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Hasselback calls Luck "off the charts" impressive


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Must be a slow newsday for OTAs and random football news on ESPN. Suzy Culver and the gang at NFL32 led off the show with Hasselbeck's comments about St. Andrew and launched into a segment regarding sophomore players and expectations. Guess Matt must have been REALLY impressed with Luck huh?


As far as Polian goes, he is certainly a good football guy and I'll be the first to admit that, once upon a time, I trusted him implicitly with ALL of his personnel moves, but I had a hard time with his bringing on his sons at the expense of great football minds like Dom Anile, Clyde Powers, and Steve Champlin. These guys were never fully recognized for doing their due diligence and making Polian look as good as he did during the dynasty years in which we ruled the AFC South. It wasn't until their forced departures and the questionable nepotism by Papa Polian toward his sons that we started seeing the "Real Deal with Bill."


Regarding the restructuring of contracts, I vaguely remember that we did do it, Manning in particular, to create cap space. I believe he did it after we won the Super Bowl..... And he wasn't the only one. Need some help here guys. Anybody else remember this?

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That's pretty impressive coming from Hasselback. He has seen a lot in his years of playing. The list are pretty too much to list. I think by having a seasoned veteran as a back up is something the team needed. After going a few years with no viable backup this is good. No one even wants to think about the what ifs but should something happen to Luck I think having a seasoned veteran as a backup is the best way to go. Plus when Hasselback signed his contract he knew exactly what his job would be. Win win on both sides. 

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I actually think BP looked at it this way...

ONE Peyton is invincible.

SECOND... IF Indy loses Manning, we are DONE... regardless of the backup.

It is the only logical explanation for keeping players like Sorgi and Painter as backups.

I was listening to the "Late Hits" show on the Sirius NFL channel a night or two ago, and the topic of the show was "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda" and it was basically fans calling in about singular events that they thought changed their teams chances of winning in some past season/s or even the entire direction/future of their team.

During one of the discussions Polian used himself as an example and talked about how prior to and during the 2011 draft there was enough concern about Manning's health that there was "serious talk" about using our 1st round draft pick (#22) on a back up QB. Which based on who was available when we drafted I am assuming would have been either Andy Dalton or Colin Kaepernick (picked #35 and #36). But, Polian said in the end they decided they would "sink or swim" with Manning.

Although Polian said in the end "we" decided not to draft a QB in the 1st round, I got the impression that Irsay made the final decision and he(Polian) was not 100% in agreement with the decision.

So although I am glad how things eventually turned out: Grigson, Pagano, Luck, etc .... and wanted Bill and Chris gone for the last couple seasons ... I don't know if we can lay all the blame for the back-up QB fiasco on Polian.

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I was listening to the "Late Hits" show on the Sirius NFL channel a night or two ago, and the topic of the show was "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda" and it was basically fans calling in about singular events that they thought changed their teams chances of winning in some past season/s or even the entire direction/future of their team.

During one of the discussions Polian used himself as an example and talked about how prior to and during the 2011 draft there was enough concern about Manning's health that there was "serious talk" about using our 1st round draft pick (#22) on a back up QB. Which based on who was available when we drafted I am assuming would have been either Andy Dalton or Colin Kaepernick (picked #35 and #36). But, Polian said in the end they decided they would "sink or swim" with Manning.

Although Polian said in the end "we" decided not to draft a QB in the 1st round, I got the impression that Irsay made the final decision and he(Polian) was not 100% in agreement with the decision.

So although I am glad how things eventually turned out: Grigson, Pagano, Luck, etc .... and wanted Bill and Chris gone for the last couple seasons ... I don't know if we can lay all the blame for the back-up QB fiasco on Polian.

I will concede that Bill had to carry out the wishes of Jim Irsay, the man paying Polian's salary. But, Bill has flip flopped & changed his feelings on resting players during the Playoffs too. What he says on ESPN now doesn't match up with his proclamations as INDY's GM. Bill's truthful recollections on back up QBs & resting players have both taken a journalistic stroll through "revisionist history" of Bill's own making/design IMO. 

