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Luck Just Makes Me Feel Confident


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 I think Luck looks more poised than Peyton was years and years into his career. Peyton was a regular season juggernaut and I appreciate everything he did for the city but something about his body language and demeanor that made me a little bit nervous all the time. I don't get that with Luck. It might take us a few years to completely build the team but I am much more confident in really clutch situations than I ever was with Manning at the helm. I know it sounds weird and not meant to be a slight against Manning but it's just the way I feel.

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I WAS a big Manning fan as any other Colt fan but early in his career he was a pick machine as MFT wrote. The difference between the two QB's I see is Luck is a more "in the trenches" with his teammates type of player, he doesn't seem to put himself on a pedestal above his teammates.


Luck is more of a "it's alright buddy, we will get them next play" while Manning would chew butt to get his players attention. Both are effective but different tactics to get there. Another difference is Luck has the ability to think on the fly and make a play as the time is ticking in the pocket, while Manning would make a play with his pinpoint accuracy.


I really don't remember being this giddy with Manning behind center as I do Luck now. The kid just has * and always seems he has control of his emotions and the situation....let's face it, Manning did a lot of whining and crying on the field and on the sideline.

I'm gonna have to duck for that last comment but it is true. :hide:

Edited by Nadine
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I'm not going to respond to any of these replies and I am afraid this thread is going to spiral out of control. However, one of the best traits they have is both Peyton and Luck elevate the players around them to new levels. That in itself will bring this team a championship again.

And anyone who feels #18 was anything short of incredible is incredibly misinformed. I think people often forget his abilities and many of the clutch moments he had himself.

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I'm not going to respond to any of these replies and I am afraid this thread is going to spiral out of control. However, one of the best traits they have is both Peyton and Luck elevate the players around them to new levels. That in itself will bring this team a championship again.

And anyone who feels #18 was anything short of incredible is incredibly misinformed. I think people often forget his abilities and many of the clutch moments he had himself.

Thanks for the good post :thmup:   I agree that this thread is going to spiral out of control.

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What might give you this impression, I'll take a guess at. 


Peyton was a pure QB, all QB.


Luck, he's not just a tremendous QB, but a fierce football player. Some of you might get what I mean by this. I mean to say, you'll never see Peyton lay the wood on a defender. 


John Madden must love Andrew. 

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 I think Luck looks more poised than Peyton was years and years into his career. Peyton was a regular season juggernaut and I appreciate everything he did for the city but something about his body language and demeanor that made me a little bit nervous all the time. I don't get that with Luck. It might take us a few years to completely build the team but I am much more confident in really clutch situations than I ever was with Manning at the helm. I know it sounds weird and not meant to be a slight against Manning but it's just the way I feel.


12 makes all Colts feel confident  as did 18 the only difference for me is Luck runs smoothly & Manning well he runs like a penguin . 


It was the body language & demeanor of 18's defense that failed to protect leads that made me more than a lil nervous ,


18 is still the man 12 is trying to replace the future looks bright no doubt but Denver has everyone believing they are the best in the AFC in large part because 18 is there QB .

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Thanks for the good post :thmup:   I agree that this thread is going to spiral out of control.


isnt it enough when topics end as Peyton Vs Brady in General, Now in Colts why rehash a great Colt VS the New generation with  debate of virtues, each has plenty, Love what Peyton gave us and the enjoyment we had watching him and now getting a once in a generation  cant miss QB in draft and love what he is doing and will do for us, but dont start a debate 1 Vs Other Please


Have a great day 


this is it for me today


encase u havent seen , please read Misc Post of mine


Life is good but this is a sad post from me, Forum friends please read Re my future here



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I WAS a big Manning fan as any other Colt fan but early in his career he was a pick machine as MFT wrote. The difference between the two QB's I see is Luck is a more "in the trenches" with his teammates type of player, he doesn't seem to put himself on a pedestal above his teammates.


Luck is more of a "it's alright buddy, we will get them next play" while Manning would chew butt to get his players attention. Both are effective but different tactics to get there. Another difference is Luck has the ability to think on the fly and make a play as the time is ticking in the pocket, while Manning would make a play with his pinpoint accuracy.


