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California Colts games

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Colts come to California 2 times this year. SD and SF. I would like to go to both but can probably afford just one (dont want nose bleeds). Any other California Colts fans heading to Qualcom or Candlestick?


My gut tells me im safer in San Diego. But i want to see the niner game more!


I am quite respectfull and it will be just my fiance and I. Certainly dont want any trouble but with booze flowing others are always looking for it (especially WHEN the colts show up this season and put up the points!!!)


Anyone have thoughts or insight on either stadium? tips other than "wear the home team garb?"

 this will be my first NFL game and i want to have a good time with the soon to be wife as i convert her from a passive niner fan to a COLT! her Luck #12 is on the way already! hahaha

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No, they're not that dangerous. I was offered free tickets by a friend who's an exec for the Niners. He has seats in the Niner's suite, so I'll be going to the game with him but rooting for the Colts to win, quietly of course :disco: .

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alright, cool. Im looking at a pair of lower box seats for the 9er game and havnt scouted any for Bolts yet. figured 9er game since fiance is a casual 9er fan and i LOVE the colts but have no desire to get in a fight or have beer dumped on me... especially since im of the midset these games have no chance of not being close!


Always safer to not root in another teams home stadium but there is no real fun in that. i can take jeering, always fun time with friends ragging on eachother but not malace or physicality! no need for that!

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Are games really that dangerous?!

the truthfull answer is yes. Candlestick isnt in the nicest area. and there are gang affiliations with 9ers/raiders that are not really present with casual market teams like Chargers. im willing to drop the extra coin to get out of the 'We came to drink and fight" sections but walking in and out and arround is my concern.


ive never been to a Colts homegame but i can not imagine it being too hostile for an opposing fan that they have to ask the question... SF is.

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No, they're not that dangerous. I was offered free tickets by a friend who's an exec for the Niners. He has seats in the Niner's suite, so I'll be going to the game with him but rooting for the Colts to win, quietly of course :disco: .

good on ya!

def dont look the gift "colt" in the mouth! but certainly dont refrain from high fiving when the colts come out as hot as Kaep finished!!

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I've been to Qualcom, would go there again its a decent stadium & San Diego fans were cordial, but as someone stated there was a much larger showing of Colts fans than I had expected...

I would consider going this year, but since its a Monday night game, I'll probably opt for the Arizona game since it is right before Thanksgiving...

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I live in San Diego and have been to several Colts/Chargers games and people here are not like the ones up in the Bay Area.  I wouldn't wear my Colts jersey if I go see the 49ers/Raiders.  Here, I could be a decked out Colts fan and I wouldn't fear for my life.

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the truthfull answer is yes. Candlestick isnt in the nicest area. and there are gang affiliations with 9ers/raiders that are not really present with casual market teams like Chargers. im willing to drop the extra coin to get out of the 'We came to drink and fight" sections but walking in and out and arround is my concern.


ive never been to a Colts homegame but i can not imagine it being too hostile for an opposing fan that they have to ask the question... SF is.

I wouldn't have thought that would be the case.

Obviously I'm aware of gang culture being a problem in certain cities but I wouldn't have thought that there would be any affiliation with football teams.

Is there ever any violence or trouble at games? You're probably aware of the hooligan culture we had here in England affiliated with European football. Is it anything like that?

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I went to the Broncos-Chargers MNF game last year at Qualcomm and there were a good amount of Broncos fans. The fans aren't overly aggressive or anything. Pretty cocky when up 24-0 though haha

A beautiful stadium too.

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not similar to "hooligans" in fanatical sense. These are more street gangs that latch onto the logos or colors. less to do with the sport itself. In that comes "representing" and in Californina at least it is rough for opposing teams.

to expand further, i live in Fresno. our NCAA team is the Fresno State Bulldogs. There is a HUGE gang presence in the area affiliated with the colors and logo, even called the Fresno Bulldogs. its sad to say but outside of game days at the stadium, i rarely wear any supporting gear arround town... and we are a GOOD team!

LA Dodgers games are rough with the LA gang crowds wearing the dodger blue. Oakland raiders games are VERy rough even if your a fan. haha.

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the truthfull answer is yes. Candlestick isnt in the nicest area. and there are gang affiliations with 9ers/raiders that are not really present with casual market teams like Chargers. im willing to drop the extra coin to get out of the 'We came to drink and fight" sections but walking in and out and arround is my concern.


ive never been to a Colts homegame but i can not imagine it being too hostile for an opposing fan that they have to ask the question... SF is.

Colts home games is about as dangerous as going to a movie in a upscale town, the way it should be. Security wouldn't put up with any kind of posturing. I've seen people warned just from being alittle to loud and drunk, but weren't threatening anyone.

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).