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Mr Matty back up was never an elite QB, but he has definately performed at the next level, which I would consider great. As a native of the NW, I saw him as the QB of the Seahawks nearly every week as they were always the televised game on Sunday. His abilities, at this time in his career, as a back up for us....is stupid good. His aquisition was timely, rare, and could be one of the tipping points that happen to franchises on their way to greatness. I might add that it is Andrew's humbleness and desire to learn which is the necessary counterpart to this confluence of NFL QB omnipresent oneness. ;)


He is worth every penny he is being paid if he never even puts his helmet on while on the sidelines.

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I agree 100% Kyle, but when did "singing" become a contract requirement for a backup QB? Just Kidding! What's he sound like the locker room? Bass, Alto, or tenor? I kid, I kid...Minor typo I get it. No harm done Kyle. I do it all the time...typos & singing too actually...LOL!

Is this an INDY rookie hazing thing for new teammates? Ha! Ha!

what typo?? so I think Matt has a great voice....is that weird?

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Hasselbeck was the smartest signing in the offseason. I have confidence Hasselbeck will help Luck a great deal.

..his signing indicates that management think of the Colts as a likely playoff team.


Last year's backup QB indicated that WE thought we were not going to the post-season...we just wanted a competent guy


Now we are paying (a lot to a) a veteran proven winner to simply BE READY to play in must-win games and playoff games if our starter gets hurt...Old Matt has led his team to wins in playoff games..more than one


....If Luck broke his leg in the 17th week of the season,...Matt Hasselbeck would give us a chance to reach the Super Bowl.

Drew Stanton, bless his heart, would not....

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Um not clear seeing as manning wouldn't have benefited at all. He wasn't playing.


Uh... are you capable of any degree of logical thought? I was clearly highlighting the clear difference in value between having veteran experience help with Luck's development and a veteran helping Peyton who already knows the game better than anyone else. Whilst Hasselbeck fulfils two roles with Luck... tutelage and quality backup if Luck goes down, as opposed to the one role of simply being second string to Manning. That is why Luck's backup gets more money.


I'll remember to use small words next time to help you understand.

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Uh... are you capable of any degree of logical thought? I was clearly highlighting the clear difference in value between having veteran experience help with Luck's development and a veteran helping Peyton who already knows the game better than anyone else. Whilst Hasselbeck fulfils two roles with Luck... tutelage and quality backup if Luck goes down, as opposed to the one role of simply being second string to Manning. That is why Luck's backup gets more money.

I'll remember to use small words next time to help you understand.

Wow look at the brains and big e-muscles of this guy. You said how much would manning benefit in 2011 when he went down, but now your talking about it he was playing, because that's the only way he's going to be able to apply his knowledge of the game. So a veteran backup for a downed manning wouldn't benefit manning, like I said in my response to you before. Now if your talking about a veteran backup when manning was playing, then yes it would have been pointless like you said, but that's not what you initially said was it?

And my initial response to you, we were talking about a 2nd year player with a veteran backup and manning having a backup. It only makes logical sense to compare situations of equal value. I never expected you to take such a big leap in conversation without some sort of connecting sentence. You could have said if manning was playing now, how much would he have benefited. That makes more sense. You assume to much, and that makes an A out if you, not me.

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Wow look at the brains and big e-muscles of this guy. You said how much would manning benefit in 2011 when he went down, but now your talking about it he was playing, because that's the only way he's going to be able to apply his knowledge of the game. So a veteran backup for a downed manning wouldn't benefit manning, like I said in my response to you before. Now if your talking about a veteran backup when manning was playing, then yes it would have been pointless like you said, but that's not what you initially said was it?

And my initial response to you, we were talking about a 2nd year player with a veteran backup and manning having a backup. It only makes logical sense to compare situations of equal value. I never expected you to take such a big leap in conversation without some sort of connecting sentence. You could have said if manning was playing now, how much would he have benefited. That makes more sense. You assume to much, and that makes an A out if you, not me.


You obsession with semantics is not my problem. I simply expect those reading my posts to exhibit some degree of cognitive understanding.

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You obsession with semantics is not my problem. I simply expect those reading my posts to exhibit some degree of cognitive understanding.

Ah ok, so read your mind when your talking about two different things in the context of something else. Gotcha.

