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When Do We Stop With The Excuses?


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I'm glad some of you would like to cut the excuses. I really don't care who's under center this week we better win period. The offense needs to get it together. We have veterans on our team that can help Collins while we're playing. We should've won against the Browns last week. I expect a win this sunday against the stealers. We have probowl players on our team on defense, Dwight and Robert better get after Ben. If Raheem Brock could do it, they better do it. We need to attack more on defense, if we need extra pressure put Jerry Hughes in. Have him stand up and rush the passer and aid against the run. I know Jerry is capable of doing that much. So let's cut the excuses and get a win this Sunday. It really doesn't matter who we play I expect us to win every game! Let's go Colts!

If we are within 14-17 points at the end of the game I would be shocked. I see the final score something along the lines of 35-7 or maybe 38-14 at best.

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Ok....go ahead, tell me how crazy I am. ;)


No crazier than me. ;) Your yards per carry prediction for Carter is extremely bold, but I'm too exited at the possibility to question it.

And I'm much more confident in Painter than most people on here. I think that after getting his feet wet for a couple of games he could make some good things happen. He would be helped by the fact that the team would be refreshed by the change - like starting the season over regardless of the record at the time. Demoralized players waiting for the off-season would climb down off the ledge to play for "the kid with something to prove" instead of "the senior citizen with blinders and greasy fingers".

I actually think that the least likely event would be Coyers firing. They don't fire often, and don't usually look for scapegoats. I don't think that the Colts FO would be looking for someone to blame under the circumstances. Now if they give up an average of 40 points per game, who knows.

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No crazier than me. ;) Your yards per carry prediction for Carter is extremely bold, but I'm too exited at the possibility to question it.

And I'm much more confident in Painter than most people on here. I think that after getting his feet wet for a couple of games he could make some good things happen. He would be helped by the fact that the team would be refreshed by the change - like starting the season over regardless of the record at the time. Demoralized players waiting for the off-season would climb down off the ledge to play for "the kid with something to prove" instead of "the senior citizen with blinders and greasy fingers".

I actually think that the least likely event would be Coyers firing. They don't fire often, and don't usually look for scapegoats. I don't think that the Colts FO would be looking for someone to blame under the circumstances. Now if they give up an average of 40 points per game, who knows.

:D The ypc for Carter is bold, I admit but I think very possible. He was averaging over 5 ypc against Cleveland until whiffs from Link and Pollack got Carter dropped for losses. No more carries than he had, the minus 4 yards on those 2 carries shot his average way down. Minus those 2 plays he has 50 yards on 9 carries (5.6 ypc) instead of 46 yards on 11 carries. And yeah I know you have to take the good with the bad...but I fully expect the OL to continue to get better, especially once Link either improves or is replaced. :)

As for Coyer, I only say that based on playcalling. If his playcalling gets better then by all means I have no further problem with him. He has got to be smarter though about when he drops the MIKE into deep zone.

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In your very strange opinion. This is largely the same squad that went to the Super Bowl before being decimated by injuries last year. Actually I like this roster better. I would have expected them to get at least 12 wins this year and make another run at the Championship.

Are you telling me that you don't think they could be 2-0 this year with Peyton?

The Colts had the ball on the Houston 42 on their first drive but came away with nothing thanks to Collins. Collins than handed Houston two TDs with fumbles. At 17-0 early in the second quarter with Collins at QB - the game was over. Not much after that is really relevant. It would have been more like 3-3 at the worst at that point with Peyton under center, and based on all these years of watching this team I would fully expect them to win. The only wild-card is the special teams which keeps putting the Colts in harms way.

The Browns game isn't even a question. The Colts would have been up by a substantial amount at the start of the fourth just by virtue of Peyton excelling in the red zone. The Colts scored on a ridiculous % of their red zone possessions last year despite the injuries. Instead of collapsing in the 4th qtr Peyton would have put them away. I have no doubt in my mind that the game wouldn't have even been close.

With Peyton all we would be talking about now is how we seem to be hitting Pittsburg at a vulnerable time on our way to another dominant season.

Nice post, I couldn't agree with you more. It is the same team just a couple of new faces. This the problem with Colt and Pacer fans. When the chip's are down they start talking bad about the team. I can bet you a dollar to a dime the Steelers fans don't talk trash about there team and find a way to knock them down. Alot of the Colts fan are turn coats. They can be 0-16 and I will say they are still one of the ELITE teams in the NFL.

