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Lookin like the Colts of old. Again, weak secondary. Couldn't stop Blount when it was needed. 3 and outs that killed us. Injuries. Couldn't run the ball. With the two big Garcon catch/runs, couldn't throw. Did i expect this.. ya, to an extent. Painter did better than i thought he would, but still not good enough. Freeney and mathis got virtually no pressure on Freeman. Not for a lack of trying though. The checkdowns.. come on Coyer! Figure it out already. That killed the D.

Ya, im venting and a bit emotional right now. However all that i have mentioned is true.

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Lookin like the Colts of old. Again, weak secondary. Couldn't stop Blount when it was needed. 3 and outs that killed us. Injuries. Couldn't run the ball. With the two big Garcon catch/runs, couldn't throw. Did i expect this.. ya, to an extent. Painter did better than i thought he would, but still not good enough. Freeney and mathis got virtually no pressure on Freeman. Not for a lack of trying though. The checkdowns.. come on Coyer! Figure it out already. That killed the D.

Ya, im venting and a bit emotional right now. However all that i have mentioned is true.

I agree, the coaches lost this game for the colts, and also some injuries... i pray to god Anthony and Ben are ok cause the colts need those guys.

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I am sure a lot of us fans feel that frustration. I think what has frustrated me more than anything, is just the overall game planning. Look at a team like the Patriots. I would say the Patriots have a better offensive line than the Colts. But I think we have better TEs, better WRs, and better RBs. So you watch a Patriot game, and Brady just moves them up and down the field. There always seems to be someone open. It doesn't matter who is in or what the situation. With the Colts, there seems to a very set number of plays that all depend on timing and precision. If anything breaks down, the play doesn't work. It is just too hit and miss. And I know people will say that the Colts have won all these games with that offense, but I think that is more the credit to Peyton Manning. I really wish they were a little more imaginative. And they give up on running the ball far too quickly.

On defense, the Tampa - 2 drives me crazy. Angerer is dropping 15 yards back and a short pass is throw in that space over and over and over again. Can't they cross up and sometimes keep Angerer short? Show something different? The only thing you see is the terrible fake threat of a blitz. So, for me, it is just the offensive and defensive system that has always bothered me. Manning has done well with it, but the playoffs make it more apparent. I really wish there was a bit more creativity in what is done. Same on defense.

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Well, at this point, if we win half of our remaining games (very unlikely we could do that) we will finish at 6-10 and well out of the playoffs. IMO, time to look ahead as this will all be forgotten next year. So, please begin giving all the rookies and new players as much playing time as the other players. I'd like to see a lot of Ijalana, Hughes, Thomas, Tepper, Rucker, Hines, Stevie Brown, Olsen, Ross, Moten, Edds, Triplett and Sims. Probably forgetting a few. Let's see who will develop and help us next year. Rotate Donald Brown in there more, too, and save Addai's body some.

I also see no point of playing Collins anymore, unless Painter or Orlovsky gets hurt. Painter could use the development time.

The high draft picks will be a welcomed luxury we haven't had for many years.

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Seriously? Mathis and Freeney didn't provide pressure? I respect all posts on here but you need your head checked after that one. They were nightmares all night, Mathis had a sack that was nearly a sack/fumble special and Freeney drew HOW many Holding/Facemask penalties?! Blame the coaching and horrid streak of injuries because with a healthy o-line and healthy dt's we continue to win that game and are looking at 1-3.

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I agree, the coaches lost this game for the colts, and also some injuries... i pray to god Anthony and Ben are ok cause the colts need those guys.

again it was a player, David Caldwell, that dropped the INT in the endzone that let the Bucs back into the game. Also I don't know how many tackles were missed tonight on defense. That again goes on the players. When the defense tackles well they play like last week when they don't they look like tonight.

The coaching staff had their hands tied tonight because of all the injuries there was only so much they could do. The Bucs knew and attacked the weaknesses knowing the Colts couldn't do much to counter it. Credit the Bucs they get paid too remember.

No one likes hearing that because there isn't much you can do about it. Hopefully the Colts can put the whole thing together the next two weeks and win two very winable games and at least get us off the goose egg.

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First off, let me start out with Sigh, double sigh, and sigh again. Another close one that cost us too many players... Any word on Castonzo or Ben?

Secondary still could use some work ( I didn't under state that did I) great news, we're 0-4, so we can only get better from here...Right?

I did call for Painter to start, not going to sing high praises, but got to admit the kid hung in there, and there were times I was surprised he wasn't sacked by the time the ball left Jeff's hands.

I'm going far out on a limb here, but if Peyton did play this season we would have already lost him, just too much to clean up on the oline, and too many injuries to really try.

We are still the worse tackling team in the NFL, and its not even close.

At least the games are getting closer, although with all the flags that are going against the other teams it kinda seems like they're just trying to keep it close for ratings the last 2 weeks.

