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Collins Could Really Mess Things Up


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You know what, sometimes i think we have some of the best fans in the league...but sometimes i think we have some of the most bandwagon fans i have ever seen. More Colts fans than not are already writing off this season due to the news we've heard. I can always tell what fans are true fans from these posts and i definately think we have some pretty shady fans. Let me ask this...why is everyone down on Collins anyways??? Didn't anyone see how he played against us when he was playing with Tennessee at the age of 37??? I'm just sayin that whether we have Peyton or we don't, I really don't like to hear or see how "Collins can ruin the season." Me personally i have faith in what he can do, but more importantly, i have faith in what this TEAM can do. So from now on, whoever reads this post, just be more of a Colts fan and let's believe in the "Next Man Up" montra. Thats what i'm hangin my hat on. Don't let your meat loaf Colts Fans:)

I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

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What do you think of Carter?

Haven't seen much of him, I only watched half of the Packers game, and a little bit of the Bengals game. Besides I would rather see him in a real game to make a judgement. Heck Painter looked good in the Packers game, preseason isn't the same.

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I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.Reality includes everything that is and has been. Its safe to say that being optimistic and being "realistic" as you put it are both in fact not reality because its not something that is yet. Being that we haven't played week 1. No one is wrong no one is right , don't try to make someone look foolish because you don't agree. It works against you.

Haven't seen much of him, I only watched half of the Packers game, and a little bit of the Bengals game. Besides I would rather see him in a real game to make a judgement. Heck Painter looked good in the Packers game, preseason isn't the same.

Fair enough. I liked what I saw out of Carter though. As for Painter 64no.gif

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I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

OK, see you next year.

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Exactly!! He's our leader for the time being. It's time for all Colts fans to unite and show him were 110% behind him. I do believe he'll prove a lot of the nay sayers wrong and make them eat crow.

Right On... This guy took NY to a SB, and Tenn to a AFC championship. He has it in him.

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I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

Wow... guess being an NFL fan ain't no fun unless you have a stud an QB and win 12 games every season....

dayum, how did I stay a Colt fan since 84? hehe...

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I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

And.... Post Fail!

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Wonder where the leadership will come from on the offensive side of the ball? It would be great if Kerry not only exercised control over the playbook, but also assuming the leadership role. I have watched and appreciated Collins for many years, and he is a vouched leader. Would love to see him getting in peoples faces, pointing, smacking his hands together and just generally owning up to his role. I want him to take ownership of this team right away.

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The whole idea that Collins "forces" our protection, run blocking, and defense to get better, is nothing more than a strong self-delusion.

These guys are professional. It's their job to provide protection through the whistle, open holes for the backs, and stop opposing offenses (respectively), regardless of who's taking snaps. If they couldn't do it with the best, or when the best was having an off day, they aren't going to pull it off just because a new handicap amplifies an existing weakness.

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Got a better option?

Well, the Jaguars just released their QB this week...........why not bring Garrard in as a backup now that Peyton is going to have to be out for most of the season. The Jags have actually beaten Indy a few times over the past umpteen years; might be a chance to get back at them for those wins!

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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.

We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

Absolutely Correctomundy, oh wise all seeing sage. IF Caldwell gets his * together.

Team is growing, fans are paining (is that a word?)

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I have NOT written the Cotls off. In fact, until I see evidence to the contrary, I remain hopeful that Collins and the Colts will surprise a lot of people. The loss of Manning excepted, the Colts should be MUCH improved as compared to last year's team due to better health at many key positions coupled with key personnel additions. Sure the loss of Manning is a HUGE blow, but at this point I am giving Collins the benefit of the doubt that he will be reasonably effective.

Ergo, I am boldly predicting that this Colts team will upset the Texans!

Assuming I am correct about this week's game and assuming that Collins indeed proves to be serviceable, I am looking for the Colts to enter the bye week with a record of 7-3, maybe 6-4. 5-5 at the absolute worst. Thereafter, I am hopeful they will run it out with a 4 - 2 record for the duration of the season, resulting in a season ending record of between 11-5 and 9-7. As long as the Colts take care of their own divisional games, starting with this weekend against Houston, there is no reason they cannot still win the division, with the players they have and good health.

