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Has Kerry Collins Ever...


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In the colts current situation i dont see them having the time to do anyone favors, plus they dont sound like a team to do that when look at spann. Im definitely excited to see how this team looks without manning at the helm.

Preseason game 4 has always been about letting guys who are going to be cut show their stuff. I get what you're saying about the Colts needing that game for practice, that's why Collins and the first team played.

As far as Spann, I don't know what you mean. They did him a favor by IRing him. Unless you think teams were lining up to steal him off of waivers. I don't see it that way.

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Preseason game 4 has always been about letting guys who are going to be cut show their stuff. I get what you're saying about the Colts needing that game for practice, that's why Collins and the first team played.

As far as Spann, I don't know what you mean. They did him a favor by IRing him. Unless you think teams were lining up to steal him off of waivers. I don't see it that way.

Spann didnt show much but im sure there were some teams interested in him, none of the starters at the WR or RB position played so idk, just gonna have to see how sunday turns out.

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That's my thoughts about Collins, he's taken far less talented teams to the playoffs, IMO he took a far less talented Giants team to the Super Bowl. Give him sometime to get used to the offense and for the offense to get used to him and I think he'll do fine. No he's not going to be Manning and we are going to need other guys to step up but if they do I thik Collins can lead this team to some wins while Manning is out. Frankly I think a guy like Garcon is going to love Collins if he can catch. Collins loves to throw it deep and Garcon is our speedester so if Garcon doesn't drop it he could have a monster season while Collins is in there. We are going to need the protection to bring their A game (not just the line I include the new fullback, halfbacks, and tightends in this). If they play well and we can have a decent running game we are going to have a fighting chance in any game we play without Manning.

Frankly losing Manning IMO takes us from a Super Bowl contending team to a boarder line playoff team. We have good players on this team and if I am them I am playing with a bit of a chip on my shoulder than no one (including some of our teams own fans) can win anything without Manning.

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The problem I see with KFC regarding game one........he's 0-8 against Wade Phillips D.

I have seen you refer to Kerry Collins as KFC in several posts. Perhaps, you are just confused. His middle name is Michael, which would make his initials KMC.

It's also just as likely that you are using this as an insulting nickname which is against forum rules.

13. Fans from all teams are welcome here, but please respect that this is the COLTS' FAN SITE & FORUM. All posters should respect other members, other teams and their fans, NFL players and personnel. Insulting "nicknames" are not respectful and not appropriate to use in the forum. No one has to resort to playground antics in order to have a debate/discussion.


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Collins will be fine, He hasn't had this much talent around him in his career. With that being said if the playbook is tailored down to him he will put up wins. The line just has to give Coliins time and he will make the plays. Collins has done that for his career he can win when he has time, he can manage the clock. So with that being said the sky isn't falling on the team, so all of the nasayers can STOP. I would love to see Peyton out there, but a healthy Peyton is better then a hurt Peyton. So if you call yourself a true Colts fan look at it for what it is. We are going to see a healthy dose of Kerry Collins until 18 is really to roll. Get behind them or get OFF. The horses are hitched and fed. GO COLTS

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Had this much talent around him? I realize Peyton has made the majority of our offense, but with our system I'd say we're loaded with talent. As much as I want to see Peyton play, I honestly believe Collins can take us into the preseason if Peyton can't play. My only concern is his lack of mobility and slow release.


Ok, first off a friend of mine in Indy text'd me a week ago saying Manning was out for at "lesst" 3-5 weeks.. of course I blew it off. Well he was right.

Collins has as much talent right now as he has ever had around him. My only concerns the OL? They have to be able to run the ball. And Collins short training camp. But I really believe this team can win without Manning.

Peyton (IMO) made life real easy on the other players on the team. It is time for this core group of Colt defenders to step up and carry this team for while. And prove that this team is not all Peyton Manning.

Go Colts.

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Painter can't play,collins is the best option.

Many (including the Colts) believe that Painter CAN play. And common sense suggests that the more Painter plays the better he will become. On the other hand the more Collins plays, the more likely his age and lack of mobility will become a major issue.

The point is that Collins is the obvious choice if you believe that Peyton will be back quickly. He offers a better chance for continuity, with no risk of rookie mistakes. If you knew for a fact that Peyton was going to miss most or all of the season, however, I would much prefer that Painter were in there. I've seen enough of Collins in my life to know what he has to offer, and its pretty average.

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Ok, first off a friend of mine in Indy text'd me a week ago saying Manning was out for at "lesst" 3-5 weeks.. of course I blew it off. Well he was right.

Collins has as much talent right now as he has ever had around him. My only concerns the OL? They have to be able to run the ball. And Collins short training camp. But I really believe this team can win without Manning.

Peyton (IMO) made life real easy on the other players on the team. It is time for this core group of Colt defenders to step up and carry this team for while. And prove that this team is not all Peyton Manning.

