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Colts Will Beat The Browns


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I'll give you props, you're right about all that. However I am far more concerned with the fact that we can't score points as is. Whats worse is the offense gave plenty of points to the opponent, which is unacceptable. All of the issues we had on defense seemed to relate to the stagnant and foolish offensive issues.

The good news is I believe these issues are easy to fix. I think we're going to win vs Cleveland in a low scoring game.

My guess;

Cleveland 16

Indianapolis 19

If you like FG kicking, this is the game for you.

I agree.

i think we can score points if the OL can just mesh together and improve the blocking. We kinda knew the OL would be a problem, but they REALLY got pushed around.

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It is all about the defense. If they come out and play like they did against the Texans then Hillis will have a big day. If he has a big day it will keep our offense off the field and open up the rollout for McCoy. We all know our guys just over run the play on those rollouts.

I think this is a very winnable game, but we got to protect Collins and play some freaking defense for a change.

Our Special Teams better come to play or Cribbs will take them to school all game long.

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Obviously, we're taking a lot of abuse nationwide.....

the 2-14 talk is back...Deion Sanders suggested that Manning should give back his new paycheck..

Michael Irvin blamed coach management for not having somebody like Aaron Rodgers in training behind Manning

.It was embarassing but...take away Collins 2 fumbles and the kick return and we're in the game..Those things are correctable

The point about this being a veteran team that can take a loss....That's what I thought listening to them interviewed afterwards..

Our QB wont lose his confidence....and he clearly can find Reggie Wayne....We need the home crowd this Sunday more than maybe

any game zine the 2006 AFC final with the Patriots...

I still see six games (Cincy, Cleveland, KC, Jacksonville, Tennessse and Carolina) we can win before we get to New England in Decemebr..

..and I dont think Manning has even considered not coming back this year...

Its going to be a long week...but keep the faith...

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I'll give you props, you're right about all that. However I am far more concerned with the fact that we can't score points as is. Whats worse is the offense gave plenty of points to the opponent, which is unacceptable. All of the issues we had on defense seemed to relate to the stagnant and foolish offensive issues.

The good news is I believe these issues are easy to fix. I think we're going to win vs Cleveland in a low scoring game.

My guess;

Cleveland 16

Indianapolis 19

If you like FG kicking, this is the game for you.

That is true collins needs to handle the ball better. He's gonna keep holding on to that ball, its not gonna change but hopefully he can be more aware of his surroundings. The browns dont have a Mario Williams so the line should offer some better protection.

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The major problem now is the loss of leadership. The team is completely lost. They lost the identity and confidence. Our offense players had confidence on Manning, and the D had confidence on O. These were the basis for the Colts success. AS far as they brought in Collins just 3 weeks ago, there is not any trust from the players side. The loss to Texans and the way they lost just did not help improve the confidence level at all. Only bright side was finally Collins connected to Wayne successfully. Hope they can build sth. this week from practice and make a better game plan.

Admit it or not, everybody on this forum and in Indy knows the team aint going anywhere without #18. If he finally leaves the team will need many years to find its identity.

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even if they can run pretty well they will not beat us like the Texans can. Indeed this might be the most (or only) wannable game for the Colts. If we win we might get a little hope. If we lose it is time to fold and prepare for the draft.

You think that makes sense for us, the fans, to "fold" only two games in?

For me, what makes NFL football so compelling to watch is the struggle to better a team that has inherited adversity. Not that I enjoy losing, I do enjoy the odds being stacked against us. Admittedly it is far more enjoyable when we come out on top, or at the very least, we compete with some semblance of threat.

Admit it or not, everybody on this forum and in Indy knows the team ain't going anywhere without #18.

I am not a part to this train of thought. I think we can learn to compete and become our own team, one that is not solely reliant on a player that cannot contribute. Even if Manning was 100% and playing, the issues we are looking at here would drastically hobble any chance at winning versus competent teams.

What I'm saying is that with or without Manning, we must correct these issues if we expect to win. Give 'em time.