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They play on the same team, of course he is going to say nice things. What young talent has Matt been around to evaluate talent? I personally could careless what is being said. September 8 and from that day on is the only thing I care about. We win games and Matt will look like a genius around here. We lose games some will be asking to put him in

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Ah ok, so read your mind when your talking about two different things in the context of something else. Gotcha.


Hasselbeck has more value backing up Luck because he is young and inexperienced than Manning....


You need to be a mind reader to understand that? Again... cognitive understanding. Everyone else seems to be capable of it.


I like to discuss and debate football rather than engage in your silly little irrelevant arguments that only begin because of your own limitations.

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They play on the same team, of course he is going to say nice things. What young talent has Matt been around to evaluate talent? I personally could careless what is being said. September 8 and from that day on is the only thing I care about. We win games and Matt will look like a genius around here. We lose games some will be asking to put him in


It's not September yet,  but I can give you a heads-up....     we're going to lose games.   Count on it.    The question isn't 'if',  but 'how many'....


And if there are any Colt's fans who start calling for Matt Hasselbeck to replace Andrew Luck after some losses,  then those folks don't know much about football.    I'm saying it now, and I'll be happy to repeat it once it happens. 


And this comes from me, a person who was thrilled when we signed Hasselbeck and said so over and over to anyone who cared...    He's a great signing, whether he ever plays a down for us or not.    Great.


But we're not replacing Luck with Hasselbeck after we lose some games.


I'm already on record as saying we'll be 4 and 4 after the first 8 games.   Anyone who calls for Hasselbeck then just doesn't know enough about football.     It's that simple....


Just sayin.....

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They play on the same team, of course he is going to say nice things. What young talent has Matt been around to evaluate talent? I personally could careless what is being said. September 8 and from that day on is the only thing I care about. We win games and Matt will look like a genius around here. We lose games some will be asking to put him in

If anyone suggests putting in Matt, barring a Luck injury, they need to lose access to watching football because that's just silly.

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Hasselbeck has more value backing up Luck because he is young and inexperienced than Manning....

You need to be a mind reader to understand that? Again... cognitive understanding. Everyone else seems to be capable of it.

I like to discuss and debate football rather than engage in your silly little irrelevant arguments that only begin because of your own limitations.

Holy smokes man, arguments start cause of me? All you've done is try to belittle and insult at every turn. You keep switching your own arguments to try and justify what your saying each time i rebuttle. First you say backing up manning like he is luck, then when manning was down, then back again to when manning was playing. Maybe if you remained consistent and had any understanding of the words coming out of your own mouth, you wouldn't have to resort to your passive aggressive nonsense. Unless your intentionally changing your argument. If that's the case then your just looking to pick a fight.

Like I said. I don't disagree with you if your talking about a playing manning. But your changing explanations caused a misunderstanding and you resort to this childishness. Grow up bro.

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Holy smokes man, arguments start cause of me? All you've done is try to belittle and insult at every turn. You keep switching your own arguments to try and justify what your saying each time i rebuttle. First you say backing up manning like he is luck, then when manning was down, then back again to when manning was playing. Maybe if you remained consistent and had any understanding of the words coming out of your own mouth, you wouldn't have to resort to your passive aggressive nonsense. Unless your intentionally changing your argument. If that's the case then your just looking to pick a fight.

Like I said. I don't disagree with you if your talking about a playing manning. But your changing explanations caused a misunderstanding and you resort to this childishness. Grow up bro.


I'm not speaking, I am typing... just a little correction for the semantics police.


At no stage have I changed my argument, you have just tried to imply that I did. I doubt anyone else had any problem understanding what I meant, I shouldn't have to have 5-6 back and forths to make a very obvious point.


Hasselbeck provides the value of being a solid backup for Luck if he goes down and the value of his experience and film room prowess. Whilst he would simply have been a solid backup for Manning if he had went down in 2011 (which he did) but would not have presented the organization with the same value as Manning can single-handedly read defense. The team would have been signing him, which would have been before Manning went down/was confirmed not to be playing, so Manning being out in 2011 is irrelevant.