I really don't remember being this giddy with Manning behind center as I do Luck now. The kid just has * and always seems he has control of his emotions and the situation....let's face it, Manning did a lot of whining and crying on the field and on the sideline.

I'm gonna have to duck for that last comment but it is true. :hide:

All I can say is response to your post about Peyton it's probably good that we don't have the dislike button anymore because you could probably break the record for the number of dislikes you might get on that one.  :HFire: :HFire: :HFire:

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Actually I see a good bit of Steve Young in Luck, but I think Luck's ceiling is higher. Peyton is just a little different style of QB.

....I would love to see what Young would have been like coming up in today's college ranks and today's NFL offenses - I think it would be very similar to Luck.

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I really don't see a need for this to spiral out of control.  The OP prefers Luck to Peyton.  Good for him.  There's nothing wrong with that. I don't understand why people take such offense to it.


I REALLY like Luck.  However, it's going to take more than one good rookie season for him to make me feel as confident as Peyton did.  It's true that Peyton struggled in some "clutch" moments in his career, but he also succeeded in quite a few of them as well.  



At this point in their careers, I would take Luck over Manning, but I still don't think I've ever/will ever see a QB as dominant as Peyton was for so long.


At any rate, the Colts chapter of Peyton's career is over, but Lucks is just beginning.  Let's just be happy we've been spoiled at the QB position.

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All I can say is response to your post about Peyton it's probably good that we don't have the dislike button anymore because you could probably break the record for the number of dislikes you might get on that one.  :HFire: :HFire: :HFire:

I know I know, this is the house that Manning built and that can't be denied. What he has done for this organization is immeasurable. I'm already a huge Luck fan by the way he leaves it all on the field. I also believe Grigson is building this team to be more balanced instead of a one man show as Polian did, which should lead to better success in the post season.

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I really don't see a need for this to spiral out of control.  The OP prefers Luck to Peyton.  Good for him.  There's nothing wrong with that. I don't understand why people take such offense to it.


I REALLY like Luck.  However, it's going to take more than one good rookie season for him to make me feel as confident as Peyton did.  It's true that Peyton struggled in some "clutch" moments in his career, but he also succeeded in quite a few of them as well.  



At this point in their careers, I would take Luck over Manning, but I still don't think I've ever/will ever see a QB as dominant as Peyton was for so long.


At any rate, the Colts chapter of Peyton's career is over, but Lucks is just beginning.  Let's just be happy we've been spoiled at the QB position.

The reason I said it could spiral out of control is the way it was worded.  I don't have a problem with anyone voicing their opinion because I voice mine when I post but wording is the secret to not having a thread being taken wrong.  :)  We are lucky to have to great QB's but no reason to compare them at this early stage in Luck's career. JMO


That would be like comparing Polian and Grigson I will withhold my judgement to see what kind of season's we have with Grigson as GM.  So far looks good but in my opinion too early to tell. 

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Manning was and is a great qb. I appreciate everything he did for our state, city and team. But I know what the op is saying about mannings demeanor. Used to really really tick me off. I do appreciate how Luck leads and try's to build up his teammates in stead of jumping on them and being more pouty about it. I think it was Manning demanded so much more and it got him down when he knew they had them but didn't execute to their abilities. Oh heck...who knows. Lol.

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Really? Not that there is anything wrong with that

More like what's this cat talking about? Luck threw plenty of deep balls. Football is not about wearing fancy socks and throwing deep balls. Control the clock, don't give up the ball, score touchdowns and play good d. Throwing deep balls all the time just gives our d little rest and turns the game into shoot outs. No thanks.

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I really don't see a need for this to spiral out of control. The OP prefers Luck to Peyton. Good for him. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't understand why people take such offense to it.

I REALLY like Luck. However, it's going to take more than one good rookie season for him to make me feel as confident as Peyton did. It's true that Peyton struggled in some "clutch" moments in his career, but he also succeeded in quite a few of them as well.

At this point in their careers, I would take Luck over Manning, but I still don't think I've ever/will ever see a QB as dominant as Peyton was for so long.

At any rate, the Colts chapter of Peyton's career is over, but Lucks is just beginning. Let's just be happy we've been spoiled at the QB position.