And don't forget, if his recovery goes well this time, Manning may be back and ready to go by early to mid-December, just in time for an unlikely playoff surge!

Of course, if Collins and the team falls flat on their faces, then I suppose all bets are off. Until I see that happen, though, I am going to cheer the team on, holding the highest of realistic expectations along the way.

Go Colts!

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Delone Carter is going to rip stuff up, offensive rookie of the year style!! It's a thought, but a possible one, ;)...

That one is indeed possible, if that happens dare i say starter maybe? ive always wanted to see a big back starting for the colts. He's a bigger stronger MJD, hopefully he stays healthy AND that he actually produces.

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I have NOT written the Cotls off. In fact, until I see evidence to the contrary, I remain hopeful that Collins and the Colts will surprise a lot of people. The loss of Manning excepted, the Colts should be MUCH improved as compared to last year's team due to better health at many key positions coupled with key personnel additions. Sure the loss of Manning is a HUGE blow, but at this point I am giving Collins the benefit of the doubt that he will be reasonably effective.

Ergo, I am boldly predicting that this Colts team will upset the Texans!

Assuming I am correct about this week's game and assuming that Collins indeed proves to be serviceable, I am looking for the Colts to enter the bye week with a record of 7-3, maybe 6-4. 5-5 at the absolute worst. Thereafter, I am hopeful they will run it out with a 4 - 2 record for the duration of the season, resulting in a season ending record of between 11-5 and 9-7. As long as the Colts take care of their own divisional games, starting with this weekend against Houston, there is no reason they cannot still win the division, with the players they have and good health.

And don't forget, if his recovery goes well this time, Manning may be back and ready to go by early to mid-December, just in time for an unlikely playoff surge!

Of course, if Collins and the team falls flat on their faces, then I suppose all bets are off. Until I see that happen, though, I am going to cheer the team on, holding the highest of realistic expectations along the way.

Go Colts!

Are you copying and pasting dude, i square you posted that in another thread lol

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Wow... guess being an NFL fan ain't no fun unless you have a stud an QB and win 12 games every season....

dayum, how did I stay a Colt fan since 84? hehe...

For the 2nd or 3rd maybe even millionth time, being a "fan" does not mean you think your team can win. Anyone who lives in Cincinnati and thinks the Bengals are going all the way is a complete *. Are there still fans in Cinny? Sure. Do they think they have a shot? Probably not. I'm a realist. I'm also a Chicago White Sox fan, follow them every season until they fall apart (which has been early as of late) After they have no hope of carrying on to the post season I give up, better luck next year.

gagirl89 - Reality is right now. Reality is we are playing without Peyton Manning and reality is this team has been relying on him for the past 10+ years. If you think everything is fine and dandy you are avoiding the reality that it is not. Anyone who read my post could easily decipher that reality was to be taken in context about the loss of the best player in the NFL. To even think for a second that the colts are not in trouble is lunacy.

Coltslover4ever - The rest of us being the ones who have accepted that this season is going to suck. My mentality isn't "loser" It's winner since I'm the one who's going to be right ;)

wordofmouth - Sounds like a plan.

Bleedthisblue - Oh thank you for your insightful post, please bless us with more of this intelligence!

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It's lowered expectations that's all.I wish kerry would have been signed earlier that is my only complaint.I think he is going to be a bit spotty at times.

not to mention the decreased playbook, and by the time Collins learns the playbook it will be time for Manning to come back ( if he is out only 2-3 months) We'd have to overcome some HUGE odds.

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not to mention the decreased playbook, and by the time Collins learns the playbook it will be time for Manning to come back ( if he is out only 2-3 months) We'd have to overcome some HUGE odds.