Go Colts.

They are probably the key to the whole season. If they play well Collins is probably going to give us a chance to win games till Manning is back and once Manning is back if he has a ground game look out this could still be a Super Bowl Team.

If the line struggles Collins is going to struggle. He's not Manning and doesn't have the quick release or the same good footwork Manning has (frankly I think that is one of the most underrated parts of Maning's game is his pocket footwork).

Hopefully the line steps it up a notch and if they do I still think it's going to be a good season.

The defense isn't going to carry us, even without Manning the money and draft picks is still spent on offense, Wayne, Clark, Saturday, Gonzo, Brown, Addai, Castonzo for example. The defense just needs to get off the field on third down and get a few more turnovers than last season. I am not counting on them to win games for us though. Just because we lost Manning doesn't mean the defense got that much better so my expectations of them doesn't change IMO. They need to play better than last year clearly, they need to be about a middle of the pack or slightly better defense.

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That's my thoughts about Collins, he's taken far less talented teams to the playoffs, IMO he took a far less talented Giants team to the Super Bowl. Give him sometime to get used to the offense and for the offense to get used to him and I think he'll do fine. No he's not going to be Manning and we are going to need other guys to step up but if they do I thik Collins can lead this team to some wins while Manning is out. Frankly I think a guy like Garcon is going to love Collins if he can catch. Collins loves to throw it deep and Garcon is our speedester so if Garcon doesn't drop it he could have a monster season while Collins is in there. We are going to need the protection to bring their A game (not just the line I include the new fullback, halfbacks, and tightends in this). If they play well and we can have a decent running game we are going to have a fighting chance in any game we play without Manning.

Frankly losing Manning IMO takes us from a Super Bowl contending team to a boarder line playoff team. We have good players on this team and if I am them I am playing with a bit of a chip on my shoulder than no one (including some of our teams own fans) can win anything without Manning.

Good post....but if Collins goes down then we truly are screwed. lol

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This is what I was saying. I know Peyton is our "Everything" but Kerry Collins did win the AFC South with a ok Titans roster & that roster didn't have none of the playmakers we have on our roster now so if Peyton has to sit for a couple of games or a extended period of time, Kerry should be able to keep the ball rolling. #TeamAddai #TeamColts :coltshorse:

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This is what I was saying. I know Peyton is our "Everything" but Kerry Collins did win the AFC South with a ok Titans roster & that roster didn't have none of the playmakers we have on our roster now so if Peyton has to sit for a couple of games or a extended period of time, Kerry should be able to keep the ball rolling. #TeamAddai #TeamColts :coltshorse:

Other than Chris Johnson (and that is a very very key part) I'd take our roster now over the 2008 Titans roster as a whole any day of the week.

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This is what I was saying. I know Peyton is our "Everything" but Kerry Collins did win the AFC South with a ok Titans roster & that roster didn't have none of the playmakers we have on our roster now so if Peyton has to sit for a couple of games or a extended period of time, Kerry should be able to keep the ball rolling.

And doesn't he have a really good record against the Texans with his teams?

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Collins will be fine, He hasn't had this much talent around him in his career. With that being said if the playbook is tailored down to him he will put up wins. The line just has to give Coliins time and he will make the plays. Collins has done that for his career he can win when he has time, he can manage the clock. So with that being said the sky isn't falling on the team, so all of the nasayers can STOP. I would love to see Peyton out there, but a healthy Peyton is better then a hurt Peyton. So if you call yourself a true Colts fan look at it for what it is. We are going to see a healthy dose of Kerry Collins until 18 is really to roll. Get behind them or get OFF. The horses are hitched and fed. GO COLTS

Thanks again for a decent post. I think we are all disappointed but we need to stand behind our team and Collins. I too want to see a healthy Peyton not a Peyton that is not fully recovered. I for one will stand behind Collins and he will be okay.

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People are just fooling themselves by believing we have more talents than Collins ever had and he may reach certain level of success this season before Manning is back. Because:

1. You are just ignoring the fact that Titans have a legit running offense that we have not had even closely in the past decade. He can connect to the receiving corp effectively because the running game set up the situations for the receivers to get open. Plus, Titans receivers are not indeed less talented than guys like Pierre Garcon. They have Britt. And Chris Johnson is better than the entire Colts RB corp together.

2. No matter how good he is, even like Brees/Brady-good, it has been less than 20 days since he was brought into the team. Only 15min of preseason football and a couple of practices are not going to be sufficient for any QB to learn operating a new team fluently. Even Manning himself could not manage this in 2008 until one month into the seacon, considering he has been working with this team for 10 yrs.

The only things people can hope for are:

1. Our running game becomes stronger. The OL is indeed stronger and has lots of potential, and the backs we hold besides Addai and Brown are more competitive than what we had before. However, the problem is still the limited time for them to glue, get experience, and find the rhythm.