My point was clear, I didn't think it needed 200 words because I believe the forum members whose opinion I care about could make the relevant assumptions. You just chose to try to twist it, and you tell me to grow up....

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By a considerable distance, yes. Two entirely different situations though, how much would Manning have benefited from Hasselback's experience?

I think it was fairly clear I did not mean in Manning's second year. I meant in 2011 when he went down.

Hasselbeck provides the value of being a solid backup for Luck if he goes down and the value of his experience and film room prowess. Whilst he would simply have been a solid backup for Manning if he had went down in 2011 (which he did) but would not have presented the organization with the same value as Manning can single-handedly read defense. The team would have been signing him, which would have been before Manning went down/was confirmed not to be playing, so Manning being out in 2011 is irrelevant.


Your second statement is where it looks like its different. May not be in your head, but as written it reads like it was already certain that he was out. That's what i was talking about. I can tell your not concerned about respect as you are constantly disrespectful, despite the lack of antagonizing or triggering comments from myself. Which is cool by me, I'm the same way. I could care less if you respect me, your just another wannabe e-thug in my book. Like one of those 12 year olds who talks trash over Xbox or something. haha
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Like New Colt Fan's emoticons indicated earlier, you two have been going at it for quite some time. This is almost like a congressional hearing!


AMG, I think your point is valid. Hasselbeck costs way more in salary and cap space, but he provides a level of comfort, experience, and familiarity within the AFC South and throughout the league in general. Had we had him here when #18 was on board, Manning still would have him on all aspects of the game, but it would have been nice to have a quality backup at the ready. On the other hand, had Hasselbeck been here at that time, we wouldn't have been nearly as putrid, our deficiencies wouldn't have been glaringly apparent, and we DEFINITELY would not been in a position to draft St. Andrew, who has already rescued us from NFL purgatory and is on track to put us on an annual hunt for the Lombardi after a one year hiatus. So we'll count the "Suck for Luck" campaign as a successful one. I don't care what spin Uncle Bill has said subsequently, anyone who thinks that Polian didn't intentionally tank the season once it became obvious that the season was lost is kidding themselves. I've read his comments after the fact. For those of you who think differently, feel free to follow him without question. Spare me a rehashing of the details


AMG and Narcosys, save the broadsides for the trolls in Nashville, East Rutherford, Houston, and Denver. And while we don't play New England this year (surprise, surprise, SURPRISE!), you can definitely count on a troll or two from Foxborough to pop up like a dandelion on the back nine at Augusta. It's gonna happen.


Be content that the both of you are rooting for the same team. You could tag team and wear the rest of us out........

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Like New Colt Fan's emoticons indicated earlier, you two have been going at it for quite some time. This is almost like a congressional hearing!

AMG, I think your point is valid. Hasselbeck costs way more in salary and cap space, but he provides a level of comfort, experience, and familiarity within the AFC South and throughout the league in general. Had we had him here when #18 was on board, Manning still would have him on all aspects of the game, but it would have been nice to have a quality backup at the ready. On the other hand, had Hasselbeck been here at that time, we wouldn't have been nearly as putrid, our deficiencies wouldn't have been glaringly apparent, and we DEFINITELY would not been in a position to draft St. Andrew, who has already rescued us from NFL purgatory and is on track to put us on an annual hunt for the Lombardi after a one year hiatus. So we'll count the "Suck for Luck" campaign as a successful one. I don't care what spin Uncle Bill has said subsequently, anyone who thinks that Polian didn't intentionally tank the season once it became obvious that the season was lost is kidding themselves. I've read his comments after the fact. For those of you who think differently, feel free to follow him without question. Spare me a rehashing of the details


AMG and Narcosys, save the broadsides for the trolls in Nashville, East Rutherford, Houston, and Denver. And while we don't play New England this year (surprise, surprise, SURPRISE!), you can definitely count on a troll or two from Foxborough to pop up like a dandelion on the back nine at Augusta. It's gonna happen.

Be content that the both of you are rooting for the same team. You could tag team and wear the rest of us out........

"If you don't believe in something that has no evidence or proof, your kidding yourself."

