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Should Peyton Manning Retire?


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I was reading the instant debate article on NFL.com about whether Manning would reach Favre's passing marks. Some analysts said that he wouldn't surpass them, but what concerned me even more is the number of them who considered retirement for Peyton. I really respect Kirwan as an analyst, since he comes from an educated football background, and he spoke with three spine surgeons, two of which essentially thought that Peyton should retire. I feel like some fans are downsizing the severity of the injury, expecting Peyton to return by the end of the season. First, I don't think he'd physically be recovered by then, and even if so, I believe he needs to take a year off of football to rehabilitate. The prospect of his retirement is definitely a scary one, but he should consider his health and family before anything else. One awkward tackle could hinder him further, perhaps to the point of paralysis.

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There are a lot of threads on Manning right now that touch on this many of them have quotes from doctors expecting Manning to make a full recovary. Trust them before you trust NFL analist right now. Most of them kinda cover the career ending part of it with well it could be but it's not likely. Look we just need to sit back and trust the Colts and the people around Manning to make the right calls with all of this stuff. They aren't going to make the wrong one, they aren't going to rush him back and they aren't going to send him out there if there is any risk at all to his well being.

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If peyton were to retire, we have collins for 2 years, with that said, depending on how collins can handle our offense and compete still...this could be 2 bad years for the colts which lead to hopefully 2 good draft prospects, So we could potential get a good Qb next year have him as back up to collins to learn the offense or give him some time later in the season next year, but heck guys thats lookin to far into the future...before we plan Peytons retirement, why dont we rally behind the colts this sunday and hope for a win...To many fans on these forums are starting to act like the media, writing the colts off for dead, retiring peyton before we even know how his rehab will be. Can we just be the fans of Indianapolis Colts and hope and pray for our team to win! Everyone seems to forget, we have Robert and Freeney at DE, we have Wayne and Dallas, We have Addai( which many will say he isnt good, when really he is build for a team like this). So lets not make this a 1 man sport and bring it back to a team sport, can we?

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Just think how great it would be if Peyton comes back from this and wins a Super Bowl. If the doctors clear him to play and I expect they will he will be hungrier than ever.

...and rustier and older with a manipulated spine.

He's out for the year, so it would be best to shelf your fantasies of Peyton donning a cape and flying into the Luke with an 'S' on his chest and stream of flames shooting out his bum bum.

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...and rustier and older with a manipulated spine.

He's out for the year, so it would be best to shelf your fantasies of Peyton donning a cape and flying into the Luke with an 'S' on his chest and stream of flames shooting out his bum bum.

You TOTALLY misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about THIS year nor do I expect him to come back this year. Why do so many of your posts have a "holier than thou" attitude? I almost posted that with your " he will not come back this year" post. I agree but you are not an all knowing prophet.

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i find it hard to fault him either way in terms of decisions

if he retires, he's choosing his life and family, over a mere sport/job

if he keeps playing, he's just that much more of a warrior

no lose situation for him, especially with that awesome contract which i believe he deserved , player or not, for what he's given to the nfl.

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You TOTALLY misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about THIS year nor do I expect him to come back this year.

Good to clarify yourself. My apologies for assuming you meant this year, as many here still aren't getting it. Sorry to lump you into that group.

Why do so many of your posts have a "holier than thou" attitude?

Like what are you referring to? Specifically. Please note: Humor doesn't always translate well in print. Perhaps you mistake my humor for condescension?

I agree but you are not an all knowing prophet.

Yes I am. As proof of such, I will warn you not to take 465 West tomorrow. I can see traffic....much traffic.

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Good to clarify yourself. My apologies for assuming you meant this year, as many here still aren't getting it. Sorry to lump you into that group.

Like what are you referring to? Specifically. Please note: Humor doesn't always translate well in print. Perhaps you mistake my humor for condescension?

Yes I am. As proof of such, I will warn you not to take 465 West tomorrow. I can see traffic....much traffic.

lol is all I can say....

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i find it hard to fault him either way in terms of decisions

if he retires, he's choosing his life and family, over a mere sport/job

if he keeps playing, he's just that much more of a warrior

no lose situation for him, especially with that awesome contract which i believe he deserved , player or not, for what he's given to the nfl.

Agree ,

also retirement is too early to consider right now

1. get IRed and let this really fuse, not a light fusion in 3 months, for true hard fusion u need much more time

2. Then evaluate the nerve and arm strength to see if its full or how much is lost

3. Then coniser a decison, being more informed, & knowing # 4

4. In that decision know that Peytons mind is also a weapon, he doesnt need the exact same arm strength to win as he can still decipher Defenses and find the right play

5. Total all options, family & love of game , make sure all risks & potential consequences of playing are fully understood

6 Make a decision & know whatever it is we support u, Yes I want to see u play again, but if u decide otherwise, thanks for a lietimes worth of enjoyment and memories u have already given to all

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Unless we all had medical degrees, this thread is somewhat pointless.