2. Our D stops the opponents from putting up points. The DL may be improved and we can hope they can stop the runs. While the DBs are in serious concerns. One good thing is the first 6 weeks we are facing less pass-happy teams except for the Texans. As far as we can stop the run things wont get too ugly.

In all, the major concern is the ability to score. It does not mean we will be blown out but we could be having many close losses. Only thanks to the schedule we are not facing the pass-happy elite teams until week7 and we might win 2 out of the 6 because the opponents could be struggling to score as well. Collins may improve after say 3 games and win us a game or 2. This is the reality.

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They are probably the key to the whole season. If they play well Collins is probably going to give us a chance to win games till Manning is back and once Manning is back if he has a ground game look out this could still be a Super Bowl Team.

If the line struggles Collins is going to struggle. He's not Manning and doesn't have the quick release or the same good footwork Manning has (frankly I think that is one of the most underrated parts of Maning's game is his pocket footwork).

Hopefully the line steps it up a notch and if they do I still think it's going to be a good season.

The defense isn't going to carry us, even without Manning the money and draft picks is still spent on offense, Wayne, Clark, Saturday, Gonzo, Brown, Addai, Castonzo for example. The defense just needs to get off the field on third down and get a few more turnovers than last season. I am not counting on them to win games for us though. Just because we lost Manning doesn't mean the defense got that much better so my expectations of them doesn't change IMO. They need to play better than last year clearly, they need to be about a middle of the pack or slightly better defense.

Spot on....

Lets hope all hands are "healthy" and "on deck" this season.

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People are just fooling themselves by believing we have more talents than Collins ever had and he may reach certain level of success this season before Manning is back. Because:

1. You are just ignoring the fact that Titans have a legit running offense that we have not had even closely in the past decade. He can connect to the receiving corp effectively because the running game set up the situations for the receivers to get open. Plus, Titans receivers are not indeed less talented than guys like Pierre Garcon. They have Britt. And Chris Johnson is better than the entire Colts RB corp together.

2. No matter how good he is, even like Brees/Brady-good, it has been less than 20 days since he was brought into the team. Only 15min of preseason football and a couple of practices are not going to be sufficient for any QB to learn operating a new team fluently. Even Manning himself could not manage this in 2008 until one month into the seacon, considering he has been working with this team for 10 yrs.

The only things people can hope for are:

1. Our running game becomes stronger. The OL is indeed stronger and has lots of potential, and the backs we hold besides Addai and Brown are more competitive than what we had before. However, the problem is still the limited time for them to glue, get experience, and find the rhythm.

2. Our D stops the opponents from putting up points. The DL may be improved and we can hope they can stop the runs. While the DBs are in serious concerns. One good thing is the first 6 weeks we are facing less pass-happy teams except for the Texans. As far as we can stop the run things wont get too ugly.

In all, the major concern is the ability to score. It does not mean we will be blown out but we could be having many close losses. Only thanks to the schedule we are not facing the pass-happy elite teams until week7 and we might win 2 out of the 6 because the opponents could be struggling to score as well. Collins may improve after say 3 games and win us a game or 2. This is the reality.

I agree with much of what you say... however, the mentality of this team should change. BIG TIME..... And I think they will rise to the occasion.

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People are just fooling themselves by believing we have more talents than Collins ever had and he may reach certain level of success this season before Manning is back. Because:

1. You are just ignoring the fact that Titans have a legit running offense that we have not had even closely in the past decade. He can connect to the receiving corp effectively because the running game set up the situations for the receivers to get open. Plus, Titans receivers are not indeed less talented than guys like Pierre Garcon. They have Britt. And Chris Johnson is better than the entire Colts RB corp together.

2. No matter how good he is, even like Brees/Brady-good, it has been less than 20 days since he was brought into the team. Only 15min of preseason football and a couple of practices are not going to be sufficient for any QB to learn operating a new team fluently. Even Manning himself could not manage this in 2008 until one month into the seacon, considering he has been working with this team for 10 yrs.

The only things people can hope for are:

1. Our running game becomes stronger. The OL is indeed stronger and has lots of potential, and the backs we hold besides Addai and Brown are more competitive than what we had before. However, the problem is still the limited time for them to glue, get experience, and find the rhythm.

2. Our D stops the opponents from putting up points. The DL may be improved and we can hope they can stop the runs. While the DBs are in serious concerns. One good thing is the first 6 weeks we are facing less pass-happy teams except for the Texans. As far as we can stop the run things wont get too ugly.

In all, the major concern is the ability to score. It does not mean we will be blown out but we could be having many close losses. Only thanks to the schedule we are not facing the pass-happy elite teams until week7 and we might win 2 out of the 6 because the opponents could be struggling to score as well. Collins may improve after say 3 games and win us a game or 2. This is the reality.

