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People analyzing the Peyton/Luck thing....[Merge]


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My thought is Peyton would not throw 7tds last year or this year with our o-line . What happened was the best thing for us Colts fans and Peyton. Peyton would have never held up with the hits Luck took last year. And also call me crazy but Peyton never had a stacked team here in indy. People can say stacked offense yeah . How many 20 point plus games have we scored but still lost. We never had a D here while he was here . The first time the D did show up we won the super bowl . Just my thought but I will always be a Colts fan and will never forget what Peyton has done for our franchise. I will be at the Broncos game when he returns to Colts land and yes I will be wearing my #12 Luck Jersey but I will not once enjoy seeing him get sacked or hurt.

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Nice, so I guess we're going to have to deal with this crap all year long when the Broncos/manning do well.

Guess what? Don't care. Still glad things happened the way they did. And I loved Manning like every other Colts fan. But when it's all said and done. I root for the jersey, not the man.

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It annoys me greatly when people say things like "I bet the Colts regret releasing Peyton now that he is playing so well" or that it was unfair to cut Peyton.  Not at all.  What happened was best for both parties.  Peyton is released, so he doesn't have the burden of having to teach/mentor a young QB, he doesn't have to play with an aging team, a team with defensive questions and a poor OL, and a team going into rebuild mode after getting rid of their GM and head coach and many assistants.  He is free to choose what team he wants to play for.  The Colts were able to draft their next QB, get him playing time right off the bat, not have to be stuck with a brutal salary cap situation, and can rebuild for the future.  Both sides win

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Most Colt fans have moved on considering what we have in Luck. I for one still admire Peyton and his greatness but the Colts made the RIGHT decision!!! The talent around Peyton the last few years with the Colts was getting suspect under Polian and I was NEVER sold on Caldwell. Besides the question mark of his health keeping Peyton also meant keeping the old regime and on that note alone it was time to move on! The Broncos realize that Peyton has about 3 or 4 yrs left (maybe) and will do everything possible talent wise to win a SB now. I think Bill and son Chris did Peyton a disservice talent wise in the end here in Indy. Remember the 2-14 season without the goat? No type of backup plan even with the knowledge of the injury and surgery going into training camp yet the coaching staff looked like deers in headlights when the season started. I say again Brady went down for the season one series in yet the Patriots still managed to go 11-5 that year. So give me Luck (a superstar in the making) and Grigs with his hunger to build a young Colt team capable of winning big sooner rather than later.


 Great Post 

Honestly , I don't think Luck will ever be as good as Manning. That doesn't mean he can't be great , but Manning is a once in a generation type quarterback. Luck had a great first season, but he has a long way to go. The Colts made the right long term move, but it will sting if Denver gets a Super Bowl or two, in the next three years.


.  Rookie seasons compared Luck was better .  IMO 12 will eclipse 18 as a Colt .

2-3 more years I disagree maybe one more but no more than that where are you getting 2-3 more years.


I too think the window for 18 is closing & time is of the essence ,

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I still have people tell me we should have kept Peyton Manning and had Luck sit in the bench..

They don't realize how much cap space Peyton was eating up, he was 36 years old and coming off multiple neck surgeries. His future was a huge question mark and you can't rebuild your team around all of those question marks and that salary of his.

Luck was the best quarterback coming out of the draft since Manning.. But his athletism made him an even more intriguing choice.

We needed a fresh start. New faces,coaches and personnel.

In five years Luck will be in his prime.. Manning may very well be retired.

The decision was easy for me..

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I already said I think Irsay made the right move on the Manning/ Luck deal. However , if I was a Colts fan it would certainly sting if Manning won two Super Bowls in Denver. Lets face facts, you know it was the right move, but you would sure like those SuperBowl rings. If Luck goes five years without winning a Super Bowl , and Denver got one or two, you have to admit it would hurt.

No stinging here. Kudos to PM and the Broncos. Bring on the future here in Indy!

Oh, and quit trying to stir it up. I know you had to suffer thru an embarrassing loss last night, but don't take your misery out on Colts fans.

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Records are made to be broken right?.  Congrats to Peyton on a wicked good game.  If he can do that against the Ravens, what is going to happen against the bottom feeder teams? 


I'm a big believer in karma and kicking teams when they are down can anger the football gods.  It would be cool for Peyton to have the single season TD record, but he doesn't need to be greedy every single week.  My 2 cents worth.

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Records are made to be broken right?. Congrats to Peyton on a wicked good game. If he can do that against the Ravens, what is going to happen against the bottom feeder teams?

