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You can play as Jim Irsay in the next Madden.

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I loved the scouting, I would just disable auto save check ratings write it down, then quit, go back in to coach made and check another player.... I would always know who to Draft and when to trade up and stockpile in late Draft picks to get good players late

I'm partial to the pentagon thing they used to do. I'd pick up 6th rounders that were rated at 85.

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But on the other side of the coin gamers don't want their favorite games to drastically change, they want the core of the gam to stay the same. So for example on COD, players generally just want new maps, weapons, and perks. So yeah the newest version just offers this. If they changed much more, it would be a different game. But still gamers complain that it's just a " patch update" for $60. Well that tells the whole story, they don't want the game to drastically change either, they just want to buy 1 game to update year after year ( most would want that free too just because they bought the original game). This just isn't a business model the industry could afford, it would kill their profits, leading to less developers, less games. It wouldn't promote growth at all. And is a new installment once a year really too often because every 2 years would feel like forever.


From a business stand point what EA or IW does with COD/Madden makes perfect sense.  People continue still flock to their games even though they are rarely really improved on.  Why put much effort in improving or inovating their game.  A prime example of this is when EA rolled the new gang tackle as this awesome feature for Madden 2010, but NFL 2K5 had gang tackles five years prior.  


My biggest beef is more so with Madden because it has no competition.  At least COD still has to combat games like Killzone, Halo, and other awesome FPS.  They are still forced to do new things and try to innovate while keeping their core play together.


I agree that gamers want our core parts of a game left untouched, but on the flip side turning out things like Madden or COD every year really stifles development because they are more worried about deadlines than innovation or new ideas.


That is why I am a bit sad to see what they are doing with AC.  I love those games and the idea of pirates is awesome, but if they start turning them out year after year with little innovation or improvement burnout is bound to set in.

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I tell you what for the money Skyrim has me still playing that game and I'm easily 50hours in. . . .I can honestly say that the only other game that has kept me that involved has been the GTA series which comes out in August!  Already pre-ordered!


I am pre ordering Black Flag and the other Edois game for next gen console I am also getting the next company of heroes

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