Hope that veteran experience helps,but a much improved running game is really our only chance.If he is 3rd and 6 or more were in big trouble.Peyton spoiled us,that's for sure.

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For the 2nd or 3rd maybe even millionth time, being a "fan" does not mean you think your team can win. Anyone who lives in Cincinnati and thinks the Bengals are going all the way is a complete *. Are there still fans in Cinny? Sure. Do they think they have a shot? Probably not. I'm a realist. I'm also a Chicago White Sox fan, follow them every season until they fall apart (which has been early as of late) After they have no hope of carrying on to the post season I give up, better luck next year.

gagirl89 - Reality is right now. Reality is we are playing without Peyton Manning and reality is this team has been relying on him for the past 10+ years. If you think everything is fine and dandy you are avoiding the reality that it is not. Anyone who read my post could easily decipher that reality was to be taken in context about the loss of the best player in the NFL. To even think for a second that the colts are not in trouble is lunacy.

Coltslover4ever - The rest of us being the ones who have accepted that this season is going to suck. My mentality isn't "loser" It's winner since I'm the one who's going to be right ;)

wordofmouth - Sounds like a plan.

Bleedthisblue - Oh thank you for your insightful post, please bless us with more of this intelligence!

You're proving my point. As of right now the season hasn't been played yet. And I do acknowledge that this season could very well blow up week 1 and continue to slide down hill. Or it couldn't The difference is: I'm not trying (and failing) to make people feel bad just because they are hopeful and/or view something differently than me. You aren't a psychic, I find it weird that you're basically telling people this will happen no matter what you say but why doesn't that go both ways? I think the point we're trying to make is: Wait until results come before declaring the sky is falling. BUT if you don't want to wait, don't attack others for being optimistic. It seems foolish that you're that determined to be right about us having an awful season. We're all adults here (I would hope) Good luck

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I've watched a lot of film on him over the last week and a few days, his pocket prowess, at times, is just horrible. He holds on to the ball way to long at times, thus allowing the pocket to collapse. His roll-outs are very inconsistant, thus his throws on the run are awkward and clumsy. His arm is strong but his accuracy has really declined.

If I'm way to harsh, I'm sorry.

I think you are beging to harsh. I understand were you are coming at but he might be a little rusty. And he just got here so i will give him a week or two to get things together.

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You're proving my point. As of right now the season hasn't been played yet. And I do acknowledge that this season could very well blow up week 1 and continue to slide down hill. Or it couldn't The difference is: I'm not trying (and failing) to make people feel bad just because they are hopeful and/or view something differently than me. You aren't a psychic, I find it weird that you're basically telling people this will happen no matter what you say but why doesn't that go both ways? I think the point we're trying to make is: Wait until results come before declaring the sky is falling. BUT if you don't want to wait, don't attack others for being optimistic. It seems foolish that you're that determined to be right about us having an awful season. We're all adults here (I would hope) Good luck

I'm a man of odds and odds are in my favor. There is no grey area, there is only black or white. Hope this helps to explain it for ya.

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I couldn't disagree with you more. While Peyton is gone, Collins is going to force the Colts to get better for the following reasons:

1) He is helping our young line get their feet wet against 1st stringers in the NFL. Because Collins has a longer release than Peyton, Our line will be forced to learn how to give him that extra .5-1 second. When Peyton returns that extra half a second or a second will seem like an eternity for the opposing defenses when they try to defend Peyton

2) It is forcing us to run the ball more and become a more balanced offense. This plays into the idea of helping our young line, because it is easier to block for a run as opposed to blocking for a pass. With the bigger sets we will be using it will further establish our running game. This will set up the play-action pass both while Collins is in there and when Peyton returns. A successful play-action game with Peyton in the line-up is a linebacker's worst nightmare.

3) It is forcing our defense to show up and not worry about playing with the lead. Collins will not put up the numbers Peyton will, and he will not throw for as many TDs. This means our defense will have to step up their game. I think this could really light a fire under our defense's you know what and force them to improve.

