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Reggie Wayne, Jeff Saturday And Robert Mathis Are All Scheduled For Free Agency In 2012


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Robert Mathis is going to want to get paid like a top DE in this league. We cannot afford to pay that kind of money to a 30 year old defensive end whose game is built around speed. Same thing with Freeney and it pains me to say it because he's one of my favorite players.

Not to mention that we don't have any idea what our coaching situation is going to be.

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I agree...I love Manning as much as anyone but he does have too much authority imo. This is something people need to keep in mind if we do start looking for a new HC. A lot of people are on the Cowher or Gruden bandwagon...these guys are both prone to letting their emotions getting the better of them. How do you think they're going to react the first time Peyton waves the punt team back off the field with that annoyed look on his face?

This from a guy who's been adamantly complaining about our undersized players. Also, you keep making a big deal about Mathis being younger than Freeney:

Dwight Jason Freeney (born February 19, 1980

Robert Nathan Mathis (born February 26, 1981

There is 1 year difference. One year is not worth using as a determination to keep one player over the other. At least the other point about Freeney's past injuries has some merit to it.

too much authority?? like what? and the few times he has waved off the kicking team, well, he was right.

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Robert Mathis is going to want to get paid like a top DE in this league. We cannot afford to pay that kind of money to a 30 year old defensive end whose game is built around speed. Same thing with Freeney and it pains me to say it because he's one of my favorite players.

Not to mention that we don't have any idea what our coaching situation is going to be.

i love both mathis an freeney.....i just don't love them on the same team. would be nice to have a de that is actually a factor in the run game.

Edited by BLOODontheTRACKS
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I agree...I love Manning as much as anyone but he does have too much authority imo. This is something people need to keep in mind if we do start looking for a new HC. A lot of people are on the Cowher or Gruden bandwagon...these guys are both prone to letting their emotions getting the better of them. How do you think they're going to react the first time Peyton waves the punt team back off the field with that annoyed look on his face?

To tell you the truth, I don't see many coaches bumping heads with Peyton. Dungy let Peyton run things and that turned out well. The difference b/w the coaches you just named (and Dungy) and Caldwell is that they know when to step in enforce THEIR authority. I'm sure Peyton wants a HC who will lead him and collaborate with him rather than let him run the whole show.

Also, Gruden ADMIRES Peyton Manning and everything he does. You can hear it everytime we play and Gruden is talking. It seems like when Gruden is talking about Peyton, he is dreaming about the things he could do with him (no *).

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too much authority?? like what? and the few times he has waved off the kicking team, well, he was right.

Too much authority in play calling (not sticking to the run...though this has gotten better over time) and and being able to wave off the punting team. Don't get me wrong, every time he waived the punting team off the field I was happy about it, but that doesn't mean it was or should have been his call to make. Not every coach is going to allow that to happen and that's what I was saying because Gruden and Cowher are very head strong and emotional coaches. How would either of them react when the team's QB is over-riding their decision (and therefore authority)? Not saying it would turn ugly but it could and that's something that should at least be considered.

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And they will all get resigned... the Colts realise that it's tough to play without them. PM will not like playing under a different center than Jeff, and he likes and kind of needs Reggie to do well. I mean, he's his security blanket and he's been with the team forever and has not shown signs of slowing down... sign him to a 3 year deal... sign Jeff to a 2 year deal.... now about Mathis. I think we can't get rid of him yet. He's 30 after the season, but like Wayne has not shown signs of slowing down, plus he's doing better than Freeney right now, and did better last year. He's not going to ask for a huge raise, and we have enough money to afford him, especially after Diem's gone.

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Going off the basis of this season, Jeff Saturday is the one most deserving of a new contract. He's been the one constant in a patchwork O-Line, and from what i've seen, he's been playing pretty darn good. Run blocking has improved, the interior of the line has looked a lot more solid, and i think we have to thank Jeff a lot for that. He still calls all the protections, and he's been doing everything in his power to help out the offense.

Reggie has suffered without Manning - though with Collins in there he still looked like the Reggie we know. My opinion on the matter is his skills are still all there, but Painter may not be looking to him as much (has a good combination w/Garcon). Yet every week, he's getting receptions, making the tough catches on 3rd downs, even when the pass isn't perfect. He's still very important to the team in my opinion.