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Colts home games is about as dangerous as going to a movie in a upscale town, the way it should be. Security wouldn't put up with any kind of posturing. I've seen people warned just from being alittle to loud and drunk, but weren't threatening anyone.

lucky! haha

few quick hits for you guys. Wish it were not the case, but this is a big reason i have never been a fan of any CA teams even though i was born and raised here!







was an A's fan as a kid and after a few games with my dad seeing fights with Giants fans become common place, we stopped going. i became a Phillies fan from afar.

My whole fam are Cheeseheads as we have my moms side in WI so to be different when i was little i always was a colts fan. Took my lumps the 2 win season and got the cheese heads thrown at me durning last seasons WIN and it is always a good time. wish all sporting events were in good fun. None of us play for the teams... or ever will... watch, root for the guys ya like, and head to work the next day!

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).

that was my only thought was trying to find a large group to go with. safety in numbers! but came to the conclusion id be better off in regular clothes and chear silently. the Chargers game is looking more and more apealing. its MNF however and that means getting monday and tuesday off work... WORTH IT!

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that said, San Diego isnt really involved in that. team is removed from gang sentric areas and fandom is pretty passive. no affiliation. Padres games are alot of fun for that reason. 6hrs drive is a bit more than the sub 3 to SF however, so thats sad!

Padres games are fun, but in the end you have to watch the Padres, which isn't much fun. Angels games are definitely my favorite. Beautiful park, fun team (Trout, Pujols, Hamilton, Wilson, Weaver, etc) and they have Panda Express!
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that was my only thought was trying to find a large group to go with. safety in numbers! but came to the conclusion id be better off in regular clothes and chear silently. the Chargers game is looking more and more apealing. its MNF however and that means getting monday and tuesday off work... WORTH IT!

Heck ya it's worth it!

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that was my only thought was trying to find a large group to go with. safety in numbers! but came to the conclusion id be better off in regular clothes and chear silently. the Chargers game is looking more and more apealing. its MNF however and that means getting monday and tuesday off work... WORTH IT!

I just purchased tickets about two weeks ago for field level seats.  On the visitors side, about 15 rows back.  The guy I purchased them from has more seats in the same area.  PM me and if your looking for tickets and I can give you his name, email and cost.

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Im going with my mom who is a 49er faithful, and had season tickets at candlestick when she was a little girl 30 years ago. We opted for the SF game just because this is the last season that the 49ers will be playing at candlestick and she wants to see it one last time before it gets demolished so I guess its all sentimental for her, and I get to see an awesome Colts game in the process.  :thmup:

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Going to the SD game, got my tickets not too long ago. Have heard plenty of bad stories about Candlestick besides it being a bad area of SF anyways. I want to enjoy watching my Colts rather than worry about my safety for the most-part.

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For all those going to the game, are you guys staying the night Monday night in SD?  If so what hotel are you staying at?  Anybody staying Sunday night?  Before the doors open to qualcomm is anyone going to a specific bar/restaurant?


we will be heading in friday night or saturday and staying through tuesday. make a long weekend out of it as soon as the fiance can get out of work! Not sure where we are staying yet but we have stayed at the Hilton Bayfront in the past and it was quite nice. We latched onto a Charger tailgate as a better option than she and i wandering arround solo with tall cans! I know a couple marginal friends in the area who are Charger fans and wont mind some Colts to jeer. Being 6hrs north of the area im not sure what or where there is to party before the games but im sure there is alot close.

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man I thought sports violence was limited to south america and sometimes here in mexico..i wasnt expecting people fearing wearing colts jerseys on away games on the US.

guess we are not that different :)

One difference, U.S. fans don't routinely toss concessions and fecal matter at opposing team players.

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I'm getting tickets to the SF game.  I live in CA (central coast) and have family in the bay area.  I'm toying with the idea of wearing my colts garb to the game.  I will be with a large group of people (some of whom will be wearing 49er garb).  I'm hoping that there won't be any violence.  After all, we're not going to Oakland (guaranteed violance there).


you can say that again!

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I wouldn't go to Candlestick, but I am going to the SD game.  Been to Qualcomm once before and it was alright.  SD fans did bash on me, but nothing too crazy.  Just gotta expect it if you're an away fan.  Plus, SD in October is nice.

....as opposed to those other 11 months of brutal weather conditions in SD lol

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One difference, U.S. fans don't routinely toss concessions and fecal matter at opposing team players.

thats a new one...never been on a stadium where they throw fecal matter.



sorry conessions? lol excuse my english but not sure what does that mean

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Been to both SF and SD games vs Indy and at all of the games I was heckled and thrown stuff. If you have a thick skin and can put up with all that mess, then more power to you. I guess it just depends on where you sit, the type of fan around you, and how much attention you draw yourself.

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