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RG III On His Last "Leg" As A Player?

King Colt

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You saw yet another dud performance by RG again last night against the 49ers. At this point in his second year he is showing something no one wants-inability to get the job done. He looks lost back there and panic seems to be his prime motivator. He is looking more and more like a million dollar paper clip with every game he plays.

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He's always relied on his athletic ability and  he's going against far better athletes than he faced in college..


Its what was worrisome about him before his rookie year...


..all NFL offensive players slow up as they get beat up and defenders just get younger and faster all the time.


You cant rely on your gifts ....you have to rely on your skills

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He looks much, much slower than last year when he does take off and run.  You can also see his wheels spinning in his brain - he's not reacting instictively and that makes him even slower. 


I don't ever want to have a true "running" QB - one with mobility that can take occasional advantage of the openings, yes but not one that wants to make his living with his feet rather than his arm.  Their career life is notoriously short and with only a short window of effectiveness.

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RG is not going anywhere. I fully expect Shanny. o be fired at season end which should go a long way in helping the Skins be more successful next season.

Then when he regresses again next year, we blame it on the system change, right? The book isnt closed on him, but hes obviously drank deeply of his own kool-aid. I dont see how he turns it around next season as he gets hit even more, and likely gets injured again in the process.

All windows are coming up bust right now, which would make him thw biggest draft bust in history, given that the Redskins leveraged their entire future on him.

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Wow, so we now have three separate threads about RG3/Redskins on the first page of the NFL General section. Seesh, some of you really hate that kid LOL.

He's definitely struggling this year, and he's got an ego the size of Texas, but give him a break.

Its just fascinating is all. The Redskins are a high profile team that leveraged their entire future on one draft pick, and hes floundering. Its potentially one of the greatest blunders in the history of the draft.

Also RG3 openly said he refused to work out for Indy because he didnt want to be on a small market team and "felt bad for forcing their hand" in taking Luck. Theres no love lost there.

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Wow, so we now have three separate threads about RG3/Redskins on the first page of the NFL General section.  Seesh, some of you really hate that kid LOL. 


He's definitely struggling this year, and he's got an ego the size of Texas, but give him a break. 

If the number of threads on the first page is any indication we also hate Trent, Pep, want to fire Pagano, and Satele/McGlynn.

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Wow, so we now have three separate threads about RG3/Redskins on the first page of the NFL General section.  Seesh, some of you really hate that kid LOL. 


He's definitely struggling this year, and he's got an ego the size of Texas, but give him a break. 

not hatred, more of an "I told you so."  There was much debate, b4 either played a down in the NFL, on who was better.  We saw the teams and systems they both had to work with and knew we had the right QB for the future.  BUT RG3 gets rookie of the year, and many posters (one named RG3) had to comment repeatedly about how much better RG3 was than Luck and bla bla bla...  well look now??  Luck and RG3 ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE... And we are not letting those who said otherwise off the hook!!!  

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Then when he regresses again next year, we blame it on the system change, right? The book isnt closed on him, but hes obviously drank deeply of his own kool-aid. I dont see how he turns it around next season as he gets hit even more, and likely gets injured again in the process.

All windows are coming up bust right now, which would make him thw biggest draft bust in history, given that the Redskins leveraged their entire future on him.

Who knows. Newton was being accused last year of being a poor leader and he has pretty much redefined himself this season with a better team around him. A change in DC may propel RG back to the QB he was last year. Just too early to say. For sure his team is horrible this year and his coaching has been awful.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - personal shot

Dear god. :facepalm:  They're the same type of player. Run around alot...throw it up for grabs (sandlot ball) and hope for the best.

i see you are new here... thank you for letting me know now that you have a low football IQ.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - removed and quoted removed
Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - removed and quoted removed

i see you are new here... thank you for letting me know now that you have a low football IQ.  



Come now, that's how they do play...let's be honest with one another. They had entire offensive gameplans built around their limited football abilities. We're starting to harvest that speculation.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - removed and quoted removed
Hidden by Nadine, November 30, 2013 - removed and quoted removed

i see you are new here... thank you for letting me know now that you have a low football IQ.  

I didn't think what s/he said was that far off.  All three of those guys bail on the pocket quicker than the better pocket passers in the league. 

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I didn't think what s/he said was that far off.  All three of those guys bail on the pocket quicker than the better pocket passers in the league. 