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Nice post, I couldn't agree with you more. It is the same team just a couple of new faces. This the problem with Colt and Pacer fans. When the chip's are down they start talking bad about the team. I can bet you a dollar to a dime the Steelers fans don't talk trash about there team and find a way to knock them down. Alot of the Colts fan are turn coats. They can be 0-16 and I will say they are still one of the ELITE teams in the NFL.

It's mainly management and coaching I criticize over players. I haven't cared for either in a long time and totally disagree with most of the decisions made. It's frustrating and nothing we can do about it.

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Actually reports are a number of teams have contacted him but he has said no to them, he wants to pick where he goes and he can start.

So then why on earth bring him up because he's not going to come here then then because we aren't going to give him a chance to start like he wants, we have our starter in place once he gets healthy. Also, the fact that he has not signed by now tells me that either no one thinks he can be a starter or that maybe Garrard's agent is postering a little bit when he says they are telling teams no becuase he is trying to pick between his options. If he had options he would have signed by now because teams aren't just going to sit there and wait for weeks once the season starts on an offer to a player.

It also doesn't off set the other points I brought up about him. He's not a good fit for our offense at all. What he strugles with is what we ask QBs to do and what he is good at is stuff we don't ask the QB to do. We aren't just to make a new offense for him. Also he would be at least a month behind Kerry Collins at this point in terms of learning the offense by the time he picked it up it's a very real chance Manning COULD be close to being back which means he would do us no good.

It's Kerry Collins and Curtis Painter at this point unless someone gets hurt and even then we are probably looking at them signing Hartline off the practice squad or bringing Orvlosky back.

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How's this for an excuse....We have the worst head coach in the NFL!!! Losing Peyton Manning is a devastating blow. No question about that, and since our team is essentially built around Peyton, any coach would be having problems.

However, our team has imploded. Now is the time for some serious coaching, and we don't have any. It should be obvious to anyone. The players aren't ready. The team is completely flat. Since Peyton can't play, we should be designing plays that Collins can run instead of pretending he can run Peyton's complicated system. He can't!! Of course, that would take some coaching, and again, we have zero coaching.

As far as bringing Garrard in, sure, he'd be an upgrade. At least he's mobile. Kerry's as stiff as Jim Cladwell. Plus, Kerry can't throw either. Why the front office brought him in is beyond comprehension.

I'm a huge Colts fan and I'm voicing my displeasure because it's warranted. This team has talent, but you'd never know it by the way it's mismanaged. One person posted that alot of Colts fans are "turn coats." He then stated that if they're 0-16 that he'd still say that they are an "ELITE" team. I'd say a dictionary is in order.

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In your very strange opinion. This is largely the same squad that went to the Super Bowl before being decimated by injuries last year. Actually I like this roster better. I would have expected them to get at least 12 wins this year and make another run at the Championship.

Are you telling me that you don't think they could be 2-0 this year with Peyton?

The Colts had the ball on the Houston 42 on their first drive but came away with nothing thanks to Collins. Collins than handed Houston two TDs with fumbles. At 17-0 early in the second quarter with Collins at QB - the game was over. Not much after that is really relevant. It would have been more like 3-3 at the worst at that point with Peyton under center, and based on all these years of watching this team I would fully expect them to win. The only wild-card is the special teams which keeps putting the Colts in harms way.

The Browns game isn't even a question. The Colts would have been up by a substantial amount at the start of the fourth just by virtue of Peyton excelling in the red zone. The Colts scored on a ridiculous % of their red zone possessions last year despite the injuries. Instead of collapsing in the 4th qtr Peyton would have put them away. I have no doubt in my mind that the game wouldn't have even been close.

With Peyton all we would be talking about now is how we seem to be hitting Pittsburg at a vulnerable time on our way to another dominant season.

Another fan who would rather just ignore the Colts' many blaring weaknesses and who has the attitude: " don't worry, Peyton will save the day :banana: "


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there are a bunch of teams that don't rely on a QB to win games. Maybe we should learn from them.

why are we so desperately think we need a QB to win games? Does that make sense to anyone? Doesn't defense win games in the NFL?

I blame Colts defense!!!!

so lets see the vikings has a great running back and a great defense and yet year after year after year well they are not nearly as good as ateam with a good to great qb. defense alone cannot win games for example the colts 97 season, colts D was ranked top 5 but yet 3 wins? please explain why then.

