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Peyton Manning's legacy now and if he wins the Super Bowl [Merge]


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Seriously? You guys think his legacy can't change no matter what happens in the Super Bowl? I think it can in a big way. If he wins this game then he would cap off the best season of any player in NFL history with a Super Bowl championship, and I think that having 2 Super Bowl rings on his resume along with all the records and MVPs would significantly strengthen his case for GOAT. A lot of us on here (myself included) already think that he's the best ever but we're Colts fans and can be biased. As much as I hate it, if he doesn't win this game then we will continue to hear stuff from the media about how he can't win in big games and that he is not himself in the playoffs, however, if he wins it would be the ultimate "monkey off his back" after beating the Chargers, Brady, and then winning a Super Bowl against a ridiculously good team in cold weather, then his critics would really have nothing left to say.

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Well actually after reading this The only thing you seem to get is your own writing you don't seem to get what I'm saying (not really) but I guess it really doesn't matter now does it?? And I'm happy we agree on something you wrote but I'll let you figure that out, I know your good at that..

Dear G....oh never mind.

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I think it is still too soon to talk about his legacy. If he said this was his last game then it would bear more merit as we would have his full body of work but right now there is still a game to be played Sunday to decide the title and then next season assuming his neck exam goes well in March.

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I think it is still too soon to talk about his legacy. If he said this was his last game then it would bear more merit as we would have his full body of work but right now there is still a game to be played Sunday to decide the title and then next season assuming his neck exam goes well in March.

You are right..


There;s almost no chance this is Manning's final game.....He;s playing well (an understatement) and how likely is it that doctors will order him to quit when they didn't 2 years ago?


I don't think 'the greatest season for any QB ever" (debatable with Marino's 1984 or Bradys 2007) and a second title (when Brady has 3 and Montana has 4) will lift Manning in the eyes of doubters


..and a neutral site  loss in sub-freezing temps to the No.1 defense in the NFL...isn't going to diminish him deeply in the eyes of those who already doubted him ..

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You are right..


There;s almost no chance this is Manning's final game.....He;s playing well (an understatement) and how likely is it that doctors will order him to quit when they didn't 2 years ago?


I don't think 'the greatest season for any QB ever" (debatable with Marino's 1984 or Bradys 2007) and a second title (when Brady has 3 and Montana has 4) will lift Manning in the eyes of doubters


..and a neutral site  loss in sub-freezing temps to the No.1 defense in the NFL...isn't going to diminish him deeply in the eyes of those who already doubted him ..

I completely agree. Win or lose I don't think it elevates him that much or hurts him that much. There will be the pundits for sure that say if he loses that he only has the one ring and criticize his playoff record as a reason for their bias and if he wins there will be those that tout it and say he got his second ring and therefore that validates him as the greatest ever given the regular season stats and such. I think it is wisest to wait until he is done playing to evaluate everything. One thing for sure he is one of the greats of all time and that was true well before this season.

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Here's a thought that would really have some wanting to kill somebody on here other sites and all over the place if you get what I'm saying? What if the Superbowl was like soccer (I believe) and ever 4 years was the SuperBowl plus 5 times the money for winners and losers etc that would be wild!! I know never would happen but it would really be what you call a real Superbowl.Plus if you lost this one you wait another 4 years...

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Yeah, but apparently if you can play in the cold, you deserve multiple superbowl rings and an automatic hall of fame bid.


After looking, I found something very surprising. 


Tom Brady has played essentially 12 seasons.....and he's only played indoors 14x......That is crazy to me.....

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Sure it is. 


And Im willing to bet of those 14, a handful are playoffs....4 of them are SBs....


I think thats pretty incredible, and 100% relevant when discussing PM v TB....


Only 1 of those games (sans the Super Bowls) was in a dome. The 2006 AFCCG.

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Sure it is. 


And Im willing to bet of those 14, a handful are playoffs....4 of them are SBs....


I think thats pretty incredible, and 100% relevant when discussing PM v TB....



I like when football is played outdoors, I feel that was the intent and tradition of the sport... to battle the opposition in whatever elements happen to be present that day (short of dangerous conditions like lightning).  


I think its only relevant in the PM vs TB discussion from a stats perspective, since weather can dramatically affect how you attack a defense and the plays that you run.  I think PM is more than capable of playing in bad weather, but some people do like to cover their eyes and pretend like stats aren't affected when you play outdoors in wind, rain, snow and mud vs playing in a climate controlled dome with fast astro turf. 


Both QBs have proven they can win in any environment, but it certainly didn't hurt Manning's stats to play for the majority of his career 9 times a year in a Dome (at least.. 8 home games, 1 road game vs Houston per year) with Hall of Famers like Marshal Faulk, Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne on astro turf where he could execute a precision timing attack.  

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Peyton doesn't have to prove anything anymore. He is a class act, roll model, and one hell of a stand up guy. His legacy will live in my stories to my kids, grandkids and who ever will listen.


I agree with this, Manning doesn't have to worry about defining his legacy at this point.. all he can do at this point is continue to add to it but hes clearly one of the greatest to ever play and I hope that there are 2 QBs who can fill even half the void that is going to be left when PM and TB decide to hang them up and retire.

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I agree with this, Manning doesn't have to worry about defining his legacy at this point.. all he can do at this point is continue to add to it but hes clearly one of the greatest to ever play and I hope that there are 2 QBs who can fill even half the void that is going to be left when PM and TB decide to hang them up and retire.

I think right now the NFL QB landscape is the strongest it has been in a long time. With the young guns like Kaep, Wilson, Newton and Luck and possibly RG if the skins get things straightened not to mention this year's draft class which is deep at QB, the NFL will be set up for a long time. And of course you still have guys like Rodgers and Big Ben around as well.

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To me, when 2 QBs have similar number of championships in terms of SB wins, the regular season accomplishments can be a tie-breaker

When 2 QBs have similar regular season accomplishments, number of SB rings can be a tie-breaker.

Things have to be considered in totality. Having multiple SB rings does take you from a top 10 conversation to a top 5 conversation if you have the regular season accolades that Peyton and Brady have (or any other QB, for that matter), IMO.


From a pure QB ability point of view, Brady is twice the QB he was when he and his TEAM were winning SBs, IMO. Peyton has learnt a lot over the years that he has applied towards better playoff numbers too, albeit not all of it has translated to TEAM wins.


Brady and Peyton both belong in the top 5 all time, IMO, regardless of how this SB goes. But that is just one man's opinion.

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No reporter is unbiased ....

I agree to some extent.  If your good you do pretty well at sitting on the fence.  You might lean occasionally but Bayless is running around in the field of loon's.


Well................... unbiased is exactly what "reporters" are supposed to be, and to good ones that's a point of pride.


But we aren't actually talking about reporters here.

Bayless is more of a shock jock.  He supposedly used to be a journalist but to me he has become more of a sideshow like Jerry Springer.

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well in the context of how he was ALL OVER tebow, i thought it was pretty dang funny lol.

Oh, I'm all for that, I just couldn't take the noise. The humor was even more annoying than his reality - if that's possible.

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