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We'll be fine. Defense get's back on the fast track at LOS and the offense gets another week of practice. I think we will beat Cleveland.

back on track??? so they are going to go from exceedingly horrible to overwhelmingly mediocre?? i hate to break it to people but the colt's defense and special teams have been poor for a decade.....

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The Colts will beat the Browns because they will concentrate on getting their own act together and will listen just to the voices of leadership in that locker room, nothing from the outside since no good comes from listening to the outside. If I were one of them, I'd feel the same too.

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I don't think we are going to beat the Browns.. We looked bad yesterday..We got to get a QB, that all to it.. Right now the Colts Staff should be on the Phone to Brett Favre.. Collins is not going to do it.. Did anyone see the faces of some of the players yesterday..WOW..If we go 2 and 14 I'll take it..


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As if the Colts needed anything else to fire them up the Browns are a 3.5 point favorite on Sunday. They say homefield gives you 3 so really the Browns are almost a TD favorite over the Colts. I am sure they don't look at things like that but man I would be giving them everything that has been written and said about them like that and say all you are doing is proving these people right to challenge their pride a little bit.

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I don't think we are going to beat the Browns.. We looked bad yesterday..We got to get a QB, that all to it.. Right now the Colts Staff should be on the Phone to Brett Favre.. Collins is not going to do it.. Did anyone see the faces of some of the players yesterday..WOW..If we go 2 and 14 I'll take it..


Way to keep that chin up brother.

Favre has played his entire career playing a completely different system than what we have in place. To bring him in we would need to revamp everything on offense from the ground up. Installing new playbooks and reworking everything. For Favre? mmmkay...reality is easy to evade when one fully subscribes to fantasy, and you my friend are lost in fantasy.

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back on track??? so they are going to go from exceedingly horrible to overwhelmingly mediocre?? i hate to break it to people but the colt's defense and special teams have been poor for a decade.....

Nah mate the colts have the players to make the defense better this year, its the coaches job to put that player in there to make that difference, players like anderson, brayton, nevis... those guys will help and bulk up the line, instead they have mathis, foster and freeney in O_o which puzzles me... i hope they arent gonna go to the browns playing like that or they will be embarrassed and if they do it would be deservingly so.

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Nah mate the colts have the players to make the defense better this year, its the coaches job to put that player in there to make that difference, players like anderson, brayton, nevis... those guys will help and bulk up the line, instead they have mathis, foster and freeney in O_o which puzzles me... i hope they arent gonna go to the browns playing like that or they will be embarrassed and if they do it would be deservingly so.

seriously? anderson and brayton are just minimally paid stiffs cut from other teams. i like nevis, but i don't expect a rookie DT to make much of an impact.

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You mean the Hillis that gained 57 yards on 17 carries? Now I will admit the Colts are usually a the cure for an anemic running game, but it's not like Hillis is an elite back.

People put way too much stock in one game. Last year people were saying the same thing. Foster puts up 230+ on the Colts, posters were crying about the Colts being exposed, be lucky to win 6 games, and there was no way the Colts were going to beat the Giants in week 2 blah, blah, blah. The Colts, front office, coaches and players proves all those people wrong and they will do so again.

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You mean the Hillis that gained 57 yards on 17 carries? Now I will admit the Colts are usually a the cure for an anemic running game, but it's not like Hillis is an elite back.

People put way too much stock in one game. Last year people were saying the same thing. Foster puts up 230+ on the Colts, posters were crying about the Colts being exposed, be lucky to win 6 games, and there was no way the Colts were going to beat the Giants in week 2 blah, blah, blah. The Colts, front office, coaches and players proves all those people wrong and they will do so again.

Not with this coaching staff. Not prepared, guy's playing out of position, Nobody keeping their gap assignments. The inability to recognize the bootleg and screen, 10-12 yard cushions on 3rd. & 5. Without Manning Caldwell and staff are being exposed for what they are, frauds. There is a reason he sucked @ Wake Forest. He has no idea how to evaluate talent, has no idea how to manage a game, he is just lost, period. He got the job cause he was Dungy's buddy. Nothing in his past suggest he deserved this job. Quite the opposite actually. Look at some of the players cut verse some of the players kept. This team has gotten progressively worse since Caldwell took over. They are undisciplined, unprepared and unorganized to name a few. Pitiful to watch, and I will watch. I have watched and loved them since they got to Indy, but sometimes things are true whether we believe em or not. I forgot what 2-14 and 3-13 were like. Guess I am going to get a memory jog pretty quickly.