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Well I for one would like to tell the entire Colts organization to try and not pay attention to all the negative media and the actions of so called "fans".It's two losses,it's not like the entire season is lost.As for the crowd at Sunday's game,that was just disrespectful and embarrassing behavior.I myself cannot afford to attend the games,have only had the fortunate opportunity to attend 2 games.One was at the Hoosier Dome the year the Colts won the conference against the Redskins,and the other I won tickets for a game at the Fieldhouse but opted to give them to my mother in law who had never been to a game.But,if I was at the game Sunday,I certainly would not have disrespected the team by leaving early,let alone booing.If anything,I would have been standing and applauding the effort regardless of the outcome.

Kerry Collins,don't let the negative comments and media get to you.The expectation for you to learn and successfully execute one of the most complex offenses in the league in the matter of a few weeks is unrealistic and unreasonable.

I have watched the Colts since they have have moved here and will watch them as long as they are here.All I can say is things have been a lot worse and regardless of the outcome,if you are truly a fan,you will stand behind this organization and support them.If you want to jump off the bandwagon and dump your tickets,I would be more than happy to take them! :) Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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Well I for one would like to tell the entire Colts organization to try and not pay attention to all the negative media and the actions of so called "fans".It's two losses,it's not like the entire season is lost.As for the crowd at Sunday's game,that was just disrespectful and embarrassing behavior.I myself cannot afford to attend the games,have only had the fortunate opportunity to attend 2 games.One was at the Hoosier Dome the year the Colts won the conference against the Redskins,and the other I won tickets for a game at the Fieldhouse but opted to give them to my mother in law who had never been to a game.But,if I was at the game Sunday,I certainly would not have disrespected the team by leaving early,let alone booing.If anything,I would have been standing and applauding the effort regardless of the outcome.

Kerry Collins,don't let the negative comments and media get to you.The expectation for you to learn and successfully execute one of the most complex offenses in the league in the matter of a few weeks is unrealistic and unreasonable.

I have watched the Colts since they have have moved here and will watch them as long as they are here.All I can say is things have been a lot worse and regardless of the outcome,if you are truly a fan,you will stand behind this organization and support them.If you want to jump off the bandwagon and dump your tickets,I would be more than happy to take them! :) Thank you for your time and have a great day!

I was at the game, what was disrespectful or embarrassing. Even the horrible decision to not go for the 4th

and a foot from the 11 was handled somewhat well by the fans. and if you are feferring to people leaving after the

hillis untouched scamper to the endzone,well i payed good money and it was time to beat the traffic. had i know cleveland was gonna let us score and then coach would actually muster up the guts to try an onside kick i think most would have stayed. and i will be there sunday night cheering again. and when it is over by the scoreboard i will leave and start my 2 hour drive home.

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I was at the game, what was disrespectful or embarrassing. Even the horrible decision to not go for the 4th

and a foot from the 11 was handled somewhat well by the fans. and if you are feferring to people leaving after the

hillis untouched scamper to the endzone,well i payed good money and it was time to beat the traffic. had i know cleveland was gonna let us score and then coach would actually muster up the guts to try an onside kick i think most would have stayed. and i will be there sunday night cheering again. and when it is over by the scoreboard i will leave and start my 2 hour drive home.

All I am saying is that it's not very supportive.They realize they're not playing well and I'm sure they hear everybody and probably don't appreciate it very much.It's like if your coworker was having a bad day,would you boo them and be unsupportive?Probably not,same thing here,let's support our Colts,try to help them feel better rather than rubbing their face in it.No disrespect intended,just saying.Everyone's entitled to their opinion.Thank you :)

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How's this for an excuse....We have the worst head coach in the NFL!!! Losing Peyton Manning is a devastating blow. No question about that, and since our team is essentially built around Peyton, any coach would be having problems.

However, our team has imploded. Now is the time for some serious coaching, and we don't have any. It should be obvious to anyone. The players aren't ready. The team is completely flat. Since Peyton can't play, we should be designing plays that Collins can run instead of pretending he can run Peyton's complicated system. He can't!! Of course, that would take some coaching, and again, we have zero coaching.

As far as bringing Garrard in, sure, he'd be an upgrade. At least he's mobile. Kerry's as stiff as Jim Cladwell. Plus, Kerry can't throw either. Why the front office brought him in is beyond comprehension.

I'm a huge Colts fan and I'm voicing my displeasure because it's warranted. This team has talent, but you'd never know it by the way it's mismanaged. One person posted that alot of Colts fans are "turn coats." He then stated that if they're 0-16 that he'd still say that they are an "ELITE" team. I'd say a dictionary is in order.

What he said, and they brought him in because caldwell and polian knew him 18 years ago. polians

first pick ever, and you know he has never missed a first pick!