It makes more sense to wait until the doctors see his progress until we discuss this.

ANYTHING else is pure speculation and a waste of time and energy.

Agree. What relevant point could us message board * make regarding his health and retirement?

Manning is under the best care possible. The doctors, in conjunction with Manning and the team itself will make a decision on what is best for his health and career. If he gets cleared it means he is not under more risk than what he would have been otherwise. If he does not, it means the risk is not worth it.

Past that - anything else is speculation by people who have absolutely no clue about the actual facts.

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a normal NFL might retire, they get too tired and crap in rehab and it hurts too much

Manning isn't like normal NFL players however, he probably rehabs twice as hard as any, and has a passion that few could truely match in the game

out this full year 60/40 chance

Retiring, i just don't see it unless doctors drag him down and handcuff him

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Manning is under the best care possible. The doctors, in conjunction with Manning and the team itself will make a decision on what is best for his health and career.

Agreed, but during the off-season he apparently was not under the best of care, because whoever performed surgery on him must have really ****'ed up badly! Now the REAL health and fitness doctors are stepping in cleaning up the off-season doctor's mess with an extra surgery!

So my message to that doctor during the off-season?... "Are you a Patriots or Chargers fan?"

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Right now I'm assuming he is resting and managing his post op pain. Only time will tell how this all plays out if he should retire. one day at a time.

Exactly this situation calls on us to be patient and wait and see. No one likes doing that but frankly that's what we need to do.

I just don't get the people saying hey we should just put him on IR and let him heal. Say we get a break (and we are due one) and Manning is fully healed in two months. Say we are like 5-4 and Collins is playing okay, are those people going to tell me that people aren't going to want him back at that point?

We just need to take a chill pill and wait and see what happens and trust the people around Peyton to make the best decision for him. If he comes back at some point this year then that's great and it means he's been cleared by medical personal to do so. If that happens next bummer we had a year without Peyton. If it's worst case scenario and his career is done hey we had a great 13 years, that's why I kept saying enjoy what you have now rather than complaining about what we should have had under Manning because you never know when it's going to be taken away from you. If he is done the Colts will cross that bridge when the Colts get to it. The Colts aren't there yet and frankly they probaby aren't going to get there this season.

So let's stop the put him on IR now and should he retire talk and do just what this poster said, take it one day at a time, just like how the Colts look at the season one game at time.

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I was reading the instant debate article on NFL.com about whether Manning would reach Favre's passing marks. Some analysts said that he wouldn't surpass them, but what concerned me even more is the number of them who considered retirement for Peyton. I really respect Kirwan as an analyst, since he comes from an educated football background, and he spoke with three spine surgeons, two of which essentially thought that Peyton should retire. I feel like some fans are downsizing the severity of the injury, expecting Peyton to return by the end of the season. First, I don't think he'd physically be recovered by then, and even if so, I believe he needs to take a year off of football to rehabilitate. The prospect of his retirement is definitely a scary one, but he should consider his health and family before anything else. One awkward tackle could hinder him further, perhaps to the point of paralysis.

For me personally, the only good thing about Peyton retiring now is that I might live to see him give his hall of fame speech. And personally I do not want him to give that speech five years from now. (I am 76.)

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For me personally, the only good thing about Peyton retiring now is that I might live to see him give his hall of fame speech. And personally I do not want him to give that speech five years from now. (I am 76.)

Speaking of thinking positively - having Peyton around keeps you young!

The longer he plays..................

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, October 5, 2011 - Promotional Posting
Hidden by Coltssouth, October 5, 2011 - Promotional Posting

I hope not. I'm want nothing more than 18 getting healthy and back on the field, even if that means him taking this year off. Just thinking long term.

I've actually made some stuff in support of Peyton getting well (and also rallying around Collins). www.cafepress.com/getwell18


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Agreed, but during the off-season he apparently was not under the best of care, because whoever performed surgery on him must have really ****'ed up badly! Now the REAL health and fitness doctors are stepping in cleaning up the off-season doctor's mess with an extra surgery!

So my message to that doctor during the off-season?... "Are you a Patriots or Chargers fan?"

Neither; he/she is a Texans fan. :cute:

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Agreed, but during the off-season he apparently was not under the best of care, because whoever performed surgery on him must have really ****'ed up badly! Now the REAL health and fitness doctors are stepping in cleaning up the off-season doctor's mess with an extra surgery!