We will be a totally different team with Collins under center. I personally think that is a good thing. We will experience some growing pains. However, the way I see it growing pains are good...it means our team is growing.

I agree with Collings under center it will make us run the ball more. I just hope that we can still move the ball around.

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I'm a man of odds and odds are in my favor. There is no grey area, there is only black or white. Hope this helps to explain it for ya.

I totally get that I may disagree but I see where you're coming from. My issue was not with what you were saying it was how you were saying it to that person and what you were saying about them just bc they disagreed with you. Other than that we're all good. I'll move on now. Good day to your sir!

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I have no idea why but Kerry Collins reminds me a lot of Jim Harbaugh and to this day Jim Harbaugh is still my favorite Colt (sorry Peyton). Frankly that's what this team reminds me of, Harbaugh's team they have enough talent they can beat any team in the NFL but they can just as easily lose to any team in the NFL.

I've always liked Collins, even had a Carolina Panthers jersey of his when I was younger. I look forward to what he can do here.

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Any one think that maybe the Colts have dropped the ball in getting a backup for Manning? If Painter was really the backup why do they go out and find a old veteran who was retired ? If they knew the backup wasn't good enough why did they keep him and didn't address this sooner. Are you really the backup if you don't get a chance when the starter goes down, and wasn't this the perfect opportunity to see if he could handle things? Seems like he will know now the team doesn't have faith in him and what kind of message does this send to him?

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Any one think that maybe the Colts have dropped the ball in getting a backup for Manning? If Paynter was really the backup why do they go out and find a old veteran who was retired ? If they knew the backup wasn't good enough why did they keep him and didn't address this sooner. Are you really the backup if you don't get a chance when the starter goes down, and wasn't this the perfect opportunity to see if he could handle things? Seems like he will know now the team doesn't have faith in him and what kind of message does this send to him?

Painter couldn't handle things in the pre-season what makes you think he could handle it during the regular season? I think its' clear the Colts wanted Painter to be the guy. It didn't work thus the Colts felt it was time to make a move and they did. They went and got Collins. Had Painter played better when given a chance in the pre-season before the Packers game they wouldn't have went out to get Collins. It might seem unfair but this is the NFL not everything is fair. That's why when you have a chance, even in the pre-season you better take advantage of it.

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I have no idea why but Kerry Collins reminds me a lot of Jim Harbaugh and to this day Jim Harbaugh is still my favorite Colt (sorry Peyton). Frankly that's what this team reminds me of, Harbaugh's team they have enough talent they can beat any team in the NFL but they can just as easily lose to any team in the NFL.

I've always liked Collins, even had a Carolina Panthers jersey of his when I was younger. I look forward to what he can do here.

I loved Jim Harbaugh (hoping the 49ers do well for him). Now that you have me thinking about this, I just realized that Harbaugh reminds me an awful lot of Bert Jones. Similar attitude, leadership, confidence, mobility, and desire to win. Just a pleasure to watch in every respect. Of course Jones had a lot more physical skills, but I'd take either on my team in a heartbeat. Jones was my favorite Colt for a very long time (perhaps still is, hard to say). Probably something to do with my being in my teens when he was in his prime. Hero's from that time of your life carry a lot of weight.

I can't say that I share your enthusiasm for Collins though. I want to like him - no choice at this point - but I live in the NY market and I spent years when he was with the Giants trying to make the argument to fans here that their QB wasn't the franchise player they imagined him to be. I have no problems showing respect to the Giants - their LT years were tremendous - but people here considered Collins a star, and I got sick of hearing it.

I'd love to be proven wrong, believe me.

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I loved Jim Harbaugh (hoping the 49ers do well for him). Now that you have me thinking about this, I just realized that Harbaugh reminds me an awful lot of Bert Jones. Similar attitude, leadership, confidence, mobility, and desire to win. Just a pleasure to watch in every respect. Of course Jones had a lot more physical skills, but I'd take either on my team in a heartbeat. Jones was my favorite Colt for a very long time (perhaps still is, hard to say). Probably something to do with my being in my teens when he was in his prime. Hero's from that time of your life carry a lot of weight.