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Another fan who would rather just ignore the Colts' many blaring weaknesses and who has the attitude: " don't worry, Peyton will save the day :banana: "


Indeed. It would be nice to build a complete team instead of relying on Captain Carry to get us a winning season/to the playoffs.

Instead of being complacent knowing he'll come back and drag us out of the gutter, give the man a REAL supporting cast. This way we'd have a ridiculously good chance at another championship or two while he's still playing.

Sadly, to do that would take time.

We've had so many #1 pick busts..

Not many FA splashes to make up for it...

Never adjusted our D-scheme to one that can win games instead of playing to hang on.

Special teams are still the worst in the league.

The O-line is one of/the worst in the league.

What in blazes has the front office been doing? Instead of being complacent and riding Manning's coattails they should have done their job. We'd probably have more than one SB these past 12 years to show for it if they did.

So yeah, Manning being out IS the reason we look so terrible. However,the greater underlying cause of our performances is because a terrible team has been built over the past decade. It peaked in 2004-2005 when we at least had a great passing attack and good O-line. (Still no D or special teams) The team has regressed overall every year since then, more or less.

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How's this for an excuse....We have the worst head coach in the NFL!!! Losing Peyton Manning is a devastating blow. No question about that, and since our team is essentially built around Peyton, any coach would be having problems.

The whole built around Peyton mantra is a myth.

Manning has always had good players for his receivers. (Wayne, Collie to name a few)

We've had some GREAT offensive players as well with Clark at TE, Marvin at WR, The Edge at RB, and Saturday at center. Sans Manning those are the only GREATS we've had on O.

Note: Saturday USED to be, but now he gets pushed in to the backfield consistently/is old.

What else has Manning had on this great team built around him? Coaching staff?

Special teams?

O-line? (Was good until Tarik left/2006ish)

Defense that struggles to hold on to leads?

Killer running attack?

Even now his receiving corps can't all seem to stay healthy, either. (Gonzalez, Collie and at TE Clark, Eldridge)

Remind me again where this great "team" is being built for/around Peyton and not a bunch of mediocre at best coaches and players along for the ride?

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this was a 8-8 or 9-7 team at best with a Healthy Peyton, without you are looking 1 or 2 or maybe 3 wins. The excuse is we are just not that good. We have been good to great for how long? At somepoint that goes away and yo have to rebuild.

This is practically the same team from last year that went 10-6, minus all of the injuries. Peyton Manning is just that good, and he is the difference in going from a 12-4 team, to a 4-12 team. This team was built around Peyton, and anyone who says anything to the contrary is just in denial. Colts fans do not call Peyton the G.O.A.T. for no reason, and i think this year puts a big exclamation point on it.

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This team was built around Peyton, and anyone who says anything to the contrary is just in denial.

NO team was built around Peyton. That's the problem. He does the lion's share and gets little help/if any from most of his teammates and coaches with few exceptions.

People who think Peyton has a team built around him are the ones in denial. If he DID have a team built around him, (IE: see a quality team like the Steelers, Patriots) we'd quite possibly have no less than five championships this past decade. You're right, he's THAT good and would put an already quality team over the top.

Instead, what he has been given to work with today is.... ... ... a decent WR/TE corps that can't stay healthy. Seriously, that's the best part of the team right now.

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The whole built around Peyton mantra is a myth.

Manning has always had good players for his receivers. (Wayne, Collie to name a few)

We've had some GREAT offensive players as well with Clark at TE, Marvin at WR, The Edge at RB, and Saturday at center. Sans Manning those are the only GREATS we've had on O.

Note: Saturday USED to be, but now he gets pushed in to the backfield consistently/is old.

What else has Manning had on this great team built around him? Coaching staff?

Special teams?

O-line? (Was good until Tarik left/2006ish)

Defense that struggles to hold on to leads?

Killer running attack?

Even now his receiving corps can't all seem to stay healthy, either. (Gonzalez, Collie and at TE Clark, Eldridge)

Remind me again where this great "team" is being built for/around Peyton and not a bunch of mediocre at best coaches and players along for the ride?

If you have not realized yet that this team is built around Peyton then you are just not watching the games. We have been beaten in every facet of the game for the first 2 weeks of the season, and i know it is early in the season, and there is still time to "right the ship", but i just dont see it. We got beaten at home by the Cleveland Browns, who lost to the Bengals, for me that was the wake up call.