Which goes back to what they have been trained to do probably since middle school or high school.  For them the way they have always been successful is to, when in doubt run for it.


I think that's why it's nearly impossilbe to find guys with that kind of athletic ability who are great pocket passers.  Because if you have superior athletic ability to everyone on the field, the tactic of "when it doubt, run for it" pays off in the long run.  


Guys who where QB's who didn't have that superior athletic ability had to find other ways to do things when the pressure was on.  Look off the safeties, pump fake the coverage, basically assist your receivers in getting open.  They had to learn to do that because running for it wasn't going to take them very far.


In the end, when in doubt, run for it doesn't work as well at the NFL level because nearly everyone is an elite athlete and they are disciplined enough to stay in contain once the DC has figured out how to contain you.


But looking off the safeties and pump faking still works at the NFL level.  If you have to guess who a QB is throwing to you are naturally going to guess that he's gonna throw at the guy he's looking at.  And you have to react so fast to the ball that when you see that arm move to you have to react and can't sit there and wait to see if he actually throws it or not.  

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Which goes back to what they have been trained to do probably since middle school or high school.  For them the way they have always been successful is to, when in doubt run for it.


I think that's why it's nearly impossilbe to find guys with that kind of athletic ability who are great pocket passers.  Because if you have superior athletic ability to everyone on the field, the tactic of "when it doubt, run for it" pays off in the long run.  


Guys who where QB's who didn't have that superior athletic ability had to find other ways to do things when the pressure was on.  Look off the safeties, pump fake the coverage, basically assist your receivers in getting open.  They had to learn to do that because running for it wasn't going to take them very far.


In the end, when in doubt, run for it doesn't work as well at the NFL level because nearly everyone is an elite athlete and they are disciplined enough to stay in contain once the DC has figured out how to contain you.


But looking off the safeties and pump faking still works at the NFL level.  If you have to guess who a QB is throwing to you are naturally going to guess that he's gonna throw at the guy he's looking at.  And you have to react so fast to the ball that when you see that arm move to you have to react and can't sit there and wait to see if he actually throws it or not.  

And I don't think you do your rookie QB many favors by installing a gimmicky offense where it basically plays off the DE/OLB and it's either hand off, run, or pass to the first read.  Granted, they didn't run it every play, so I'm not saying that he didn't learn to read a defense.  But the threat of the option kept defenses on their heels all year last year.  So his efficiency last year is inflated, as this year is clearly proving to be true. Like you said, hesitating at the pro level is the difference between a defensed pass and a blown coverage. 


Now, in his second year, RGIII is being forced to stand in the pocket, make his progressions and in the face of pressure, makes a lot of rookie mistakes.  I don't know if he'll get better at it.  I'm no NFL coach.  However, from my perspective, it seems to me that he's going through the rookie growing pains that he would have last year but for the read-option offense. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones
Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 27, 2013 - offensive to some
Hidden by Nadine, November 27, 2013 - offensive to some

Geno Smith definitely doesn't fit that criteria. He's a pure pocket passer.

What he really meant to say was "They are all black quarterbacks, so I'm just going to lump them together in a group."

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Its just fascinating is all. The Redskins are a high profile team that leveraged their entire future on one draft pick, and hes floundering. Its potentially one of the greatest blunders in the history of the draft.



People said that about Cam Newton after his awful sophomore year slump.  Look at him now...Carolina is the hottest team in the NFL right now, winners of 6 straight. 


How can you say Griffin will go down as one of the greatest blunders in the history of the NFL draft, when he's only in his second year?  Look man, I know a lot of us Colts fans were a little salty that they gave Griffin ROtY over Luck because his team just happened to get lucky down the stretch and barely make the playoffs....but some folks refuse to give this guy any leeway.


Its obvious RG3 will probably never be as good as Luck.  But with a better o-line, better receivers, and a better defense that doesn't have him down 14-0 in the first quarter most of the time, he'll turn out to be a decent QB.  Russell Wilson isn't exactly lighting it up this year out there in Seattle, but he's got the #1 defense in the NFL to back him up.  Same with Kaepernick.

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People said that about Cam Newton after his awful sophomore year slump.  Look at him now...Carolina is the hottest team in the NFL right now, winners of 6 straight. 


