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Randy Moss or Marvin Harrison


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Moss just stated during media day that he believes he is the greatest WR to ever play in the NFL. I personally believe Jerry Rice still holds that title. With only a 2 year difference in their draft classes, who do you think was the better WR when discussing Moss and Harrison? Interested in hearing other's thoughts. Thanks guys!

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we dont know how harrison would have done without peyton. moss has played with 8 different qbs that i can think of. cunningham culpepper brady collins favre cassel smith kap. there was never a stable qb that he can grow with

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we dont know how harrison would have done without peyton. moss has played with 8 different qbs that i can think of. cunningham culpepper brady collins favre cassel smith kap. there was never a stable qb that he can grow with

Yep. Makes Moss' career even more incredible.

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Randy Moss is physically the most talented receiver I have ever seen.  Even more than Jerry Rice.  However, a couple of things knock him down a bit. His willingness to take plays off.  Secondly, he had a few years there with bad QBs/Oakland where he did absolutely nothing.   I think had Moss played with the 49ers as Rice did, he would have been the greatest ever.


So I would say Marvin Harrison was consistently the better receiver.  But Moss had far more ability.

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My favorite Moss story. Per Cris Carter.

Players are on the field stretching, warming up doing there routines. Sees randy just sitting over there not doing anything. No stretches,sprints etc. "Hey Randy. No warmup?" Randy says " I get out of bed ready to play"...

Another one. Players are going they there pre game meals. Most are chicken rice healthy energy foods. Randy's was a can of MtDew and a Snickers bar.

That's how gifted that dude was. Crazy.

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My favorite Moss story. Per Cris Carter.

Players are on the field stretching, warming up doing there routines. Sees randy just sitting over there not doing anything. No stretches,sprints etc. "Hey Randy. No warmup?" Randy says " I get out of bed ready to play"...

Another one. Players are going they there pre game meals. Most are chicken rice healthy energy foods. Randy's was a can of MtDew and a Snickers bar.

That's how gifted that dude was. Crazy.

Imagine how good he could have been if he was as dedicated as rice

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Marvin Harrison can throw at him that he won a superbowl. Moss hasnt won one yet, and honestly i do not believe he will this weekend either. Niners are good but i think the Ravens are better. they just went through a gauntlet of a playoff schedule having to face both Manning and Brady ON THE ROAD!! and their defense stopped both of them. although i think it will be a close game, i think Baltimore wins 20-14

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Per game basis:

Moss 4.5rec/70.1yds/.71TDs

Marv 5.8rec/76.7yds/.67TDs

With production being so close(keep in mind Harrison didn't play as long to get 67 TDs) , I'd take the hard worker, easy choice. I don't care about hype and name recognition.

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Randy Moss was a freak of nature, and if he had been as devoted to his craft as his counterparts, he would have gone down as the greatest receiver of all time, no question. As it stands, he's probably recognized as the most physically gifted.


I prefer Marvin's technical abilities -- hands and route-running -- but Moss was far more dynamic, and as productive. And he didn't play with a top five quarterback, except for two years. His record-breaking 2007 really showed what he was meant to be. I love Marvin, but I'm not a big enough homer to put him above Moss.

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Moss could out jump defenders but so what, Marvin will catch the ball when it's 2 inches off the ground.

I think your selling Moss and his hands a bit short.

One against us comes to mind. May have been the 4th an 2 game....Moss on a crossing route. Ball thrown 3ft behind Moss. Moss one hands it, while still running not breaking stride. Ill see if I can find it.

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Randy Moss was a freak of nature, and if he had been as devoted to his craft as his counterparts, he would have gone down as the greatest receiver of all time, no question. As it stands, he's probably recognized as the most physically gifted.


I prefer Marvin's technical abilities -- hands and route-running -- but Moss was far more dynamic, and as productive. And he didn't play with a top five quarterback, except for two years. His record-breaking 2007 really showed what he was meant to be. I love Marvin, but I'm not a big enough homer to put him above Moss.


