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Rg3 Roy


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Thing is, people harp on RG3 for "how much help he gets," but Wilson had even more. His receivers always make acrobatic catches with ease, and he's playing with the #3 rushing game and #1 defense in the league and a top-5 offensive line. Easiset quarterback job ever.

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Thing is, people harp on RG3 for "how much help he gets," but Wilson had even more. His receivers always make acrobatic catches with ease, and he's playing with the #3 rushing game and #1 defense in the league and a top-5 offensive line. Easiset quarterback job ever.

Seahawks definitely were the most complete team, helping Wilson out a ton, but RG3 still had a better team around him than Luck did. Their defenses were basically the same, overall 26th for Indy and 28th for Redskins, but the huge discrepancy was the running game where the redskins were the best in the league in rushing where Indy ranked 22nd. Regardless, great seasons by all, I really wish Luck would have gotten it, but I think we all knew who was going to win... I'm just surprised at the voting disparity, I thought it would have been much closer. But hey, Peyton never won the award either and he turned out to be pretty good.

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Rg3 has the ROY award, but Andrew Luck has two knees- and a future.

Lol got that right! What was the name of that qb who won the heisman, think he was from Nebraska maybe? Tried to turn him into a wr? Yeah my point exactly...have the roy

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, February 3, 2013 - baiting
Hidden by Coltssouth, February 3, 2013 - baiting

Griffin can have the ROY. Luck has his ACL.



Rg3 has the ROY award, but Andrew Luck has two knees- and a future.


Butthurt much?  Stay classy, Indianapolis.


May I suggest: SUPME361KGVJEK9Q_4089812_-1x-1.jpg

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It's a joke. RGIII is all flash, and you guys know that. He is the next Michael Vick and probably won't last but 5 or 6 years by the way he plays. All that dumb running around is going to get him killed out there. Washington will be 5-11 next year with a division winning schedule, and by then everyone will have figured it out how to stop him. Luck is the future, he is the next Warren Moon/Brett Favre of the NFL. You won't care in the next 10 years when he brings you a Super Bowl home. Brees has yet to win an MVP, but we got the Super Bowl, that's all I care about.

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What an outrage. A guy who had a stellar rookie season won the award over a guy who had a really good rookie season as well! Let's down talk this RGIII guy! He's horrible! He's injured! He wears dumb socks! He's not even the first RG!


Kudos to the kid. I do somewhat doubt how much he'll be the same runner next season, but with an arm like that, I don't think he'll be hurting much. I'm looking forward to watching him play some more.

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What an outrage. A guy who had a stellar rookie season won the award over a guy who had a really good rookie season as well! Let's down talk this RGIII guy! He's horrible! He's injured! He wears dumb socks! He's not even the first RG!

Kudos to the kid. I do somewhat doubt how much he'll be the same runner next season, but with an arm like that, I don't think he'll be hurting much. I'm looking forward to watching him play some more.

Vick had an arm...russel had an arm. Try throwing to someone besides your first read. Luck breaking tons and tons of rookie records and help lead his team to 11-5 is just a good year? Lol, what a joke

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - quoting removed post

Butthurt much?  Stay classy, Indianapolis.


May I suggest: SUPME361KGVJEK9Q_4089812_-1x-1.jpg

You're going to talk about classy? Really? You're obviously a redskins fan who recently made an account on a colts forum to presumably rub it in our faces about how your shiny new toy is so much better than the one we have here in Indy. Congratulations are in order, but what do you expect by going into an INDIANAPOLIS COLTS forum? Honestly... Enjoy this moment and the award, but if this season's any indication of how his career is going to be, Shanny is going to run him out of the league in a few years and then back to the cellar of the always over-hyped NFC east with you.

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You're going to talk about classy? Really? You're obviously a redskins fan who recently made an account on a colts forum to presumably rub it in our faces about how your shiny new toy is so much better than the one we have here in Indy.

I would say that shiny toy is pretty broken. They're going to need to glue it back together and hope it doesn't break again.

That being said the kid is still deserving, but I'd trade ROTY for health any day. I'm sure Skins fans would as well.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - inflammatory

You're going to talk about classy? Really? You're obviously a redskins fan who recently made an account on a colts forum to presumably rub it in our faces about how your shiny new toy is so much better than the one we have here in Indy. Congratulations are in order, but what do you expect by going into an INDIANAPOLIS COLTS forum? Honestly... Enjoy this moment and the award, but if this season's any indication of how his career is going to be, Shanny is going to run him out of the league in a few years and then back to the cellar of the always over-hyped NFC east with you.


Ahhh, yes, because I've accumulated my post count in the past 20 minutes here.


No.  I wasn't intending on replying because it's nothing that hasn't been discussed here ad nauseum, and while some are still going over it again, I wasn't going to rehash those arguments again.


But saying things like "at least our guy has two knees and a future!" are just absurd.  You want to disagree and say Luck got snubbed because of this stat or that stat, fine!  Go for it!  But those other posts do lack class...and intelligence.

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Vick had an arm...russel had an arm. Try throwing to someone besides your first read. Luck breaking tons and tons of rookie records and help lead his team to 11-5 is just a good year? Lol, what a joke

I said nothing against Luck. I like Luck better. Do I think he had the better year? Yeah, but it's subjective. I can totally see why anyone would argue for RGIII - he had a very good season. Why can't there be another great rookie QB? Did Peyton being great mean we have to pretend Brady was garbage? If so, I'm not sure we're both talking as football fans instead of just Colts fans.


Vick and Russell are horrible comparisons. Neither of them ever displayed RGIII's accuracy and poise in the the pocket. That's well documented. Big arms are indeed quite common, but that level of accuracy, as a rookie or not, is just not that common in combination.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Nadine, February 3, 2013 - quoting removed post

Ahhh, yes, because I've accumulated my post count in the past 20 minutes here.


No.  I wasn't intending on replying because it's nothing that hasn't been discussed here ad nauseum, and while some are still going over it again, I wasn't going to rehash those arguments again.


But saying things like "at least our guy has two knees and a future!" are just absurd.  You want to disagree and say Luck got snubbed because of this stat or that stat, fine!  Go for it!  But those other posts do lack class...and intelligence.

You're right about this topic being discussed ad nauseum here, but again, what do you expect? Our team isn't playing and about the only thing relevant to the fan base right now was the contention for ORotY and COtY. Do I feel like Luck was snubbed? I think he had a shot, but it's hard to say he was snubbed when there were two other very qualified applicants. I don't have any ill feelings towards RG3 or the redskins, but it's still amazing to me that people will get on this forum for what appears to be the sole purpose of bashing the people here who are obviously fans of the team the forum is based on. If you don't have anything of value to put into a conversation and merely egg the fans here on, than you're just a troll.

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I'd like to point out that the best players in the game today have not won the rookie of the year award.


If you ask me, all this chatter about who the winner should be (although it's RG3 now) is a lot of balony. It doesn't matter who wins. MVP is the only award that matters.

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