no reason.) But what he did has very little bearing on the real world, and certainly no bearing on how I raise my family.

Sherman supposedly runs a charity for for under privileged children. I'm guessing most come from non traditional families. So he is probably a large role model to most of those kids. Do you want your children playing sports with or against kids who think that type of behavior is acceptable?

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Sherman supposedly runs a charity for for under privileged children. I'm guessing most come from non traditional families. So he is probably a large role model to most of those kids. Do you want your children playing sports with or against kids who think that type of behavior is acceptable?


The answer to your question is no. But that's why parents exist.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of behaviors that are accepted and sometimes even encouraged that I don't agree with. It's my job to debug those issues at home, for as long as I can, as often as it takes. Rather than shielding my child from attitudes and behavior that I disagree with, I can teach her why those attitudes and behaviors are problematic, and help her learn to deal with them.


Also, the biggest problem I have with Sherman's antics is that they take away from what/who he is or should be as a person. He's an intelligent and educated person. He has a large reach and can help a lot of people. But because he acts this way, it makes people think he's just a thug with a bad attitude. It's a waste.

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For all of you that have such a problem with Sherman...get over yourselves! 


...and I don't get the argument that because I'm alright with what Sherman done, then I must be alright with every player doing it. Sherman is a man, he is who he is, we all have different personalities and if all of them acted exactly alike, then may as well just build robots to play pro sports and forget about pro athletes all together.


...and the argument, would I be alright if my child acted this way? Well, Sherman is not my son and quite honestly we don't know what all was said during the game from Crabtree...apparently Crabtree had shot his mouth off before to Sherman. So if my child was being trash talked and talked down too during a game and then my child made the game saving play...damn right, I'm ok with my child talking crap after the game.

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Sherman supposedly runs a charity for for under privileged children. I'm guessing most come from non traditional families. So he is probably a large role model to most of those kids. Do you want your children playing sports with or against kids who think that type of behavior is acceptable?


What behavior?!?


Do I want my daughter playing a sport, and thinking that she is better than the person she is playing against? Yes.


If my daughter just made the best play of her life, against a girl who has taunted her, do I want her to respond? Yes. 


This 'what about the children' is the cheapest cop out.....Were you equally up in arms when Peyton Manning wanted to consume alcohol after a win? And what effect that would have on the impressionable youth of America?

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For all of you that have such a problem with Sherman...get over yourselves! 


...and I don't get the argument that because I'm alright with what Sherman done, then I must be alright with every player doing it. Sherman is a man, he is who he is, we all have different personalities and if all of them acted exactly alike, then may as well just build robots to play pro sports and forget about pro athletes all together.


...and the argument, would I be alright if my child acted this way? Well, Sherman is not my son and quite honestly we don't know what all was said during the game from Crabtree...apparently Crabtree had shot his mouth off before to Sherman. So if my child was being trash talked and talked down too during a game and then my child made the game saving play...damn right, I'm ok with my child talking crap after the game.

Well now Balz. I can see a little bit of Sherman in you. Nice, at least you stick up for your principles....

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What behavior?!?

Do I want my daughter playing a sport, and thinking that she is better than the person she is playing against? Yes.

If my daughter just made the best play of her life, against a girl who has taunted her, do I want her to respond? Yes.

This 'what about the children' is the cheapest cop out.....Were you equally up in arms when Peyton Manning wanted to consume alcohol after a win? And what effect that would have on the impressionable youth of America?

I don't have a problem with the crap talking directly to Crabtree. Its the me me attitude during the interview. Not one time during his mental breakdown did he mention any of his teammates efforts. That is my biggest issue. I didn't have a problem when Teddy Bruschi called out the media after the Beatdown the pats put on us in 04. But he was talking about his team accomplishments.

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What behavior?!?


Do I want my daughter playing a sport, and thinking that she is better than the person she is playing against? Yes.


If my daughter just made the best play of her life, against a girl who has taunted her, do I want her to respond? Yes. 


