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Gone Fishing...until Manning Returns!


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Call me a fair weather fan if you want to...but I'm out!

When Manning's neck heals up and he's back running the show, I'll be back! Sunday was like the Trudeau years all over again! I will be dayumed if I go through that garbage football again.

Jim Caldwell is a nice man who is in way over his head. I have zero confidence in his abilities to coach up this team or to lead and inspire them to rise above last week's debacle. If last week is any indication of how the season is going, we will be looking for a new head coach at season's end. And you know what? There are a whole bunch of qualified coaches sitting around right now that would LOVE to get their hands on this team.

The offensive line woes make me want to puke. I say that without even considering Tony Ugoh. Ugoh was a solid college prospect. The Colts took a shot with him and missed. I can live with that. What I cannot live with is letting quality linemen like Jake Scott, Rian Lilja and Charlie Johnson go without having anyone who can play in line to replace them. Mike Pollock must have incriminating pictures of an Irsay daughter or one of the Polians because that is the ONLY reason I can think of as to why he is still on the team. We let Kyle Devan go but we kept Jaimey Richard (until today that is)??? Devan was not Gene Upshaw by any means but at least he was a hard working scrub. Richard was just a flat out scrub. Charlie Johnson went to Minnesota for a minimal contract. Why??? Put Charlie Johnson in at RT and this line is instantly 50% better! You could pick a no-armed man out of the stands and plug him in at RT and get the EXACT same results as with Linkenbach! Don't believe me? Try it! For God's sake, play Ijalana! Who made the final personnel decision with these linemen? Was it Caldwell or the Polians? Whoever it was totally *ed it up! Even if Peyton was healthy, Sunday's pass protection would have been a major issue.

When Coyer was brought in to run the defense, we were told it would be a more explosive, attacking defense. Still waiting ya'll! So far all we've seen is a defense that misses more tackles, gives up more big plays and more scores, and fails more miserably on third downs than any other defense in the league. Oh yeah, and we still can't stop the run!

The bass are hitting again at Eagle Creek. Yesterday my brother reeled in a 7 pounder! Also, on a side note, I picked up a copy of Madden 12 today. I turned off the preseason injuries and viola, Manning is my starter! If only...

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Call me a fair weather fan if you want to...but I'm out!

When Manning's neck heals up and he's back running the show, I'll be back! Sunday was like the Trudeau years all over again! I will be dayumed if I go through that garbage football again.

OK, "you're a fair weather fan". I suspect others here will call you worse.

What is the point of publicly advertising that you are such a lousy fan that you won't stick with them through this bump in the road?

The only logical explanation is that you enjoy abuse, but if that were the case then by definition there would be no reason for you to leave in the first place. You could get all the abuse you wanted on Sunday afternoons. I'm scratching my head here. :dunno:

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fair enough, i have recently turned into fantasy football and i am not drafting any colts player but Wayne. when things suck, u get sth. else to keep moving.

for me to quit watching Colts this season they need to lose this coming week in an ungly fasion. then there may not be a game to win for the rest of the yr.

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OK, "you're a fair weather fan". I suspect others here will call you worse.

What is the point of publicly advertising that you are such a lousy fan that you won't stick with them through this bump in the road?

The only logical explanation is that you enjoy abuse, but if that were the case then by definition there would be no reason for you to leave in the first place. You could get all the abuse you wanted on Sunday afternoons. I'm scratching my head here. :dunno:

I think he just does not want to be abused watching the team blown out. Whoever keeps watching ugly losses are enjoying the abuse. :ref:

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OK, "you're a fair weather fan". I suspect others here will call you worse.

What is the point of publicly advertising that you are such a lousy fan that you won't stick with them through this bump in the road?

The only logical explanation is that you enjoy abuse, but if that were the case then by definition there would be no reason for you to leave in the first place. You could get all the abuse you wanted on Sunday afternoons. I'm scratching my head here. :dunno:

Is it me that enjoys the abuse or is it the * fans who suffer through horrific football who enjoys the abuse?

I argue that fans like me have some actual brains and standards. I have a very high standard for the quality of my football thanks to the last decade. Therefore, I refuse to put up with substandard football. Therefore, I am holding my team up to a higher standard than the rest of you. So is it really my fault that fans like me have standards while the rest of the sheep do not? Of course not! Therefore, when the standard of football returns to the level that I am accustomed to, I shall care again.

Power baits on a Carolina rig are working well at Eagle Creek!

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Is it me that enjoys the abuse or is it the * fans who suffer through horrific football who enjoys the abuse?

I argue that fans like me have some actual brains and standards. I have a very high standard for the quality of my football thanks to the last decade. Therefore, I refuse to put up with substandard football. Therefore, I am holding my team up to a higher standard than the rest of you. So is it really my fault that fans like me have standards while the rest of the sheep do not? Of course not! Therefore, when the standard of football returns to the level that I am accustomed to, I shall care again.