Consider me kidding myself :)

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Thanks. I can live with that. Here is what I do know. Management showed it's hand in 2009 by pulling its starters during an undefeated season and allowed a team (NYJ) that was behind to come back and win. If you looked on the sidelines, you could clearly see that the players did not want to let up on the gas and allow an opportunity to slip away. Fast forward to 2011, when it became apparent that Peyton Manning was not going to be able to play. The team physicians knew it early on and so did management. Curtis Painter, who had done absolutely nothing to indicate, in previous seasons, that he was remotely capable to doing anything more than correctly holding a clipboard was virtually handed the reins and looked terrible in the process. Scrambling at the last moment, Bill Polian virtually threw money away to convince Kerry Collins to come out of retirement hoping that there was at least a quarter of gas left in his tank. Backup Dan Orlovsky was never given an honest chance to start until late in the season. Not saying that Orlovsky would have been able to turn the team's fortunes around, but his play indicated that he did not want to be labeled as a loser again, given he had been part of the quartet in Detroit that failed to win a game in 2008. Orlovsky kept the team competitive and should have been inserted earlier. 


But, then again, I'm delusional so what do I know.



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Thanks. I can live with that. Here is what I do know. Management showed it's hand in 2009 by pulling its starters during an undefeated season and allowed a team (NYJ) that was behind to come back and win. If you looked on the sidelines, you could clearly see that the players did not want to let up on the gas and allow an opportunity to slip away. Fast forward to 2011, when it became apparent that Peyton Manning was not going to be able to play. The team physicians knew it early on and so did management. Curtis Painter, who had done absolutely nothing to indicate, in previous seasons, that he was remotely capable to doing anything more than correctly holding a clipboard was virtually handed the reins and looked terrible in the process. Scrambling at the last moment, Bill Polian virtually threw money away to convince Kerry Collins to come out of retirement hoping that there was at least a quarter of gas left in his tank. Backup Dan Orlovsky was never given an honest chance to start until late in the season. Not saying that Orlovsky would have been able to turn the team's fortunes around, but his play indicated that he did not want to be labeled as a loser again, given he had been part of the quartet in Detroit that failed to win a game in 2008. Orlovsky kept the team competitive and should have been inserted earlier.

But, then again, I'm delusional so what do I know.


You sure know speculation and conjecture that's for sure haha

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Thanks. I can live with that. Here is what I do know. Management showed it's hand in 2009 by pulling its starters during an undefeated season and allowed a team (NYJ) that was behind to come back and win. If you looked on the sidelines, you could clearly see that the players did not want to let up on the gas and allow an opportunity to slip away. Fast forward to 2011, when it became apparent that Peyton Manning was not going to be able to play. The team physicians knew it early on and so did management. Curtis Painter, who had done absolutely nothing to indicate, in previous seasons, that he was remotely capable to doing anything more than correctly holding a clipboard was virtually handed the reins and looked terrible in the process. Scrambling at the last moment, Bill Polian virtually threw money away to convince Kerry Collins to come out of retirement hoping that there was at least a quarter of gas left in his tank. Backup Dan Orlovsky was never given an honest chance to start until late in the season. Not saying that Orlovsky would have been able to turn the team's fortunes around, but his play indicated that he did not want to be labeled as a loser again, given he had been part of the quartet in Detroit that failed to win a game in 2008. Orlovsky kept the team competitive and should have been inserted earlier. 


But, then again, I'm delusional so what do I know.




I didn't read a single thing that would resemble evidence.

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You sure know speculation and conjecture that's for sure haha


I didn't read a single thing that would resemble evidence.


That's all we're left with at this point: speculation and conjecture, isn't it? Not even the slightest shred of evidence.

Don't you also find it interesting that those who didn't always agree with Uncle Bill Polian's "my way or the highway" authority were unceremoniously released or "retired"? Names like Moore, Mudd, Anile, Champlin, Huey, and Powers come to mind. Bright minds all.....Or maybe you don't find it interesting. Gene Huey, long a mainstay in the Colt coaching stable, became a scapegoat when the offensive line became suspect. He wasn't the OL coach, so why was he given his walking papers? Wasn't he the RB coach during the Marshall Faulk, Edgerrin James and Dominic Rhodes eras?