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One play really summed up our night. We would've had TB set at 2nd and 17 late in the game. Jamaal Anderson committed a personal foul that helped advance TB toward a lead. What was worse is that the much maligned Jerry Hughes finally made a play and he too started acting like an * kid, he could've been called for a PF as well. I was shouting at my TV "STOP IT....STOP"...but Hughes and Anderson were more concerned with throwing a tantrum and fighting than they were with winning.

We have so many problems, from injury to inexperience. Painter proved himself, but in the end, the rest of the team was inept.

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again it was a player, David Caldwell, that dropped the INT in the endzone that let the Bucs back into the game. Also I don't know how many tackles were missed tonight on defense. That again goes on the players. When the defense tackles well they play like last week when they don't they look like tonight.

The coaching staff had their hands tied tonight because of all the injuries there was only so much they could do. The Bucs knew and attacked the weaknesses knowing the Colts couldn't do much to counter it. Credit the Bucs they get paid too remember.

No one likes hearing that because there isn't much you can do about it. Hopefully the Colts can put the whole thing together the next two weeks and win two very winable games and at least get us off the goose egg.

That missed INT was not the reason the colts lost this game, how do you think the bucs got down the field? the defensive coaches had no excuse for going into the plays that they did, no one cares if you have rookies in or not.. its the defesne you play so you play it, its not the offense where you can baby your playbook, you run what you can to win the game because its not as complicated as the offense... the colts coaches refused to change the zones they would run and it wasnt because of some rookies or because the MLB... the colts chose to go into that defense nothing else.

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A glimpse into the future as well. This team is feast or famine with the great one. I think we are seeing now that it was never about "the system" or Polian or great coaching. Manning runs the show. He makes the system. He IS the coach. The last 12 years have been wonderful with Peyton, but it was a mirage. You are kidding yourself if you think Irsay are or anyone else in the front office just started becoming great football minds and a well oiled machine overnight. This team sucked before Manning, sucks now and will suck after him. Real leaders step up in diversity and are able to motivate and get the best out of their people when things are not looking promising. The leadership of the Colts is gone now that Manning is missing. That is why the Colts are 0-4. Caldwell is always saying next man up...well that muppet needs to look in the mirror. He is a statue on the sidelines. Polian has his whole family working for him ready to take over when he leaves. We are screwed. Prepare yourself for 20 years of disappointment Colts fans!

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owell let us be 0-4 Im just glad the bandwagon fans have jumped off. We could be 0-32 and I still bleed blue.

True Colts fans won't abandon the team just because we are 0-4 (and maybe end up 2-14 or 1-15 this year). As a Baltimore/Indy Colts fan for over forty (40) years I have seen plenty of the good and plenty of the bad times. Our biggest issue right now is how the team is populated - our way of obtaining players and coaching those players is lacking. First order of business for the team should be a thorough overhual starting with the Polian family front office and a complete dismissal of Blinky Caldwell and the coaching staff.

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The Colts have been able to overcome severe deficiencies in the Offensive line, Defense, and special teams for the past several years. Now, without PM to bail them out, the overall weakness of this team has been exposed. I think it's been a combination of coaching and talent that are to blame for the problems, but it all comes back to who's running the organization. We, the fans have been clamoring for the front office to fix the OL for the past 2 seasons. The defense has been "soft" for longer than that. Special teams have been atrocious for just as long. Yet, aside from talk, little has been done to rectify the situation.

Peyton can come back and we'll win some games again, but without fixing all the other underlying shortcomings it doesn't look good. Right now I think Polian's ego won't let him admit to errors in personnel or coaching. Only Jim Irsay can force changes that can result in fixing this team. We can hope, but I'm not sure if he has it in him. I fear that the only thing that could move Mr. Irsay to action would be when fans stop buying tickets and LOS is only half full. By that time the team will be in deep doodie.

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While I think this team hasn't addressed obvious weaknesses over the years due to Manning bailing them out, I don't think this team is completely screwed when he leaves. Even though this team is 0-4 this year the last two games have been close against good teams. If this team was getting blown out like against Houston every week I would say this organization has no hope after Manning's departure. Everyone also has to remember that Manning has made close to $20 million/year, now $23 million. When this money comes off the books this team will have alot more room to fix it's holes. For now the team just needs to fix what it can with that money still tied up. Next year should give them some good draft picks so hopefully they use them wisely. The other question is coaching, I think it is becoming obvious Caldwell has more than he can handle. Hopefully the Colts hire a strong leader and not another yes man to Polian. The most important thing this team will need after Manning is a leader.

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One play really summed up our night. We would've had TB set at 2nd and 17 late in the game. Jamaal Anderson committed a personal foul that helped advance TB toward a lead. What was worse is that the much maligned Jerry Hughes finally made a play and he too started acting like an * kid, he could've been called for a PF as well. I was shouting at my TV "STOP IT....STOP"...but Hughes and Anderson were more concerned with throwing a tantrum and fighting than they were with winning.