Power baits on a Carolina rig are working well at Eagle Creek!

I thought you were "out". Listen fans like you come and go all the time when the team is good you'll be there cheering, and when their bad you go run and hide with your tail between your legs and then try to rationalize it by saying you have high standards. Total nonsense if you ask me.

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Is it me that enjoys the abuse or is it the * fans who suffer through horrific football who enjoys the abuse?

I argue that fans like me have some actual brains and standards. I have a very high standard for the quality of my football thanks to the last decade. Therefore, I refuse to put up with substandard football. Therefore, I am holding my team up to a higher standard than the rest of you. So is it really my fault that fans like me have standards while the rest of the sheep do not? Of course not! Therefore, when the standard of football returns to the level that I am accustomed to, I shall care again.

Power baits on a Carolina rig are working well at Eagle Creek!

i d i o t fans? Sheep?

You are walking a fine line now buddy!

Being a fan through the tough times ain't easy, you obviously like the easy way out.

When I watched my Colts win their championship, I drew extraordinary satisfaction that I was there for every snap over 23 years of strife and disappointment. I could literally see Billy Brooks streaking down the field catching a pass from Manning himself. I reminded myself of every Sunday for the 23 years it took to get us that ring. I felt a part of something.

So with that I ask...what did you feel?

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Is it me that enjoys the abuse or is it the * fans who suffer through horrific football who enjoys the abuse?

I argue that fans like me have some actual brains and standards. I have a very high standard for the quality of my football thanks to the last decade. Therefore, I refuse to put up with substandard football. Therefore, I am holding my team up to a higher standard than the rest of you. So is it really my fault that fans like me have standards while the rest of the sheep do not? Of course not! Therefore, when the standard of football returns to the level that I am accustomed to, I shall care again.

Power baits on a Carolina rig are working well at Eagle Creek!

I like the use of the word sheep. That really drives your point home. Of course my wife has an uncle that raises sheep and it's been my experience, when we visit, that sheep run away when they get scared.

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your either a fan through the good and bad or your not a fan at all

That's so dumb! The truth is you can be a fan when your team is good and stop giving a crap when the team sucks. See, I'm doing it now!

I did it with IU basketball, Notre Dame football, and with the Pacers. Now I'm doing it with the Colts until Peyton comes back. It ain't that hard sheep!

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You sure do bleat a lot.

Why do you care so much about my opinions? Shouldn't you be putting up another worthless analysis post about how all this offensive line needs is time to jell and how Linkenbach's hip flexibility is underrated and Mike Pollack is actually a good player? haha!

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Is it me that enjoys the abuse or is it the * fans who suffer through horrific football who enjoys the abuse?

I argue that fans like me have some actual brains and standards. I have a very high standard for the quality of my football thanks to the last decade. Therefore, I refuse to put up with substandard football. Therefore, I am holding my team up to a higher standard than the rest of you. So is it really my fault that fans like me have standards while the rest of the sheep do not? Of course not! Therefore, when the standard of football returns to the level that I am accustomed to, I shall care again.

Power baits on a Carolina rig are working well at Eagle Creek!

lets see how much of a fan and true to your words your are in the OP . . . well gonna fine out if you are just talking through your hat or a person who stands by his princibles from which ye pontificates . . .

Here are a few questions for you my friend . . .

I take it after the Colts were 3-4 in 2008 you took your fishing rod to Eagle Creek and did not return until the 2009 preseason???

And I assume in 2010 after the colts were 6-6 and PM three consecutive pick six games, you dropped your fanhood and ran off the to safety of Eagle Creek and not to show your face again until after the lock out???

if you are true to your words the answers to the above would be yes and yes. . . if you are not true to your words and vacillate your answer will be something less than yes and yes and perhaps including some mitigating words mumbo jumbo words . . .

we are only one game into a season and one game does not define a season . . . let give it 7 or 8 games and see how the colts do wittout PM, perhaps PM will be back by then . . . and you miss all of is as you be wasting your time up at Eagle Creek . . .

I will be interesting to see your answer to my questions . . .

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Someone lock this thread quick.

This guy is trollin, calling our members names and stiring the pot.


ON THE CONTRARY, I am NOT trolling. I am offering a legitimate solution to the inevitable misery and heartache that is about to ensue until Peyton Manning returns.

While I did not see Bill Brooks racing downfield catching a TD pass from Peyton Manning (I saw Reggie Wayne), I was just as happy as everyone else because I suffered through all those garbage teams. But please, I was 13 at the time. I had the time and emotions to invest then. Now I'm a grown-* man. If this team is going to suck, I will go do something else until Manning comes back to save them. I'm just trying to talk some sense into the rest of you for wanting to put yourself through the miserable train-wreck that is now playing out.