This 'what about the children' is the cheapest cop out.....Were you equally up in arms when Peyton Manning wanted to consume alcohol after a win? And what effect that would have on the impressionable youth of America?

I'm intrigued by this response. Seems like you doth protest too much. It's much ado about nothing. I throw in a little teaser and in comes a Sherman. But I get where you come from. You are allowed to have a tantrum, as long as it's on something you AGREE with. But others can't? Surely you should be applauding me for being so convinced in my principles? You know, like you are with Richie Boy.....but of course, that is different. Or is it? Cue Twilight Zone music....

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Well now Balz. I can see a little bit of Sherman in you. Nice, at least you stick up for your principles....

I do have a daughter that plays basketball, I always tell her to never take crap from an opponent. If an opponent takes a shot at her, then repay her with a harder shot. I don't want my child to be a pushover and have others take advantage of her. Nice people quite often finish last in our world. It's sad that its that way, but it just is.

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I don't have a problem with the crap talking directly to Crabtree. Its the me me attitude during the interview. Not one time during his mental breakdown did he mention any of his teammates efforts. That is my biggest issue. I didn't have a problem when Teddy Bruschi called out the media after the Beatdown the pats put on us in 04. But he was talking about his team accomplishments.


His me me attitude? I just timed the interview....it was 13.6 seconds of Sherman speaking +/- 1 second....He then ended it "LOB" which is in reference to his team....


"Take me thru that last play"...."Who was talking about you" were the 2 questions asked....Both of which were about him....

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His me me attitude? I just timed the interview....it was 13.6 seconds of Sherman speaking +/- 1 second....He then ended it "LOB" which is in reference to his team....

"Take me thru that last play"...."Who was talking about you" were the 2 questions asked....Both of which were about him....

If his behavior was justified, why did he apologize?

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I'm intrigued by this response. Seems like you doth protest too much. It's much ado about nothing. I throw in a little teaser and in comes a Sherman. But I get where you come from. You are allowed to have a tantrum, as long as it's on something you AGREE with. But others can't? Surely you should be applauding me for being so convinced in my principles? You know, like you are with Richie Boy.....but of course, that is different. Or is it? Cue Twilight Zone music....


Everyones entitled to an opinion. I think the earth is flat. It doesn't matter that there are mountains of evidence suggesting otherwise. Thats my opinion. I shouldn't be corrected because of it right?

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I do have a daughter that plays basketball, I always tell her to never take crap from an opponent. If an opponent takes a shot at her, then repay her with a harder shot. I don't want my child to be a pushover and have others take advantage of her. Nice people quite often finish last in our world. It's sad that its that way, but it just is.

Fair point, but had he said, "yeah, it was a big play, and I'm pleased I just got my hand in there. Great feeling that I'm going to the Super Bowl with all my team mates...", would that turn him immediately into a bad player and a loser?

I'm not advocating he or anyone tip toes around the playing field. But I do think it was a calculated egotistic act for attention.

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Everyones entitled to an opinion. I think the earth is flat. It doesn't matter that there are mountains of evidence suggesting otherwise. Thats my opinion. I shouldn't be corrected because of it right?

You are quite correct.

You know I don't agree with what he did, but you do know that I'm not that bothered really? In fact, I find it all rather jolly.

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Fair point, but had he said, "yeah, it was a big play, and I'm pleased I just got my hand in there. Great feeling that I'm going to the Super Bowl with all my team mates...", would that turn him immediately into a bad player and a loser?

I'm not advocating he or anyone tip toes around the playing field. But I do think it was a calculated egotistic act for attention.


So you think before this interview, roughly 1-2min after the play of his life, he thought to himself, "Hey Erin Andrews is going to find me, what I should do is yell into the microphone, proclaiming I am the best, and Crabtree isn't, Boy I hope she asks me the question to the answer I just made up"...


No one can give off the cuff unplanned talk anymore? It all has to be calculated and planned?....I think you are giving Sherman to much credit...

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