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we dont need a lot to be a championship team


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I agree, overall. With all the injuries and changes, we overachieved a bit. 


But I also think we showed how good we can be, even with some injuries and setbacks. Beating the Niners, Broncos and Seahawks is a big deal, and we did that without Ballard, Allen, Thomas, etc. We hung tough with the Pats, despite being flawed in many ways. 


I don't know how to quantify whether we'll be a championship caliber team or not, other than to compare how we matchup against other teams of that caliber. And for whatever reason, we're able to beat those teams already. If we improve at two or three spots, I think that puts us in the conversation. We need to run the ball better, first of all. And on defense, we need to be more consistent up front and in the secondary, and we need to improve our pass rush. The ability is there, the scheme and coaching is sound (IMO; I know some disagree).


We'll play the Broncos and the Pats in the regular season next year. The division should be better, with the coaching changes (I think the Titans and Texans hired the two best candidates out there, aside from Jay Gruden). The NFC division we face isn't as good, but still should be a challenge; same for the AFC division. The Colts will have plenty of opportunities to prove what they really are, and if we patch some holes, I think we'll hang tough in those matchups.


What we need to do beyond 2014 is impossible to tell at this point. I just hope we're not here talking about the offensive line again.


Same here, and Grigs made some improvements on the O-line last year too.  Cherilus was a good call and Thomas was too if he had not gotten hurt we would have been a lot better off.


If you are optimistic Thorton, Thomas and a good FA center should fix the offensive line to at the very least put us in the top half of the NFL.  


The defense is a huge issue too IMO.  

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There are holes all over the Colts roster.  Some will be filled by returning player but certainly not all.


Upgrades Needed

Interior line - there needs to be an upgrade here.  Discussed to its death so not much to add.  I hope Thomas coming back will help but that is not a certainty.


WR - adding an aged Wayne coming off his injury to this current group should help.  Hilton is clearly set.  But Rogers, Brazill, & Whalen is absolutely a group that can be improved upon.


RB - is anyone really comfortable with Ballard & TR as the 1-2 punch?  The Colts can say all they want about having an offseason will make TR more productive, but I think they know what they have in him.  And Ballard coming off his injury - uncertain at best.  Getting DB back would be a good move.


D-line - this is an area that is in drastic need of an upgrade.  They do not have a true playmaker among the bunch.  Redding is a leader and a good player but not great.  RJF is simply just OK.  Chapman - the same.  They do not push the pocket all that well and have gotten pushed around in the run game.  They rarely beat their guy.   


ILB - This is not as important as the d-line because if the line is better then the ILB's have more of a chance.  Freeman is obviously very good.  But Angerer is gone, Conner is just a guy as are McNary & Sheppard.


Safety - I think Bethea's best days are in his rear-view mirror.  And Landy cannot play in space.  Having a run stopping safety is good but he can exposed by OC's who get him isolated - then he is a weakness.  He will probably be around given his contract though.


So there is my take - many holes to fill. Approx 10 positions who could use an upgrade.  Maybe the injured guys make up for 3-4 off those spots - mostly on offense.  But the D needs work and I did not list the key FA they have to resign in Davis.


I think they have the main ingredient in Luck as I believe he is/will be special but there are many question marks.

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