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Keep McGlynn at center, Satele off the line up


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How is it that when A.Q.Shipley stepped in last year for Satele that our center position's performance went up a bit?


How is it that when McGlynn steps in this year the same thing happens?


Most of us probably agree that McGlynn should continue at center even if Satele is healthy.

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McGlynn had one of those beautiful blue collar, lunch pail games yesterday that every player should be proud of. All the guy did was show up for work, get his job done and go home at the end of his shift.  You didn't hear his name called, or see him dancing and mugging for the cameras after a play, but he did exactly what he got paid to do. And he did it like a pro. 

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How is it that when A.Q.Shipley stepped in last year for Satele that our center position's performance went up a bit?


How is it that when McGlynn steps in this year the same thing happens?


Most of us probably agree that McGlynn should continue at center even if Satele is healthy.

I cannot believe we all agree to keep McGlynn on the team :)Just not as Guard :):) :) And Stinkenbach  Wow he looked great in IMO

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Go with the hot hand(s).  After playing a game like that, why disrupt things?


Satele was a similar signing to Zibikowski.  You think nothing of benching or replacing Zibikowkski, so I'm not sure why Satele should be entrenched as the starter.

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As I said in the McGlynn  thread, I have been the biggest critic of McGlynn!  When someone shows up and brawls all game long...even with a bad left knee...he is a winner.  No matter how hard I have slammed him, he showed professionalism and grit.


If it takes him leading by example...calling out the line signals/changes to make him the best he can be...I am all for him at center.  He did NOT get pushed back until he hurt his knee.  What a game by he and link....OK the entire OL....against a very good football team as we know.  



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How is it that when A.Q.Shipley stepped in last year for Satele that our center position's performance went up a bit?


How is it that when McGlynn steps in this year the same thing happens?


Most of us probably agree that McGlynn should continue at center even if Satele is healthy.

Not that I'm anxious to have Satele back, but I'd like to see McGlynn (and that same line) perform the same in the next game before we crown them.  They all played very well, I'd love to see how they scored.  Who was that wearing Link's jersey?


I remember going to the Browns game last year and Zibikowski had a great game.  I was thinking that our S spot was in good shape.  He got nothing but worse after that. 


Consistency is the key.

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Satele needs to be cut next year.  His cap hit jumps to over 5.4 million next year (it's 3.8 million now).  Next year we would have to eat about a million in dead money but it would save us 4.4 million overall.  


We could spend that 4.4 million and get an actually good center.  

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As I said in the McGlynn  thread, I have been the biggest critic of McGlynn!  When someone shows up and brawls all game long...even with a bad left knee...he is a winner.  No matter how hard I have slammed him, he showed professionalism and grit.


If it takes him leading by example...calling out the line signals/changes to make him the best he can be...I am all for him at center.  He did NOT get pushed back until he hurt his knee.  What a game by he and link....OK the entire OL....against a very good football team as we know.  


Even with the knee injury, he still did okay. best game out of him I've seen ever.

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How is it that when A.Q.Shipley stepped in last year for Satele that our center position's performance went up a bit?


How is it that when McGlynn steps in this year the same thing happens?


Most of us probably agree that McGlynn should continue at center even if Satele is healthy. I agree %100 anytime someone other than Satele plays center, whether its (Shipley or Mcglynn) the whole O-line plays much better. Satele is terrible.I hope they leave Mcglynn at center and Link at guard

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Link was there, and sustained most of his blocks as did the rest of our line.
Andrew threw quickly to his primary receiver so Link didn`t get killed as expected pass blocking.


A solid job by our FB & HB, very good running by Bradshaw and decent by his backups made our line look OK.

Thats good for us.
I voted for McGlynn to replace Samson weeks ago so heck ya. We saw he steadied the middle and held his own.

Satele seems to double team a lot and let some guys run free up the middle. No Likey!


Onward & Upward!


I am a confirmed Moala basher. He didn`t do much yesterday, but I was impressed how he did it. He looked strong, quicker than I have ever seen him, and knew where the ball was and went to it. A contract year I know, but some guys take awhile. Go Fili!


Mathews? Was awful. Like playing with 9 guys with him and Sheppard in there together. Get with it!!