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ON THE CONTRARY, I am NOT trolling. I am offering a legitimate solution to the inevitable misery and heartache that is about to ensue until Peyton Manning returns.

While I did not see Bill Brooks racing downfield catching a TD pass from Peyton Manning (I saw Reggie Wayne), I was just as happy as everyone else because I suffered through all those garbage teams. But please, I was 13 at the time. I had the time and emotions to invest then. Now I'm a grown-* man. If this team is going to suck, I will go do something else until Manning comes back to save them. I'm just trying to talk some sense into the rest of you for wanting to put yourself through the miserable train-wreck that is now playing out.

But you are calling us names and insulting us for choosing to watch our team. You have every right to not watch, but no right to insult us. For a "grown * man", you sure are acting like a child.

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Cant disagree with the guy. At least he backs up his opinions and shows he cares. For the last 2 1/2 years I've been upset with the way this team has been going. Unfortuantley, I am just so in love with football that I cant pass it up. It is my 'fishing' if you will. I'll continually watch this team, critique it, and offer constructive critisim to anyone who will listen, often making them angry. Enjoy the water my friend, be safe, there shall soon be brighter days, until then reel em in.

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Why do you care so much about my opinions? Shouldn't you be putting up another worthless analysis post about how all this offensive line needs is time to jell and how Linkenbach's hip flexibility is underrated and Mike Pollack is actually a good player? haha!

I don't care about your opinion... I find you funny!. And I like how you keep bleating.

My analysis will be up in a day or two. I'm sure you will read it and then bleat about it.

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lets see how much of a fan and true to your words your are in the OP . . . well gonna fine out if you are just talking through your hat or a person who stands by his princibles from which ye pontificates . . .

Here are a few questions for you my friend . . .

I take it after the Colts were 3-4 in 2008 you took your fishing rod to Eagle Creek and did not return until the 2009 preseason???

And I assume in 2010 after the colts were 6-6 and PM three consecutive pick six games, you dropped your fanhood and ran off the to safety of Eagle Creek and not to show your face again until after the lock out???

if you are true to your words the answers to the above would be yes and yes. . . if you are not true to your words and vacillate your answer will be something less than yes and yes and perhaps including some mitigating words mumbo jumbo words . . .

we are only one game into a season and one game does not define a season . . . let give it 7 or 8 games and see how the colts do wittout PM, perhaps PM will be back by then . . . and you miss all of is as you be wasting your time up at Eagle Creek . . .

I will be interesting to see your answer to my questions . . .

Nope. I never gave up in any of those situations. Why? We had the best dayumed quarterback who ever lived. And when you have the best dayumed quarterback who ever lived, you always have a shot. Now we have a plodding medicare receipiant with a slow release and a tick poor offensive line in front of him. I love Reggie and Dallas and Collie and even Garcon. But I don't care if you have Jerry Rice, Marvin Harrison, Cris Carter and Kellen Winslow...you still have Kerry Collins throwing and a Division III offensive line blocking for him. If we could run the ball, there would still be hope. But we can't run the ball...at all! That means it's all on Collins.

IF everything goes well for Peyton's recovery, realistically, we are looking at a Week 12 return. That is the week AFTER the Colts bye. Of all the games prior to the bye week, I can only realistically say the Colts should be favored in two games: Cleveland next week and @Cincy in week 6. IF the Colts have 4 or 5 wins by that time and Manning does return, I'll be interested again. If not, start Painter, shut Manning down, forget about this year and hope the world doesn't end in 2012!

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I don't care about your opinion... I find you funny!. And I like how you keep bleating.

My analysis will be up in a day or two. I'm sure you will read it and then bleat about it.

And for someone who doesn't care about my opinion, you're still in my post whining about my bleating.

If you're gonna do another analysis where you take yourself way to seriously again, shouldn't you be out measuring the groin flexibility of the new scrub lineman the Colts just picked up today? C'mon KoolaidDrinker you're slipping! It's a good thing the Colts pay you for all of your hard work and in-depth analysis---oh wait! They DON'T! You're just babbling on a message forum like the rest of us! haha!!!

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But you are calling us names and insulting us for choosing to watch our team. You have every right to not watch, but no right to insult us. For a "grown * man", you sure are acting like a child.

He's not a grown man ruksak. Let him troll, for some people their lives are so pathetic that is how they get their kicks. Since he likes my analysis so much, I will do one of an internet troll

He is someone who does not value himself very much and knows others view him with contempt. By making statements that make other react emphatically makes him feel, for a short time frame, the he somehow matters and that other people, while disagreeing, value what he is saying. It gives him a superior feeling. Most people want other people to agree with him/her, since that has happened so little in the trolls real life they take the opposite approach because in their poor minds any attention is better than no attention at all. And they've realized over the years that their actual ideas get no attention.

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