How can you say Griffin will go down as one of the greatest blunders in the history of the NFL draft, when he's only in his second year?  Look man, I know a lot of us Colts fans were a little salty that they gave Griffin ROtY over Luck because his team just happened to get lucky down the stretch and barely make the playoffs....but some folks refuse to give this guy any leeway.


Its obvious RG3 will probably never be as good as Luck.  But with a better o-line, better receivers, and a better defense that doesn't have him down 14-0 in the first quarter most of the time, he'll turn out to be a decent QB.  Russell Wilson isn't exactly lighting it up this year out there in Seattle, but he's got the #1 defense in the NFL to back him up.  Same with Kaepernick.

Some people are just full of themselves and their opinions.

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And I don't think you do your rookie QB many favors by installing a gimmicky offense where it basically plays off the DE/OLB and it's either hand off, run, or pass to the first read.  Granted, they didn't run it every play, so I'm not saying that he didn't learn to read a defense.  But the threat of the option kept defenses on their heels all year last year.  So his efficiency last year is inflated, as this year is clearly proving to be true. Like you said, hesitating at the pro level is the difference between a defensed pass and a blown coverage. 


Now, in his second year, RGIII is being forced to stand in the pocket, make his progressions and in the face of pressure, makes a lot of rookie mistakes.  I don't know if he'll get better at it.  I'm no NFL coach.  However, from my perspective, it seems to me that he's going through the rookie growing pains that he would have last year but for the read-option offense. 


That and all the screens.  Last year one of the big points for Andrew Luck as Rookie of the year was that a full quarter of RG3's passes didn't even go across the line of scrimmage.  Meanwhile Luck was launching it deep in the BA offense.  

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Who knows. Newton was being accused last year of being a poor leader and he has pretty much redefined himself this season with a better team around him. A change in DC may propel RG back to the QB he was last year. Just too early to say. For sure his team is horrible this year and his coaching has been awful.



The team in Washington is bad but there is nothing wrong with the running game or his receivers. If you really look at his stats , he's played much worse than they indicate as most of his success has come when his team was behind and playing against soft defenses.


As far as " him being the QB he was last year " , that will never .. ever , never ever happen. Two reasons..


1) He's way to small and lean to take the kinds of hits a QB takes when he constantly pulls the ball down and runs.


2) The read option is pretty much done. Look at Kaepernick's  year. I believe until last night , he went 9 games in a row passing for less than 200 yards. RG3 is going to have to lean to play from the pocket and he's never done that. He has a chance to be great but he will not do it the same way as he did in year one. 


Say what you want about Shanahan but he molded the offense around RG3's strengths. The guy came out of college with no experience playing in an NFL offense . The knocks on him were that he "saw ghosts in the pocket " and he never was asked to go through a progression of reads. So far , it looks like these were indeed legitimate concerns. So while I agree with you that Shanahan maybe needs to go , I'm not sure a more "conventional" coach will be to RG3's benefit. 

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There's a lot of young talent around the league at QB. The sophomore jinx is in full swing. The second time around in the NFL is tough. It's a league of adjustments and not everyone can progress and improve. Newton is the only one that stands a shot at lasting on the move but his growth is coming from incorporating a more traditional style of play. Russell is fantastic. He has acted and played like a veteran since the midway point of last season. The rest like Luck, Tannehill, RG3 and Kap are on the next level and the jury is still out on. They all aren't going to make it as stars. I think Luck and Tannehill have the best chance but I'm a traditionalist.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

There's a lot of young talent around the league at QB. The sophomore jinx is in full swing. The second time around in the NFL is tough. It's a league of adjustments and not everyone can progress and improve. Newton is the only one that stands a shot at lasting on the move but his growth is coming from incorporating a more traditional style of play. Russell is fantastic. He has acted and played like a veteran since the midway point of last season. The rest like Luck, Tannehill, RG3 and Kap are on the next level and the jury is still out on. They all aren't going to make it as stars. I think Luck and Tannehill have the best chance but I'm a traditionalist.

Luck is 7-4. (He beat your man Russell, and Kap, and Peyton) Not too shabby for a sophmore jinx.  And Newton isn't a sophmore.  But hey, who cares about details?

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Luck is 7-4. (He beat your man Russell, and Kap, and Peyton) Not too shabby for a sophmore jinx.  And Newton isn't a sophmore.  But hey, who cares about details?

