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Jim Irsay comments on Colts/Rams


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basically, this game took us from the chance of being a #2 seed and finishing 12-4 possibly playing KC for the #1 seed to a team that assuredly is playing in the first round and not getting a bye. If we know that, Jim and company know that. I hope he is *. this was a terrible, terrible loss. The worst there has been in a number of years

Maybe the worst lost in the new era but remember the 62-7 beating we took 2 years ago....

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I wouldn't say the head coach although he is taking the blame. it is bad play calling by both the OC and DC. and the offensive line coach needs to get his guys in check cause they suck.

Pagano is the head coach, his job is to make sure the coordinators are doing the best job for thenteam. His job descript is too make sure position coaches are at the top of the game and get the most out of his players. Wins are because of the coach and quality contol. Losses hang on the head coach as well for not getting that quality from his position coaches. How many times have we seen other teams beat us with back up guys at QB, RB, WR, OT? How many games have we fans said oh, their best LT is down and Freeney or Mathis will have a field day and nothing happens, they get dominated and are non factors for us? Thats coaching. One side schemes for a deficiency and we do what we do, next man up when the next man doesn't possess the same skill level and we wonder why there is no dividend to a match up.

I'm sure Pagano is a great person band his story last season was very touching and the team overachieved but was that arians or the " win for Pagano" ? I'm just not sold on the leadership quality of Pagano yet, he has done nothing out of the ordinary to date, no wow moments so far.

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  Clearly the Colts thought they could just show up yesterday and walk away with a win against a 3-6 team with a bunch of second stringers - hopefully they learned something!


That was not clear to me at all. Could this be conjecture on your part? I seriously have a hard time imagining any team in today's NFL thinking that a game would be easy. Most guys feel like they have been in a car wreck on Monday morning, win or lose. 

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That was not clear to me at all. Could this be conjecture on your part? I seriously have a hard time imagining any team in today's NFL thinking that a game would be easy. Most guys feel like they have been in a car wreck on Monday morning, win or lose. 


What other reason could so easily explain such a lackluster performance by 95%+ of the guys that played?

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Ok…..so what is he going to do about, go give the players and coaches a stern talking to, SCARY!!!  Most of the players could give 2 squirts of * about this.  They make so much $$$$$$ that if they get cut another team will just pick them up.  Trust me, us fans care much more than the players do, just look at all the different threads & posts we are losing our minds after this loss (me included).        To me, words are cheap…..FIX the problem Mr. Irsay.

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Ok…..so what is he going to do about, go give the players and coaches a stern talking to, SCARY!!! Most of the players could give 2 squirts of * about this. They make so much $$$$$$ that if they get cut another team will just pick them up. Trust me, us fans care much more than the players do, just look at all the different threads & posts we are losing our minds after this loss (me included). To me, words are cheap…..FIX the problem Mr. Irsay.

Irsay employs Grigson and Pagano to fix football problems. If he were more directly involved, we'd hear howls that he's a meddling owner. As it is a lot of folks wish he would never say anything -- as if he has no skin in the game.

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This is a wild guess... but I'm betting that Irsay is frustrated because a primary goal of this off season was to find better protection for his QB.  He spent a lot of money on some under the radar players and put his faith in Grigson and Pagano that these were the right moves.   All that money spent this off season and Luck is still being pounded -- he's got to be starting to wonder if his money was well spent.

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Describe "number of years"

Cause....... I remember the New Orleans massacre during the 2-14 season which really wasn't too long ago


other than being very embarrassing that loss didn't matter much because the season was already lost.  This loss has a bigger impact.

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other than being very embarrassing that loss didn't matter much because the season was already lost.  This loss has a bigger impact.

I think the larger point is that teams have games like this.  Where everything just goes wrong at once and the game just snow balls on you.  As bad as the 2011 Colts were they weren't the Saints game bad most of the year.  That was the one that got away from them and snowballed out of control. 


During a season you normally have two or three games you just toss out because it's either way above how they should have played or way below how they should have played and then you look at how they played in the rest and you get a good feeling for what your team truly is. 


This is a good Colts team that should probably win the South and maybe a playoff game but it's probably not a true Super Bowl contending team yet unless things break their way and hey that's really what the playoffs are about.  Having things break your way and taking advantaging of situations when they arise.  Since this is only year two into making over the whole roster where the Colts are at already is ahead of schedule where just about everyone thought they would be at this point. 

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This is a wild guess... but I'm betting that Irsay is frustrated because a primary goal of this off season was to find better protection for his QB.  He spent a lot of money on some under the radar players and put his faith in Grigson and Pagano that these were the right moves.   All that money spent this off season and Luck is still being pounded -- he's got to be starting to wonder if his money was well spent.


I was sure we would get at least one more guard in FA. I cannot believe we went into the season with McGlynn even if we had planned on drafting a guard, that was too big of gamble given that we could have gotten a decent guard on a 1 year deal for a reasonable price.  Then we go and trade off AQ ... some of Grigson's oline moves were baffling.

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other than being very embarrassing that loss didn't matter much because the season was already lost. This loss has a bigger impact.

Actually because of how the week played out, this loss ended up meaning absolutely nothing in terms of divisional standings. The Jags beating the Titans essentially made the Rams game a preseason game.

Also its the worst loss the Colts have had at home since the Jeff George era.

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