I do not agree with this, are you trying to say the titans have as much talent as the colts on offense? if you are then thats MADNESS!! Britt isnt even a top WR he's just a big target so they had no threat down the field therefore teams could scope out Johnson... and 2 out of 6 games is an understatement, the colts have the ability to win all those games. You cannot compare collins to peyton in 08 because collins isnt injured and the only thing he has to learn is the terminology which of course they are gonna dumb down for him... i agree those games are gonna be close but i have the colts on top.

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The difference will be if we can get pressure from up the middle.We had some during the preseason then we let Harris go.We know Freeney and Mathis will bring it off the edges just depends if the QB can step up into pressure or in to passing lanes.

Without Manning to miraculously put up points (despite no running game and a poor O-line) what reason will teams have to pass the ball? Just keep feeding Arian Foster, CJ and MJD the rock all day long.

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He had a better o-line in Tennessee and a far better running back than we have here. With that said, he didn't have the receivers or TEs that we have.

we have upgraded our o line and rbs , caldwell will adapt and change our game plan to a running team no one will be prepared for that

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Frankly losing Manning IMO takes us from a Super Bowl contending team to a boarder line playoff team. We have good players on this team and if I am them I am playing with a bit of a chip on my shoulder than no one (including some of our teams own fans) can win anything without Manning.

I agree, the QB is vital but he isn't everything as long as a viable backup can take over. Kerry Collins isn't HOF material but he is a good journeyman QB that when added to the receiving corps the Colts have should keep the team in contention for as long as needed. If it's for one game or one season I feel good with Collins taking the snaps--the Bears paid huge bucks for Jay Cutler and they are still trying to get some consistency out of him, at least Collins has been consistent throughout his career.

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we have upgraded our o line and rbs , caldwell will adapt and change our game plan to a running team no one will be prepared for that

What do you mean no one will be prepared for that? lol This is the NFL. If we don't have Manning, I think that most teams would expect us to try to run the ball more and they will adjust accordingly. The Colts could barely run the ball last year with Manning in there audibling the offense into more favorable running plays. It won't be that easy to just snap our fingers and become an effective running team overnight. We have made some personnel improvements to the offensive line through the draft but those rookies will still go through their growing pains.

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He had a better o-line in Tennessee and a far better running back than we have here. With that said, he didn't have the receivers or TEs that we have.

That's what I was thinking too. Let's not forget two years ago when this teams was healthy they were a Super Bowl team. Without question Manning was a huge part of that but he wasn't the only part of it. We have talent here beyond Manning and I think you are going to see those guys play with a chip on their shoulder because of all the people writting them off without Manning.

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Had this much talent around him? I realize Peyton has made the majority of our offense, but with our system I'd say we're loaded with talent. As much as I want to see Peyton play, I honestly believe Collins can take us into the preseason if Peyton can't play. My only concern is his lack of mobility and slow release.


Too many people seem to think that after Peyton Manning, there is no offensive talent. They will find out and I feel that Collins was a wise choice, a solid journeyman QB that will use the tools that Manning helped hone to keep the Colts in contention.

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Well i think it all matters on the health of everyone else....

Right now the only talent around him is Wayne, Clark and Addai.. I wouldn't say the o-line is very talented Kerry is not going to have all day back there. Collie and Gonzo are both hurt and haven't been practicing.. Garcon would be awesome if he could catch the dang ball.

Defensively if our front four cannot get pressure, then any average QB would be able to carve our secondary to bits. With Bethea being injured and not practicing the only relatively good players in the secondary is powers and maybe Bullit (who is average-good)

Well said. Of all the doom and gloom and prognostications I've read in the past 24 hours, this may very well be the most accurate and honest depiction I've encountered. No one would argue this team has an infinitely better chance of success with 18 behind center, but even with him back there, we have a lot of issues / concerns beyond Manning heading into Sunday. You nailed all of them.

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Many (including the Colts) believe that Painter CAN play. And common sense suggests that the more Painter plays the better he will become. On the other hand the more Collins plays, the more likely his age and lack of mobility will become a major issue.

The point is that Collins is the obvious choice if you believe that Peyton will be back quickly. He offers a better chance for continuity, with no risk of rookie mistakes. If you knew for a fact that Peyton was going to miss most or all of the season, however, I would much prefer that Painter were in there. I've seen enough of Collins in my life to know what he has to offer, and its pretty average.

If the colts thought he could play he would,it's obvious polian thinks collins is the best option.Collins experience is the main reason.How can you say the colt's think he can play and they go out and get collins?

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    • That’s a nearly 20 year old article.  Not exactly relevant right now with the advancements in techniques and rehab.     He’s the youngest QB in the league, with the least experience in college.     This is his tryout year.  Have a little patience.   
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