This team prided itself on being more than just Peyton, and saying that they had a point to prove, that they were more than just 1 player, and they go out and lay an egg in Houston, and then not show up for the 4th quarter against Cleveland. it is only gonig to get uglier from hear, and this week might be the ugliest of them all.

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If you have not realized yet that this team is built around Peyton then you are just not watching the games. We have been beaten in every facet of the game for the first 2 weeks of the season, and i know it is early in the season, and there is still time to "right the ship", but i just dont see it. We got beaten at home by the Cleveland Browns, who lost to the Bengals, for me that was the wake up call.

This team prided itself on being more than just Peyton, and saying that they had a point to prove, that they were more than just 1 player, and they go out and lay an egg in Houston, and then not show up for the 4th quarter against Cleveland. it is only gonig to get uglier from hear, and this week might be the ugliest of them all.

No, look. I'm saying I AGREE that not having Peyton is why we look as terrible as we do. It doesn't change the fact we still have a terrible team even when he's playing - he just helps mask it.

I think we have varying definitions of what a "team built around Peyton" is. You see it as one that can't win without him.

I see a team built around Peyton as one that CAN win without him. One that is balanced, and capable of standing on their own two feet. One that could win games here and there and, with the presence of the GOAT at QB, would probably win the SB almost every season. Heck it doesn't even have to be the greatest team ever assembled - just DECENT to GOOD. We're the farthest thing from either - terrible.

When you have a team go from 10 seasons with the lowest wins being also around 10...

To 3-4 wins on the HIGH end...

That doesn't show a team built around one player. It shows a sloppy thrown together unit along for the ride with one player and has done NOTHING to help the guy pulling most of the staff's weight.

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QB's do not win games in the NFL. I will never get tired of saying this.

Players can win games. (Peyton Manning)

Players can lose games. (Rex Grossman)

TEAMS win championships. (Patriots, Steelers)

Although the one exception I think is Jerry Rice at WR. He could bring a championship to any team. He was that good in his prime...nobody could stop him. It would take the perfect storm of the most inept coaching staff, no run game, no QB, no D and no special teams to keep that guy away from a championship. You know...kinda like what we're fielding now. ;_;

I take it back. Jerry Rice could not win a championship with this team.

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No, look. I'm saying I AGREE that not having Peyton is why we look as terrible as we do. It doesn't change the fact we still have a terrible team even when he's playing - he just helps mask it.

I think we have varying definitions of what a "team built around Peyton" is. You see it as one that can't win without him.

I see a team built around Peyton as one that CAN win without him. One that is balanced, and capable of standing on their own two feet. One that could win games here and there and, with the presence of the GOAT at QB, would probably win the SB almost every season. Heck it doesn't even have to be the greatest team ever assembled - just DECENT to GOOD. We're the farthest thing from either - terrible.

When you have a team go from 10 seasons with the lowest wins being also around 10...

To 3-4 wins on the HIGH end...

That doesn't show a team built around one player. It shows a sloppy thrown together unit along for the ride with one player and has done NOTHING to help the guy pulling most of the staff's weight.

Let me put it in different words, the team relies too much on Peyton, the defense relies on Peyton to get a big lead so they dont have to worry about defending the run, and they can stick to that ferocious pass rushing combo on Freeney and Mathis.

The special teams rely on peyton to score TD's no matter how bad the field position is on every starting offensive possession, because 80% of the time we are starting in back of the 30 yard line. Peyton nullifies the horrible special teams by consistenly scoring touchdowns of 75 plus yards.

And worst of all the offense relies on Peyton to tell each and every person where they are going, what route they are running, who there blocking assignment is, on every single play. It boggles the mind how much responsibility this guy carries on a daily basis.

Peyton Manning is the team, and the team is Peyton Manning.

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this was a 8-8 or 9-7 team at best with a Healthy Peyton, without you are looking 1 or 2 or maybe 3 wins. The excuse is we are just not that good. We have been good to great for how long? At somepoint that goes away and yo have to rebuild.

I say I have to disagree with you on the record with a healthy Peyton. I think this team would have won 10-11 with Peyton, that's just my opinion. Peyton does not play D or Special Teams, they need to start playing better. I agree that they need to start rebuilding, they need to obviously start doing something different. They need to start drafting better and finding the right talent. And of course, to me, get new coaching staff.

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I say I have to disagree with you on the record with a healthy Peyton. I think this team would have won 10-11 with Peyton, that's just my opinion. Peyton does not play D or Special Teams, they need to start playing better. I agree that they need to start rebuilding, they need to obviously start doing something different. They need to start drafting better and finding the right talent. And of course, to me, get new coaching staff.