Mathis (and Freeney for that matter) have been inconsistent. The last two games they've been anonymous, but they still have shown their abilities to harass offensive linemen. I think they're a great pair of Defensive Ends, but when most of the other defensive players aren't of the same level, it's easy for them to be taken out of the game. One of many issues I have with letting Dwight go in a couple of years and giving Robert big money is whether he'd have the same production at right end. I think we should try and kep both in the coming seasons by offering reasonable contracts. Freeney has had his big money contract, he may not want as much if the potential upside is a better team which could contend in future years. I hope the same will be the case with Robert next offseason.

I hope we can keep all three, though that may not be possible. I believe the most likely to go is Robert Mathis, as he will get some very appealing contract offers from other teams. Saturday took small money on his last contract, he's a guy not looking for money - if he still wants to play, he'll be with the Colts. I hope we can retain Reggie on a decent contract, not too long and not too expensive, which I again hope will be the case. The contract that shouldn't have been given was Gary Brackett a year ago. Too much money was invested in a player who now can't stay healthy, but more importantly, whose successor was drafted almost immediately, and has impressed a lot of people already.

The Colts' problems are on defense, so perhaps Mathis should be the priority, but i'd also like to see improvements made in each area of the Defense. The starters I'm happy with as of now are Dwight, Robert, Angerer and Bethea. Powers is solid, and the rest could be upgraded (though Nevis looked good prior to his injury too). A lot of problems need to be solved, and if these huge holes were papered over by Manning for several years - WOW. That guy's pretty good.

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Speaking of free agency..Reggie will be a FREE AGENT after this season. I see where you people are talking about letting him walk, or signing him for an incentive base contract. The Colts are not in control of Reggie, they can't decide his fate. There are two options for the Colts (1) Franchise him or make him an offer that would make it hard for him to refuse. There is one thing about receivers, they can't throw the ball to themselves. Reggie has not been apart of the gameplan for the colts in the last 4 games. Check the film, Painter hardly ever look in Reggie's direction, and when he does the ball either goes to whoever is in the slot, and it's usually not Reggie. They are using Reggie to clear out the area for another receiver.

Here is my take on the disrespect shown to Reggie, and believe me, the fact that he is not a part of the gameplan equals disrespect for whatever reason. The Colts are either (1) sucking for Luck, (2) Keeping Reggie stats low for contract negotiations because they know that the colts will not make the playoffs,(3) teaching him a lesson for being what they call "Outspoken" on several issues including but not limited to; 1 target in playoffs last year, signing and using another QB when you have a QB who practice with the team during spring training and understands the system.

I saw where someone on the board said, "let Reggie walk, and let Gonzo play his position. What a joke, Reggie has played 157 consecutive games,

and how many has Gonzo played in the last 3 years? Don't get me wrong no disrespect to Gonzo, I really like him alot. I usually talk to him when he is active on away games. He is a really nice guy who wants to contribute to the team but his injuries has really made him a non factor the last few years.

Pierre Garcon is having a good year so far this year, he is mostly single covered because Reggie draws double and sometimes triple coverage. The fact remains that the Colts are losing. So there is something about the Gameplans that's not translating into wins.

A lot of Colts have really taken Reggie for granted, you WILL miss him when he leaves. So if the Colts continue to ignore him on the field, HE WILL LEAVE. Be careful what you wish for!!!

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If Hughes shows he can play DE like he was drafted for, Mathis is expendable. Now I realize that people are calling him a bust already, but he has shown up ocassionally in his very limited playing time. Remember, if you have 1 good pass rusher, you have 0 good pass rushers. So it needs to be Mathis or Hughes stepping up.

Pollak could step in for Jeff. Yes, Jeff is having a good year, but he is the most easily replaced.

And I agree, Reggie is not Reggie of Old anymore. But who replaces him? Could Collie play the outside? (Doesn't have the speed.) Do we draft a WR (that usually takes 2-3 years to develop). Gonzo (He is capable IF healthy).

So, to sum up, the rest of the roster has to be considered. And that is where Polian has been good up until now. He has looked 2-3 years ahead and prepared for the future.