Calvin Johnson is the only guy who can give Moss a run for his money as an athletic prospect.  It's a tough comparison, though, because Megatron puts a ton of work in to be what he is.  No telling where Moss was in relation to his true potential.


Sheer physicality and athleticism? Moss easily.

Route running, hands, and focus/drive? Marvin easily.

Overall I would say Randy was more talented though.


I don't know that I'd give Marvin much of an edge when it comes to hands but the rest is spot on.

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Calvin Johnson is the only guy who can give Moss a run for his money as an athletic prospect. It's a tough comparison, though, because Megatron puts a ton of work in to be what he is. No telling where Moss was in relation to his true potential.

I don't know that I'd give Marvin much of an edge when it comes to hands but the rest is spot on.

Well I think hands and focus kind of go together.

Instead of saying Marvin had better hands, maybe I should say he is/was more reliable of the two.

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Moss but between Moss or Rice, Rice no question


Yep. My lasting memory of Moss will always be when he played for the Raiders:  a DB undercut his route, picked the ball clean and started off up field.  And Moss, despite being the closest player to him and the fastest player on the field, didn't even jog two steps to try to tackle him. He just turned and walked off the field. He also wouldn't run routes that led him into the infield dirt at the Coliseum.


Feh. I don't care about the stats, that player can never be considered the greatest of all time imo.

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Well I think hands and focus kind of go together.

Instead of saying Marvin had better hands, maybe I should say he is/was more reliable of the two.


Harrison could be depended on more from a route-running perspective, sure.  However, Moss' lack of career focus never had much of an impact on his ability to focus when the ball was coming at him.

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Moss is a waste of talent. He's the Allen Iverson of football. Crazy talent, no head on his shoulders. I'll take Marvin, who brought it on EVERY play.

please don't disrespect Iverson like that. He did have some ego, but it was always about playing time and that he always wanted to start. But when it was game-time, Iverson poured his heart every game! I remember hating on Iverson when i was younger because my cousin liked him but now i miss watching him play. Iverson loved the game as much as any other player IMO. He never walked on his team during a game like Moss.

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Harrison could be depended on more from a route-running perspective, sure. However, Moss' lack of career focus never had much of an impact on his ability to focus when the ball was coming at him.

I gotta disagree with this simply because Moss was known to take plays off. Sometimes he was unstoppable while other times he would just waltz. And when he was waltzing his talent and game went away. You never knew when the ball was thrown his way, if he was going to make an amazing play, or not even have a chance.

IMO. Marvin never had those kinds of on the field issues.

But I still think Randy was the better receiver.

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I love Moss. I love Marvin.

But I keep hearing how Moss didn't give his best effort 100% of the time. And I don't disagree. But then Marvin gets a free pass for sliding or running out of bounds after every catch? In Colt world that's "crafty" or "prolonging a career". Not going over the middle in Oak with a crummy qb throwing, and running from grass to dirt to grass, that's not 100% effort. But sliding after every catch is?

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I love Moss. I love Marvin.

But I keep hearing how Moss didn't give his best effort 100% of the time. And I don't disagree. But then Marvin gets a free pass for sliding or running out of bounds after every catch? In Colt world that's "crafty" or "prolonging a career". Not going over the middle in Oak with a crummy qb throwing, and running from grass to dirt to grass, that's not 100% effort. But sliding after every catch is?


It's a horse of a different color. Moss admitted that he didn't play as hard as he could have.


Avoiding contact is completely different than dogging routes or taking yourself out of the play.

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It's a horse of a different color. Moss admitted that he didn't play as hard as he could have.

Avoiding contact is completely different than dogging routes or taking yourself out of the play.

I agree with that.

My point is I don't know how someone can be labeled as a 100% effort player, like Marvin has in this thread, when he consistently went down or avoided players. I'm not denying his greatness, or the fact that Randy himself has admitted he gives up.

I'd label Wayne a 100% player well before I would Marvin. Marvin prolonged his career (arguably) by going down on 9 of 10 passes. Him doing that by definition is giving up.

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