Uh ohh.........Shift change and the night nurse is coming around with the meds.


Gotta go.

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That's all we're left with at this point: speculation and conjecture, isn't it? Not even the slightest shred of evidence.

Don't you also find it interesting that those who didn't always agree with Uncle Bill Polian's "my way or the highway" authority were unceremoniously released or "retired"? Names like Moore, Mudd, Anile, Champlin, Huey, and Powers come to mind. Bright minds all.....Or maybe you don't find it interesting. Gene Huey, long a mainstay in the Colt coaching stable, became a scapegoat when the offensive line became suspect. He wasn't the OL coach, so why was he given his walking papers? Wasn't he the RB coach during the Marshall Faulk, Edgerrin James and Dominic Rhodes eras?

Uh ohh.........Shift change and the night nurse is coming around with the meds.

Gotta go.

Lol yeah pretty much unfounded speculation and connecting dots that really don't connect. And somehow tying it all to people getting released/fired.

But hey on the bright side, you've fully convinced me to buy tons of stock in tin foil.

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what typo?? so I think Matt has a great voice....is that weird?

Matthew Hasselbeck is actually a proprietor of prankster antics & a very funny class clown everywhere he has been...Green Bay, Seattle, Tennessee, & now Indianapolis...comedians are usually multi talented, brilliant people so sure Kyle why not I'll buy that he can carry a tune very nicely...My money's on Alto...His voice that is... NFL Talent Night at LOS must be quite the extravaganza eh Kyle?


Save me a seat in the front row would ya please. Thanks man.  :yahoo: No Kyle, it's not weird at all.

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Your second statement is where it looks like its different. May not be in your head, but as written it reads like it was already certain that he was out. That's what i was talking about. I can tell your not concerned about respect as you are constantly disrespectful, despite the lack of antagonizing or triggering comments from myself. Which is cool by me, I'm the same way. I could care less if you respect me, your just another wannabe e-thug in my book. Like one of those 12 year olds who talks trash over Xbox or something. haha


Yes, people who put 'e' before words to denote derogatory online equivalents demand the utmost respect.


Are backup QBs not generally in place long before the season starts? As in long before Peyton goes down? I thought that was obvious... my point was clear from my first post, it is amazing that you continue to dwell on it despite the issue being resolved, and you finally understanding my point.


When I see you offer anything I consider in some way original and enlightening regarding Colts football then you may gain my respect... but I am not holding my breath.


P.S. I don't play the XBox, though something tells me you do.

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Like New Colt Fan's emoticons indicated earlier, you two have been going at it for quite some time. This is almost like a congressional hearing!


AMG, I think your point is valid. Hasselbeck costs way more in salary and cap space, but he provides a level of comfort, experience, and familiarity within the AFC South and throughout the league in general. Had we had him here when #18 was on board, Manning still would have him on all aspects of the game, but it would have been nice to have a quality backup at the ready. On the other hand, had Hasselbeck been here at that time, we wouldn't have been nearly as putrid, our deficiencies wouldn't have been glaringly apparent, and we DEFINITELY would not been in a position to draft St. Andrew, who has already rescued us from NFL purgatory and is on track to put us on an annual hunt for the Lombardi after a one year hiatus. So we'll count the "Suck for Luck" campaign as a successful one. I don't care what spin Uncle Bill has said subsequently, anyone who thinks that Polian didn't intentionally tank the season once it became obvious that the season was lost is kidding themselves. I've read his comments after the fact. For those of you who think differently, feel free to follow him without question. Spare me a rehashing of the details


AMG and Narcosys, save the broadsides for the trolls in Nashville, East Rutherford, Houston, and Denver. And while we don't play New England this year (surprise, surprise, SURPRISE!), you can definitely count on a troll or two from Foxborough to pop up like a dandelion on the back nine at Augusta. It's gonna happen.


Be content that the both of you are rooting for the same team. You could tag team and wear the rest of us out........


Can't say I agree personally. The Texans game at LOS when a win put the #1 overall pick in jeopardy was proof enough for me.


Also, I think people underestimate how difficult it is to get a quality backup QB in this league. The good ones all wanna start.