We have so many problems, from injury to inexperience. Painter proved himself, but in the end, the rest of the team was inept.

It's worth mentioning we are missing three of four captains too and the one that we aren't missing is our kicker. We are extremely young on defense right now because of the injuries and I think you are seeing immature moments. It doesn't make it excuseable but it's what is going on.

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That missed INT was not the reason the colts lost this game, how do you think the bucs got down the field? the defensive coaches had no excuse for going into the plays that they did, no one cares if you have rookies in or not.. its the defesne you play so you play it, its not the offense where you can baby your playbook, you run what you can to win the game because its not as complicated as the offense... the colts coaches refused to change the zones they would run and it wasnt because of some rookies or because the MLB... the colts chose to go into that defense nothing else.

We pick that ball off we just stopped the Bucs best drive of the night with no points. We go down and score and it is now 17-0. There is a chance that you could have seen a young Bucs team panic at that point in time or caved in. It's also set up our defense to let Freeney and Mathis t off which after all is supposedly what the defense is built to do. So yes that missed INT did have an effect on the game. That's why they made such a big deal out of it on the broadcast when it happened. Good teams make that play. We didn't.

If I had told you before hand we were going to be down to one DT, and missing half our starters on the team, over half on the defense, three of four captains minus the kicker and one of the guys out was going to be Peyton Manning and oh by the way we were one injury away to an o-lineman from having to play someone like Eldridge at o-line what would you have thought was going to happen? Most people would have thought we were going to get blown out. The fact the Colts kept it close says something about the coaching.

Is the coaching perfect? No it's not. I think they should have gone for it on the 4th and short for example. With that said, they are far cry from being the only thing wrong with the team or the biggest issue with the team like some are making it out to be. Frankly if we tackle like we did against the Steelers and get that INT I think our defense would have been just fine even with all the injuries. People are trying to scap goat the coaching staff for other issues and that's a bit over the top. With that said, I have said and I am going to say again it's time for Larry Coyer to go.

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again it was a player, David Caldwell, that dropped the INT in the endzone that let the Bucs back into the game. Also I don't know how many tackles were missed tonight on defense. That again goes on the players. When the defense tackles well they play like last week when they don't they look like tonight.

The coaching staff had their hands tied tonight because of all the injuries there was only so much they could do. The Bucs knew and attacked the weaknesses knowing the Colts couldn't do much to counter it. Credit the Bucs they get paid too remember.

No one likes hearing that because there isn't much you can do about it. Hopefully the Colts can put the whole thing together the next two weeks and win two very winable games and at least get us off the goose egg.

true about Caldwell but at least he ended with 18 tackles, but yeah, when the opportunity is there for a turnover, Take it

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With this in mind I was thinking about this - is now the time to pull out all of the stops and go get what is needed to win another SB? Assuming we get Peyton back next year we might only get 2-3 more really good years. And the year off to get healthy could be a blessing. So I'm thinking we try to get a few high draft picks that can play right away and then maybe pick up a few high quality (not the ridiculously expensive) free agents and really go for it. Might want to do a little trading in the draft to get 2 decent 1st round picks? Might need to accept the fact that when Peyton is done there will be some lean years. So I guess I'm saying let's not worry about Andrew Luck and let's just plan for the next 2-3 years. That's it.

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We pick that ball off we just stopped the Bucs best drive of the night with no points. We go down and score and it is now 17-0. There is a chance that you could have seen a young Bucs team panic at that point in time or caved in. It's also set up our defense to let Freeney and Mathis t off which after all is supposedly what the defense is built to do. So yes that missed INT did have an effect on the game. That's why they made such a big deal out of it on the broadcast when it happened. Good teams make that play. We didn't.

If I had told you before hand we were going to be down to one DT, and missing half our starters on the team, over half on the defense, three of four captains minus the kicker and one of the guys out was going to be Peyton Manning and oh by the way we were one injury away to an o-lineman from having to play someone like Eldridge at o-line what would you have thought was going to happen? Most people would have thought we were going to get blown out. The fact the Colts kept it close says something about the coaching.

Is the coaching perfect? No it's not. I think they should have gone for it on the 4th and short for example. With that said, they are far cry from being the only thing wrong with the team or the biggest issue with the team like some are making it out to be. Frankly if we tackle like we did against the Steelers and get that INT I think our defense would have been just fine even with all the injuries. People are trying to scap goat the coaching staff for other issues and that's a bit over the top. With that said, I have said and I am going to say again it's time for Larry Coyer to go.

With all that you said there i think your failing to see the problem, the colts defense were predictable... no ifs about it and the colts did nothing to change that. It wasnt because they had rookies starting, because they had rookies starting in the steelers game yet they werent doing so many zone plays...

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