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Any updates on Ijalana and Chapman?


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Does anyone have up to date info on these players and how their recoveries are going? I have heard Chapman's name tossed around and that he is looking better, but I have not heard much lately involving Ijalana. I would love to get Ijalana back since he is still a great prospect at OG or OT for us. If Chapman pans out, we dont have to worry about our NT for the future. If Ijalana pans out, we honestly dont need to worry about our OL other than maybe center for awhile. Thoughts?

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I agree. I really like both of these guys. Ijalana was touted highly by all scouts and Chapman is a guy who can hold his own against double teams, plug the middle, and allow for our linebackers to make plays. Ijalana played left tackle and dominated at villanova, here's what the experts had to say about him. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2011/profiles/ben-ijalana?id=2495174 ... 

... http://youtu.be/3EK2qtWFwog?t=3m11s  ... I still believe they have kept  him around because they truly believe he can be a starting right guard for them and solidy their o-line. Now imagine this, AC, donald thomas, shipley/satele, ijalana and cherilus.
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Don't expect Iljana to make the final 53. That way if he somehow miraculously does, it's that much sweeter

Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

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Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

No plz no neither one Reitz can be a backup just cut McGlynn hope Ijalana is good to go but if not draft a guard I think he will be fine

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Ben is in NJ right now continuing rehabbing his leg, he is running on it and everything so i'd assume he is good. I read an interview he did not to long ago where Grigson told him we aren't cutting you, I want to see what you can do. As for Chap, he is past rehabbing and has been lifting and working out down in Tuscaloosa this offseason.

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Chapman was hurt and college and was supposed to be close to playing last year so I hope he's healthy he should be. If not then it would be time to worry if he ever would be. With that said anytime I have seen Kravitz, Chap, Phil B, the media who are paid to cover the Colts they seem to think he will be good to go for camp.

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Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

He's just saying expect the worst, so when it doesn't happen (which it probably won't) you can only be happy!

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Chapman could potentially have played last season, so I imagine he'll be fine to play. Ijalana, on the other hand, the Colts mailbag said will miss all spring activity, and is setting an optimistic target of training camp.

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Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

The difference is that AP proved something before the rash of injuries. Ijalana cannot seem to stay on the field. As Tony Dungy would say, "The greatest ability is availability." If he's not on the field, he's taking a roster spot from someone who could be. Now with that being said, I really want Ijalana to come back strong. But there is the possibility that we never actually see what he had to offer...

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Ben is in NJ right now continuing rehabbing his leg, he is running on it and everything so i'd assume he is good. I read an interview he did not to long ago where Grigson told him we aren't cutting you, I want to see what you can do. As for Chap, he is past rehabbing and has been lifting and working out down in Tuscaloosa this offseason.

Good to know Ben is running and working out. If he could live up to his draft expectations we'd have a pretty solid line.

I was suspect when we took him, he never really played against top talent and we want him to play a different position. Going to be a tough road ahead of him.

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Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

AP had his first knee surgery last year

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AP had his first knee surgery last year

yeah your right about that, i dont know where he got " multiple " from. i think the only other surgery had was on his shoulder. but his ACL surgery has been called the " most amazing recovery ever " lol, well until RG3 makes it back by week 1 that is lol. 

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     Ijalana was a solid prospect....I'm glad to hear that Grigson (another lineman) is going to give him a chance.


What I think Grigson meant is "We arent going to cut you........'yet'......"


  But we coudl use an  upgrade all five offesnive line positions....we have to be serious abut that....so if Ijalana can come close to his potential...we need him... 

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Why wont he? He's super young and talented. His knee will heal up just fine. AP's had mutiple knee injuries and surgeries, Carolinas Lb davis has had 3 knee surgeries. List goes on. Also, do you really want McGylnn or Reitz as your RG?

Everyone's body isn't the same. Just cause AP came back, doesn't mean Iljana will.

If me & you tore our ACL's, your body may make a 110% recovery. And mine could make a 75% recovery. Everyone is different

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Everyone's body isn't the same. Just cause AP came back, doesn't mean Iljana will.

If me & you tore our ACL's, your body may make a 110% recovery. And mine could make a 75% recovery. Everyone is different

My bad, he only injured his knee once, for some reaosn i thought in college he messed it up as well. But youre right, there are individual differences, but with proper rehabilitation (which he should have because hes making good money), he should have a strong recovery than we'd ever hope for.

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Is Chapman considered a rookie still?


No you are only considered a rookie I think for the year after you sign your first contract.  (No matter if you stay on the roster or get cut in camp.)  


He was on the roster for a while and then put on IR, so he's not considered a rookie.  

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Ben was waived in camp last year. Im really not sure why people are expecting much from him after shredding the same knee twice during non contact situations and then being waived. Nobody picked him up to boot so we had to keep him.


I think they waived him k nowing he would make it back to the Ir.

