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Notes on the Patriots gameplans...


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Some things I notice about the Patriots that are going to make it difficult for the Colts to cope are:


-How the Patriots maintain composure in the first half. Its a very similar style to the Colts because we aren't very much 1st half teams. But to them it seems like they do it on purpose to come back in the 2nd half. If we go for the points to early, they will try to burn us in the 2nd out of anger.


My solution: Get the running game going to keep Brady off the field and waste as much time possible to prepare to go all out in the 2nd with a passing game.


-Running game. I suspect that they will try to get us with the running game in the first half to tire out our key players like Mathis. Mathis was really struggling against the Chiefs. If we don't stop the run, we are in for a long haul especially in the 2nd half.


-Screen Passes. The perfect compliment to their run game is their annoying screen passes. It helps them gain big yardage (worse when they had Wes Welker) where they easily gain 40-60 yards or more.


My Solution: Sending a line backer to keep a close eye on their runningbacks and Amendola. Brady always seems to go for the runningback on screen passes.


-Passing game. Isnt as strong as previous years but the reason they make it difficult is because they play around with more then 6 recievers including their tight ends and putting the runningbacks in the mix. Their 2 tight end set was the worst when they had Gronkowski and Hernandez.


My solution: Roughing the passers like the Patriots did against the Colts in the 2004 playoffs. Things are a bit different now with dumb NFL rules so we have to be careful and test to see if the refs are on the Patriots side this game. Getting aggressive with their receivers without penalties. Giving them a taste of their own medicine. Putting a small cornerback on Edelman. Taller players like linebackers always have trouble stopping the small players.


-Controlling their slot receiver. Wes Welker was always Bradys target and go to man when it came to that. I remember that our CB was very close to Wes Welker all game and basically shut him down. If only we can do the same. Amendola is obviously not as skilled but still needs to be watched.


-Pressuring Brady IN THE SECOND HALF. Not first. If we go for him to early especially in the 1st. Belicheck will adjust the gameplan to help Brady out at halftime. Hes a very nervous guy when it comes to pressure so Mathis will have to do his thing there. He is afraid of getting hurt just like Peyton. We have to becareful with the screen passes though. If we go for a blitz, Brady will go for the screen. Keeping Brady off the field is the key.


Last but not least:


Preparing in case they do nothing mentioned above. Teams always change their gameplan especially when the other team expects they do what they usually do. We thought we knew the Chiefs and that it would be easier the second time around but the truth was that we didn't know anything about them because they were out of tune during the regular season game the Colts faced them...


So being prepared for the worst is the best thing to do...Our defense seems to show up every other game so if they didn't show up last time, maybe they will this time??

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Play 4 quarters instead of 2. The only comeback ever successful against the Pats is when a team comes back the next season after losing to the Pats the year before. This "comeback" stuff has got to  stop. Start playing when the whistle blows to start the game!! 

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I don't think running the ball against NE is going to do it.  (Especially if we use T-Rich in the rotation, nobody kills a drive like the T-Rich)  Like Manning, Brady needs very little time to get the ball down the field.  We could hold the ball for 45 minutes and still lose if we don't run up the score.  The only way to get past Brady, and then Manning in the following week is to run up Madden like scores and hope to heck our defense can get a turnover or two.


I say give the ball to Luck and let him go crazy.

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Just a few things, good game plan but people underestimate Danny Amendola and Julian Edelman's ability to actually get down field, but they have scored touchdowns in the past off of deep receptions on teams that don't give them that respect.  Thats what I like about Amendola and Edelman as opposed to Welker, they are truly the jack of all-trades and surely not just the slot.  Shane Vereen and Brandon Bolden are your excellent screen guys and also slot receivers and despite Aaron Dobson and Kenbrell Thompkins being rookies, they have a pretty high ceiling and have the capability of getting deep.  It took them a while to finally get acclimated with Tom but they started to hit their stide before the injury.  They can make plays down field.  Ultimately its going to come down to Andrew Luck keeping Tom off the field, thats the only shot.  Especially with a power run game now in Stevan Ridley and LeGarrette Blount.

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You didn't even read the whole thing. Don't comment if you don't care


How do you know he did not read the whole thing?  Maybe he did and that was the exact way he felt.


However, as someone said, it was not worth reading after your first thought that suggested the Pats get down in the 1st half on purpose.  Complete and utter nonsense.  Past that, it only got marginally better.

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How do you know he did not read the whole thing? Maybe he did and that was the exact way he felt.

However, as someone said, it was not worth reading after your first thought that suggested the Pats get down in the 1st half on purpose. Complete and utter nonsense. Past that, it only got marginally better.

Just look at all their games. At halftime the opponents were mostly leading.

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 I think that this Colts team is the most physical team we have sent to play the Patriots. To win we have to be more physical than the Pats because when they beat us that's how they usually do it. As Chuck says over and over you have to beat the man over you. O-line, D-line, Receivers, DB's, LB's, special teams, everybody has to hit harder than they do and just do your job and make the plays when it come to you….it's that simple.

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