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Can't say I agree personally. The Texans game at LOS when a win put the #1 overall pick in jeopardy was proof enough for me.


Also, I think people underestimate how difficult it is to get a quality backup QB in this league. The good ones all wanna start.


Decent players can be had, especially when they hang out there a little too long and realize that their salary demands won't be met. Former starting QBs content with back up roles? How about Seneca Wallace with the Saints or Derek Anderson (Carolina)? Look how hard JaMarcus Russell (good luck with that one, JaMarcus) is trying to get back in the league.


I'll have to rethink that last one.....After all, I did say decent.



Seriously, House,..........Tin foil? Then again..........Hmmmmmmm? :thinking:

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Decent players can be had, especially when they hang out there a little too long and realize that their salary demands won't be met. Former starting QBs content with back up roles? How about Seneca Wallace with the Saints or Derek Anderson (Carolina)? Look how hard JaMarcus Russell (good luck with that one, JaMarcus) is trying to get back in the league.


I'll have to rethink that last one.....After all, I did say decent.



Seriously, House,..........Tin foil? Then again..........Hmmmmmmm? :thinking:


I guess this goes down to your definition of decent. Plenty of Qbs have started in the NFL who do not fall into that category in my book. Decent backup QBs? I'd say Fitzpatrick, Hasselbeck, Moore, Kolb... I'm not in the mood to think too hard, but I don't think there are many more than that.

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I guess this goes down to your definition of decent. Plenty of Qbs have started in the NFL who do not fall into that category in my book. Decent backup QBs? I'd say Fitzpatrick, Hasselbeck, Moore, Kolb... I'm not in the mood to think too hard, but I don't think there are many more than that.


All of those are acceptable with the exception of Kolb, who I think is overrated, even as a number 2 backup. I think Anderson and Wallace have outplayed him on a number of occasions. And of course I meant to include Hasselbeck earlier.

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Decent players can be had, especially when they hang out there a little too long and realize that their salary demands won't be met. Former starting QBs content with back up roles? How about Seneca Wallace with the Saints or Derek Anderson (Carolina)? Look how hard JaMarcus Russell (good luck with that one, JaMarcus) is trying to get back in the league.

I'll have to rethink that last one.....After all, I did say decent.

Seriously, House,..........Tin foil? Then again..........Hmmmmmmm? :thinking:

Yeah man tin foil. Stops the government from reading your thoughts lol.

And if you can't tell I'm having a bit of fun with you, I'm having a bit of fun with you.

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    • Seems like this team gets a lot of untimely injuries that come out of nowhere. Smith and Kelly, Lewis injuries just appeared out of nowhere. None of those injuries were even mentioned after the Bears game.
    • Yep. He must of woke up Thursday with it. I assume Pinter will play center if he can’t go. That tackle slot is worrisome if smith can’t go. The defense is looking ridiculously banged up.
    • QB is hard.  It's easy to sit back and expect guys to look like Marino but every QB has a different ceiling and a different path to that ceiling.  And again getting there is a long and tough road and the toughness in that road includes everything from injuries to quality of the team around them.   Richardson still looks like the guy we saw on tape in college.  He is an elite run threat who can put the ball anywhere on the field, but his consistency in ball placement is not good.  I used to believe that can't be fixed.  Until Josh Allen.  Now these types of QBs are guys teams will take a flyer on, because of supply and demand, and the immense impact if you can hit on one of them.  But here we are and he's still the same QB, which is a bit of a concern to me at this point.   It's not like he doesn't still have time to get his game in order.  He does.  And even if he fails in Indy he'll have another chance with another team due to his talent level.  So it's still too early to get all crazy about where he's at.   For myself I'll say what I keep saying about him: he needs to learn to move the offense from the protection of the pocket.  That is how you have a long career and end up in the Hall with a million passing yards.  If he does not develop that part of his game the end result will be his teams will use his legs to move the offense and he'll get hurt and miss time and demonstrate why RBs have such a short shelf life.  So his career is in his hands.  He has to learn and do it or he'll suffer the results.
    • I wonder how Kelly got his neck injury he seemed fine and even practiced on Wednesday right,
    • Seems like every time the Colts face the Steelers the OL gets injured smh.
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