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I don't understand why anyone would invest their hopes in Ijalana. The ONLY thing he has proven to do is not be available. And the brief periods where he was available, he did not impress.


If he shows up healthy, great. If he stays healthy, great. If he holds his own, great.


But there is no reason to expect any of that out of him.


Chapman on the other hand...

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No you are only considered a rookie I think for the year after you sign your first contract.  (No matter if you stay on the roster or get cut in camp.)  


He was on the roster for a while and then put on IR, so he's not considered a rookie.  

I understand, but wasn't Blake Griffin considered a rookie under similar circumstances? I know that's NBA, but I think it was brought up here before, too.

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If Ijalana is not in TC at the beginning, he is gone, no doubt about it. That will be the limit of their patience, IMO.


Chapman has this year and PUP leeway at best to come back into the rotation after 6 games. If not, it is goodbye, Chapman too in the middle of the season.

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If Ijalana is not in TC at the beginning, he is gone, no doubt about it. That will be the limit of their patience, IMO.


Chapman has this year and PUP leeway at best to come back into the rotation after 6 games. If not, it is goodbye, Chapman too in the middle of the season.

Why would chapman start out on the pup list?

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Why would chapman start out on the pup list?


If his injury aggravates him again, I am open to that possibility. That is what I meant.


With all the DL additions, that leeway might still be granted to Chapman if he has an aggravation. But with Ijalana, it would be a third strike.

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If his injury aggravates him again, I am open to that possibility. That is what I meant.


With all the DL additions, that leeway might still be granted to Chapman if he has an aggravation. But with Ijalana, it would be a third strike.


I hear what you're saying.


I think barring some catostrophic injury, Chapman isn't going anywhere.

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I honestly think people inside the organization have hopes for one of our current crop to fill that other guard position or they would have been more aggressive in FA getting another starting guard. Ben probably won't be anything more than a backup this year if he even makes the active roster. I would expect them to stash him away on PUP or practice squad until he is healthy enough to practice. To me he would be a great backup. Could fill into either tackle spot on a pinch and possibly work his way into a starting guard position if he ever gets 100% healthy. Before his injury people praised his quick feet so perhaps (a long shot) he may have some talent and can play on the inside and get off and get on LBs and pull. I have high hopes for Chap....think he will be a solid guy on that DL. I don't think he will be a Ngata but definately think he can be a very solid contributor. We should have an exciting rotation on that DL....best one we've had in years if you ask me. I mean with Redding, Nevis/Chaps, Franklin/Tevaseu, and RJF and Mathis blitzing...that is pretty nice....nicer than we've had in awhile. I also expect us to look at DE and OLB in the draft to be future replacements/compliments to Redding/Mathis as well. I think we can find a special player where we are picking at the end of rd 1 that could be that guy when one of those retire and perhaps the other in rd 3 that could step in and help us and develop into a starter at some point in a year or two.


Exciting times on the defense....I still think the OL is far from where I want it to be but definately an upgrade over last year. The middle of that line is still suspect especially the guard and center positions. 

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Why people think Chapman is going to still be having trouble with his knee come TC is beyond me. He was essentially ready last yr. but they just played it safe. By the time TC rolls around he will be 18 months removed from surgery. A yr. is about as long as it takes to come back from ACL surgery and many make it back before then. The only way his knee is still bothering him by that time is if he tears it again. He is completely healed now and has been for a while.

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Why people think Chapman is going to still be having trouble with his knee come TC is beyond me. He was essentially ready last yr. but they just played it safe. By the time TC rolls around he will be 18 months removed from surgery. A yr. is about as long as it takes to come back from ACL surgery and many make it back before then. The only way his knee is still bothering him by that time is if he tears it again. He is completely healed now and has been for a while.

I don't think he was ready last year, he was either re-injured in practice or showed he wasn't ready, so they IRed him.

I hope you're right about him being completely healed, do you have a source?

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I don't think he was ready last year, he was either re-injured in practice or showed he wasn't ready, so they IRed him.

I hope you're right about him being completely healed, do you have a source?




I heard Grigson in a radio interview and he said Chap could have played at the end of the season, but they didn't see the point in taking any chances. He said chap had been working out hard and will be ready for action in TC. I don't have the source but it was on the radio a while back.

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I heard Grigson in a radio interview and he said Chap could have played at the end of the season, but they didn't see the point in taking any chances. He said chap had been working out hard and will be ready for action in TC. I don't have the source but it was on the radio a while back.

That's great news. That sounds familiar, I may have read that but it must have slipped my mind. Ole Timers setting in...

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I do remeber that being the case last season about Chapman, And I think he'll be something we're not used to seeing in a Colts jersey like beast mode for us this year JMOP.    To me the bigger Question is about Ijalana whats his progress and excpection for Camp. Cuz to me if he's not gonna be ready Our biggest need is still at the Guard/Tackle.

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