I wasn't saying Newton was a sophomore. I was referring to his style or previous style. My bad I can see where the confusion came from. Great wins for Luck and I would take him over Kap all day long and twice on Sunday and even Peyton at this point in his career. Russell is the best of the bunch. Luck is good but I'm not sold on him turning great just yet.

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The team in Washington is bad but there is nothing wrong with the running game or his receivers. If you really look at his stats , he's played much worse than they indicate as most of his success has come when his team was behind and playing against soft defenses.


As far as " him being the QB he was last year " , that will never .. ever , never ever happen. Two reasons..


1) He's way to small and lean to take the kinds of hits a QB takes when he constantly pulls the ball down and runs.


2) The read option is pretty much done. Look at Kaepernick's  year. I believe until last night , he went 9 games in a row passing for less than 200 yards. RG3 is going to have to lean to play from the pocket and he's never done that. He has a chance to be great but he will not do it the same way as he did in year one. 


Say what you want about Shanahan but he molded the offense around RG3's strengths. The guy came out of college with no experience playing in an NFL offense . The knocks on him were that he "saw ghosts in the pocket " and he never was asked to go through a progression of reads. So far , it looks like these were indeed legitimate concerns. So while I agree with you that Shanahan maybe needs to go , I'm not sure a more "conventional" coach will be to RG3's benefit. 

All good and valid points. Not sure if RG will regain last year's form either but for sure the coaching has been terrible. A new regime will help the QB the most. And I am not sure any coaching staff can coach these new young QBs conventionally. But I do like what the coach in Carolina has done with Newton this season.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I wasn't saying Newton was a sophomore. I was referring to his style or previous style. My bad I can see where the confusion came from. Great wins for Luck and I would take him over Kap all day long and twice on Sunday and even Peyton at this point in his career. Russell is the best of the bunch. Luck is good but I'm not sold on him turning great just yet.

If you go back and look at my old posts (you don't have to) you can see I'm the biggest fan of Russell on this entire forum and have been since day 1.  I've been accused of overrating him at times.  I said he should be the 2nd pick in the draft and he's the only one of the young qbs I would want on my team other than Luck.  So take that into account when I say this:  Luck is the better quarterback, and would not trade Luck to the Seahawks for Wilson and the rest of their team.

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The Redskins regime only have themselves to blame.  RG3 missed an entire offseason and for young QBs those offseasons are vital.  While Luck and Wilson were learning their offenses, working with their WRs, and developing with the coaching staff RG3 was rehabbing his knee.  This left RG3 at a disadvantage when it comes to his development and then they would not put him at risk in any of the preseason games so his first action with a fixed knee is with live bullets.


How the Redskins handled RG3's return was horrible and from some of the reports out there RG3 sure is not helping himself.  Also, outside of Jordan Reed RG3 really does not have a receiving threat.  He has a good running game with Helu and Morris, but you have to be able to throw the ball in this league to win.


It maybe almost time to just bench RG3, get back to learning, and then come back fresh next season and get him some real WR help in the draft or free agency.

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If you go back and look at my old posts (you don't have to) you can see I'm the biggest fan of Russell on this entire forum and have been since day 1.  I've been accused of overrating him at times.  I said he should be the 2nd pick in the draft and he's the only one of the young qbs I would want on my team other than Luck.  So take that into account when I say this:  Luck is the better quarterback, and would not trade Luck to the Seahawks for Wilson and the rest of their team.

We're going to get our answer over the next couple of years.

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The Redskins regime only have themselves to blame.  RG3 missed an entire offseason and for young QBs those offseasons are vital.  While Luck and Wilson were learning their offenses, working with their WRs, and developing with the coaching staff RG3 was rehabbing his knee.  This left RG3 at a disadvantage when it comes to his development and then they would not put him at risk in any of the preseason games so his first action with a fixed knee is with live bullets.


How the Redskins handled RG3's return was horrible and from some of the reports out there RG3 sure is not helping himself.  Also, outside of Jordan Reed RG3 really does not have a receiving threat.  He has a good running game with Helu and Morris, but you have to be able to throw the ball in this league to win.


It maybe almost time to just bench RG3, get back to learning, and then come back fresh next season and get him some real WR help in the draft or free agency.



Garcon has become an outstanding WR. Not only does he make incredible catches but he is dynamite after the catch.

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