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I have rarely seen so much typing while at the same time saying absolutely nothing that resembles any type of logic or knowledge.

I will break it down

Not with this coaching staff. Not prepared, guy's playing out of position,
Guys playing out of position? WHo would that be? Or are you one of those that thinks Hughes should be moved to LB, Ijalana should be LT, AC should be RT, Diem should also be RT, Reitz should be... I don't know. Brackett should be WILL, Conner should be SAM, Angerer should be MIKE, Collins should be the place kicker....
Nobody keeping their gap assignments.
So, let's see it's the coaches job to develop the assignments and the players job to keep to their assignments why is it the coaches fault when the players don't execute.
The inability to recognize the bootleg and screen,
Now this is a Coyer problem they recognize it, I don't like the way they defend it.
10-12 yard cushions on 3rd. & 5.
This is one of those things that sound good but in reality doesn't happen anywhere near as much as some people try to make it appear.
Without Manning Caldwell and staff are being exposed for what they are, frauds.
Wow, after one game they are frauds. Manning does make things better, the best QB in the league will do that, it takes a little time to learn the nuicances.
There is a reason he sucked @ Wake Forest.
Wow, again how can you type and show so little knowledge. One the college game is completely different and two that was before Dungy taught him the ropes. But let's stipulate for a moment that that could possibly be true, using that logic the Colts never should have drafted Manning. There was a reason he couldn't win bug games in college so, therefore, there is no way he could win big games in the pros.
He has no idea how to evaluate talent,
That's not really his job, that is why there are position coaches and scouting departments.
has no idea how to manage a game, he is just lost, period.
Another thing that is a nice sound byte but has no basis in reality,
He got the job cause he was Dungy's buddy. Nothing in his past suggest he deserved this job.
Again this is just complete nonsense. If Dungy, Polian and Irsay were not convinced he was the right guy for the job he would not have gotten the job Quite the opposite actually.
Look at some of the players cut verse some of the players kept.
lmao. Yes I suppose he should consult with the fans because the fans know which players are better.
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This team has gotten progressively worse since Caldwell took over.
Let's see, 2007 one and done in the playoffs, 2008, one and done in the playoffs, 2009 (Caldwell takes over) 14-2, SB appearance. That sounds like an improvement.
They are undisciplined, unprepared and unorganized to name a few.
None of that is true. The Colts did not lose to the Texans because they were unprepared. Unorganized is a joke. So when Collins gets hit and funbles at the 10 that is the coaches fault? When Collins funbles the snap that is the coaches fault?
Pitiful to watch, and I will watch. I have watched and loved them since they got to Indy, but sometimes things are true whether we believe em or not. I forgot what 2-14 and 3-13 were like. Guess I am going to get a memory jog pretty quickly.

I find it funny how many claim to have watched and loved the Colts since they came to Indy or before. I know, if all the people that claim to have been fans since they came to Indy, I would not have been able to get tickets so easily on game day for so many years. As far as the record, we shall see. The Colts will still end the season with a winning record.
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Let's see, 2007 one and done in the playoffs, 2008, one and done in the playoffs, 2009 (Caldwell takes over) 14-2, SB appearance. That sounds like an improvement.

Caldwell was still riding the Dungy regime. We had not been that far removed from the machine that had procured a championship. Caldwell had so much to lean on, Manning, Moore, Mudd, that we might as well have had a mannequin for a HC. Auto pilot FTW. Face it, as the rock solid pieces have left and more onus has gone to Caldwell, things have gotten really off.

The Colts did not lose to the Texans because they were unprepared.

They seemed quite unprepared for Mario. It was a deadly detail that could have been forgiven, except it happened twice. Stopping two drives and directly leading to 7 points for our opponents.