I can't say that I share your enthusiasm for Collins though. I want to like him - no choice at this point - but I live in the NY market and I spent years when he was with the Giants trying to make the argument to fans here that their QB wasn't the franchise player they imagined him to be. I have no problems showing respect to the Giants - their LT years were tremendous - but people here considered Collins a star, and I got sick of hearing it.

I'd love to be proven wrong, believe me.

Well I'd agree time has shown Collins wasn't super star and isn't a franchise QB either. Still Harbaugh really wasn't either. He had a magical year in 1995 but other than tht he was sorta a journyman QB just like Collins really is.

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The whole idea that Collins "forces" our protection, run blocking, and defense to get better, is nothing more than a strong self-delusion.

These guys are professional. It's their job to provide protection through the whistle, open holes for the backs, and stop opposing offenses (respectively), regardless of who's taking snaps. If they couldn't do it with the best, or when the best was having an off day, they aren't going to pull it off just because a new handicap amplifies an existing weakness.

Ahhh... never underestimate the mental aspect of anything.

I think they will. Peyton made "EVERY" individual associated with this franchise look real good for real long time.

It's time for this entire franchise to put on their "big boy pants" and getter done.

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For the 2nd or 3rd maybe even millionth time, being a "fan" does not mean you think your team can win. Anyone who lives in Cincinnati and thinks the Bengals are going all the way is a complete *. Are there still fans in Cinny? Sure. Do they think they have a shot? Probably not. I'm a realist. I'm also a Chicago White Sox fan, follow them every season until they fall apart (which has been early as of late) After they have no hope of carrying on to the post season I give up, better luck next year.

gagirl89 - Reality is right now. Reality is we are playing without Peyton Manning and reality is this team has been relying on him for the past 10+ years. If you think everything is fine and dandy you are avoiding the reality that it is not. Anyone who read my post could easily decipher that reality was to be taken in context about the loss of the best player in the NFL. To even think for a second that the colts are not in trouble is lunacy.

Coltslover4ever - The rest of us being the ones who have accepted that this season is going to suck. My mentality isn't "loser" It's winner since I'm the one who's going to be right ;)

wordofmouth - Sounds like a plan.

Bleedthisblue - Oh thank you for your insightful post, please bless us with more of this intelligence!

Reality is that this team has won more game then any other in the last ten years. And that there are at least 6 former ALL Pro's on this roster,.... of which 4 are on D.

That is reality.... this team can and will win it's fair share this season.

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For the 2nd or 3rd maybe even millionth time, being a "fan" does not mean you think your team can win. Anyone who lives in Cincinnati and thinks the Bengals are going all the way is a complete *. Are there still fans in Cinny? Sure. Do they think they have a shot? Probably not. I'm a realist. I'm also a Chicago White Sox fan, follow them every season until they fall apart (which has been early as of late) After they have no hope of carrying on to the post season I give up, better luck next year.

gagirl89 - Reality is right now. Reality is we are playing without Peyton Manning and reality is this team has been relying on him for the past 10+ years. If you think everything is fine and dandy you are avoiding the reality that it is not. Anyone who read my post could easily decipher that reality was to be taken in context about the loss of the best player in the NFL. To even think for a second that the colts are not in trouble is lunacy.

Coltslover4ever - The rest of us being the ones who have accepted that this season is going to suck. My mentality isn't "loser" It's winner since I'm the one who's going to be right ;)

I am a realist as well, I don't think this team will do well this year. But unlike you I want them to do good and don't want them to fail to prove me right. I hope they prove me wrong. You are the type of fan this so pestimistic that they can't even enjoy being a fan anymore, so their only enjoyment is watching the optimistic fans suffer. I don't understand the optimists because I think they are getting their hopes too high only to come crashing down. But atleast they are fans, I don't see how anyone that rather be right than see their team win is any sort of fan.

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