I'm a big believer in karma and kicking teams when they are down can anger the football gods. It would be cool for Peyton to have the single season TD record, but he doesn't need to be greedy every single week. My 2 cents worth.

If he averages 3 TDs per game from here on out, he'll have 52 for the season.
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I believe Luck's mechanics will hold him back. Just look how he grips the ball. Now look how a man's man grips the rockrock


Go in the backyard and practice throwing with those grips. Manning has phenomenal mechanics. Minus the jitterbug feet

Didn't know you moonlighted as a qb coach.

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When you think about it Irsay was in a can't win while not losing situation.  If he kept Manning and traded Luck people would have been happy that we had Manning back but in about three to four years we would be screaming what were we thinking passing up on Luck for a few more years with Manning, especially if Manning didn't win another Super Bowl before he retired and when you look at what our cap situation was there is a good chance we wouldn't have been able to put together a team around him good enough to win a Super Bowl had we kept him. 


Had Irsay kept both it would have completely wrecked the cap and just delayed the divorce because there is going to come a time where Luck's skills have progressed enough and Manning's have faded enough that Luck is going to be the better QB.  Does anyone think Peyton Manning is ever going to accept being someone else's back up?  Yeah me neither. 


Then there is option he did take, he took Luck and dumped Manning and when you look at EVERYTHING that was going on that I think this was the best of the options.  You always have to remember that this wasn't a decision made for last year, or this year or even next year.  It was made for years beyond that.  Any winning the Colts do in the meantime, like last year, is almost bonus because they didn't make this move thinking it would make them better right away they did it thinking it would making them better over the long haul. 


As for Colts fans, I don't get this idea that some have that if you like Luck you must hate Manning or if you like Manning you have to hate Luck, and I don't think everyone feels that way, in fact I would dare say most Colts fans like both.  It's just the few that seem to fit into one of the above camps can be very vocal about it.  I like Andrew Luck a great deal and have since he was in college and would have still liked him even if he hadn't come to Indianapolis.  With that said, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate what Peyton Manning did for the Colts.  If it wasn't for him there is probably no Andrew Luck in Indianapolis because there are probably no Colts in Indianapolis.  Our city owes a lot to Peyton Manning and it beyond that.  As a Colts fan I think it's awesome that my team has had two of the greatest QBs to ever play the game in Johnny U and Peyton Manning and I feel privileged to have gotten to see Peyton Manning play in person multiple times.  I am also enjoying seeing Luck develop as well and I think based on the early returns we have a chance to have another pretty special QB in Colts history to join the ranks of Johnny U and Peyton Manning.  Just because I like Andrew Luck doesn't make me dislike Peyton Manning in anyway.  In fact when he's not playing the Colts I wish him the best.  Why wouldn't I?  Unless him winning hurts the Colts (which to this point it hasn't) why wouldn't I want to see a guy who gave me so much joy as a fan do well?  I'd rather live in a world where a guy like Peyton Manning got another ring rather than Big Ben or Brady or Rivers.  It's not like he publically demanded that the Colts release him and he left on ugly terms.  He left about as civil as one could leave so there is no real reason for Colts fans to hold a grudge with him.  By the same token if you are a Colts fan (and I know some have declared themselves Peyton fans first and that's perfectly okay) Andrew Luck is the QB of your team, if you are a fan of that team I would think that alone would make you want to support him because him doing well probably means good things for the Colts.  So after all this I am back to where I started, it's okay to like both guys and I completely understand the Colts fans who pull for Manning when he isn't playing the Colts and doesn't have a direct impact on the Colts.  I'll also be right there with those on October 20th who are going to pull for the Colts over Peyton because their love goes to the Colts first but just because I am pulling for the Colts that night doesn't make me dislike Peyton Manning.  I just don't want him to do well that night. 

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Honestly , I don't think Luck will ever be as good as Manning. That doesn't mean he can't be great , but Manning is a once in a generation type quarterback. Luck had a great first season, but he has a long way to go. The Colts made the right long term move, but it will sting if Denver gets a Super Bowl or two, in the next three years.

When Peyton Manning was drafted Andrew Luck was nine years old.  A whole generation of players has come in and out of the league between them.  Now does that mean Luck is going to be as good as Manning?  No, but I would say it's way too early to make that call even if Luck is off to a better start to his career than Manning was.  However, that Peyton Manning wasn't the once in a generation player he became.  He grew into that.  We still have to see what Luck will grow into and that's something none of us know.  I will say it's not really fair for Colts fans to compare Luck to Manning in that regard because of how good Manning is, I mean Luck could be a Hall of Fame QB and still not be as good as Peyton is.  Honestly, when the man is on I've never seen anyone carve up a defense like Peyton Manning does.  Performances like Thursday night are what people point to when they say Peyton has an argument for the best of all-time.  Unfortunately for Peyton he hasn't had many of those types of performances in the playoffs.  I am just taking Luck for what is and I am going to enjoy the ride.  I think he's going to be darn good.  Is going to be as good as Peyton is?  I have no idea but I'll say this if we get to the point that we can have that debate it's probably been close to a good 25 years to be a Colts fan. 