So my message to that doctor during the off-season?... "Are you a Patriots or Chargers fan?"

Most likely bears fans in chicago

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For me personally, the only good thing about Peyton retiring now is that I might live to see him give his hall of fame speech. And personally I do not want him to give that speech five years from now. (I am 76.)

I think you do have the right attitude of a fan, since no matter what this is just a sports game no real battle. U watch and find ways to enjoy it your own way.

Plus with today's medical technology 81 is not that old, and truely believe you should be able to see every manning moment even if he gets another contract extension :)

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retire? I don't know, but he should definitely take the whole season off. If we make the playoffs, he should not play as well.

I don't think he should retire because Steve Slaton and Kelvin Hayden came back from similar injury without any problem. There are many more who came back from these type of injuries and played for many years after that.

Manning is 35, he will retire soon anyways whether Colts fans like it or not. Mod Edit

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a normal NFL might retire, they get too tired and crap in rehab and it hurts too much

Manning isn't like normal NFL players however, he probably rehabs twice as hard as any, and has a passion that few could truely match in the game

out this full year 60/40 chance

Retiring, i just don't see it unless doctors drag him down and handcuff him

Do you think this neck surgery will compromise his ability to leap tall buidlings in a single bound?

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Do you think this neck surgery will compromise his ability to leap tall buidlings in a single bound?

According to a show I saw on Animal Planet, this particular surgery does indeed affect super powers quite dramatically. The last super hero to undergo said surgery, Aquaman, could no longer perform up to minimum standards for membership in the League of Justice. Thus leading to his early retirement and he is now homeless and panhandling for smack money.

Hard times ahead for P-Money, Indy's greatest superhero.

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I think you do have the right attitude of a fan, since no matter what this is just a sports game no real battle. U watch and find ways to enjoy it your own way.

Plus with today's medical technology 81 is not that old, and truely believe you should be able to see every manning moment even if he gets another contract extension :)

I know, and I am in reasonably good health for my age. All my blood profile tests come back normal range! The lower half of my body is about worn out, bad legs and all, but my mind is good and I have faith in God and enjoy life.

Football is one of my joys. I will be pulling for the Colts today to prove everybody wrong and win big.

Does anyone know how to send Peyton a get well encouraging message that he will get?

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I know, and I am in reasonably good health for my age. All my blood profile tests come back normal range! The lower half of my body is about worn out, bad legs and all, but my mind is good and I have faith in God and enjoy life.

Football is one of my joys. I will be pulling for the Colts today to prove everybody wrong and win big.

Does anyone know how to send Peyton a get well encouraging message that he will get?

Is this lady freakin cool or what.....

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Agree ,

also retirement is too early to consider right now

1. get IRed and let this really fuse, not a light fusion in 3 months, for true hard fusion u need much more time

2. Then evaluate the nerve and arm strength to see if its full or how much is lost

3. Then coniser a decison, being more informed, & knowing # 4

4. In that decision know that Peytons mind is also a weapon, he doesnt need the exact same arm strength to win as he can still decipher Defenses and find the right play

5. Total all options, family & love of game , make sure all risks & potential consequences of playing are fully understood

6 Make a decision & know whatever it is we support u, Yes I want to see u play again, but if u decide otherwise, thanks for a lietimes worth of enjoyment and memories u have already given to all

To whom it may concern - Barry here ^ does have a medical degree and is spot-on with his summation.

+1 Barry

If the risk/reward is more toward the ify side I'd not be surprised to see Manning consider retiring while keeping his family in mind.

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Way to early to be speculating about him retiring. There's a lot of recovering to do before that becomes clear. The hand-wringing of all the analysts is a bit over much.

However, I want the team to be planning for every eventuality. You can't just hope for the best and not take practical steps to ensure continuity with or without Peyton. I broached this subject several times in the last couple of years and was pretty much laughed off with comments of how durable Peyton has been. There should have been a quality understudy in the wings the entire time Peyton has played. It's foolish not to have someone who is capable of taking over. Not to pour salt in a wound, but the Chargers' having Billy Volek ready to step in when Rivers went down in the playoff game wasn't an accident of fate. They are prepared for that possibility and have a better chance of holding on to their league position in a worst case scenario because of it.

That said, I would be one that totally wants Peyton to make the decision with his entire life ahead of him in mind. My husband has a terrible back injury which is work-related and happened a couple of years ago. The long term impact of an injury like Peyton's is a miserable prospect. I just hope he is wise enough to be able to put things into perspective for the rest of his life. Football glory isn't worth living a with a diminished capacity.

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