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Is Painter Regressing?

Captain Americolt

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He's not regressing teams are starting to get tape on him and figure him out. It's pretty clear he found a lot of success with running screans with him early and it's what he likes to throw and you are seeing teams starting to adjust to that.

Also playing with a make shift o-line (to the point we are down to the back up to the back up to the back up to the starter at some spots) and without his starting running back probably isn't helping either.

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Painter is just really BAD. Period.

I dont totaly agre with cozy..but he's an average guy....

We dont run much misdirection...we dont go deep that much and we dont emphasize the run...

Our offense is deisgned for the QB to be a GREAT player...

He has to hit the passes that Curtis misses or throws to the wrong shoulder...or throws a second too late..

Our offense is built to be run by the old country boy...

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The first couple weeks we used a lot of screens and short slants. Easy completions that teams weren't expecting to have to defend against us. Once they figured out we were watering down our offense to play down to what we had, they started doing things to take those short passes away. They want to force Painter to throw mid-range passes because the film on him will show he clearly cannot make a read, pre-snap or post snap, and he'll stare down a receiver and throw it to him even if he's double, triple, quadruple covered or whatever. And not only does he stare down a receiver for an entire play, he's done it for entire drives.

To claim his TD's to Garçon are of his doing is frivolous at best. One was a screen pass (imagine that) that was about .001% Painter and the rest a combo of Garçon's running and our blocking for him, and at least two of the others were on blown coverages. His TD to Clark is just the same: Dallas had to go up a ladder with one hand to pull that ball down because Painter aimed it at the 5th row.

Just look at the way we played offense today. We ran so many screen passes even Brady and the Pats were telling us to give it rest. When Painter has to go down the field anything beyond 5 yards the chances of success are slim at best. And to compound his problems we try to put him in a no huddle situation. The key to running no huddle is the ability to read the defense before the snap, and immediately after the snap. On his best of downs Painter seems to have no more than a vague idea of what the defense is doing, so you put him on the fly and success is going to be few and far between, and more a result of what the defense did or didn't do as opposed to what we did do.

There was never anything to regress to. The other guys finally figured out how to stop what he does do, and now that they've done that, he can't do something else to escape it. It happens all the time in the NFL. Michael Vick was the most hyped player of the year coming into this season. But defenses had a full year of film to break down his tendencies to an immaculate T and they know exactly what he's going to do in any situation he's in. Cam newton can expect the same thing down the road. Painter was so simple to stop it didn't take long at all.

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I dont totaly agre with cozy..but he's an average guy....

We dont run much misdirection...we dont go deep that much and we dont emphasize the run...

Our offense is deisgned for the QB to be a GREAT player...

He has to hit the passes that Curtis misses or throws to the wrong shoulder...or throws a second too late..

Our offense is built to be run by the old country boy...

You have some good points too, but .... lol

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I thought the play calling on offense was horrendous too not doing Painter any favors and now that they have game film on him as to how he leans towards Garcon (which is good for my PPR FF league :)), they basically limit his options and Clyde not adjusting is a double whammy. We should have had 2 TDs on those two 4th and goal opportunities, our red zone play was terrible too on offense.

The first 13 pts were on ST and field position, the rest was on a D that could only hold the fort so much due to an inept offense.

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Curtis painter is just being... Well, Curtis painter. He had a few decent games, but thats all they were. Decent games in losses are still losses. I readily admit, he hasn't played as bad as I thought he would, but he also not been anything to write home about.

The colts are just a bad team that an immortal QB in peyton manning has covered the holes in for years now. The team thought they could let guys retire, and go to other teams and just replace them with undrafted free agents, or rookies and it would be the same. You can't replace guys like Tarik Glenn, and Jake scott, and Bob Sanders, and etc, with those kind of players. The teams inability, or just plain refusal to spend money on free agents has been a big factor in the steady decline in talent on this team.

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Painter has made great strides toward becoming a quality back-up NFL QB. He's figuring it out slowly. The man has only had 5 NFL starts, so lets lay off trying to paint him as a bafoon. Look at Tim Tebow, Brady Quinn, Jamarcus Russel......high end prospects that snatched huge rookie contracts and they have zero NFL talent.

Painter played abysmal in the first half today. His mistakes were elementary, facepalm quality quackery. He did pick it up and play much better in the second half. If the kid could get consistent, then he may have a successful career as a back-up QB. However it will not be with this team. I cannot see a scenario in which he's a Colts next year.

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He's doing the exact same thing he was a few weeks ago: playing okay for about 2 quarters, and bad for the other two.

In other words, he's had his chance to "get better every week." It's not happening. This is as good as it gets for him. That doesn't mean he's terrible, and it certainly doesn't help that so many injuries have piled up, but anyone who expected a Matt Cassel scenario needs to wake up.

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