Exactly with Peyton it would have been a healthy version of last year's team with an improved running game and they won 10 games. The last time this team was healthy it was a Super Bowl team. I don't know if a healthy Peyton would have won 14 games again but 11 to 12 was very possiable with Peyton. Yes he's that good.

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Exactly with Peyton it would have been a healthy version of last year's team with an improved running game and they won 10 games. The last time this team was healthy it was a Super Bowl team. I don't know if a healthy Peyton would have won 14 games again but 11 to 12 was very possiable with Peyton. Yes he's that good.

I agree totally. He just has a presence for the team as a whole. To me he helps the Offense obviously, but I think he helps the D and Special teams. That's why I think it would only help if hes at the stadium for the games, just him being there I think helps.

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I agree totally. He just has a presence for the team as a whole. To me he helps the Offense obviously, but I think he helps the D and Special teams. That's why I think it would only help if hes at the stadium for the games, just him being there I think helps.

Well no one knows the offense better than him so he only helps in that regard. The only problem is will Peyton understand Kerry Collins can't do the things he would do? To me that's always been the biggest question about if Peyton Manning will make a good coach or not. Great players like Manning tend to expect other players to be able to do the samething they did. Still though Peyton knows so much about football having him there can't hurt.

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Well no one knows the offense better than him so he only helps in that regard. The only problem is will Peyton understand Kerry Collins can't do the things he would do? To me that's always been the biggest question about if Peyton Manning will make a good coach or not. Great players like Manning tend to expect other players to be able to do the samething they did. Still though Peyton knows so much about football having him there can't hurt.

Very true and excellent point. I would hope that Manning would teach on a basis of gradually increasing difficulty. Start out teaching the finer points on basic things like footwork, throwing motion etc. Then move up to reading defenses as the new QB gets more experience and waiting maybe 3-4 years before getting into the more intricate things like reading the slight body motions of defenders, which ones to pay most attention to etc. Maybe expected time lines are off but I think you'll get what I mean. He's been there before so hopefully he realizes he would gradually need to increase the learning curve. I believe he probably would but like you said, we'll never know until he's truly in that position. I'm sure he's done this to some degree with Painter but never from the position where he's physically unable to play himself.

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Steeler fan here and I really am enjoying your forum. As far as having a new QB on the field, I can relate to this with Ben taking over in 2004. Maybe what the Colts should do with Collins is what the Steelers did with Ben. In 2004 when Maddox went out with an injury and Ben took over, he was pretty much a game manager. The Steelers through out the play book and just went with a base offense. As Ben became more comfortable, they would add a little more of the book. It worked beautifully. The Steelers went 15-1 that year and by 2005 Ben led them to the Super Bowl, and the rest as they say is history.

So maybe the Colts should do the same with Collins. Just a thought.

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Steeler fan here and I really am enjoying your forum. As far as having a new QB on the field, I can relate to this with Ben taking over in 2004. Maybe what the Colts should do with Collins is what the Steelers did with Ben. In 2004 when Maddox went out with an injury and Ben took over, he was pretty much a game manager. The Steelers through out the play book and just went with a base offense. As Ben became more comfortable, they would add a little more of the book. It worked beautifully. The Steelers went 15-1 that year and by 2005 Ben led them to the Super Bowl, and the rest as they say is history.

So maybe the Colts should do the same with Collins. Just a thought.

I do think this is what the Colts are trying to do. They are probably opening up more of the playbook per week but then again Collins is a much more experienced QB than Big Ben was that year so it only makes sense the playbook would be opened up much more gradually. I think the biggest problem right now is Collins getting his timing down with the receivers. For the most part he's done a pretty good job of locating the open receiver and throwing that way, he's just had problems getting the ball to the right spot.

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I do think this is what the Colts are trying to do. They are probably opening up more of the playbook per week but then again Collins is a much more experienced QB than Big Ben was that year so it only makes sense the playbook would be opened up much more gradually. I think the biggest problem right now is Collins getting his timing down with the receivers. For the most part he's done a pretty good job of locating the open receiver and throwing that way, he's just had problems getting the ball to the right spot.

If you are referring to him throwing timing routes, such as out patterns, he is not going to get that down in just two weeks of regular season football. It takes more than just knowing when to release the ball, it also takes confidence in your receivers. QB's like Brady have no problem throwing to a "spot" because he knows his receivers are going to be there. I just don't think Collins can have that confidence yet.

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