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I would LOVE see Manning throw 51 TDs this year or more and get his record back from Brady!  I know it is probably a long shot, but would be fun.  


I actually think he has a good shot at it. The Broncos offensive talent is off the charts this year. I know it was one game but im not sure how teams are going to be able to cover those WRs consistently. Especially when you couple in that offensive line, which should get even better as the new comers like Vasquez more acclimated.


I mean he's already about 1/7th of the way there after one game. lol.

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I believe Luck's mechanics will hold him back. Just look how he grips the ball. Now look how a man's man grips the rockrock


Go in the backyard and practice throwing with those grips. Manning has phenomenal mechanics. Minus the jitterbug feet


Wow you manage to come up with some really weak stuff routinely.

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First of all , I am not embarrassed by the Ravens loss at all , anymore than I was last year when they thrashed us on Baltimore. If you go down the 16 game schedule before the season and see at Denver with Manning, you pencil in probable loss. Did I like the loss, of course not, but it wasn't surprising.

Let me clarify my other comments. As I've stated before, I really like Luck as a quarterback and think he has a great future. I am not saying he can't equal Manning, but for anyone to match Manning is a very hard task. Even though Manning is a Bronco now, everyone will remember him as a Colt, and not a Bronco. Elway is now living off Manning's reflected glory.

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When you think about it Irsay was in a can't win while not losing situation.  If he kept Manning and traded Luck people would have been happy that we had Manning back but in about three to four years we would be screaming what were we thinking passing up on Luck for a few more years with Manning, especially if Manning didn't win another Super Bowl before he retired and when you look at what our cap situation was there is a good chance we wouldn't have been able to put together a team around him good enough to win a Super Bowl had we kept him. 


Had Irsay kept both it would have completely wrecked the cap and just delayed the divorce because there is going to come a time where Luck's skills have progressed enough and Manning's have faded enough that Luck is going to be the better QB.  Does anyone think Peyton Manning is ever going to accept being someone else's back up?  Yeah me neither. 


Then there is option he did take, he took Luck and dumped Manning and when you look at EVERYTHING that was going on that I think this was the best of the options.  You always have to remember that this wasn't a decision made for last year, or this year or even next year.  It was made for years beyond that.  Any winning the Colts do in the meantime, like last year, is almost bonus because they didn't make this move thinking it would make them better right away they did it thinking it would making them better over the long haul. 


As for Colts fans, I don't get this idea that some have that if you like Luck you must hate Manning or if you like Manning you have to hate Luck, and I don't think everyone feels that way, in fact I would dare say most Colts fans like both.  It's just the few that seem to fit into one of the above camps can be very vocal about it.  I like Andrew Luck a great deal and have since he was in college and would have still liked him even if he hadn't come to Indianapolis.  With that said, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate what Peyton Manning did for the Colts.  If it wasn't for him there is probably no Andrew Luck in Indianapolis because there are probably no Colts in Indianapolis.  Our city owes a lot to Peyton Manning and it beyond that.  As a Colts fan I think it's awesome that my team has had two of the greatest QBs to ever play the game in Johnny U and Peyton Manning and I feel privileged to have gotten to see Peyton Manning play in person multiple times.  I am also enjoying seeing Luck develop as well and I think based on the early returns we have a chance to have another pretty special QB in Colts history to join the ranks of Johnny U and Peyton Manning.  Just because I like Andrew Luck doesn't make me dislike Peyton Manning in anyway.  In fact when he's not playing the Colts I wish him the best.  Why wouldn't I?  Unless him winning hurts the Colts (which to this point it hasn't) why wouldn't I want to see a guy who gave me so much joy as a fan do well?  I'd rather live in a world where a guy like Peyton Manning got another ring rather than Big Ben or Brady or Rivers.  It's not like he publically demanded that the Colts release him and he left on ugly terms.  He left about as civil as one could leave so there is no real reason for Colts fans to hold a grudge with him.  By the same token if you are a Colts fan (and I know some have declared themselves Peyton fans first and that's perfectly okay) Andrew Luck is the QB of your team, if you are a fan of that team I would think that alone would make you want to support him because him doing well probably means good things for the Colts.  So after all this I am back to where I started, it's okay to like both guys and I completely understand the Colts fans who pull for Manning when he isn't playing the Colts and doesn't have a direct impact on the Colts.  I'll also be right there with those on October 20th who are going to pull for the Colts over Peyton because their love goes to the Colts first but just because I am pulling for the Colts that night doesn't make me dislike Peyton Manning.  I just don't want him to do well that night. 

