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I don't mean to start the same old topics but with the exception of a couple of runs, trent looked good in space and broke off some of his best runs all season. He got involved in the passing game more today and looked comfortable running making guys miss. Looked a little more fresh and wasn't going down with simple arm tackles today

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He can catch the ball and make a great play. But he cannot run the ball after the line of scrimmage. He did okay today.

Once again we had no run blocking and the ONE time we did he broke it for like 8 or 10 yards. The O-Line is the problem. Although TRich had a terrible missed block today.

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Trent is not the problem. The coaches are. Get rid of all the coaches and the team will be fine.



lol ok, the coaches are forcing him to run into the back of defenders. They are making him miss blocks in pass pro. Come on man, get real. The coaches benched him for Brown who has played well. I'd say that's good coaching, just because the GM messed up, doesn't mean he has to play. 

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lol ok, the coaches are forcing him to run into the back of defenders. They are making him miss blocks in pass pro. Come on man, get real. The coaches benched him for Brown who has played well. I'd say that's good coaching, just because the GM messed up, doesn't mean he has to play.

Have you made one post on this forum that wasn't in some way bashing TRich?

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Trent, is not the problem he still 8s recovering for the knee scope early in the season takes a yr to get get explosion bsck

i have been kinda thinking something like this.   I would not be surprised at all if when the season is over, we hear that TRich was playing through an injury.  

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I like to bash Trent, and think we paid way too much for him, but he did okay in Cincy.  I like the thought of getting him more involved in the passing game.

Why do you enjoy bashing TR? I didn't like the trade, but I still hope he has success. It's not his fault Grigson gave up a 1 for him.

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Ill just say it. Like all his catches besides 1 or 2(?) came in complete garbage time check-down routes, where he just ran a curl route 9 yards deep and stood there wide open. also he screwed Luck on 1 blitz pickup that I recall. 


with that said, Brown was bad as well(worse actually minus the missed block by trent). None of the rbs got a chance to run, as we (once again) found ourselves in a early deficit caused by poor offense on our side, and long drives on the BungHoles side. 

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Trent looked good on Sunday people just needed to give him time to get used to our offense.




He looked good catching the ball...too bad he's not a WR instead of a RB, which he has still utterly sucked at. The truth is the truth, there isn't any sense in sugar coating it.

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I don't mean to start the same old topics but with the exception of a couple of runs, trent looked good in space and broke off some of his best runs all season. He got involved in the passing game more today and looked comfortable running making guys miss. Looked a little more fresh and wasn't going down with simple arm tackles today


but you started a new thread instead of using the tr thread where all tr posts are supposed to be.


same old, same old.

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I'm tired of this topic as well, but we unstickied the Trent thread, so it's fair game at the moment. We'll see how it goes.

Probably Gould resticky till the off-season IMO.

But I will say that he did look better when he was in space. I really don't wanna look at the stats because a lot of the yards he got through the air came on that last drive where he was wide open underneath for about 10 yards a play.

He's improving but still has quite a bit of work to do in terms of running the ball. I'm tempering expectations till next season.

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For the love of god stop the nonsense with trent. He is a nobody until he consistently puts up 20+carries/100+yards and finds the endzone more than from the half yard line. Its just [mod edit] listening to people praise him for one or two 6yard runs instead of the normal -2 yard runs.

Edited by Superman
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For the love of god stop the nonsense with trent. He is a nobody until he consistently puts up 20+carries/100+yards and finds the endzone more than from the half yard line. Its just gay listening to people praise him for one or two 6yard runs instead of the normal -2 yard runs.

For the love of god do something other then + constantly about TRich

It's just [mod edit] listening to ppl complain non stop

Cause he's not Barry freaking sanders like everyone wants speaking of Barry sanders he couldn't run behind this line

Edited by Superman
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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting hidden post
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting hidden post

For the love of god stop the nonsense with trent. He is a nobody until he consistently puts up 20+carries/100+yards and finds the endzone more than from the half yard line. Its just gay listening to people praise him for one or two 6yard runs instead of the normal -2 yard runs.

"It's just gay"? Are you 12?

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting edited post
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting edited post

"It's just gay"? Are you 12?

Nah hes just a blatant troll. All of his posts have some type of over the top, negative hyperbole to get a rise. Im honestly not sure how he hasnt been banned yet.
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i have been kinda thinking something like this.   I would not be surprised at all if when the season is over, we hear that TRich was playing through an injury.  

yea , he said him self being behind donald is a little good cause he bin banged up , we will see a different trent next yr

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A minor knee scope isn't going to slow you down this far into the season.

ok, "minor" could be what they threw out there but any surgery is gonna have and effect, u just dont know and trent is facing a up hill battle, the oline cant run block , the play calling is predictable not to mention the full back is not really that good at paving the way,  

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting edited post
Hidden by Superman, December 11, 2013 - quoting edited post

For the love of god stop the nonsense with trent. He is a nobody until he consistently puts up 20+carries/100+yards and finds the endzone more than from the half yard line. Its just gay listening to people praise him for one or two 6yard runs instead of the normal -2 yard runs.

What absolute drivel and with a juvenile, ridiculous use of a really unnescessary term. I would think you can do better but this is pretty much par for your course.

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    • Well this might be a crap shoe Sunday   
    • That’s a nearly 20 year old article.  Not exactly relevant right now with the advancements in techniques and rehab.     He’s the youngest QB in the league, with the least experience in college.     This is his tryout year.  Have a little patience.   
    • I Respectfully disagree.  I do agree that Shane is trying to win games.   What I don’t agree on is that he’s using AR to his full advantage to do so.  It may be injury concern, or that he feels AR isn’t quite back to 100% from surgery.  But he’s not using him like he did last season.    I’m not saying it’s wrong, and I hope it’s for the best.  But I think ARs development is more important to the franchise than winning right now.   I gave the example of Daniels.  They’re letting him run, it definitely helps them to stay in games.  That may not be a smart strategy if he ends up like RGknee, but you can see they’re trying to win now.  
    • To use an off season surgery as an excuse is bollocks....    He needs to step up his game and start performing. In many ways he honestly looks like one of the 5 worst QB´s in the league and again, to use a shoulder surgery as an excuse is just pure bollocks.   There simply is no development in his game, and his huge upside is what? tell me?    I don´t think one second that we will ever come close to winning anything with him as our QB.   and to make things worse read this: https://www.espn.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=pasquarelli_len&id=2176813
    • And yet, PFF didn't grade him all that high last year.  My response to this is that the scheme is designed for the MLB and the SS to make most of the tackles.  And they do. But last year, Franklin allowed a 77% completion rate with 10.2 yards per completion, and 7.9 yards per target.  In summary, he makes a lot of tackles by scheme, but he also allows a lot of completions. I don't think of him a Great.  Or even Good.  He's Fair.   https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/F/FranZa00.htm  
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