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WHY? Is McGlynn at Center.

Dark Superman

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Yeah, it's kind of a head scratcher.  McGlynn who is apparently our worst offensive linemen, playing center actually looked better than Satele????  Hmmmm, :scratch:

I think I have it........it's right there.....the answer.....Ive got it! Its just fans view of McGlynn thats wrong.....the coaches had it right all along.


Whoda thunk it. Silly us.

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Line looks better.


Our line was playing well (run blocking) in the first two games too. I think we might want to seriously consider keeping McGlynn at center though, because he looks more natural there. Link has always played well at RG, and Thornton is playing extremely well at LG. 

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When you run out of "Likes" on a Mcglynn thread.........that is saying something........when you have to tip your hat at Linc playing in an actual game and not being a liability......well there is no longer an adjective to describe that.........3rd down conversions can be improved upon with time together.....and I can't believe I feel after all of 1 game....saying don't change a thing coaches........gulp* It looked like an offensive line that can propel us today!

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I think I have it........it's right there.....the answer.....Ive got it! Its just fans view of McGlynn thats wrong.....the coaches had it right all along.

Whoda thunk it. Silly us.

so you're saying a coaching staff that coaches for a living is better at evaluating the team they coach than YouTube gm's and arm chair coaches? huh, i never made the connection

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I was going to write an entire thread on each Offensive Lineman and their contributions yesterday.  I am glad I came across this thread!


I have called him everything from McGlass to McAwful, and he has been just that with the Colts.  I did, however say that Mike McGlynn looked better at center when he filled in last year in one game (Preseason?)  Why?


I feel that being the center, he has to be the leader of the OL.  He was constantly calling the blitzes....calling line changes...and I liked the way he moved.  He is a wider body than Satele, and blocked much better being the snapper...he was moving forward until injured.  Then he took a step backwards in his blocking.  I give him an A+ for grit and determination!!!   :thmup:  :thmup:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:


I have also said over and over that Linkenbach is a better guard....and once again proved it yesterday.  He is better on the left, but Thornton is going to stay on the left for good.....at least until next year if/when a healthy Donald Thomas returns.


For the naysayers on this 27-7 victory against the 49ers....if you do not think the line played well, you were listening to the radio in Cuba or North Korea....a GREAT Colts victory.  I loved all of the line play, yet I wanted to praise two guys that played a gritty game...that get hammered here...by me as well!!   :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :pass:  :pass:

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