Reggie needs to stay unless we can draft an NFL ready WR.

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All three have been key members of this franchise for a while, but all three are getting into their "senior" years NFL wise. Would it be wise to bring any of them back, or instead, let all 3 walk and use that money to address needs with younger bodies.

Assuming Manning returns healthy, then absolutely bring them back!

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Not sure what you mean "Reggie of Old". How quickly you forget..Do you remember his stats last year? Reggie can not throw the ball to himself. As I stated earlier, he is not a part of the gameplan these last 4 or 5 games. Someone has to throw the ballto him in order for him to "catch it". I don't think Reggie will have any problem leaving the Colts. The other Teams breakdown films, they know the colts are intentionally keeping his stats down, since they don't think they can make the playoffs, they see him open, so believe me they will not hesitate to offer Reggie a contract that matches his skills.

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Not sure what you mean "Reggie of Old". How quickly you forget..Do you remember his stats last year? Reggie can not throw the ball to himself. As I stated earlier, he is not a part of the gameplan these last 4 or 5 games. Someone has to throw the ballto him in order for him to "catch it". I don't think Reggie will have any problem leaving the Colts. The other Teams breakdown films, they know the colts are intentionally keeping his stats down, since they don't think they can make the playoffs, they see him open, so believe me they will not hesitate to offer Reggie a contract that matches his skills.

He caught a lot of balls last year. But he does not get separation like he used to.

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my guess is freeney will have his contract extended this year (his deal is for onre more year). and by extended i also mean restructured. No way in heck we can handle his cap room + Manning's next year. I cant remember the cap hit for freeney's contract but i remember been huge.

i agree, freeney 's cap hit is 19.5 million next year!

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if wayne will take a salary about the same as he is making now without the big signing bonus, i would sign him. i think mathis will be reasonable to resign. saturday may want to retire. he has had a lot of injuries the last couple years, ones long term health has to be considered.

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I hate saying this, but I think Reggie will be gone. IMO i would keep Mathis and let Reg and Saturday walk, even though I think Peyton will try to keep them both. I would just like to see what this offense would be like if we went after a big receiver like Vincent Jackson or someone with his measurables. I really wish Bill Polian and Jim Caldwell was a free agent next year.

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We keep Mathis. As much as i like Reggie he is getting older and it just seems like any receiver working with Manning does well. A full off season for manning and he will have another guy take Reggie's spot without skipping a beat id say. Unless he takes a significant pay cut, this is his last year as a colt. As for Saturday, if he wants to come back i wouldn't be surprised for him to take a small contract for 2 years or so just to retire a colt, and its not like he would be an instant starter anywhere else. So his choices are wait in FA and hope a center gets injured or play for the colts. Mathis is a big part of a Defense that is awful. We need to keep the small amount of talent we actually have and acquire some more....a lot more... and on a side not, i am even getting to the point to say we trade Clark to free up some cap space to help sign Mathis and bring more guys in. Not necessarily because he struggled this year...but because he struggled this year haha. It is becoming more clear that as good as he was, it was alot to do with the man throwing the ball. Tamme looked more like Clark last year then Clark does this year. That to me says it all. Let Clark go and play Tamme for close to the same production for a fraction of the price.

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I would let Wayne and Mathis walk. For Wayne, there are plenty of receivers that we can get that should suit Manning just fine, because frankly, Manning can make ANY receiver look good!

As for Mathis, he's too situational and we already have Freeney. Yes, having two pass-rushing ends is nice, and pass-rushing ends are hard to come by, but let's not be greedy. We need to change our defense. Letting Mathis go is a great precursor to these changes. This will allow us more cap space for defensive backs, which we desperately need. I understand Freeney will see more double teams with Mathis gone, but we need to make changes, period. Finding a "solid" DE is not that hard. We had one in John Chick, before we let him go to the Jaguars. We also have Jerry Hughes who we can still groom.

As for Saturday, I would reluctantly keep him. He's getting way too old and some are questioning his ability to run block, but his chemistry with Manning is renowned. Our o-line needs a team captain, and Saturday is the perfect candidate.

Edited by ReMeDy
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