There you go using logic again. Troublemaker
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I think that Andrew tends to bring out the passion side of players along with skill more so than Peyton did. I have thought for a while that the Manning Colts became too much of a machine and lost the passion of the moment. Go out, score, sit down. Though execution is extremely important, I think that passion and emotion have their positive contributions as well. jmo

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Ah, the good ole comparing Manning and Luck talks...


Luck does make me feel confident, and Peyton did too. 


Peyton made me feel confident because, no matter what, he was going to zing the ball to Marvin and Marvin would, beautifully, get 2 feet in bounds while making a sideline catch. And it wouldn't just be Marvin doing it, Reggie would, Stokely would, Pollard & Clark would. 


Luck makes me feel confident because he can make plays with his legs. Moving around the pocket like Peyton couldn't. And making some impressive throws with defenders draped all over him. And that Luck is very clutch for it being early in his career, which Peyton had to develop later in his career.

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I'll put it like this, I am a huge Peyton fan. He is no doubt the greatest qb in franchise history. I think the difference about Luck is his actual calming ability. I always felt if we were down with 2 minutes with Manning things would get frantic. I loved that though. That's what makes a fan a fan.

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He is really unbelievable for his age.  But does anyone get the feeling that sometimes he will throw a pass that is no where in the vicinity but for just the defensive player?  It's only every once in a while but it seems like it more short than long of the target.  I don't know the stats on that but I bet they keep them.

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He is really unbelievable for his age. But does anyone get the feeling that sometimes he will throw a pass that is no where in the vicinity but for just the defensive player? It's only every once in a while but it seems like it more short than long of the target. I don't know the stats on that but I bet they keep them.

I think that he and Brady are limited facing a good pass rush. They have to get the ball out of their hands and they throw to spots rather than open men. Someone like Luck can scramble or run and put more pressure on a defense in critical situations. The play can be extended.

I'll still take Manning though.

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What might give you this impression, I'll take a guess at.

Peyton was a pure QB, all QB.

Luck, he's not just a tremendous QB, but a fierce football player. Some of you might get what I mean by this. I mean to say, you'll never see Peyton lay the wood on a defender.

John Madden must love Andrew.

I think it's just flipping unbelievable we get to go from Peyton to Luck. I foresee a seriously elite QB w Luck if he can stay healthy. Luck, Horshoe, Colts?? I mean what the heck!!! Really???

He's been looking like a top QB thus far in preseason. Can't imagine how he will fair for a full game vs the suckage that is the Raiders @ home....... :)

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He definitely looks better than last year. More efficient, his pocket awareness, going through his full progressions, using the check downs. I'm really liking peps offense and his play calling. We are going to be very dangerous.

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I think Luck looks more poised than Peyton was years and years into his career. Peyton was a regular season juggernaut and I appreciate everything he did for the city but something about his body language and demeanor that made me a little bit nervous all the time. I don't get that with Luck. It might take us a few years to completely build the team but I am much more confident in really clutch situations than I ever was with Manning at the helm. I know it sounds weird and not meant to be a slight against Manning but it's just the way I feel.

I know what you mean.

Luck just has this confidence and skill set about hm that makes you believe that he's going to deliver on every play.

I go into every game believing we are going to win because of him.

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2 min left in the game and we need a TD to win? I'll take Peyton every single time. It'll take at least another year or two before I'd even consider wavering on that decision.

I like luck and he has a ton of potential but he's not even close to Peyton's league yet .

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2 min left in the game and we need a TD to win? I'll take Peyton every single time. It'll take at least another year or two before I'd even consider wavering on that decision.

I like luck and he has a ton of potential but he's not even close to Peyton's league yet .


I agree with this sentiment.


What Luck has tremendously going in his favor is a weaker AFC, less emerging marquee QBs with Peyton and Brady in their home stretch plus Grigson and his coaches having the luxury of having learnt "what not to do" by building a complete team, thus learning from the Peyton era Colts mistakes.


Those factors above will be THE primary reasons why Luck wins a SB much earlier than Peyton did with the Colts and it won't be because Luck is better than Peyton but the Luck era Colts will be better built and a more completely built unit than the Peyton era Colts.


Luck has a few years to go to get to that level but I have no doubt he will get to that level.

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