I will ask you this; How much of an effect do you think the absence of Tom Moore and Howard Mudd weighed into this debacle? I believe the fact that our offensive coordinator is actually having to call a game for once was crucial to the discombobulation we witnessed. Moore and Mudd (for O-line adjustments) would never have let that happen.

I find it funny how many claim to have watched and loved the Colts since they came to Indy or before. I know, if all the people that claim to have been fans since they came to Indy, I would not have been able to get tickets so easily on game day for so many years. As far as the record, we shall see. The Colts will still end the season with a winning record

Thats kind of a moot point. I assure you I've been down like a clown since the RCA dome had its concrete set, and I've only been to a handful of games, due to economic reasons. I imagine many in this town (which sports a below average median income) are able to say the same. This might rub some people the wrong way, but I feel the most fickle fans are the ones that can afford season tickets.

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Caldwell was still riding the Dungy regime. We had not been that far removed from the machine that had procured a championship. Caldwell had so much to lean on, Manning, Moore, Mudd, that we might as well have had a mannequin for a HC.

Dungy had the same Manning, Moore and Mudd. It's as bad as people saying Gruden (I'm not a big fan of Gruden) took Dungy's team to the SB. Gruden had 6 new starters and a role player. Caldwell made some changes and they worked.
They seemed quite unprepared for Mario. It was a deadly detail that could have been forgiven, except it happened twice. Stopping two drives and directly leading to 7 points for our opponents.
Is that the coaches fault, Link's fault? the fault of the RB? Clark's fault. No one really knows, I think it was either Link's fault or a RB.
I will ask you this; How much of an effect do you think the absence of Tom Moore and Mudd weighed into this debacle? I believe the fact that our offensive coordinator is actually having to call a game for once was crucial to the discombobulation we witnessed. Moore and Mudd (for O-line adjustments) would never have let that happen.
Moore, not so much. I think Moore was a great OC and I think CC is becoming one. Mudd would have made a bit of a difference because I don't think Mudd would have had Link in the game and I like Mudd's schemes better than some of the things I've seen Metz try.
Thats kind of a moot point. I assure you I've been down like a clown since the RCA dome had its concrete set, and I've only been to a handful of games, due to economic reasons. I imagine many in this town (which sports a below average median income) are able to say the same. This might rub some people the wrong way, but I feel the most fickle fans are the ones that can afford season tickets.

That is my point, I've never had season tickets but I used to go up to the stadium on game day and get great seats for $10, I did that for years. So, if everyone that claims to love the Colts since they came to Indy actually did, I would not have been able to get $10 seats on game day.

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That is my point, I've never had season tickets but I used to go up to the stadium on game day and get great seats for $10, I did that for years. So, if everyone that claims to love the Colts since they came to Indy actually did, I would not have been able to get $10 seats on game day.

Just curious, how good are those $10 seats? If you do not wish to divulge details in the thread, just PM me on your modus operandi :).

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Dungy had the same Manning, Moore and Mudd. It's as bad as people saying Gruden (I'm not a big fan of Gruden) took Dungy's team to the SB. Gruden had 6 new starters and a role player. Caldwell made some changes and they worked.

I'm unaware of any relevant changes that Caldwell made in year one? I want to proclaim Coyer as an upgrade but that hasn't panned out as advertised quite yet. What I do know is that Dungy wasn't making flagrant mistakes as we've seen with Caldwell. His game management skills are lacking, or at least thats the impression I've been given.

Is that the coaches fault, Link's fault? the fault of the RB? Clark's fault. No one really knows, I think it was either Link's fault or a RB.

Again, this is acceptable once. The multiplicity of times that a lack of adjustment reared its ugly head was not only alarming, but wholly precipitated from the coaching staff. I'll settle down about the finger pointing until I see what we've done for next week. That sorta crap happens again and we can fairly ask if it is the coaching staff that isn't getting it. Scary as it is, the Browns are watching our game footage as we speak. They will attempt to isolate foolish blocking assignments much the same.

Moore, not so much. I think Moore was a great OC and I think CC is becoming one. Mudd would have made a bit of a difference because I don't think Mudd would have had Link in the game and I like Mudd's schemes better than some of the things I've seen Metz try.