Left out Bert Jones he was the %!!

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I'd be a little worried with the running game if I'm a Bronc. Sure, who needs to run when you have 18, but he' not as young as he used to be. I do question the need to have him in there padding his stats. He already had done enough.

I agree about the running game, and of course if they had one Peyton would have thrown at most 5 TDs. I like their talent at RB, but it's not working great so far. Of course not every team has Ngata. Perhaps if they ran a lot more in a game it would start to click, but when the other team is threatening to take control of the game, it's just not going to happen.



Records are made to be broken right?.  Congrats to Peyton on a wicked good game.  If he can do that against the Ravens, what is going to happen against the bottom feeder teams? 


I'm a big believer in karma and kicking teams when they are down can anger the football gods.  It would be cool for Peyton to have the single season TD record, but he doesn't need to be greedy every single week.  My 2 cents worth.

He isn't likely to have numbers like this against bottom feeder teams. If they light it up he'll be out of the game in the third quarter. 


Don't forget that they were behind at half-time. It wasn't a comfortable game even after they scored three quick TDs. This wasn't about exacting revenge on the Ravens, padding stats, or being greedy, it was about having learned the hard way how quickly the Ravens can score, and being unable to run the ball - how do you think they lost the playoff game? They tried to take their foot off the gas again this time (as Peyton ALWAYS does) and it didn't work. So they passed again. I can't think of an appropriate spot in this game to even consider taking Peyton out aside from their final drive. 


Come come BH, you know better than that. The only time that I've EVER seen Peyton pad stats was in those meaningless end of season games - and even then he wasn't padding his own stats, he was helping Reggie/Dallas/etc. If he was into padding stats he would have had 55-60 the year he set the record. (And by the way, I HATED the endless dump offs in that Buffalo game to Reggie - something like 10% of his season total - each going about two yards. If you don't earn receptions in the course of actual competition, they are pretty freaking meaningless. They should have all been embarrassed by that. I was. )

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Well I tried to get this going yesterday on 1070, but Grady hung up on me before I could finish one sentence. My wife and I and our friends who go to the games are going to do something for the Broncos game. We are going to wear our Manning jerseys. Then when the game starts , we are going to remove them, showing our Luck jerseys underneath. A tribute to Peyton and Andrew. Others could wear 88 with 87 under. Might choke ole Peyton up.

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Anyone and I mean anyone who has any football sense and not just a casual fan KNOWS the Colts did the right thing.


Worked out for both parties:  Peyton and the Colts.


Doing the right thing is not always easy. 


I will always root for Peyton's success (unless it is against us).




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I detest the contstant discussions and  comparisons between the two.


No secret, Peyton is my favorite, and I thoroughly enjoyed last night's game, and watching him in action.

He makes me Proud.     


Andrew should NOT be referred to as "The Next Peyton".   Andrew is his own person, and he too, is going to make his mark in the NFL  doing great things.   We are so "fortunate" to have had these two incredible QB's on our team.    Enjoy it.

Exactly, let each QB be judged on their own accomplishments or merits. They are not identical INDY twins...


Fish, you know my stance....and I will talk to you all day about Peyton.  I am just tired of the "comparisons"   the "what coulda, woulda, shoulda" been...   


For me, what's going on now  is the best of both worlds.   And yes, Peyton was incredible last night.

Yup, especially after a long rain delay & some miscues in the 1st quarter. 18 never ceases to amaze & astound me Gramz.  :worthy:


It annoys me greatly when people say things like "I bet the Colts regret releasing Peyton now that he is playing so well" or that it was unfair to cut Peyton.  Not at all.  What happened was best for both parties.  Peyton is released, so he doesn't have the burden of having to teach/mentor a young QB, he doesn't have to play with an aging team, a team with defensive questions and a poor OL, and a team going into rebuild mode after getting rid of their GM and head coach and many assistants.  He is free to choose what team he wants to play for.  The Colts were able to draft their next QB, get him playing time right off the bat, not have to be stuck with a brutal salary cap situation, and can rebuild for the future.  Both sides win

Beautifully stated my friend! Bravo! Thank you for saying what needed to be said 21isSuperman.  :hat:

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