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The O-line played well sunday. I really like Mcglynn at center, for what ever reason he seems better suited to play center, its his best position and he plays it much better than Satele, if I were to change anything about sundays O-line it would be Reitz in place of Linkenbach. I believe this would give us our best O-line LT- Castonzo LG- Reitz C- Mcglynn RG- Thornton RT-Cherilus

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The O-line played well sunday. I really like Mcglynn at center, for what ever reason he seems better suited to play center, its his best position and he plays it much better than Satele, if I were to change anything about sundays O-line it would be Reitz in place of Linkenbach. I believe this would give us our best O-line LT- Castonzo LG- Reitz C- Mcglynn RG- Thornton RT-Cherilus


Reitz just can't get out of the doghouse, for whatever reason. Why, I don't know. Everytime I've seen him in the game, he's looked solid. Not dominant, but solid. Still, that's more than can be said about others on the line currently starting

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McG is a lot stronger man than SS.    And it really helped.       Big Joe on 1070 really broke it down very nicely this morning ..   I would go to the podcast and check it out.      I think McG may have found a new home.


And I might add...     LETS ALL GIVE IT UP TO LINK!!!   That dude has just been the Indy Colts version of McGyver.   He just does it all.    Dan Dakich brought it up today.     This is a guy you HAVE TO have on your roster to win.    Jack off all trades.    And he is BEST suited for G.   


Leave it like this Pep...

C   McG

G   Link, and Thornton

T   Costanzo and Cherry.       This group played lights out yesterday.    I like it.

How is it that when A.Q.Shipley stepped in last year for Satele that our center position's performance went up a bit?


How is it that when McGlynn steps in this year the same thing happens?


Most of us probably agree that McGlynn should continue at center even if Satele is healthy.

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Watch the game again...    Link played GREAT.      I think the STAFF might have a tad better insight in the situation than some of us.  


Reitz has had chance after chance...      Link has stuck on this team for so long for a good reason.     He is not a good T, but he is a really good G.


The O-line played well sunday. I really like Mcglynn at center, for what ever reason he seems better suited to play center, its his best position and he plays it much better than Satele, if I were to change anything about sundays O-line it would be Reitz in place of Linkenbach. I believe this would give us our best O-line LT- Castonzo LG- Reitz C- Mcglynn RG- Thornton RT-Cherilus

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Because he is NOT that good.


BTW..   still want Arians?  hehehee..

Reitz just can't get out of the doghouse, for whatever reason. Why, I don't know. Everytime I've seen him in the game, he's looked solid. Not dominant, but solid. Still, that's more than can be said about others on the line currently starting

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I was gonna say we should keep McGlynn at Center. Things looked a lot better with him there. Maybe he's just afraid to tell the coaches that's where he's really comfortable. And that's the toughest O line spot to play. I don't know what's up with Satele when he's in there but he's just doesn't seem to have power or get much movement.

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Watch the game again...    Link played GREAT.      I think the STAFF might have a tad better insight in the situation than some of us.  


Reitz has had chance after chance...      Link has stuck on this team for so long for a good reason.     He is not a good T, but he is a really good G.

link is not a really good guard. 


reitz is better. 

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I'm starting to like Sampson S.   he is a good player, needs to be more consistent but he is an NFL caliber player IMO and can contribute to the cause.  Jacksonville will be stacking the box and bringing some good defensive players at us, we need all the bodies we can get.  Has anyone heard if we made any moves today (practice squad or acquisitions?)

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Because he is NOT that good.


BTW..   still want Arians?  hehehee..


Didn't say he was THAT good. Just think he's better than others who have been given a chance. He WAS our starter last year, remember. I've seen nothing in his play that says he may have regressed



And you missed the point of the screen name. I was begging for OTHER teams to hire Bruce, not us. lol

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Wow..............    :highfive2:


I'm starting to like Sampson S.   he is a good player, needs to be more consistent but he is an NFL caliber player IMO and can contribute to the cause.  Jacksonville will be stacking the box and bringing some good defensive players at us, we need all the bodies we can get.  Has anyone heard if we made any moves today (practice squad or acquisitions?)

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