I don't think our members have even mentioned the absence of Mudd and Moore, and how this has adversely affected our Manningless game. Thus, I brought it up as I am becoming suspicious that this is the cause for such a flawed ability to adjust on the fly. Caldwell's boys ain't cuttin it.

That is my point, I've never had season tickets but I used to go up to the stadium on game day and get great seats for $10, I did that for years. So, if everyone that claims to love the Colts since they came to Indy actually did, I would not have been able to get $10 seats on game day.

Well surely many folks are full of beans. However we have to take their word for it if thats what they want to proclaim. I have known many folks over the years that call themselves fans. When asked "Why ain't you got your jersey on, its Sunday", they respond "The Colts suck, I ain't gonna be seen with that loser gear on". Thats not a fan, thats a poser.

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Dungy had the same Manning, Moore and Mudd. It's as bad as people saying Gruden (I'm not a big fan of Gruden) took Dungy's team to the SB. Gruden had 6 new starters and a role player. Caldwell made some changes and they worked.

Is that the coaches fault, Link's fault? the fault of the RB? Clark's fault. No one really knows, I think it was either Link's fault or a RB.

Moore, not so much. I think Moore was a great OC and I think CC is becoming one. Mudd would have made a bit of a difference because I don't think Mudd would have had Link in the game and I like Mudd's schemes better than some of the things I've seen Metz try.

That is my point, I've never had season tickets but I used to go up to the stadium on game day and get great seats for $10, I did that for years. So, if everyone that claims to love the Colts since they came to Indy actually did, I would not have been able to get $10 seats on game day.

You are one of the dumbest posters I have ever seen on this board. Take off your blinders, look around, tell me what you see? Posters like you are the reason this board get's laughed at over it's football knowledge. Pitiful.

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You are one of the ______ posters I have ever seen on this board. Take off your blinders, look around, tell me what you see? Posters like you are the reason this board get's laughed at over it's football knowledge. Pitiful.

First off, coffeedrinker is highly respected here by most veteren members, even those whom disagree. ....and you, with your 5 posts, just broke a forum rule in a most heinous manner. We do not treat each other that way here.

I would edit your post before a mod does, because that kinda edit comes with reprisal.

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Just curious, how good are those $10 seats? If you do not wish to divulge details in the thread, just PM me on your modus operandi :).

I'm not talking about anymore, but in 85, 86, '87, '88, etc, I used to drive up from Columbus, wait about 5 minutes before kickoff and get second level, usually between the 40s. The time I tried to do that in the Manning era, I paid about $15 over face value.

One time I got there late, about 10 minutes after kickoff and I found a scalper that had a few that I was able to get real cheap. This was in 2000 or 2001.

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First off, coffeedrinker is highly respected here by most veteren members, even those whom disagree. ....and you, with your 5 posts, just broke a forum rule in a most heinous manner. We do not treat each other that way here.

I would edit your post before a mod does, because that kinda edit comes with reprisal.

Thanks for the kind words ruksak.

To Coltsextreme... I freeley admit I have a positive bias towards the Colts and perhaps I am one of the reasons this board gets laughed at all over for it's football knowledge. But I don't really care what most people think about me and I also doubt if this board gets laughed at all over. I have visted many boards through the years and the primary Colts forum, typically, has the more knowledgable fans per poster than any other site I've visited.

I will also be happy if you would like to test my football knowledge in some way. I'd be willing to bet that I understand the Xs and Os and football strategies as well as just about anyone and better than most.

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Thanks for the kind words ruksak.

No sweat. I'm all for a heated debate, but the name calling and acting like a jerk....I don't get it. Internet tough guys don't impress me none. Just because I'm debating you doesn't mean I think you're "dumb". Sometimes when debating, I think, hey wait...he's right.

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No sweat. I'm all for a heated debate, but the name calling and acting like a jerk....I don't get it. Internet tough guys don't impress me none. Just because I'm debating you doesn't mean I think you're "dumb". Sometimes when debating, I think, hey wait...he's right.

It was probably my fault for starting it.

And I totally agree about debates, I love 'em and I like when they get heated, often times they make me think of things I had not previously thought about.

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